コード例 #1
        static async Task CallSvcThatUsesReliableCollection()
            var def = new PointDefinition()
                HostTitle = "host2", // this points to host 2 where a different interfaces are exposed
                Binding = new NetTcpBinding(),
                Interfaces = new List<Type>() { typeof(ISomeWcfInterface) }

            FabricClient fc = new FabricClient(); //local cluster

            var resolvedPartitions = await fc.ServiceManager.ResolveServicePartitionAsync(new Uri(FabricServiceName), "P1");
            var ep = resolvedPartitions.Endpoints.SingleOrDefault((endpoint) => endpoint.Role == ServiceEndpointRole.StatefulPrimary);
            var uri = ep.Address; 

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("working on {0} host", def.HostTitle    ));
                string result;
                var channelFactory =
                            new ChannelFactory<ISomeWcfInterface>(new NetTcpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(string.Concat(uri, def.HostTitle, "/", typeof(ISomeWcfInterface).ToString())));

                // data interface 
                var channel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
                result = channel.SayHello(parameter);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("opeartion {0} on interface {1} called with {2} returned {3}", "SayHello", "ISomeWcfInterface", parameter, result));

                var Count = channel.GetHello();
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("opeartion {0} on interface {1} called with {2} returned {3}", "GetHello", "ISomeWcfInterface", parameter, result));

                ((IClientChannel)channel).Close(); // be kind rewind. 

        private void StopHost(PointDefinition def)

            var host = m_hosts[def.HostTitle];
            if (null == host)

            if (CommunicationState.Opened == host.State )

            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Host {0} stopped", def.HostTitle));

            WcfMultiPointServiceHost temp;
            m_hosts.TryRemove(def.HostTitle, out temp);

        private void AddStartHost(PointDefinition def)
            var implementationName = def.ImplementationType.ToString();

            var baseAddress = string.Concat(m_listeningAddress, def.HostTitle, "/");

            var newHost = new WcfMultiPointServiceHost(StateManager, 
                                                       new Uri(baseAddress));

            OnWcfHostCreated(this, def, newHost );

            newHost = m_hosts.AddOrUpdate(
                                (s, Current) => { return Current; }

            foreach (var i in def.Interfaces)
                var interfaceName = i.ToString();
                var binding = (null != m_OverrideBinding) ? m_OverrideBinding : def.Binding;
                var EndPointAddress = string.Concat(baseAddress, interfaceName);
                var ep = newHost.AddServiceEndpoint(i,
                                         binding, // configure binding here
                OnWcfEndpointAdded(this, def, newHost,ep, i);

                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Host {0} with address:{1} added a new EP:{2}", def.HostTitle, baseAddress, EndPointAddress));

        private void verifyDefs(PointDefinition[] defs)
            if (null == defs)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("listeing definition is null");

            if (0 == defs.Count())
                throw new Exception("Listening definition(s) is empty");

            // are they unique?
            foreach (var def in defs)
                if (1 != defs.Where(current => current.HostTitle == def.HostTitle).Count())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Host titles has to be unique");

            var bVerifyBinding = (null == m_OverrideBinding);

            foreach (var def in defs)
                def.verifyAndThrow( bVerifyBinding);

        public WcfMultiPointListener(PointDefinition[] defs, string Scheme, Binding overrideBinding)
            : this(Scheme, defs)
            if (null == overrideBinding)
                throw new NullReferenceException("overrideBinding");

            m_OverrideBinding = overrideBinding;
コード例 #6
        protected override ICommunicationListener CreateCommunicationListener()

            // a point def defines a host and a set of interfaces that will be
            // exposed as an endpoints along with Binding

            //each point defi will be exposed as the following:
            // <listeningaddress>/<host title>/interface type name
            // unless you override using OnXXX delegates

            var def1 = new PointDefinition()
                HostTitle = "host1",
                Binding = new NetTcpBinding(),
                ImplementationType = typeof(WcfService),
                Interfaces = new List<Type>() { typeof(SvcInterface1), typeof(SvcInterface2) }

            // this one however uses a state manager
            // from a listener point of view nothing is different
            // the listner along with WCF extention make sure that each
            // service implementation instance gets a refernce to state manager
            var def2 = new PointDefinition()
                HostTitle = "host2",
                Binding = new NetTcpBinding(),
                ImplementationType = typeof(WcfSvc_SF),
                Interfaces = new List<Type>() { typeof(ISomeWcfInterface),}


            var listener = new WcfMultiPointListener("net.tcp", def1, def2);
            listener.StateManager = this.StateManager; // this ensures that state manager used by this 
                                                       // replica instance is shared with wcf services instances.
                                                       // created by the WcfHost (irrespective of instance model) 

            // if you want to control how listening and publishing addresses are created
            //listener.OnCreateListeningAddress = (listenerInstance) => { /* return address ere */ };
            //listener.OnCreatePublishingAddress = (listenerInstance) => { /* return address ere */ };

            // if you want access to host before it opens (i.e add custom behviours, credentials etc)
            //listener.OnWcfHostCreated = (listenerInstance, pointDef, host) => { /* magic goes here*/};
            // same apply for WcfEndPoint
            //listener.OnWcfHostCreated = (listenerInstance, pointDef, host, endPoint, interfaceType) => { /* magic goes here*/};
            // in both cases the host and the PointDef that caused the creation is passed to you

            return listener;

コード例 #7
            static async Task doStuffUsingICommInterfaces(ServicePartitionClient<WcfMultiPointCommunicationClient> partitionClient)

            // the client needs those to know which interface is wired to wich host. 

            var PointDef = new PointDefinition()
                HostTitle = "host1",
                Binding = new NetTcpBinding(),    
                Interfaces = new List<Type>() { typeof(SvcInterface1), typeof(SvcInterface2) }

            var defs = new PointDefinition[1] { PointDef }; ;
            await partitionClient.InvokeWithRetryAsync(client => {

                if (client.ConnectionStatus == ClientConnectionStatus.NotConnected)
                    client.PointDefinition = defs;

                foreach (var def in defs) // hosts
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("working on {0} host", def.HostTitle));
                    string result = string.Empty;
                    // our listner has wired the same 2 interfaces per host

                    var Channel1= client.GetChannel<SvcInterface1>(def,  typeof(SvcInterface1));
                    result = Channel1.SvcInterface1Op1(parameter);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("opeartion {0} on interface {1} called with {2} returned {3}", "SvcInterface1Op1", "SvcInterface1", parameter, result));

                    result = Channel1.SvcInterface1Op2(parameter);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("opeartion {0} on interface {1} called with {2} returned {3}", "SvcInterface1Op2", "SvcInterface1", parameter, result));

                    var Channel2 = client.GetChannel<SvcInterface2>(def, typeof(SvcInterface2));

                    result = Channel2.SvcInterface2Op1(parameter);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("opeartion {0} on interface {1} called with {2} returned {3}", "SvcInterface2Op1", "SvcInterface2", parameter, result));

                    result = Channel2.SvcInterface2Op2(parameter);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("opeartion {0} on interface {1} called with {2} returned {3}", "SimSessionOp2", "SvcInterface2Op2", parameter, result));

                return Task.Delay(0);