/// <summary> /// Given a Shape and sample data, build a literal/instantiation for the /// Shape's type with the sample data. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">The Shape in the model</param> /// <param name="data">Sample data to populate the literal with</param> /// <param name="cb">A CodeBuilder instance to write the code to.</param> public void GetSampleLiteral(Shape shape, JsonData data, CodeBuilder cb) { if (shape.IsString && data.IsString) { cb.AppendQuote(data.ToString()); } if (shape.IsBoolean) { cb.Append(data.ToString().ToLower()); } if (shape.IsFloat || shape.IsInt || shape.IsDouble || shape.IsLong) { cb.Append(data.ToString()); } if (shape.IsList && data.IsArray) { var itemType = shape.ListShape; cb.AppendFormat("new List<{0}> ", ShapeType(itemType)).OpenBlock(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { GetSampleLiteral(itemType, data[i], cb); if (i < (data.Count - 1)) { cb.AppendLine(","); } } cb.CloseBlock(); } if (shape.IsMap && data.IsObject) { var keyType = shape.KeyShape; var valType = shape.ValueShape; cb.AppendFormat("new Dictionary<{0}, {1}> ", ShapeType(keyType), ShapeType(valType)); cb.OpenBlock(); foreach (var k in data.PropertyNames) { cb.Append("{ "); GetSampleLiteral(keyType, k, cb); cb.Append(", "); GetSampleLiteral(valType, data[k], cb); cb.Append(" }"); if (k != data.PropertyNames.Last()) { cb.AppendLine(","); } } cb.CloseBlock(); } if (shape.IsStructure && data.IsObject) { cb.AppendFormat("new {0} ", ShapeType(shape)); if (data.PropertyNames.Count() > 1) { cb.OpenBlock(); } else { cb.Append("{ "); } foreach (var field in data.PropertyNames) { var property = shape.Members.GetMemberByName(field); if (null == property) { continue; } cb.AppendFormat("{0} = ", property.PropertyName); GetSampleLiteral(property, data[field], cb); if (field != data.PropertyNames.Last()) { cb.AppendLine(","); } } if (data.PropertyNames.Count() > 1) { cb.CloseBlock(); } else { cb.Append(" }"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Given a Shape and sample data, build a literal/instantiation for the /// Shape's type with the sample data. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">The Shape in the model</param> /// <param name="data">Sample data to populate the literal with</param> /// <param name="cb">A CodeBuilder instance to write the code to.</param> public void GetSampleLiteral(Shape shape, JsonData data, CodeBuilder cb) { if (shape.IsString && data.IsString) { cb.AppendQuote(data.ToString()); } else if (shape.IsBoolean) { cb.Append(data.ToString().ToLower()); } else if (shape.IsFloat || shape.IsInt || shape.IsDouble || shape.IsLong) { cb.Append(data.ToString()); } else if (shape.IsList && data.IsArray) { var itemType = shape.ListShape; cb.AppendFormat("new List<{0}> ", ShapeType(itemType)).OpenBlock(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { GetSampleLiteral(itemType, data[i], cb); if (i < (data.Count - 1)) { cb.AppendLine(","); } } cb.CloseBlock(); } else if (shape.IsMap && data.IsObject) { var keyType = shape.KeyShape; var valType = shape.ValueShape; cb.AppendFormat("new Dictionary<{0}, {1}> ", ShapeType(keyType), ShapeType(valType)); cb.OpenBlock(); foreach (var k in data.PropertyNames) { cb.Append("{ "); GetSampleLiteral(keyType, k, cb); cb.Append(", "); GetSampleLiteral(valType, data[k], cb); cb.Append(" }"); if (k != data.PropertyNames.Last()) { cb.AppendLine(","); } } cb.CloseBlock(); } else if (shape.IsStructure && data.IsObject) { cb.AppendFormat("new {0} ", ShapeType(shape)); if (data.PropertyNames.Count() > 1) { cb.OpenBlock(); } else { cb.Append("{ "); } foreach (var field in data.PropertyNames) { var property = shape.Members.GetMemberByName(field); if (null == property) { continue; } cb.AppendFormat("{0} = ", property.PropertyName); GetSampleLiteral(property, data[field], cb); if (field != data.PropertyNames.Last()) { cb.AppendLine(","); } } if (data.PropertyNames.Count() > 1) { cb.CloseBlock(); } else { cb.Append(" }"); } } else if (shape.IsMemoryStream && data.IsString) { cb.AppendFormat("new {0}({1})", ShapeType(shape), data.ToString()); } else if (shape.IsDateTime) { string exampleValue = null; if (data.IsString) { var textValue = data.ToString(); DateTime parsedDateTime; if (DateTime.TryParse(textValue, out parsedDateTime)) { exampleValue = string.Format("new DateTime({0}, DateTimeKind.Utc)", parsedDateTime.ToString("yyyy, M, d, h, m, s")); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exampleValue)) { exampleValue = "DateTime.UtcNow"; } cb.Append(exampleValue); } else { // default value cb.Append("<data>"); } }
/// <summary> /// Given a Shape and sample data, build a literal/instantiation for the /// Shape's type with the sample data. /// </summary> /// <param name="shape">The Shape in the model</param> /// <param name="data">Sample data to populate the literal with</param> /// <param name="cb">A CodeBuilder instance to write the code to.</param> public void GetSampleLiteral(Shape shape, JsonData data, CodeBuilder cb) { if (shape.IsString && data.IsString) cb.AppendQuote(data.ToString()); if (shape.IsBoolean) cb.Append(data.ToString().ToLower()); if (shape.IsFloat || shape.IsInt || shape.IsDouble || shape.IsLong) cb.Append(data.ToString()); if (shape.IsList && data.IsArray) { var itemType = shape.ListShape; cb.AppendFormat("new List<{0}> ", ShapeType(itemType)).OpenBlock(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { GetSampleLiteral(itemType, data[i], cb); if (i < (data.Count - 1)) cb.AppendLine(","); } cb.CloseBlock(); } if (shape.IsMap && data.IsObject) { var keyType = shape.KeyShape; var valType = shape.ValueShape; cb.AppendFormat("new Dictionary<{0}, {1}> ", ShapeType(keyType), ShapeType(valType)); cb.OpenBlock(); foreach (var k in data.PropertyNames) { cb.Append("{ "); GetSampleLiteral(keyType, k, cb); cb.Append(", "); GetSampleLiteral(valType, data[k], cb); cb.Append(" }"); if (k != data.PropertyNames.Last()) cb.AppendLine(","); } cb.CloseBlock(); } if (shape.IsStructure && data.IsObject) { cb.AppendFormat("new {0} ", ShapeType(shape)); if (data.PropertyNames.Count() > 1) cb.OpenBlock(); else cb.Append("{ "); foreach (var field in data.PropertyNames) { var property = shape.Members.GetMemberByName(field); if (null == property) continue; cb.AppendFormat("{0} = ", property.PropertyName); GetSampleLiteral(property, data[field], cb); if (field != data.PropertyNames.Last()) cb.AppendLine(","); } if (data.PropertyNames.Count() > 1) cb.CloseBlock(); else cb.Append(" }"); } }