コード例 #1
		// This method is called by ImmediateModeShapeDrawer - equivalent to OnPreRender of all cameras (except preview windows and probe cameras)
		public override void DrawShapes( Camera cam ) {
			// Draw.Command enqueues a set of draw commands to render in the given camera
			using( Draw.Command( cam ) ) { // all immediate mode drawing should happen within these using-statements
				Draw.ResetAllDrawStates(); // this makes sure no static draw states "leak" over to this scene
				Draw.Matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; // this makes it draw in the local space of this transform
				for( int i = 0; i < discCount; i++ ) {
					float t = i / (float)discCount;
					Color color = Color.HSVToRGB( t, 1, 1 );
					Vector2 pos = GetDiscPosition( t );
					Draw.Disc( pos, discRadius, color ); // This is the actual Shapes draw command
コード例 #2
        // This function is called by ImmediateModeShapeDrawer in the appropriate OnPreRender call of each camera
        public override void DrawShapes(Camera cam)
            // Draw.Command enqueues a set of draw commands to render in the given camera
            using (Draw.Command(cam)) {                // all immediate mode drawing should happen within these using-statements
                // Set up draw state
                Draw.ResetAllDrawStates();             // ensure everything is set to their defaults
                Draw.BlendMode          = ShapesBlendMode.Additive;
                Draw.LineThickness      = lineThickness;
                Draw.LineGeometry       = use3D ? LineGeometry.Volumetric3D : LineGeometry.Flat2D;
                Draw.LineThicknessSpace = ThicknessSpace.Meters;
                Draw.Color = lineColor;

                Random.InitState(seed);                   // initialize random state, so we get the same values every frame
                currentLineCount = 0;

                // Draw a branch at the current location. this function is recursive, so all other branches will follow
コード例 #3
        // called by the ImmediateModeShapeDrawer base type
        public override void DrawShapes(Camera cam)
            if (cam != this.cam)              // only draw in the player camera

            using (Draw.Command(cam)) {
                Draw.ZTest        = CompareFunction.Always;                // to make sure it draws on top of everything like a HUD
                Draw.Matrix       = crosshairTransform.localToWorldMatrix; // draw it in the space of crosshairTransform
                Draw.BlendMode    = ShapesBlendMode.Transparent;
                Draw.LineGeometry = LineGeometry.Flat2D;
                float radiusPunched = ammoBarRadius + fireSidebarRadiusPunchAmount * crosshair.fireDecayer.value;
                ammoBar.DrawBar(this, radiusPunched);
                chargeBar.DrawBar(this, radiusPunched);