コード例 #1
ファイル: Oryx.cs プロジェクト: Zeroeh/PrivateServerOld
        public void OnEnemyKilled(Enemy enemy, Player killer)
            if (enemy.ObjectDesc != null)
                TauntData? dat = null;
                foreach (var i in criticalEnemies)
                    if ((enemy.ObjectDesc.DisplayId ?? enemy.ObjectDesc.ObjectId) == i.Item1)
                        dat = i.Item2;
                if (dat == null) return;

                if (dat.Value.killed != null)
                    var arr = dat.Value.killed;
                    string msg = arr[rand.Next(0, arr.Length)];
                    while (killer == null && msg.Contains("{PLAYER}"))
                        msg = arr[rand.Next(0, arr.Length)];
                    msg = msg.Replace("{PLAYER}", killer.Name);

                if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.25)
                    var evt = events[rand.Next(0, events.Count)];
                    if (XmlDatas.ObjectDescs[XmlDatas.IdToType[evt.Item1]].PerRealmMax == 1) //more than one avatar spawned and no rock dragon spawned?

                    dat = null;
                    foreach (var i in criticalEnemies)
                        if (evt.Item1 == i.Item1)
                            dat = i.Item2;
                    if (dat == null) return;

                    if (dat.Value.spawn != null)
                        var arr = dat.Value.spawn;
                        string msg = arr[rand.Next(0, arr.Length)];
コード例 #2
ファイル: GameWorld.cs プロジェクト: Zeroeh/PrivateServerOld
 public void EnemyKilled(Enemy enemy, Player killer)
     if (Overseer != null)
         Overseer.OnEnemyKilled(enemy, killer);
コード例 #3
        void Activate(RealmTime time, Item item, Position target)
            MP -= item.MpCost;
            foreach (var eff in item.ActivateEffects)
                switch (eff.Effect)
                    case ActivateEffects.BulletNova:
                            var prjDesc = item.Projectiles[0]; //Assume only one
                            Packet[] batch = new Packet[21];
                            uint s = Random.CurrentSeed;
                            Random.CurrentSeed = (uint)(s * time.tickTimes);
                            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                                Projectile proj = CreateProjectile(prjDesc, item.ObjectType,
                                    (int)statsMgr.GetAttackDamage(prjDesc.MinDamage, prjDesc.MaxDamage),
                                    time.tickTimes, target, (float)(i * (Math.PI * 2) / 20));
                                batch[i] = new ShootPacket()
                                    BulletId = proj.ProjectileId,
                                    OwnerId = Id,
                                    ContainerType = item.ObjectType,
                                    Position = target,
                                    Angle = proj.Angle,
                                    Damage = (short)proj.Damage
                            Random.CurrentSeed = s;
                            batch[20] = new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.Trail,
                                PosA = target,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0x000099) //was 0xFFFF00AA
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(batch, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.InvertNova: //inverted spell bomb behavior. Spellbombs start on the outside and move into a center point. Good for older computers that cant do perfect spellbombs
                            var prjDesc = item.Projectiles[0]; //Assume only one
                            Packet[] batch = new Packet[21]; //calls the shoot packet
                            uint s = Random.CurrentSeed; //seeds the effects and position of effects
                            Random.CurrentSeed = (uint)(s * time.tickTimes);
                            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) //this is how many bullets are shot, atm i can't get anymore or any less shots...
                                Projectile proj = CreateProjectile(prjDesc, item.ObjectType,
                                    (int)statsMgr.GetAttackDamage(prjDesc.MinDamage, prjDesc.MaxDamage), //We can't have negative Pi?
                                    time.tickTimes, target, (float)(i + (i * Math.PI) / 4)); //This is what divides the shots from the nova, here we can make it inverted
                                Owner.EnterWorld(proj); //the line above was (i * (Math.PI + 2) / 20)); //Took out Math.PI and put in the actual few numbers in pi to make it easier to use. However if you increase the range on spellbomb shots eventually the shots will become uneven because not using Math.PI; Math.PI uses EVERY infinite number, making each spellbomb 99.99999999999% accurate.
                                batch[i] = new ShootPacket()
                                    BulletId = proj.ProjectileId,
                                    OwnerId = Id,
                                    ContainerType = item.ObjectType,
                                    Position = target, //This plays a part of the positioning of the bullets
                                    Angle = proj.Angle, //And THIS helps angle all of the bullets correctly, but you can prolly leave it as proj.Angle
                                    Damage = (short)proj.Damage
                            Random.CurrentSeed = s;
                            batch[20] = new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.Trail,
                                PosA = target,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0x00500) //was 0xFFFF00AA
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(batch, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Shoot:
                            ActivateShoot(time, item, target);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.StatBoostSelf:
                            int idx = -1;
                            switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats)
                                case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break;
                                case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break;
                                case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break;
                                case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break;
                                case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break;
                                case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break;
                                case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break;
                                case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break;
                            int s = eff.Amount;
                            Boost[idx] += s;
                            Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) =>
                                Boost[idx] -= s;
                            Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.Potion,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff)
                            }, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.StatBoostAura:
                            int idx = -1;
                            switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats)
                                case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break;
                                case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break;
                                case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break;
                                case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break;
                                case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break;
                                case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break;
                                case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break;
                                case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break;
                            int s = eff.Amount;
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player =>
                                (player as Player).Boost[idx] += s;
                                Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) =>
                                    (player as Player).Boost[idx] -= s;
                            Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), //was 0xffffffff
                                PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 }
                            }, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectSelf:
                            ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect()
                                Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value,
                                DurationMS = eff.DurationMS
                            Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), //was 0xffffffff
                                PosA = new Position() { X = 1 }
                            }, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectAura:
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player =>
                                player.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect()
                                    Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value,
                                    DurationMS = eff.DurationMS
                            uint color = 0xffffffff;
                            if (eff.ConditionEffect.Value == ConditionEffectIndex.Damaging)
                                color = 0xffff0000;
                            Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(color),
                                PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 }
                            }, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Heal:
                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            ActivateHealHp(this, eff.Amount, pkts);
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.HealNova:
                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player =>
                                ActivateHealHp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts);
                            pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff),
                                PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 }
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Magic:
                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            ActivateHealMp(this, eff.Amount, pkts);
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.MagicNova:
                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player =>
                                ActivateHealMp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts);
                            pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff),
                                PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 }
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Teleport:
                            Move(target.X, target.Y);
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(new Packet[]
                                new GotoPacket()
                                    ObjectId = Id,
                                    Position = new Position()
                                        X = X,
                                        Y = Y
                                new ShowEffectPacket()
                                    EffectType = EffectType.Teleport,
                                    TargetId = Id,
                                    PosA = new Position()
                                        X = X,
                                        Y = Y
                                    Color = new ARGB(0x000000) //was 0xFFFFFFFF
                            }, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.VampireBlast:
                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.Trail,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                PosA = target,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xFFFFFF) //was 0xFFFF0000
                            pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.Diffuse,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xFFFFFF), //was 0xFFFF0000
                                TargetId = Id,
                                PosA = target,
                                PosB = new Position() { X = target.X + eff.Radius, Y = target.Y }

                            int totalDmg = 0;
                            var enemies = new List<Enemy>();
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, eff.Radius, false, enemy =>
                                enemies.Add(enemy as Enemy);
                                totalDmg += (enemy as Enemy).Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false);
                            var players = new List<Player>();
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Radius, true, player =>
                                players.Add(player as Player);
                                ActivateHealHp(player as Player, totalDmg, pkts);

                            Random rand = new System.Random();
                            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                                Enemy a = enemies[rand.Next(0, enemies.Count)];
                                Player b = players[rand.Next(0, players.Count)];
                                pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                    EffectType = EffectType.Flow,
                                    TargetId = b.Id,
                                    PosA = new Position() { X = a.X, Y = a.Y },
                                    Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) //was 0xffffffff

                            if (enemies.Count > 0)
                                Enemy a = enemies[rand.Next(0, enemies.Count)];
                                Player b = players[rand.Next(0, players.Count)];
                                pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                    EffectType = EffectType.Flow,
                                    TargetId = b.Id,
                                    PosA = new Position() { X = a.X, Y = a.Y },
                                    Color = new ARGB(0Xffffffff)

                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Trap:
                            ARGB effColor = new ARGB(0x6600CC); //was 0xFF9000FF
                            if (eff.Color != null)
                                effColor = new ARGB((uint)eff.Color);
                            Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.Throw,
                                Color = effColor,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                PosA = target
                            }, null);
                            Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) =>
                                Trap trap = new Trap(
                                    eff.ConditionEffect ?? ConditionEffectIndex.Slowed,
                                trap.Move(target.X, target.Y);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.StasisBlast:
                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            ARGB effColor = new ARGB(0xffffffff);
                            if (eff.Color != null)
                                effColor = new ARGB((uint)eff.Color);
                            pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.Concentrate,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                PosA = target,
                                PosB = new Position() { X = target.X + 3, Y = target.Y },
                                Color = effColor
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, 3, false, enemy =>
                                if (enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.StasisImmune))
                                    pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket()
                                        ObjectId = enemy.Id,
                                        Color = new ARGB(0xff00ff00), //was 0xff00ff00
                                        Text = "Immune"
                                else if (!enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Stasis))
                                        new ConditionEffect()
                                            Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Stasis,
                                            DurationMS = eff.DurationMS
                                        new ConditionEffect()
                                            Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Confused,
                                            DurationMS = eff.DurationMS
                                    Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) =>
                                        enemy.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect()
                                                Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.StasisImmune,
                                                DurationMS = 3000
                                    pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket()
                                        ObjectId = enemy.Id,
                                        Color = new ARGB(0xffff0000), //was 0xffff0000
                                        Text = "Stasis"
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);

                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Decoy:
                            var decoy = new Decoy(this, eff.DurationMS, statsMgr.GetSpeed());
                            decoy.Move(X, Y);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.MultiDecoy:
                            for (var i = 0; i < eff.Amount; i++)
                                var decoy = Decoy.DecoyRandom(this, eff.DurationMS, statsMgr.GetSpeed());
                                decoy.Move(X, Y);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Lightning:
                            Enemy start = null;
                            double angle = Math.Atan2(target.Y - Y, target.X - X);
                            double diff = Math.PI / 3;
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, 6, false, enemy =>
                                if (!(enemy is Enemy)) return;
                                var x = Math.Atan2(enemy.Y - Y, enemy.X - X);
                                if (Math.Abs(angle - x) < diff)
                                    start = enemy as Enemy;
                                    diff = Math.Abs(angle - x);
                            if (start == null)

                            Enemy current = start;
                            Enemy[] targets = new Enemy[eff.MaxTargets];
                            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
                                targets[i] = current;
                                float dist = 8;
                                Enemy next = Behavior.GetNearestEntity(current, ref dist, false,
                                    enemy =>
                                        enemy is Enemy &&
                                        Array.IndexOf(targets, enemy) == -1 &&
                                        Behavior.Dist(this, enemy) <= 6) as Enemy;

                                if (next == null) break;
                                else current = next;

                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
                                if (targets[i] == null) break;
                                Entity prev = i == 0 ? (Entity)this : targets[i - 1];
                                targets[i].Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false);
                                if (eff.ConditionEffect != null)
                                    targets[i].ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect()
                                        Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value,
                                        DurationMS = (int)(eff.EffectDuration * 1000)
                                ARGB shotColor = new ARGB(0x000000); //was 0xffff0088
                                if (eff.Color != null)
                                    shotColor = new ARGB((uint)eff.Color);
                                pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                    EffectType = EffectType.Lightning,
                                    TargetId = prev.Id,
                                    Color = shotColor,
                                    PosA = new Position()
                                        X = targets[i].X,
                                        Y = targets[i].Y
                                    PosB = new Position() { X = 350 }
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.PoisonGrenade:
                                Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                    EffectType = EffectType.Throw,
                                    Color = new ARGB(0x006600), //was 0xffddff00
                                    TargetId = Id,
                                    PosA = target
                                }, null);
                                Placeholder x = new Placeholder(1500);
                                x.Move(target.X, target.Y);
                                Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) =>
                                        Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                            EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                            Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00),
                                            TargetId = x.Id,
                                            PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Radius }
                                        }, null);
                                    catch { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; 
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Crash halted - Nobody likes death...");
                                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; }
                                    List<Enemy> enemies = new List<Enemy>();
                                    Behavior.AOE(world, target, eff.Radius, false,
                                        enemy => PoisonEnemy(enemy as Enemy, eff));
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue;
                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Crash halted - Poison grenade??");
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditions:
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player =>
                            Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff),
                                PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 }
                            }, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditionsSelf:
                            Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff),
                                PosA = new Position() { X = 1 }
                            }, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.IncrementStat:
                            int idx = -1;
                            switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats)
                                case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break;
                                case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break;
                                case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break;
                                case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break;
                                case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break;
                                case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break;
                                case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break;
                                case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break;
                            Stats[idx] += eff.Amount;
                            int limit = int.Parse(XmlDatas.TypeToElement[ObjectType].Element(StatsManager.StatsIndexToName(idx)).Attribute("max").Value);
                            if (Stats[idx] > limit)
                                Stats[idx] = limit;
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Create: //this is a portal
                            short objType;
                            if (!XmlDatas.IdToType.TryGetValue(eff.Id, out objType) ||
                                break;// object not found, ignore
                        var entity = Entity.Resolve(objType);
                        entity.Move(X, Y);
                        int TimeoutTime = XmlDatas.PortalDescs[objType].TimeoutTime;
                        string DungName = XmlDatas.PortalDescs[objType].DungeonName;
                        ARGB c;
                        c.A = 0;
                        c.B = 91;
                        c.R = 233;
                        c.G = 176;
                        psr.SendPacket(new NotificationPacket()
                            Color = c,
                            Text = DungName + " opened by " + psr.Account.Name,
                            ObjectId = psr.Player.Id
                        World w = RealmManager.GetWorld(Owner.Id); //can't use Owner here, as it goes out of scope
                        w.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket()
                            BubbleTime = 0,
                            Stars = -1,
                            Name = "",
                            Text = DungName + " opened by " + psr.Account.Name
                        }, null);
                        w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(TimeoutTime * 1000, (world, t) => //default portal close time * 1000
                            catch //couldn't remove portal, Owner became null. Should be fixed with RealmManager implementation
                                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't despawn portal.");
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Dye:
                            if (item.Texture1 != 0)
                                this.Texture1 = item.Texture1;
                            if (item.Texture2 != 0)
                                this.Texture2 = item.Texture2;
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.ShurikenAbility:
                            World w = RealmManager.GetWorld(Owner.Id);
                            ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect()
                                Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Speedy,
                                DurationMS = eff.DurationMS
                            w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS * 1000, (world, t) =>
                                    ActivateShoot(time, item, target);

                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.TomeDamage:
                            List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>();
                            Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, false, enemy =>
                                (enemy as Enemy).Damage(this, time, (int)this.statsMgr.GetAttackDamage(eff.TotalDamage, eff.TotalDamage), false, new ConditionEffect[0]);
                            pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket()
                                EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast,
                                TargetId = Id,
                                Color = new ARGB(0xFF00FF00),
                                PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 }
                            Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null);
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Mushroom:
                            World w = RealmManager.GetWorld(Owner.Id);
                            Size = eff.Amount;
                            w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) =>
                                        Size = 100;
                                    catch { }
                        } break;
                    /*case ActivateEffects.PermaPet: //petcode
                            psr.Character.Pet = XmlDatas.IdToType[eff.ObjectId];
                        } break;
                    case ActivateEffects.Pet: //Drakes*/
                    case ActivateEffects.UnlockPortal:
コード例 #4
 public DamageCounter(Enemy enemy)
     this.enemy = enemy;
コード例 #5
        void PoisonEnemy(Enemy enemy, ActivateEffect eff)
                if (eff.ConditionEffect != null)
                    enemy.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect[] {
                        new ConditionEffect() {
                            Effect = (ConditionEffectIndex)eff.ConditionEffect,
                            DurationMS = (int)eff.EffectDuration
                int remainingDmg = (int)StatsManager.GetDefenseDamage(enemy, eff.TotalDamage, enemy.ObjectDesc.Defense);
                int perDmg = (int)(remainingDmg * 1000 / eff.DurationMS);
                WorldTimer tmr = null;
                int x = 0;
                tmr = new WorldTimer(100, (w, t) =>
                    if (enemy.Owner == null) return;
                    w.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket()
                        EffectType = EffectType.Dead,
                        TargetId = enemy.Id,
                        Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00)
                    }, null);

                    if (x % 10 == 0)
                        int thisDmg;
                        if (remainingDmg < perDmg) thisDmg = remainingDmg;
                        else thisDmg = perDmg;

                        enemy.Damage(this, t, thisDmg, true);
                        remainingDmg -= thisDmg;
                        if (remainingDmg <= 0) return;


                    RealmManager.Logic.AddPendingAction(_ => w.Timers.Add(tmr), PendingPriority.Creation);
                Owner.Timers.Add(tmr); //Disabling this causes poisons to do nothing. However, this line causes problems :/
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue;
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Warning! Poison Lag!");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;