SendLocationParticles() public static method

public static SendLocationParticles ( IEntity e, int itemID, int speed, int duration, int effect ) : void
e IEntity
itemID int
speed int
duration int
effect int
return void
コード例 #1
        public override void OnGaveMeleeAttack(Mobile defender)

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= .15)
                if (defender == null)
                if (defender.Deleted || !defender.Alive)

                Point3D location = defender.Location;
                Map     map      = defender.Map;

                double belowDuration = 15;

                double damage = 30;

                if (defender is BaseCreature)
                    damage *= 2;

                SpecialAbilities.BleedSpecialAbility(1.0, this, defender, damage, 30, -1, true, "", "", "-1");
                SpecialAbilities.HinderSpecialAbility(1.0, null, defender, 1.0, belowDuration, false, -1, false, "", "You have been 'taken below' and cannot move or speak!", "-1");

                Squelched = true;

                defender.Squelched = true;
                defender.Hidden    = true;

                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(belowDuration), delegate
                    if (defender == null)
                    if (defender.Deleted)

                    defender.Squelched = false;
                    defender.Hidden    = false;

                Blessed = true;

                Effects.PlaySound(location, defender.Map, 0x246); //0x0FB

                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0, false, "*takes them down below...*");
                SpecialAbilities.HinderSpecialAbility(1.0, null, this, 1.0, belowDuration, false, -1, false, "", "", "-1");

                Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(location, defender.Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25)), 0x3709, 10, 30, 2051, 0, 5029, 0);

                TimedStatic floorHole = new TimedStatic(7025, belowDuration + 1);
                floorHole.Name = "pit to below";
                floorHole.MoveToWorld(location, defender.Map);

                for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++)
                    TimedStatic pitPlasm = new TimedStatic(Utility.RandomList(4650, 4651, 4653, 4654, 4655), belowDuration - 1);
                    pitPlasm.Name = "pit plasm";
                    pitPlasm.Hue  = 2052;

                    Point3D pitPlasmLocation = new Point3D(location.X + Utility.RandomList(-2, 2), location.Y + Utility.RandomList(-2, 2), location.Z);
                    SpellHelper.AdjustField(ref pitPlasmLocation, defender.Map, 12, false);

                    pitPlasm.MoveToWorld(pitPlasmLocation, defender.Map);

                IEntity pitLocationEntity = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(defender.X, defender.Y, defender.Z), defender.Map);
                Effects.SendLocationParticles(pitLocationEntity, 0x3709, 10, 60, 2053, 0, 5052, 0);

                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(.5), delegate
                    if (this == null)
                    if (Deleted || !Alive)

                    MoveToWorld(location, map);

                    for (int a = 0; a < 20; a++)
                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(a * .1), delegate
                            if (this == null)
                            if (Deleted || !Alive)


                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.1), delegate
                        if (this == null)
                        if (Deleted)

                        Blessed = false;
コード例 #2
        public void Activate(Mobile from)
            if (this == null)
            if (from == null)

            Point3D m_RuneLocation = from.Location;

            //Necromancer Rune
            m_RuneType = (RuneType)Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 5);

            int runeHue = fireHue;

            switch (m_RuneType)
            case RuneType.Fire: runeHue = fireHue; break;

            case RuneType.Ice: runeHue = iceHue; break;

            case RuneType.Earth: runeHue = earthHue; break;

            case RuneType.Energy: runeHue = energyHue; break;

            case RuneType.Poison: runeHue = poisonHue; break;

            case RuneType.Curse: runeHue = curseHue; break;

            Dictionary <Point3D, int> m_RunePieces = new Dictionary <Point3D, int>();

            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X - 1, m_RuneLocation.Y - 1, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x3083);
            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X - 1, m_RuneLocation.Y, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x3080);
            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X, m_RuneLocation.Y - 1, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x3082);
            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X + 1, m_RuneLocation.Y - 1, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x3081);

            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X - 1, m_RuneLocation.Y + 1, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x307D);
            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X, m_RuneLocation.Y, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x307F);
            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X + 1, m_RuneLocation.Y, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x307E);
            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X, m_RuneLocation.Y + 1, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x307C);
            m_RunePieces.Add(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X + 1, m_RuneLocation.Y + 1, m_RuneLocation.Z), 0x307B);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Point3D, int> pair in m_RunePieces)
                Blood runePiece = new Blood();
                runePiece.ItemID = pair.Value;
                runePiece.Name   = "a rune";
                runePiece.Hue    = runeHue;
                runePiece.MoveToWorld(pair.Key, Map);

            Blood flame = new Blood();

            flame.ItemID = 0x19AB;
            flame.Name   = "a runeflame";
            flame.Hue    = runeHue;
            flame.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X, m_RuneLocation.Y, m_RuneLocation.Z), Map);

            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(m_RuneLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25)), 0x3709, 10, 125, runeHue, 0, 5029, 0);

            int projectiles = 20;

            int minRadius = 1;
            int maxRadius = 8;

            List <Point3D> m_ValidLocations = SpecialAbilities.GetSpawnableTiles(m_RuneLocation, true, false, m_RuneLocation, Map, projectiles, 20, minRadius, maxRadius, false);

            if (m_ValidLocations.Count == 0)

            m_NextUseAllowed = DateTime.UtcNow + UsageCooldown;

            int    particleSpeed         = 5;   //10
            double distanceDelayInterval = .12; //.08

            for (int a = 0; a < projectiles; a++)
                double distance;
                double destinationDelay;

                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(a * .25), delegate
                    if (this == null)
                    if (this.Deleted)

                    Point3D newLocation = m_ValidLocations[Utility.RandomMinMax(0, m_ValidLocations.Count - 1)];

                    IEntity effectStartLocation = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(m_RuneLocation.X, m_RuneLocation.Y, m_RuneLocation.Z + 3), Map);
                    IEntity effectEndLocation   = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(newLocation.X, newLocation.Y, newLocation.Z + 6), Map);

                    newLocation.Z += 5;

                    switch (m_RuneType)
                    case RuneType.Fire:
                        Effects.PlaySound(m_RuneLocation, Map, 0x359);
                        Effects.SendMovingEffect(effectStartLocation, effectEndLocation, 0x36D4, particleSpeed, 0, false, false, 0, 0);

                        distance         = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(m_RuneLocation, newLocation);
                        destinationDelay = (double)distance * distanceDelayInterval;

                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                            if (this == null)

                            Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x591);
                            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(newLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)), 0x36BD, 20, 10, 5044);

                    case RuneType.Ice:
                        Effects.PlaySound(m_RuneLocation, Map, 0x64F);
                        Effects.SendMovingEffect(effectStartLocation, effectEndLocation, 0x36D4, particleSpeed, 0, false, false, 1153, 0);

                        distance         = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(m_RuneLocation, newLocation);
                        destinationDelay = (double)distance * .08;

                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                            if (this == null)

                            Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x208);
                            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(newLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25)), 0x3779, 10, 20, 1153, 0, 5029, 0);

                    case RuneType.Earth:
                        int itemId = Utility.RandomList(4963, 4964, 4965, 4966, 4968, 4969, 4971, 4972);

                        Effects.PlaySound(m_RuneLocation, Map, 0x5D3);
                        Effects.SendMovingEffect(effectStartLocation, effectEndLocation, itemId, particleSpeed, 0, false, false, 0, 0);

                        distance         = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(m_RuneLocation, newLocation);
                        destinationDelay = (double)distance * distanceDelayInterval;

                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                            if (this == null)

                            Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x11D);

                            int mudItems = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2);

                            Blood dirt  = new Blood();
                            dirt.Name   = "rubble";
                            dirt.ItemID = Utility.RandomList(7681, 7682);

                            Point3D dirtLocation = new Point3D(newLocation.X, newLocation.Y, newLocation.Z);

                            dirt.MoveToWorld(dirtLocation, Map);

                    case RuneType.Energy:
                        Effects.PlaySound(m_RuneLocation, Map, 0x211);
                        Effects.SendMovingEffect(effectStartLocation, effectEndLocation, 0x3818, particleSpeed, 0, false, false, runeHue, 0);

                        distance         = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(m_RuneLocation, newLocation);
                        destinationDelay = (double)distance * distanceDelayInterval;

                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                            if (this == null)

                            Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x211);
                            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(newLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)), 0x3973, 10, 125, 5029);

                    case RuneType.Poison:
                        Effects.PlaySound(m_RuneLocation, Map, 0x22F);
                        Effects.SendMovingEffect(effectStartLocation, effectEndLocation, 0x372A, particleSpeed, 0, false, false, runeHue, 0);

                        distance         = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(m_RuneLocation, newLocation);
                        destinationDelay = (double)distance * distanceDelayInterval;

                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                            if (this == null)

                            Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x22F);
                            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(newLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25)), 0x372A, 10, 20, runeHue, 0, 5029, 0);

                    case RuneType.Curse:
                        Effects.PlaySound(m_RuneLocation, Map, 0x56E);
                        Effects.SendMovingEffect(effectStartLocation, effectEndLocation, 0x573E, particleSpeed, 0, false, false, 0, 0);

                        distance         = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(m_RuneLocation, newLocation);
                        destinationDelay = (double)distance * distanceDelayInterval;

                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                            if (this == null)

                            Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x56E);
                            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(newLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25)), 0x376A, 10, 20, runeHue, 0, 5029, 0);
コード例 #3
        public void ResolveCannonHit(Mobile from, Point3D targetLocation)
            ArrayList validTargets = new ArrayList();

            Map map = Map;

            BaseBoat boatFrom   = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from.Location, map);
            BaseBoat targetBoat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(targetLocation, map);

            bool hitObject     = false;
            bool hitBoat       = false;
            bool showExplosion = true;

            IPooledEnumerable nearbyMobiles = map.GetMobilesInRange(targetLocation, BaseBoat.CannonExplosionRange);

            foreach (Mobile mobile in nearbyMobiles)
                if (!validTargets.Contains(mobile))


            List <Mobile> m_MobilesOnSourceBoat = new List <Mobile>();
            List <Mobile> m_Targets             = new List <Mobile>();

            double baseCannonDamage = (double)(Utility.RandomMinMax(BaseBoat.CannonDamageMin, BaseBoat.CannonDamageMax));

            if (m_Boat == null)

                baseCannonDamage = m_Boat.CannonDamageScalar * baseCannonDamage;

                m_MobilesOnSourceBoat = m_Boat.GetMobilesOnBoat(false, false);

            bool targetLocationIsBoat = false;

            if (targetBoat != null)
                targetLocationIsBoat = true;
                m_Targets            = targetBoat.GetMobilesOnBoat(false, false);


                m_Targets = new List <Mobile>();

            double damageDealt;

            for (int a = 0; a < validTargets.Count; ++a)
                damageDealt = baseCannonDamage;

                object target = validTargets[a];

                int d      = 0;
                int damage = 0;

                bool largeCreatureHit = false;

                PlayerMobile pm_Target;
                BaseCreature bc_Target;

                //Large Boss-Size Creature Hit: Don't Deal Damage to Boat Underneath it
                if (target is Mobile)
                    bc_Target = target as BaseCreature;

                    if (bc_Target != null)
                        if (bc_Target.IsChamp() || bc_Target.IsBoss() || bc_Target.IsLoHBoss() || bc_Target.IsEventBoss())
                            largeCreatureHit = true;

                if (target is Mobile)
                    Mobile mobile = target as Mobile;

                    pm_Target = mobile as PlayerMobile;
                    bc_Target = mobile as BaseCreature;

                    if (!mobile.Alive)

                    //Mobile is somehow on boat that cannon is shooting from
                    BaseBoat mobileBoat = BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(mobile.Location, mobile.Map);

                    if (m_Boat != null && mobileBoat != null)
                        if (m_Boat == mobileBoat)

                    hitObject = true;

                    bool dealDamage = true;
                    bool directHit  = false;

                    if (mobile.InRange(targetLocation, 0))
                        directHit = true;

                    bool isOnWater = BaseBoat.IsWaterTile(mobile.Location, mobile.Map);

                    if (from != null || (SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget(from, mobile) && from.CanBeHarmful(mobile, false)))
                        if (pm_Target != null)
                            damageDealt *= BaseBoat.CannonPlayerDamageMultiplier;

                        if (bc_Target != null)
                            if (bc_Target.IsOceanCreature)
                                damageDealt *= BaseBoat.CannonOceanCreatureDamageMultiplier;

                                damageDealt *= BaseBoat.CannonMobileDamageMultiplier;

                        if (!directHit)
                            damageDealt *= BaseBoat.CannonIndirectHitDamageMultiplier;

                        if (dealDamage)

                            int finalDamage = (int)Math.Round(damageDealt);

                            BaseCreature bc_Creature = mobile as BaseCreature;

                            if (bc_Creature != null)
                                bool willKill = false;

                                if (bc_Creature.Hits - finalDamage <= 0)
                                    willKill = true;

                                bc_Creature.OnGotCannonHit(finalDamage, from, willKill);

                            new Blood().MoveToWorld(mobile.Location, mobile.Map);
                            AOS.Damage(mobile, from, finalDamage, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                else if (target is DerelictCargo)
                    DerelictCargo crate = target as DerelictCargo;
                    crate.TakeDamage(from, (int)damageDealt);

                else if (target is BaseBoat && !largeCreatureHit)
                    BaseBoat boatTarget = target as BaseBoat;

                    if (from != null && m_Boat != null && boatTarget != null)
                        //Somehow Hitting Own Boat
                        if (m_Boat == boatTarget)

                        CannonDoHarmful(from, m_MobilesOnSourceBoat, m_Targets);

                        hitObject = true;
                        hitBoat   = true;

                        bool dealDamage = true;

                        if (dealDamage)
                            DamageType damageType = boatTarget.GetDamageTypeByTargetingMode(m_Boat.TargetingMode);

                            int finalDamage = (int)(Math.Round(damageDealt));

                            boatTarget.ReceiveDamage(from, m_Boat, finalDamage, damageType);

            if (hitObject)
                IEntity explosionLocationEntity = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(targetLocation.X, targetLocation.Y, targetLocation.Z - 1), map);

                int explosionHue   = 0;
                int explosionSound = 0x307;

                if (m_Boat.MobileFactionType == MobileFactionType.Undead)
                    explosionHue   = 2630;
                    explosionSound = 0x56E;

                if (showExplosion)
                    Effects.SendLocationParticles(explosionLocationEntity, Utility.RandomList(14013, 14015, 14027, 14012), 30, 7, explosionHue, 0, 5044, 0);
                    Effects.PlaySound(explosionLocationEntity.Location, map, explosionSound);

                Splash(targetLocation, map);
コード例 #4
 public static void SendLocationParticles(IEntity e, int itemID, int speed, int duration, int effect, int unknown)
     Effects.SendLocationParticles(e, itemID, speed, duration, 0, 0, effect, unknown);
コード例 #5
        public void CorpseExplosion(Mobile from)
            if (this == null)
            if (from == null)

            int bodyParts = 20;

            int minRadius = 1;
            int maxRadius = 8;

            List <Point3D> m_ValidLocations = SpecialAbilities.GetSpawnableTiles(Location, true, false, Location, Map, bodyParts, 20, minRadius, maxRadius, false);

            if (m_ValidLocations.Count == 0)

            m_NextUseAllowed = DateTime.UtcNow + UsageCooldown;

            for (int a = 0; a < bodyParts; a++)
                Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(a * .025), delegate
                    if (this == null)
                    if (this.Deleted)

                    Point3D newLocation = m_ValidLocations[Utility.RandomMinMax(0, m_ValidLocations.Count - 1)];

                    Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x4F1);

                    IEntity effectStartLocation = new Entity(Serial.Zero, Location, Map);
                    IEntity effectEndLocation   = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(newLocation.X, newLocation.Y, newLocation.Z + 2), Map);

                    int itemId = Utility.RandomList
                        7389, 7397, 7398, 7395, 7402, 7408, 7407, 7393, 7584, 7405, 7585, 7600, 7587, 7602, 7394,
                        7404, 7391, 7396, 7399, 7403, 7406, 7586, 7599, 7588, 7601, 7392, 7392, 7583, 7597, 7390

                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(effectStartLocation, effectEndLocation, itemId, 5, 0, false, false, 0, 0);

                    double distance = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(Location, newLocation);

                    double destinationDelay = (double)distance * .16;
                    double explosionDelay   = ((double)distance * .16) + 1;

                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                        new Blood().MoveToWorld(new Point3D(newLocation.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), newLocation.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), newLocation.Z + 2), Map);
                        Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(newLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0)), itemId, 0, 50, 0, 0, 5029, 0);

                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(explosionDelay), delegate
                        DetonateCorpse(newLocation, Map);
コード例 #6
ファイル: DemonwebCocoon.cs プロジェクト: Pumpk1ns/outlands
        public void ShootWebs(Mobile from)
            if (this == null)
            if (this.Deleted)
            if (from == null)

            int websToAdd = 20;

            int minRadius = 1;
            int maxRadius = 8;

            int websValid = 0;

            for (int a = 0; a < websToAdd; a++)
                List <Point3D> m_ValidLocations = SpecialAbilities.GetSpawnableTiles(Location, true, false, Location, Map, 1, 20, minRadius, maxRadius, false);

                if (m_ValidLocations.Count > 0)

                    Point3D newLocation = m_ValidLocations[Utility.RandomMinMax(0, m_ValidLocations.Count - 1)];

                    int webId = Utility.RandomList(3811, 3812, 3813, 3814, 4306, 4307, 4308, 4308);

                    IEntity startLocation = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(Location.X, Location.Y, Location.Z), Map);
                    IEntity endLocation   = new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(newLocation.X, newLocation.Y, newLocation.Z), Map);

                    Effects.PlaySound(newLocation, Map, 0x4F1);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(startLocation, endLocation, webId, 5, 0, false, false, 0, 0);

                    double distance         = Utility.GetDistanceToSqrt(Location, newLocation);
                    double destinationDelay = (double)distance * .08;

                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(destinationDelay), delegate
                        if (this == null)
                        if (this.Deleted)

                        Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(newLocation, Map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)), webId, 5, 4000, 0, 0, 5029, 0);

            if (websValid > 0)
                m_NextUseAllowed = DateTime.UtcNow + UsageCooldown;
コード例 #7
        public static void ShowMorphEffect(Mobile m)
            Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(m.Location, m.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042);

            Effects.PlaySound(m, m.Map, 0x201);
コード例 #8
ファイル: PetMoves.cs プロジェクト: Orion321/unknown-shard
        public static void DoMoves(BaseCreature from, Mobile target)
            switch (Utility.Random(3))
            case 0:

                if (Utility.Random(500) <= from.RoarAttack)
                    int power;
                    int mindam;
                    int maxdam;

                    if (from.RoarAttack > 3)
                        mindam = from.RoarAttack / 3;
                        maxdam = from.RoarAttack / 2;
                        mindam = 1;
                        maxdam = 3;

                    if (from.RoarAttack > 10)
                        power = from.RoarAttack / 10;
                        power = 1;

                    ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

                    foreach (Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange(power))
                        if (m != from)

                    for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
                        Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

                        if (m is BaseCreature)
                            BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;

                            AOS.Damage(target, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(mindam, maxdam), 20, 20, 20, 20, 20);


            case 1:

                if (Utility.Random(500) <= from.PetPoisonAttack)
                    Effects.SendLocationParticles(EffectItem.Create(target.Location, target.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x36B0, 1, 14, 63, 7, 9915, 0);
                    Effects.PlaySound(target.Location, target.Map, 0x229);

                    int mindam;
                    int maxdam;

                    if (from.PetPoisonAttack > 3)
                        mindam = from.PetPoisonAttack / 3;
                        maxdam = from.PetPoisonAttack / 2;
                        mindam = 1;
                        maxdam = 3;

                    int level = from.PetPoisonAttack / 20;

                    if (level > 5)
                        level = 5;

                    target.ApplyPoison(from.ControlMaster, Poison.GetPoison(level));
                    AOS.Damage(target, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(mindam, maxdam), 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);


            case 2:

                if (Utility.Random(500) <= from.FireBreathAttack)
                    int mindam;
                    int maxdam;

                    if (from.PetPoisonAttack > 3)
                        mindam = from.PetPoisonAttack / 3;
                        maxdam = from.PetPoisonAttack / 2;
                        mindam = 1;
                        maxdam = 3;

                    from.MovingParticles(target, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 9502, 4019, 0x160);
                    from.PlaySound(Core.AOS ? 0x15E : 0x44B);
                    target.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 30, 5052, EffectLayer.LeftFoot);

                    AOS.Damage(target, from, Utility.RandomMinMax(mindam, maxdam), 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);

                    Timer t = new FireBreathDOT(target, from, from.FireBreathAttack);
