コード例 #1
        private void Update()
            Stopwatch updateTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (m_players.Count > 0)
                Parallel.ForEach(m_players, kvp =>
                    PlayerPeer player = kvp.Value;
                    if (!player.IsConnected)
                        s_log.Info("[{0}] is disconnected and will be removed", player.ID);
                        PlayerPeer removedPlayer = default(PlayerPeer);
                        m_players.TryRemove(kvp.Key, out removedPlayer);

            m_lastWorldUpdateLength = (int)updateTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            int restTime = TARGET_UPDATE_TIME_MS - m_lastWorldUpdateLength;

            if (restTime >= 0)
                m_fiber.Schedule(Update, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(restTime), false);
                s_log.Warn("World update ran into overtime by {0}ms", Math.Abs(restTime));
                m_fiber.Enqueue(Update, false);
コード例 #2
        public void AcceptSocket(Socket sock)
            sock.NoDelay = true;

            PlayerPeer p = new PlayerPeer(sock, m_accountRepository, m_playerRepository, m_abilityRepository, m_zones);

            //NOTE: Code here will block the AcceptSocket loop, so make sure it stays lean
            m_players[p.ID] = p;

            s_log.Info("[{0}] connected", p.ID);
コード例 #3
        private async void Handle_UseAbility(UseAbility_C2S ability)
            IEntity          target       = default(IEntity);
            AbilityModel     abilityModel = m_abilityRepository.GetAbilityByID(ability.AbilityID);
            UseAbilityResult result       = UseAbilityResult.Failed;

            string targetName = "[No Target]";

            if (abilityModel == null)
                result = UseAbilityResult.Failed;
            else if (m_lastAbility.State == AbilityState.Casting)
                result = UseAbilityResult.AlreadyCasting;
            else if (Environment.TickCount - m_lastAbilityAcceptTime <= GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_MS)
                result = UseAbilityResult.OnCooldown;
            else if (Power + abilityModel.SourcePowerDelta < 0)
                result = UseAbilityResult.NotEnoughPower;
                if (ability.TargetID != 0)
                    target = await CurrentZone.GetTarget(ability.TargetID);

                    if (target != null)
                        targetName = target.Name;

                if (abilityModel.AbilityType != AbilityModel.ETargetType.AOE && target == null)
                    result = UseAbilityResult.InvalidTarget;
                else if (target is NPCInstance && abilityModel.AbilityType == AbilityModel.EAbilityType.HELP)
                    result = UseAbilityResult.InvalidTarget;
                else if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(target.Position, Position) > Math.Pow(abilityModel.Range, 2))
                    result = UseAbilityResult.OutOfRange;
                    m_lastAbility = new AbilityInstance(this, target, abilityModel);

                    if (m_lastAbility.State == AbilityState.Casting)
                        Send(new AbilityCastNotification()
                            StartTime = m_lastAbility.StartTime, EndTime = m_lastAbility.EndTime

                    result = await m_lastAbility.RunAbility();

            if (result == UseAbilityResult.OK)
                List <IEntity> nearPlayers = m_nearEntities;

                AbilityUsedNotification notification = new AbilityUsedNotification();
                notification.AbilityID = abilityModel.AbilityID;
                notification.SourceID  = ID;
                notification.TargetID  = target != null ? target.ID : 0;
                notification.Timestamp = Environment.TickCount;

                for (int i = 0; i < nearPlayers.Count; i++)
                    PlayerPeer player = nearPlayers[i] as PlayerPeer;
                    if (player != null)

            string abilityName = abilityModel != null ? abilityModel.InternalName : string.Format("[INVALID ID {0}]", ability.AbilityID);

            Info("Used ability {0} on target {1} with result {2}", abilityName, targetName, result);

            Respond(ability, new UseAbility_S2C()
                Result = (int)result