/* * Method name: SaveNew Event * Purpose: To save a new picture event */ public bool SaveNewEvent(bool ticked) { Database.Database db = new Database.Database(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "ShareMyDay.db3"); StoryEvent storyEvent = new StoryEvent { Value = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "-" + "Picture Taken", DateTime = DateTime.Now, Finished = ticked }; var picture = new Picture { EventId = storyEvent.Id, Path = GetImageUrl() }; return(db.InsertEvent(true, storyEvent, null, picture, null) != 0); }
/* * Method name: SaveExistingEvent * Purpose: To save a picture to an existing event */ public bool SaveExistingEvent(SpinnerComponent spinner, bool ticked) { Database.Database db = new Database.Database(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "ShareMyDay.db3"); var storyEvent = db.FindEventByValue(spinner.GetSelected()); if (storyEvent.InStory) { return(false); } else { storyEvent.Finished = ticked; var picture = new Picture { EventId = storyEvent.Id, Path = GetImageUrl(), }; return(db.InsertEvent(false, storyEvent, null, picture, null) != 0); } }
/* * Method Name: InsertEvent * Purpose: To insert an event into the event table */ public int InsertEvent(Boolean newEvent, StoryEvent storyEvent, Card card, Picture picture, List <Models.VoiceRecording> voiceRecording) { int count = 0; var db = CreateConnection(); if (newEvent) { count += db.Insert(storyEvent); } if (card != null) { count += db.Insert(card); if (storyEvent.Cards == null || storyEvent.Cards.Count.Equals(0)) { storyEvent.Cards = new List <Card> { card }; } else { storyEvent.Cards.Add(card); } } if (picture != null) { count += db.Insert(picture); if (storyEvent.Pictures == null || storyEvent.Pictures.Count.Equals(0)) { storyEvent.Pictures = new List <Picture> { picture }; } else { storyEvent.Pictures.Add(picture); } } if (voiceRecording != null) { foreach (var i in voiceRecording) { count = +db.Insert(i); } if (storyEvent.VoiceRecordings == null || storyEvent.VoiceRecordings.Count.Equals(0)) { storyEvent.VoiceRecordings = new List <Models.VoiceRecording>(); foreach (var i in voiceRecording) { storyEvent.VoiceRecordings.Add(i); } } else { foreach (var i in voiceRecording) { storyEvent.VoiceRecordings.Add(i); } } } db.UpdateWithChildren(storyEvent); db.Close(); return(count); }