コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool verbose = true;

            // Prepare crypto
            RandomProvider provider = new RegularRandomProvider();
            RSA            func     = LoadRSA(provider);

            if (func == null)
                func = GenerateRSA();

            Console.WriteLine("Server starting!\nType \"help\" for a list of serverside commands");

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            try { doc.Load(db); } // Attempt to load the xml document
            catch (Exception)
                // If the xml-document doesn't exist, start building one
                XmlDeclaration declaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null);

            // Create a server with the given RSA function
            NetServer server = new NetServer(func, port, (string message, out bool keepAlive) =>
                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("Got message from client: " + message);
                keepAlive = true;

                // Check if the message sent was a "Store" command
                if (message.StartsWith("S-") && message.Substring(2).Contains("-"))
                    // Split up the message into its relevant parts: Sender and Message
                    string data = message.Substring(2);
                    string auth = data.Substring(0, data.IndexOf('-'));
                    string msg  = data.Substring(data.IndexOf('-') + 1);

                    // Look up some stuff
                    XmlNodeList lst_u = doc.SelectNodes("users");
                    XmlElement users;
                    if (lst_u.Count == 0)
                        users = doc.CreateElement("users");
                        users = (XmlElement)lst_u.Item(0);

                    XmlElement userSet = null;
                    foreach (var child in users.ChildNodes)
                        if (child is XmlElement && ((XmlElement)child).Name.Equals("U" + auth))
                            userSet = (XmlElement)child;

                    // If a node doesn't exist for the user, create it
                    if (userSet == null)
                        userSet = doc.CreateElement("U" + auth);

                    // Store the message and save
                    XmlElement messageNode = doc.CreateElement("msg");
                    messageNode.InnerText  = msg;

                    if (verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine("Saving document...");
                // Check if the message was a "Load" command
                else if (message.StartsWith("L-"))
                    // Get the authentication code
                    string auth = message.Substring(2);

                    // Load some xml stuff
                    XmlNode users = doc.SelectSingleNode("users");

                    XmlNodeList elements = null;
                    foreach (var user in users.ChildNodes)
                        if (user is XmlElement && ((XmlElement)user).Name.Equals("U" + auth))
                            elements = ((XmlElement)user).ChildNodes;

                    // There are no stored messages for the given auth. code: respond with a blank message
                    if (elements == null)

                    if (elements.Count != 0)
                        List <string> collect = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var element in elements)
                            if (element is XmlElement)

                        // Respond with all the elements (conveniently serialized)
                        return("M-" + Support.SerializeStrings(collect.ToArray()));

                // No response
                                             client =>
                // Notify the console of the new client
                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Client has connected: {client.ToString()}");


            // Server terminal command loop
            while (server.Running)
                string s = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (s.Equals("help"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Available commands:\n\tcount\t\t-\tShow active client count\n\tstop\t\t-\tStop server\n\ttv\t\t-\tToggle server verbosity\n\tsv\t\t-\tDisplay current server verbosity setting");
                else if (s.Equals("count"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Active client count: " + server.Count);
                else if (s.Equals("stop"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Stopping server...");
                else if (s.Equals("tv"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Set verbosity to: " + (verbose = !verbose));
                else if (s.Equals("sv"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Current server verbosity: " + verbose);