public static BuyItemInfo RecvBuyItem(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int npcid = p.ReadInt(); short wref = p.ReadShort(); p.Skip(2); short amount = p.ReadShort(); p.Skip(2); byte bag = p.ReadByte(); BuyItemInfo i = new BuyItemInfo { NpcID = npcid, ReferenceID = wref, Amount = amount, Bag = bag }; return i; }
public static AddStatInfo RecvAddStatRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte stat = p.ReadByte(); byte amount = p.ReadByte(); AddStatInfo asi = new AddStatInfo { Stat = stat, Amount = amount }; return asi; }
public static AddItemToShopInfo RecvAddItemToShop(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte frombag = p.ReadByte(); byte fromslot = p.ReadByte(); int itemid = p.ReadInt(); byte slot = p.ReadByte(); int price = p.ReadInt(); AddItemToShopInfo i = new AddItemToShopInfo { FromBag = frombag, FromSlot = fromslot, ItemID = itemid, Slot = slot, Price = price }; return i; }
public static AcceptImbueItem RecvAcceptImbueItem(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int NpcID = p.ReadInt(); int toImbueID = p.ReadInt(); byte toImbueBag = p.ReadByte(); byte toImbueSlot = p.ReadByte(); int imbueItem1ID = p.ReadInt(); byte imbueItem1Bag = p.ReadByte(); byte imbueItem1Slot = p.ReadByte(); int imbueItem2ID = p.ReadInt(); byte imbueItem2Bag = p.ReadByte(); byte imbueItem2Slot = p.ReadByte(); int imbueItem3ID = p.ReadInt(); byte imbueItem3Bag = p.ReadByte(); byte imbueItem3Slot = p.ReadByte(); AcceptImbueItem i = new AcceptImbueItem { NpcID = NpcID, ToImbueItemID = toImbueID, ToImbueItemBag = toImbueBag, ToImbueItemSlot = toImbueSlot, ImbueItem1ID = imbueItem1ID, ImbueItem1Bag = imbueItem1Bag, ImbueItem1Slot = imbueItem1Slot, ImbueItem2ID = imbueItem2ID, ImbueItem2Bag = imbueItem2Bag, ImbueItem2Slot = imbueItem2Slot, ImbueItem3ID = imbueItem3ID, ImbueItem3Bag = imbueItem3Bag, ImbueItem3Slot = imbueItem3Slot }; return i; }
public static AddItemToWarehouseInfo RecvAddItemToWarehouse(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int charid = p.ReadInt(); int itemid = p.ReadInt(); byte frombag = p.ReadByte(); byte fromslot = p.ReadByte(); byte toslot = p.ReadByte(); byte tobag = p.ReadByte(); AddItemToWarehouseInfo i = new AddItemToWarehouseInfo { CharacterID = charid, ItemID = itemid, FromBag = frombag, FromSlot = fromslot, ToBag = tobag, ToSlot = toslot }; return i; }
public static MovementInfo RecvStopMoving(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int charid = p.ReadInt(); short from_x = p.ReadShort(); short from_y = p.ReadShort(); byte from_z = p.ReadByte(); MovementInfo mi = new MovementInfo { PacketID = 3, CharacterID = charid, FromX = from_x, FromY = from_y, FromZ = from_z, }; return mi; }
public static MovementInfo RecvStartMoving(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int charid = p.ReadInt(); short from_x = p.ReadShort(); short from_y = p.ReadShort(); byte from_z = p.ReadByte(); short to_x = p.ReadShort(); short to_y = p.ReadShort(); byte to_z = p.ReadByte(); short direction = p.ReadShort(); MovementInfo mi = new MovementInfo { PacketID = 1, CharacterID = charid, FromX = from_x, FromY = from_y, FromZ = from_z, ToX = to_x, ToY = to_y, ToZ = to_z, Rotation = direction }; return mi; }
public static int RecvSkillListRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int skill = p.ReadByte(); return skill; }
public static NpcTradeInfo RecvNpcTrade(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int map = p.ReadInt(); int npc = p.ReadInt(); byte bag = p.ReadByte(); NpcTradeInfo nti = new NpcTradeInfo { MapID = map, NpcID = npc, Bag = bag }; return nti; }
public static ChatMessageInfo RecvChatMessage(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte type = p.ReadByte(); int targetId = p.ReadInt(); string message = p.ReadString(); string targetName = p.ReadString(); // if you dont have id ChatMessageInfo cmi = new ChatMessageInfo { Type = (ChatType)type, TargetID = targetId, Message = message, TargetName = targetName }; return cmi; }
public static ChannelRequest RecvChannelRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int worldID = p.ReadByte(); ChannelRequest c = new ChannelRequest() { WorldID = worldID }; return c; }
public static ChannelLogin RecvChannelLogin(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int characterID = p.ReadInt(); int accountID = p.ReadShort(); int channelID = p.ReadShort(); int worldID = p.ReadByte(); ChannelLogin u = new ChannelLogin() { CharacterID = characterID, AccountID = accountID, ChannelID = channelID, WorldID = worldID }; return u; }
public static RenamePetInfo RecvRenamePet(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int mapid = p.ReadInt(); int petid = p.ReadInt(); string newname = p.ReadString(); RenamePetInfo i = new RenamePetInfo { MapID = mapid, PetID = petid, NewName = newname }; return i; }
public static PetRequestInfo RecvPlayerPetRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int charid = p.ReadInt(); PetRequestInfo sr = new PetRequestInfo { CharacterID = charid }; return sr; }
public static RequestPetStats RecvPetStatRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int mapid = p.ReadInt(); int petid = p.ReadInt(); RequestPetStats i = new RequestPetStats { MapID = mapid, PetID = petid }; return i; }
public static MapRequestInfo RecvMapRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int mapID = p.ReadInt(); MapRequestInfo mr = new MapRequestInfo { MapID = mapID }; return mr; }
public static MoveItemInfo RecvMoveItem(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte frombag = p.ReadByte(); byte fromslot = p.ReadByte(); int itemid = p.ReadInt(); byte tobag = p.ReadByte(); byte toslot = p.ReadByte(); int itemunder = p.ReadInt(); MoveItemInfo mii = new MoveItemInfo { FromBag = frombag, FromSlot = fromslot, ItemID = itemid, ToBag = tobag, ToSlot = toslot, ItemIDUnder = itemunder }; return mii; }
public static CommandInfo RecvCommand(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte type = p.ReadByte(); byte action = p.ReadByte(); byte something = p.ReadByte(); byte something2 = p.ReadByte(); CommandInfo c = new CommandInfo { Type = type, Action = action, Something = something, Something2 = something2 }; return c; }
public static PickItemInfo RecvPickItem(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int mapid = p.ReadInt(); int itemid = p.ReadInt(); short fromx = p.ReadShort(); short fromy = p.ReadShort(); byte fromz = p.ReadByte(); int mapitemid = p.ReadInt(); short amount = p.ReadShort(); PickItemInfo pi = new PickItemInfo { MapID = mapid, ItemID = itemid, FromX = fromx, FromY = fromy, FromZ = fromz, MapItemID = mapitemid, Amount = amount }; return pi; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="c"></param> /// <returns>World Id</returns> public static int RecvConnectWorld(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int worldID = p.ReadByte(); // if theres plenty of worlds, it would get the ip & port from worldlist[worldID] i guess return worldID; }
public static SpawnRequestInfo RecvSpawnOtherPlayerRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int charid = p.ReadInt(); int mapid = p.ReadInt(); SpawnRequestInfo sr = new SpawnRequestInfo { CharacterID = charid, MapID = mapid }; return sr; }
public static Character RecvCreateCharacter(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte cClass = p.ReadByte(); string name = p.ReadString(); Character c = new Character() { Class = cClass, Name = name }; return c; }
public static StatRequestInfo RecvStatRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int charid = p.ReadInt(); int mapid = p.ReadInt(); StatRequestInfo sr = new StatRequestInfo { CharacterID = charid, MapID = mapid }; return sr; }
public static DropItemInfo RecvDropItem(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte frombag = p.ReadByte(); byte fromslot = p.ReadByte(); int itemid = p.ReadInt(); short tox = p.ReadShort(); short toy = p.ReadShort(); byte toz = p.ReadByte(); int something = p.ReadInt(); DropItemInfo drop = new DropItemInfo { FromBag = frombag, FromSlot = fromslot, ItemID = itemid, ToX = tox, ToY = toy, ToZ = toz, Something = something }; return drop; }
/// <summary> /// Generates the unit server login information from packet /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static UnitLogin RecvUnitLogin(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); string account = p.ReadString(); int hash = p.ReadShort(); int map = p.ReadShort(); int channel = p.ReadByte(); p.Skip(6); int characterID = p.ReadInt(); UnitLogin u = new UnitLogin() { Account = account, AccountID = hash, Channel = channel, CharacterID = characterID }; return u; }
/// <summary> /// Handle Game Login packet from client /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="c"></param> public static GameLogin RecvGameLogin(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); string account = p.ReadString(); string hash = p.ReadString(); int version = p.ReadShort(); GameLogin g = new GameLogin { AccountName = account, HashCode = hash, Version = version }; return g; }
public static int RecvWalkToPortal(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int mapid = p.ReadInt(); return mapid; }
public static ImbueItemInfo RecvImbueItem(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int itemid = p.ReadInt(); byte bag = p.ReadByte(); byte slot = p.ReadByte(); ImbueItemInfo i = new ImbueItemInfo { ItemID = itemid, Bag = bag, Slot = slot }; return i; }
public static ChannelChangeInfo RecvChannelChange(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); byte something1 = p.ReadByte(); byte something2 = p.ReadByte(); ChannelChangeInfo cci = new ChannelChangeInfo { Something = something1, Something2 = something2 }; return cci; }
public static int RecvInventoryRequest(Packet p) { p.Skip(2); int inventory = p.ReadByte(); return inventory; }