コード例 #1
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // If this flag is set during the processing of the file, the program will exit with an error code.
            bool hasErrors = false;

                // Defaults
                batchSize     = 100;
                assemblyName  = "External Service";
                nameSpaceName = "MarkThree.Quasar.External";

                // The command line parser is driven by different states that are triggered by the flags read.  Unless a flag has been
                // read, the command line parser assumes that it's reading the file name from the command line.
                argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // Parse the command line for arguments.
                foreach (string argument in args)
                    // Decode the current argument into a state change (or some other action).
                    if (argument == "-a")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.Assembly; continue;
                    if (argument == "-b")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.BatchSize; continue;
                    if (argument == "-n")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.NameSpace; continue;
                    if (argument == "-i")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName; continue;

                    // The parsing state will determine which variable is read next.
                    switch (argumentState)
                    case ArgumentState.Assembly:
                        assemblyName = argument;

                    case ArgumentState.BatchSize:
                        batchSize = Convert.ToInt32(argument);

                    case ArgumentState.FileName:
                        fileName = argument;

                    case ArgumentState.NameSpace:
                        nameSpaceName = argument;

                    // The default state is to look for the input file name on the command line.
                    argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // Throw a usage message back at the user if no file name was given.
                if (fileName == null)
                    throw new Exception("Usage: Loader.Algorithm -i <FileName>");

                // Open up the file containing all the broker.
                BrokerReader brokerReader = new BrokerReader(fileName);

                // Loading the database involves creating a batch of commands and sending them off as a transaction.  This gives
                // the server a chance to pipeline a large chunk of processing, without completely locking up the server for the
                // entire set of data.  This will construct a header for the command batch which gives information about which
                // assembly contains the class that is used to load the data.
                Batch           batch           = new Batch();
                TransactionPlan transactionPlan = batch.Transactions.Add();
                AssemblyPlan    assemblyPlan    = batch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);
                TypePlan        typePlan        = assemblyPlan.Types.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", nameSpaceName, "Broker"));

                // Read the file until an EOF is reached.
                while (true)
                    // This counter keeps track of the number of records sent.  When the batch is full, it's sent to the server to be
                    // executed as a single transaction.
                    int batchCounter = 0;

                    // Read the next broker from the input stream.  A 'null' is returned when we've read past the end of file.
                    Broker broker = brokerReader.ReadBroker();
                    if (broker != null)
                        // Create a new method from the type information and the name found in the XML file.
                        MethodPlan methodPlan = new MethodPlan("Load");

                        // Construct a call to the 'Load' method to populate the broker record.
                        methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("brokerId", broker.Symbol));
                        methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("name", broker.Name));
                        methodPlan.Parameters.Add(new InputParameter("symbol", broker.Symbol));

                        // Create a method from the XML data and add it to the transaction.
                        transactionPlan.Methods.Add(typePlan, methodPlan);

                    // This will check to see if it's time to send the batch.  A batch is sent when the 'batchSize' has been
                    // reached, or if the last record has just been converted into a command.
                    if (++batchCounter % batchSize == 0 || broker == null)

                        batch           = new Batch();
                        transactionPlan = batch.Transactions.Add();
                        assemblyPlan    = batch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);
                        typePlan        = assemblyPlan.Types.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", nameSpaceName, "Broker"));

                    // If the end of file was reached, break out of the loop and exit the application.
                    if (broker == null)
            catch (BatchException batchException)
                foreach (Exception exception in batchException.Exceptions)
                hasErrors = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Show the system error and exit with an error.
                hasErrors = true;

            // Any errors will cause an abnormal exit.
            if (hasErrors)

            // Write a status message when a the file is loaded successfully.
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Data: Brokers, Loaded", DateTime.Now.ToString("u")));

            // If we reached here, the file was imported without issue.
コード例 #2
ファイル: Loader.cs プロジェクト: DonaldAirey/quasar
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // If this flag is set during the processing of the file, the program will exit with an error code.
            bool hasErrors = false;

                // Defaults
                batchSize     = 100;
                assemblyName  = "Service.External";
                nameSpaceName = "Shadows.WebService.External";

                // The command line parser is driven by different states that are triggered by the flags read.  Unless a flag has been
                // read, the command line parser assumes that it's reading the file name from the command line.
                argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // Parse the command line for arguments.
                foreach (string argument in args)
                    // Decode the current argument into a state change (or some other action).
                    if (argument == "-a")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.Assembly; continue;
                    if (argument == "-b")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.BatchSize; continue;
                    if (argument == "-n")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.NameSpace; continue;
                    if (argument == "-i")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName; continue;

                    // The parsing state will determine which variable is read next.
                    switch (argumentState)
                    case ArgumentState.Assembly: assemblyName = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.BatchSize: batchSize = Convert.ToInt32(argument); break;

                    case ArgumentState.FileName: fileName = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.NameSpace: nameSpaceName = argument; break;

                    // The default state is to look for the input file name on the command line.
                    argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // Throw a usage message back at the user if no file name was given.
                if (fileName == null)
                    throw new Exception("Usage: Loader.Algorithm -i <FileName>");

                // Open up the file containing all the broker.
                BrokerReader brokerReader = new BrokerReader(fileName);

                // Create a new web client that will serve as the connection point to the server.
                WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

                // Loading the database involves creating a batch of commands and sending them off as a transaction.  This gives
                // the server a chance to pipeline a large chunk of processing, without completely locking up the server for the
                // entire set of data.  This will construct a header for the command batch which gives information about which
                // assembly contains the class that is used to load the data.
                RemoteBatch       remoteBatch       = new RemoteBatch();
                RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction = remoteBatch.Transactions.Add();
                RemoteAssembly    remoteAssembly    = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);
                RemoteType        remoteType        = remoteAssembly.Types.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", nameSpaceName, "Broker"));

                // Read the file until an EOF is reached.
                while (true)
                    // This counter keeps track of the number of records sent.  When the batch is full, it's sent to the server to be
                    // executed as a single transaction.
                    int batchCounter = 0;

                    // Read the next broker from the input stream.  A 'null' is returned when we've read past the end of file.
                    Broker broker = brokerReader.ReadBroker();
                    if (broker != null)
                        // Construct a call to the 'Load' method to populate the broker record.
                        RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add("Load");
                        remoteMethod.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("brokerId", broker.Symbol);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("name", broker.Name);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("symbol", broker.Symbol);

                    // This will check to see if it's time to send the batch.  A batch is sent when the 'batchSize' has been
                    // reached, or if the last record has just been converted into a command.
                    if (++batchCounter % batchSize == 0 || broker == null)
                        // Call the web services to execute the command batch.

                        // Any error during the batch will terminate the execution of the remaining records in the data file.
                        if (remoteBatch.HasExceptions)
                            // Display each error on the console.
                            foreach (RemoteMethod remoteMethod in remoteBatch.Methods)
                                foreach (RemoteException remoteException in remoteMethod.Exceptions)
                                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", remoteMethod.Parameters["brokerId"].Value,

                            // This will signal the error exit from this loader.
                            hasErrors = true;

                        // If the end of file was reached, break out of the loop and exit the application.
                        if (broker == null)

                        // After each batch has been send, check to see if there are additional records to be send.  If so,
                        // regenerate the remote batch and set up the header.
                        remoteBatch       = new RemoteBatch();
                        remoteTransaction = remoteBatch.Transactions.Add();
                        remoteAssembly    = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);
                        remoteType        = remoteAssembly.Types.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", nameSpaceName, "Broker"));
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Show the system error and exit with an error.
                hasErrors = true;

            // Any errors will cause an abnormal exit.
            if (hasErrors)

            // Write a status message when a the file is loaded successfully.
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Data: Brokers, Loaded", DateTime.Now.ToString("u")));

            // If we reached here, the file was imported without issue.