public void AccessChest() { var exit = false; while (!exit) { PrintChestMenu(); switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: GameService.NewPage("\nWhich item would you like to take?", "chest"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 2: GameService.NewPage("\nWhich item would you like to store?", "chest"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 3: exit = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }
private bool SaveAndQuit() { var confirm = false; var confirmed = false; while (!confirmed) { GameService.NewPage("\nAre you sure you want to Save and Quit?" + "\n1) Yes I want to save and quit" + "\n2) No I want to return to the game", "saveQuit"); confirmed = true; switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: _saveServices.SaveGame(_characterSuperModel); confirm = true; break; case 2: break; default: confirmed = false; Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } return(confirm); }
private void GuildStore() { bool leaveStore = false; while (!leaveStore) { PrintStoreMenu(); _saveServices.SaveGame(_characterSuperModel); switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: ShopWeapons(); break; case 2: GameService.NewPage("No refunds! Go away!", "inv"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 3: BuyPotion(); break; case 4: leaveStore = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }
private void ChooseCombatStyle() { var exit = false; while (!exit) { exit = true; PrintStyleMenu(); switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: _characterSuperModel.CombatStyle = StyleType.Melee; break; case 2: _characterSuperModel.CombatStyle = StyleType.Ranged; break; case 3: _characterSuperModel.CombatStyle = StyleType.Mage; break; default: exit = false; Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Style set!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void ShopWeapons() { var exit = false; while (exit != true) { var cat = ""; var chosenCategory = false; while (!chosenCategory) { chosenCategory = true; PrintShopCategory(); _saveServices.SaveGame(_characterSuperModel); switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: cat = "melee"; break; case 2: cat = "ranged"; break; case 3: cat = "magic"; break; case 4: exit = true; break; default: chosenCategory = false; Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } if (exit == true) { break; } var canBuyItems = GetShopItems(cat); BuyWeapon(canBuyItems, cat); } }
public bool OpenInventory() { var exit = false; while (!exit) { PrintInvMenu(); switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: PrintCurrentItems(); break; case 2: PrintCurrentAttacks(); break; case 3: ChooseCombatStyle(); break; case 4: if (SaveAndQuit()) { return(true); } else { break; } case 5: exit = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } _saveServices.SaveGame(_characterSuperModel); return(false); }
private void VisitGuildMaster(string guildName) { var guildKey = ""; switch (guildName) { case "Melee": guildKey = "meleeGuild"; break; case "Ranged": guildKey = "archerGuild"; break; case "Mage": guildKey = "mageGuild"; break; } var exit = false; while (!exit) { exit = true; GameService.NewPage($"\nYou approach the {guildName} Guild Master and..." + $"\n1) Learn new Attacks" + $"\n2) Leave", guildKey); switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: LearnAttacks(_characterSuperModel, guildName); break; case 2: break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }
public bool RunMenu() { var leaveVillage = false; while (!leaveVillage) { PrintMenuOptions(); _saveServices.SaveGame(_characterSuperModel); var input = GameService.ParseIntput(); switch (input) { case 1: GameService.NewPage("\nYou go knock on the elder's door to recieve instruction. After a minute or so of waiting you realize no one is home." + "\nOff in the distance you hear someone muttering something about maybe not waiting until the weekend next time and actually\n" + "implementing features they advertise. Then again, maybe you're hearing things. It's okay though, you don't need handholding.", "elder"); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 2: GoHome(); break; case 3: bool leaveFromInv = _inventoryServices.OpenInventory(); if (leaveFromInv) { return(false); } break; case 4: leaveVillage = Leave(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } return(leaveVillage); }
private void BuyWeapon(List <Equipment> shoppingList, string key) { var shopping = true; while (shopping) { PrintShopItems(shoppingList, key); var response = GameService.ParseIntput(); var existingItem = shoppingList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.GearID == response); if (existingItem != null) { _characterSuperModel.CharacterEquipment.Add(existingItem); break; } Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadKey(); } Console.WriteLine("Item bought!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private bool Leave() { var leave = false; var output = false; while (!leave) { PrintLeaveMenu(); leave = true; switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: var isDead = _exploringServices.Explore(); if (isDead) { GameService.NewPage("You slowly open your eyes. \"Wha.. what happened?\"\n" + "Near your bed you find a note a note. It reads:\n\n" + "\"Found you beaten and bruised out by the road. What kind of champion are you trying to be? Don't do it again.\""); _characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth = _characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth; Console.ReadKey(); } output = false; break; case 2: output = true; break; case 3: output = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); leave = false; Console.ReadKey(); break; } } return(output); }
private void GoHome() { var leaveHome = false; while (!leaveHome) { PrintHomeMenu(); var input = GameService.ParseIntput(); switch (input) { case 1: _inventoryServices.AccessChest(); break; case 2: if ((_characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth += healthFromPlayerBed) > _characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth) { _characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth = _characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth; } else { _characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth += healthFromPlayerBed; } GameService.NewPage($"You sleep in your bed and recover {healthFromPlayerBed} HP." + $"\nYou now have {_characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth}/{_characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth} HP."); Console.ReadLine(); break; case 3: leaveHome = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }
private void GuildMenu() { bool leaveGuild = false; while (!leaveGuild) { PrintGuildMenu(); _saveServices.SaveGame(_characterSuperModel); switch (GameService.ParseIntput()) { case 1: GuildStore(); break; case 2: VisitGuildMaster("Melee"); break; case 3: VisitGuildMaster("Ranged"); break; case 4: VisitGuildMaster("Mage"); break; case 5: leaveGuild = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }
public bool RunMenu() { bool leaveCity = false; while (!leaveCity) { PrintMenuOptions(); _saveServices.SaveGame(_characterSuperModel); var input = GameService.ParseIntput(); switch (input) { case 1: GuildMenu(); break; case 2: EnterArena(); if (_characterSuperModel.IsDead) { GameService.NewPage("You slowly open your eyes. \"Wha.. what happened?\"\n" + "Near your bed you find a note a note. It reads:\n\n" + "\"You got smashed bud. Maybe you should train a bit more before you enter the arena again.\""); _characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth = _characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth; Console.ReadKey(); } break; case 3: if ((_characterSuperModel.CharacterBaseHealth += healthFromInnBed) > _characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth) { _characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth = _characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth; } else { _characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth += healthFromInnBed; } GameService.NewPage($"You sleep in a comfy bed at the inn and recover {healthFromInnBed} HP." + $"\nYou now have {_characterSuperModel.CharacterHealth}/{_characterSuperModel.CharacterMaxHealth} HP."); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 4: bool leaveFromInv = _inventoryServices.OpenInventory(); if (leaveFromInv) { return(false); } break; case 5: leaveCity = Leave(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } return(leaveCity); }