public override UploadResult Upload(Stream stream, string fileName) { Dictionary <string, string> arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>(); arguments.Add("apikey", API_KEY); arguments.Add("familysafe", "0"); // Set to 0 as images could possibly not be family safe. UploadResult result = UploadData(stream, API_ENDPOINT, fileName, "file", arguments); if (result.IsSuccess) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Response)) { SomeImageResponse jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SomeImageResponse>(result.Response); if (jsonResponse != null) { if (DirectURL) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonResponse.imagelink)) { Uri responseUri = new Uri(jsonResponse.imagelink); // string host = responseUri.Host; // string filename = Path.GetFileName(responseUri.AbsolutePath); // /asdf if (filename.StartsWith("/")) { filename = filename.Remove(0, 1); // asdf } if (host.StartsWith("www.")) { host = host.Remove(0, 4); } string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); result.URL = $"https://i1.{host}/{filename}{extension}"; } } else { result.URL = jsonResponse.imagelink; } } } } return(result); }
public override UploadResult Upload(Stream stream, string fileName) { Dictionary <string, string> arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>(); arguments.Add("apikey", API_KEY); arguments.Add("familysafe", "0"); // Set to 0 as images could possibly not be family safe. UploadResult result = UploadData(stream, API_ENDPOINT, fileName, "file", arguments); if (result.IsSuccess) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Response)) { SomeImageResponse jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SomeImageResponse>(result.Response); if (jsonResponse != null) { result.URL = jsonResponse.imagelink; } } } return(result); }