public static void HandleUploadFullfillment(Payload inbound, Payload outbound) { var context = new SmartShareContext(); var queryResult = from s in context.Storage where s.FileHash.Contains(inbound.Status) select s; //File GUID not found in database. if (queryResult.Count() == 0) { outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerError; } //GUID found. else { var updatedFile = queryResult.First(); updatedFile.TimeCreated = DateTime.Now; updatedFile.TimeExpiring = updatedFile.TimeCreated + inbound.TimeLeft; context.Storage.Update(updatedFile); context.SaveChanges(); Core.Util.WriteBase64StringToFile( inbound.Base64FileData, Server.Config.StorageRoot + updatedFile.FileHash ); outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerSuccess; } }
static void HandleDownload(NetworkStream stream, FileRequestInfo requestInfo) { var context = new SmartShareContext(); var file = context.UploadedFiles.First(x => x.Name == requestInfo.FileName); if (file == null) { stream.Write(new byte[] { FAIL_BYTE }); return; } if (!(file.Password == requestInfo.Password)) { stream.Write(new byte[] { FAIL_BYTE }); return; } if (file.DownloadsExceeded() || file.IsExpired()) { stream.Write(new byte[] { FAIL_BYTE }); stream.Close(); file.Delete(context); return; } stream.Write(new byte[] { ACK_BYTE }); file.DownloadCount++; context.UploadedFiles.Update(file); context.SaveChanges(); var connection = context.Database.GetDbConnection(); if (connection is NpgsqlConnection) { var conn = (NpgsqlConnection)connection; conn.Open(); var blobManager = new NpgsqlLargeObjectManager(conn); using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()) { var blobStream = blobManager.OpenRead(file.BlobOid); blobStream.CopyTo(stream); transaction.Commit(); } conn.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Download successful."); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported database adapter."); } }
public static void HandleDownloadRequest(Payload inbound, Payload outbound) { var context = new SmartShareContext(); var queryResult = from s in context.Storage where s.Filename.Contains(inbound.Filename) select s; //File doesn't exist or user doesn't have correct password. if (queryResult.Count() == 0 || queryResult.First().Password != inbound.Password) { outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerError; } //File exists and user has correct password. else { var fileRecord = queryResult.First(); //File hasn't expired or reached max downloads. //Return file and update downloads left. if (fileRecord.TimeExpiring > DateTime.Now && fileRecord.DownloadsRemaining != 0) { outbound.Base64FileData = Core.Util.FileToBase64String( Server.Config.StorageRoot + fileRecord.FileHash ); outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerSuccess; if (fileRecord.DownloadsRemaining != Core.Config.OptionUnlimitedDownload) { fileRecord.DownloadsRemaining--; } context.Storage.Update(fileRecord); } //File has expired or reache max downloads. //Delete file and update record. else { outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerError; File.Delete(Server.Config.StorageRoot + fileRecord.FileHash); context.Storage.Remove(fileRecord); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void HandleUploadRequest(Payload inbound, Payload outbound) { var context = new SmartShareContext(); var queryResult = from s in context.Storage where s.Filename.Contains(inbound.Filename) select s; if (queryResult.Count() == 0) { //File doesn't exist, add initial entry. var newFile = new StorageModel(); newFile.Filename = inbound.Filename; newFile.FileHash = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); newFile.DownloadsRemaining = (inbound.DownloadsLeft > 0) ? inbound.DownloadsLeft : Core.Config.DefaultDownloadLimit; newFile.Password = inbound.Password; //newFile.TimeCreated and newFile.TimeExpiring will be added //upon file receipt. context.Storage.Add(newFile); context.SaveChanges(); //Prepare authorization response. outbound.Status = newFile.FileHash; if (inbound.TimeLeft < Core.Config.MinLifetime) { outbound.TimeLeft = Core.Config.DefaultLifetime; } else if (inbound.TimeLeft > Core.Config.MaxLifetime) { outbound.TimeLeft = Core.Config.MaxLifetime; } else { outbound.TimeLeft = inbound.TimeLeft; } } else { outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerError; } }
public static bool SaveToDb(FileRequest request) { File file = MapFileRequestToFileEntity(request); using (var context = new SmartShareContext()) { try { context.Files.Add(file); context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("File Already Exist, Please try a Different Filename to Upload"); return(false); } } }
public static bool SaveTextToDb(FileRequest requestObj) { DownloadFile filerequest = mapTextRequestToTextEntity(requestObj); using (SmartShareContext context = new SmartShareContext()) { try { context.FilesIn.Add(filerequest); context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); return(false); } } }
public static void HandleInfoRequest(Payload inbound, Payload outbound) { var context = new SmartShareContext(); var queryResult = from s in context.Storage where s.Filename.Contains(inbound.Filename) select s; //File not found or incorrect password provided. if (queryResult.Count() == 0 || queryResult.First().Password != inbound.Password) { outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerError; } //File found and correct password provided. else { var fileRecord = queryResult.First(); //File not expired or over download limit. //Return file info. if (fileRecord.TimeExpiring > DateTime.Now && fileRecord.DownloadsRemaining != 0) { outbound.TimeCreated = fileRecord.TimeCreated; outbound.TimeLeft = fileRecord.TimeExpiring - DateTime.Now; outbound.DownloadsLeft = fileRecord.DownloadsRemaining; outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerSuccess; } //File expired or over download limit. //Delete file. else { outbound.Status = Core.Config.ServerError; File.Delete(Server.Config.StorageRoot + fileRecord.FileHash); context.Storage.Remove(fileRecord); context.SaveChanges(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { XmlSerializer fromClientDeserialize = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ClientToServerDTO)); ClientToServerDTO fromClientDTO = new ClientToServerDTO(); IPEndPoint ingress = new IPEndPoint(0, 1234); SmartShareContext DBContext = new SmartShareContext(); TcpListener mainSocket = new TcpListener(ingress); mainSocket.Server.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); mainSocket.Start(); while (true) { try { TcpClient clientConnection = mainSocket.AcceptTcpClient(); Console.WriteLine("Connection Received"); Task.Run(() => { SmartShareContext dbContext = new SmartShareContext(); DbSet <SmartShareFile> smartShareFileTable = dbContext.SmartShareFileTable; SmartShareFile newDataEntry = new SmartShareFile(); using (NetworkStream stream = clientConnection.GetStream()) { fromClientDTO = (ClientToServerDTO)fromClientDeserialize.Deserialize(stream); bool exists = (from i in smartShareFileTable where i.Filename == fromClientDTO.Filename select i).Any(); if (fromClientDTO.UserAction == UserAction.upload) { if (!exists) { newDataEntry.Filename = fromClientDTO.Filename; newDataEntry.Password = fromClientDTO.Password; newDataEntry.MaximumDownloads = fromClientDTO.MaxDown; newDataEntry.Expiration = fromClientDTO.Expiration; newDataEntry.DownloadCount = 0; newDataEntry.FileData = fromClientDTO.FileData; dbContext.Add(newDataEntry); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } } if (fromClientDTO.UserAction == || fromClientDTO.UserAction == UserAction.view) { XmlSerializer toClientSerialize = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ServerToClientDTO)); ServerToClientDTO toClientDTO = new ServerToClientDTO(); if (exists) { SmartShareFile fetchedDownload = (from i in smartShareFileTable where i.Filename == fromClientDTO.Filename select i).First(); if (fetchedDownload.Password == fromClientDTO.Password && DateTime.Parse(fetchedDownload.Expiration) > DateTime.Now && fetchedDownload.DownloadCount < fetchedDownload.MaximumDownloads) { toClientDTO.Filename = fetchedDownload.Filename; toClientDTO.MaxDown = fetchedDownload.MaximumDownloads; toClientDTO.DownCount = ++fetchedDownload.DownloadCount; toClientDTO.Expiration = fetchedDownload.Expiration; toClientDTO.FileData = fetchedDownload.FileData; toClientDTO.Created = fetchedDownload.Created; if (fromClientDTO.UserAction != UserAction.view) { dbContext.Update(fetchedDownload); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } --toClientDTO.DownCount; toClientSerialize.Serialize(stream, toClientDTO); } else if (DateTime.Parse(fetchedDownload.Expiration) <= DateTime.Now || fetchedDownload.MaximumDownloads <= fetchedDownload.DownloadCount) { dbContext.SmartShareFileTable.Remove(fetchedDownload); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } } } } dbContext.Dispose(); }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } }
private static bool CheckDb(FileRequest request) { File file = MapFileRequestToFileEntity(request); using (var context = new SmartShareContext()) { try { var Dbfiles = context.Files; var findFile = (from f in Dbfiles where f.FileName == file.FileName select f).Any(); var ifdownloadReached = (from f in Dbfiles where f.TotalDownload == f.MaxDownload select f).Any(); var isExpired = (from f in Dbfiles where DateTime.Compare(f.Expiration, DateTime.Now) < 0 select f).Any(); var isPassword = (from f in Dbfiles where f.Password.Equals(file.Password) select f).Any(); if (isExpired || ifdownloadReached) { var todelete = (from f in Dbfiles where f.FileName.Equals(file.FileName) select f).First(); Dbfiles.Remove(todelete); context.SaveChanges(); return(false); } if (!isPassword) { return(false); } if (findFile) { var increasetotal = (from f in Dbfiles where f.FileName == file.FileName select f).FirstOrDefault(); increasetotal.TotalDownload++; context.Files.Update(increasetotal); context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); return(false); } return(false); } }
static void HandleUpload(NetworkStream stream, FileRequestInfo requestInfo) { var context = new SmartShareContext(); var connection = context.Database.GetDbConnection(); // check if file already exists, and if that file is expired we can delete it and continue the upload. try { var possibleFile = context.UploadedFiles.First(x => x.Name == requestInfo.FileName); if (possibleFile != null) { if (possibleFile.DownloadsExceeded() || possibleFile.IsExpired()) { possibleFile.Delete(context); } else { return; } } } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Console.WriteLine("File table is empty"); } stream.Write(new byte[1] { ACK_BYTE }); // let client know we're ready to receive if (connection is NpgsqlConnection) { var blobManager = new NpgsqlLargeObjectManager((NpgsqlConnection)connection); uint oid; connection.Open(); using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()) { oid = blobManager.Create(); using (var blobStream = blobManager.OpenReadWrite(oid)) { stream.CopyTo(blobStream); } transaction.Commit(); } stream.Close(); connection.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Upload successful."); var uploadedFile = new UploadedFile(requestInfo, oid); context.Add(uploadedFile); context.SaveChanges(); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported database adapter"); } }