コード例 #1
         * Display the join table UI
         * UC-02 R02
           public void displayJoinGameUI()
           joinTableUI = new JoinTableUI(this);

         * Send the Join Game request to the Server.
        public void joinGame(string nickname, IPAddress serverIP)
            this.nickname = nickname;

            client = new Client(this, nickname);

            if (!client.Connected)

            //set hasGame to true
            hasGame = true;

            //Display the non-host player version of TableUI
            sendToHost("J" + nickname);

            tableUI = new TableUI(this);
            I commented these lines out.  Previously, they were only enabled if you were the creator.  Which kind of makes sense.
            tableUI.addAIButton.IsEnabled = false;
            tableUI.removeAIButton.IsEnabled = false;
            tableUI.leaders_Checkbox.IsEnabled = false;

            if (playerNames == null)
                // If we get here and playerNames is null, the user closed the table UI dialog box
                // before pressing the ready button (or another player didn't press the ready button)
                // In that case, we will quit the game without showing the Main Window.
                hasGame = false;

            // create the leader draft window if the Leaders expansion is enabled.
            if (isLeadersEnabled)
                leaderDraftWindow = new LeaderDraft(this, false);
コード例 #2
         * Function called by MainWindow for creating a new game
         * UC-01 R02
        public void createGame()
            //create a GM Coordinator
            // JDF - this shouldn't be needed any more, the GMCoordinator has moved to a separate process.
            // gmCoordinator = new GMCoordinator();

            hasGame = true;

            //automatically set the nickname to Host if the nickname is currently blank (which is the default)
            if (nickname == "")
                nickname = "Host";

            //get my IP
            IPAddress myIP = myIPAddress();

            //create the TCP Client
            client = new Client(this, nickname);


            if (!client.Connected)

            //display the TableUI
            tableUI = new TableUI(this);
            //join the game as a player
            //UC-01 R03

            sendToHost("J" + nickname);