コード例 #1
ファイル: UnitTest.cs プロジェクト: jackxl/ShakeToStart
        public void TestSerializeAndDeserializeUriLocal()
            UriItem uriItem = new UriItem();
            uriItem.name = "test";
            uriItem.uri = new Uri("ms-settings:");
            uriItem.symbol = (Symbol)10;

            string serializedUriItem = uriItem.GetSerializedUriObject();

            UriItem newUriItem = UriItem.DesirializeUriString(serializedUriItem);

            Assert.AreEqual<Uri>(uriItem.uri, newUriItem.uri);
コード例 #2
ファイル: UnitTest.cs プロジェクト: jackxl/ShakeToStart
        public void TestSerializeAndDeserializeUriExternal()
            UriItem uriItem = new UriItem();
            uriItem.name = "test";
            uriItem.uri = new Uri("http://www.google.com");
            uriItem.symbol = (Symbol)10;

            string serializedUriItem = uriItem.GetSerializedUriObject();

            UriItem newUriItem = UriItem.DesirializeUriString(serializedUriItem);

            Assert.AreEqual<Uri>(uriItem.uri, newUriItem.uri);
コード例 #3
ファイル: UnitTest.cs プロジェクト: jackxl/ShakeToStart
        public void TestSerializeAndDeserializeName()
            UriItem uriItem = new UriItem();
            uriItem.name = "test";
            uriItem.uri = new Uri("http://www.test.com");
            uriItem.symbol = (Symbol)10;

            string serializedUriItem = uriItem.GetSerializedUriObject();

            UriItem newUriItem = UriItem.DesirializeUriString(serializedUriItem);

            Assert.AreEqual<string>(uriItem.name, newUriItem.name);
コード例 #4
        //TODO: check for empty and format exceptions
        private void AddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SymbolItem symbolitem = (SymbolItem)cbSymbols.SelectedItem;
                string str = tbUri.Text.Contains("www.") ? "http://" + tbUri.Text : tbUri.Text;

                UriItem item = new UriItem()
                    name = tbName.Text,
                    uri = new Uri(str),
                    symbol = symbolitem.symbol
                // something is wrong with the uri here.
コード例 #5
ファイル: UriItem.cs プロジェクト: jackxl/ShakeToStart
        public static UriItem DesirializeUriString(String UriObjectString)
                string name = "";
                string uri = "";
                string symbol = "";

                int strl = UriObjectString.Length;
                UriObjectString = UriObjectString.Substring(9, strl-9);

                //the string that has been supplied starts with the uriitem string suffix.

                //name part
                Tuple<string, string> nameAndRemainder = getUriStringPart(UriObjectString); //pass the UriObjectString to the method that returns it in two parts. part 1 is the part and part 2 is the remainder
                name = nameAndRemainder.Item1;                                              //store the first part in the name.
                UriObjectString = nameAndRemainder.Item2;                                   //overwrite the second part in the objectString for the next parts.

                //URI Part
                Tuple<string, string> uriAndRemainder = getUriStringPart(UriObjectString);
                uri = uriAndRemainder.Item1;
                UriObjectString = uriAndRemainder.Item2;

                //symbol Part
                Tuple<string, string> symbolAndRemainder = getUriStringPart(UriObjectString);
                symbol = symbolAndRemainder.Item1;
                UriObjectString = symbolAndRemainder.Item2;

                //if all went well the parsed in string that consisted of "\(SERIALIZEDHEADER)uriname::uriuri::urisymbol\(SERIALIZEDFOOTER)" has been unwrapped
                //and now only contains the SERIALIZEDFOOTER

                if (UriObjectString.Equals(SERIALIZEDFOOTER))
                    //TODO Or not TODO! tell success
                    //no success

                UriItem uriItem = new UriItem();
                uriItem.name = name;
                uriItem.uri = new Uri(uri);
                uriItem.symbol = (Symbol)Convert.ToInt32(symbol);

                return uriItem;


            return new UriItem();