コード例 #1
        // Method: Create new chat room.
        public void CreateChatRoom(ClientConnection client)
            // Create new local chat room, assign room name, add owner of chat room.
            string chatRoomName = "S2R" + _chatRoomCount.ToString();

            LocalChatRoom newChatRoom = new LocalChatRoom(this, chatRoomName, client.ThisUser);

            // Update chat room list.

            // Update user's current chat room.
            client.ThisUser.CurrentChatRoom = newChatRoom;

            // Remove user from main hall.

            Console.WriteLine("Update chat room list: " + _localCR.ToString());

            // Preparing the packet to echo back to client.
            _packetSent.title   = MsgTitle.confirm_created.ToString();
            _packetSent.time    = _now;
            _packetSent.content = "created " + newChatRoom.RoomName + " you can start chatting now";
            _packetSent.IP      = client.ClientSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString();
            _packetSent.sender  = this.ServerName;

            // Sending packet.

            if (_peerServerDict.Count != 0)
                // Preparing packet to send to other servers.
                _packetSent.title   = MsgTitle.add_chatroom.ToString();
                _packetSent.content = chatRoomName;

                foreach (var entry in _peerServerDict.Values)
                    _packetSent.IP = entry.ClientSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString();
コード例 #2
        // Method: Add an user to a chat room when they request to join.
        public void JoinChatroom(ClientConnection client)
            // Start preparing common features of packet.
            _packetSent.time = _now;
            _packetSent.IP   = client.ClientSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString();
            string chatRoom           = null;
            bool   roomAlreadyExisted = false;

            foreach (ChatRoom room in _localCR)
                // Check if the room requested exists.
                if (_packetReceived.content.Equals(room.RoomName))
                    roomAlreadyExisted = true;

                    // Remove user from main hall.

                    // Adding user to the room.

                    // Updating user's current room.
                    client.ThisUser.CurrentChatRoom = room;

                    // Preparing packet to be sent.
                    _packetSent.content = "Joined " + room.RoomName + ". You can start sending message now";
                    _packetSent.title   = MsgTitle.confirm_joined.ToString();
                    _packetSent.sender  = this.ServerName;

                    chatRoom = room.RoomName;
            // If room does not exist
            if (!roomAlreadyExisted)
                // Create new room and assign name.
                string        roomName    = "S2R" + _chatRoomCount.ToString();
                LocalChatRoom newChatRoom = new LocalChatRoom(this, roomName, client.ThisUser);

                // Add chat room to server's list of chat room.

                // Remove user from main hall.

                // Adding user to newly created room.

                // Updating user's current room.
                client.ThisUser.CurrentChatRoom = newChatRoom;

                // Preparing packet to be sent.
                _packetSent.content = "Room does not exist. Created a new room: " + roomName;
                _packetSent.title   = MsgTitle.confirm_created.ToString();
                _packetSent.sender  = this.ServerName;

                chatRoom = roomName;

            if (_peerServerDict.Count != 0)
                // Preparing packet to send to other servers.
                _packetSent.title   = MsgTitle.client_to_chatroom.ToString();
                _packetSent.content = chatRoom + " " + client.ThisUser.UserName;

                foreach (var entry in _peerServerDict.Values)
                    _packetSent.IP = entry.ClientSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString();