コード例 #1
        private async void Item_Tapped(object sender, DoubleTappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            item = sender as Grid;
            ep = item.DataContext as Episode;


            Image ima = item.FindName("ima") as Image;
            if (ima.Opacity > 0.5)
                if (!ep.Aired)
                    Helper.message("This episode hasn't aired yet. You cannot mark it as watched", "EPISODE NOT AIRED");

                if (await api.hasInternet())
                    await ep.markAsWatched();
                    await Memory.storeMostRecentQueueEpisode(q);
                    Memory.addCommand(new Command() { episode = ep, watched = true });

                DoubleAnimation ani = new DoubleAnimation();
                Storyboard.SetTarget(ani, ima);

                Storyboard board = new Storyboard();
                board.Completed += board_Completed;
                Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(ani, "Opacity");
                ani.To = 0.2;
                ep.Opacity = 0.2;
                board.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

                ep.Seen = true;


                item = sender as Grid;
                ep = item.DataContext as Episode;

                DoubleAnimation ani = new DoubleAnimation();
                Storyboard.SetTarget(ani, ima);

                Storyboard board = new Storyboard();
                Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(ani, "Opacity");
                ani.To = 0.9;
                board.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));


                ep.Seen = false;


                if (await api.hasInternet())
                    await ep.markNotAsWatched();
                    Command com = new Command();
                    com.episode = ep;
                    com.watched = false;



            //Update the last new queue item
            await Memory.storeMostRecentQueueEpisode((queue.ItemsSource as Queue));
コード例 #2
ファイル: API.cs プロジェクト: newnottakenname/FollowshowsWP
        public async Task<List<Episode>> getSeason(TvShow show, int seasonNr)
            List<Episode> season = new List<Episode>();

            Response resp = await (new Response("http://followshows.com/api/show/" + show.showUrl + "/season/" + seasonNr, false)).call();

            if (resp.somethingWentWrong)
                return season;

            foreach (HtmlNode episode in HTML.getChild(resp.firstNode.ChildNodes, "class", "clearfix").ChildNodes)
                Episode ep = new Episode(false, false);
                ep.ShowName = show.Name;

                HtmlNode name = HTML.getChild(episode.ChildNodes, "class", "episode-link");
                if (name != null)
                    ep.Aired = true;
                    ep.EpisodeName = name.InnerText;
                    ep.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(HTML.getAttribute(HTML.getChild(episode.ChildNodes, "class", "poster").ChildNodes, "src").Replace("130x75", "360x207")));

                    string[] build = HTML.getChild(episode.ChildNodes, "class", "episode-label").InnerText.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                    ep.ISeason = int.Parse(build[1]);
                    ep.IEpisode = int.Parse(build[3].Split(new char[] { ',' })[0]);
                    ep.EpisodePos = "S" + ep.ISeason + "E" + ep.IEpisode;
                    ep.id = HTML.getAttribute(episode.ChildNodes, "episodeid");
                    if (!episode.InnerText.Contains("Mark as watched"))
                        ep.Seen = true;

                    ep.Aired = false;
                    ep.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:Assets/basicQueueItem.png"));
                    string[] build = episode.InnerText.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    ep.EpisodeName = build[0];
                    string[] seasonThing = build[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                    ep.ISeason = int.Parse(seasonThing[1]);
                    ep.IEpisode = int.Parse(seasonThing[3]);
                    ep.EpisodePos = "S" + ep.ISeason + "E" + ep.IEpisode;


            return season;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts Html to a Episode object
        /// DONT LOOK AT ME, I AM UGLY
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="li"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Episode getCalendarEpisode(HtmlNode li) {

            HtmlNode a = HTML.getChild(li);

            Episode ep = new Episode(false, false);
            ep.ShowName = HTML.getAttribute(a, "data-show");
            ep.network = HTML.getChild(a.ChildNodes, "class", "network").InnerText;
            ep.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Regex.Match(HTML.getAttribute(HTML.getChild(a, "class", "poster"), "style"), @"(?<=\().+(?!\))").ToString().Replace(@");", "")));

            //Season Position and episode url
            HtmlDocument data = new HtmlDocument();
            data.LoadHtml(HTML.getAttribute(a, "data-content"));
            ep.EpisodeName = HTML.getChild(HTML.getChild(data.DocumentNode)).InnerText;
            string air = HTML.getChild(data.DocumentNode, 1).InnerText.Replace("Airs on ", "").Replace(", on " + ep.network + " at ", " ");
                ep.airtime = DateTime.Parse(air);
                ep.airdate = DateTime.Parse(air).Date;
            catch (Exception e) 
                Memory.writeErrorToFile("getCalendarEpisode", e).RunSynchronously();
            ep.url = HTML.getAttribute(HTML.getChild(HTML.getChild(data.DocumentNode, 2)), "href");

            string[] build = HTML.getChild(HTML.getChild(data.DocumentNode, 2)).InnerText.Split(' ');
            ep.ISeason = int.Parse(build[1]);
            ep.IEpisode = int.Parse(build[3]);
            ep.EpisodePos = "S" + build[1] + "E" + build[3].Replace(":", "");

            return ep;

コード例 #4
 public static Episode getWatchListEpisode(HtmlNode episode)
     Episode res = new Episode(true, false);
     res.ShowName = HTML.getChild(episode.ChildNodes, "class", "title").InnerText;
     res.id = HTML.getAttribute(episode.ChildNodes, "episodeId");
     HtmlNode Ename = HTML.getChild(episode.ChildNodes, "class", "subtitle");
     res.EpisodeName = HTML.getChild(Ename).InnerText;
     res.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(HTML.getAttribute(episode.ChildNodes, "style").Replace("background-image: url(", "").Replace(");", "")));
     string[] build = HTML.getChild(episode.ChildNodes, "class", "description").InnerText.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
     res.ISeason = int.Parse(build[1]);
     res.IEpisode = int.Parse(build[3].Replace(".", ""));
     res.EpisodePos = "Season " + res.ISeason + " Episode " + res.IEpisode;
     return res;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts Html to a Episode object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Episode getQueueEpisode(HtmlNode node)
            Episode res = new Episode(true, false);
            if (HTML.getChild(node.ChildNodes, "class", "label label-warning") != null)
                res.New = true;

            HtmlNode netDate =  HTML.getChild(node);
            res.network = HTML.getAttribute(netDate.ChildNodes, "network");
            HtmlNode posterNode = HTML.getChild(node, "class", "column_poster");

            res.imageUrl = HTML.getAttribute(posterNode.ChildNodes, "src").Replace("180", "360").Replace("104", "207");
                BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                bitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri(res.imageUrl);
                bitmapImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;
                //await bitmapImage.SetSourceAsync(await RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri(res.imageUrl)).OpenReadAsync());
                res.Image = bitmapImage;
            catch { }

            HtmlNode rest = HTML.getChild(node.ChildNodes, "class", "column_infos");

            HtmlNode one = HTML.getChild(rest, "class", "title ");
            HtmlNode two = HTML.getChild(one);

            res.url = HTML.getAttribute(two, "href");
            res.ShowName = HTML.getChild(rest, "class", "title ").InnerText;

            HtmlNode locDateSum = HTML.getChild(rest, "class", "infos");

            string entire = HTML.getChild(locDateSum).InnerText;

            string[] split = entire.Split(':');
            string[] seasonEps = split[0].Replace("Season ", "").Replace("Episode ", "").Split(' ');
            res.ISeason = int.Parse(seasonEps[0]);
            res.IEpisode = int.Parse(seasonEps[1]);
            res.EpisodePos = "S" + res.ISeason + "E" + res.IEpisode;

            res.EpisodeName = split[1].Remove(0,1);

            HtmlNode dateNode = HTML.getChild(locDateSum.ChildNodes, "class", "visible-xs visible-sm xs-infos");
            split = dateNode.InnerText.Split(' ');
                res.airdate = DateTime.Parse(split[0]);
            catch { }

            res.summary = HTML.getChild(locDateSum, 2).InnerText;

            res.id = HTML.getAttribute(node.ChildNodes, "episodeid");

            return res;