public static void Main( string[] args ) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunUO Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); bool debug = false; for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if (args[i] == "--logfile") { string logfile = args[++i]; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(logfile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)); writer.AutoFlush = true; Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) return; Console.Write("Verifying scripts:"); m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; Console.Write(" {0}[", l.Name); l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); Console.Write("{0} items, {1} mobiles]", itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } Console.WriteLine(" - done ({0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) config.Save(); World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { Thread.Sleep( 1 ); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); bool debug = false; for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("SunUO Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); while ( !ScriptCompiler.Compile( debug ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found." ); Console.WriteLine( " - Press return to exit, or R to try again." ); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if ( line == null || line.ToLower() != "r" ) return; } Console.Write("Verifying scripts:"); m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; Console.Write(" {0}[", l.Name); l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); Console.Write("{0} items, {1} mobiles]", itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } Console.WriteLine(" - done ({0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } config.Save(); World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { Thread.Sleep( 1 ); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunLogin Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if (args[i] == "--logfile") { string logfile = args[++i]; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(logfile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)); writer.AutoFlush = true; Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!config.Exists) config.Save(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); ServerList.Initialize(); Server.Accounting.AccountHandler.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { Thread.Sleep( 1 ); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunUO Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); } Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); bool debug = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (args[i] == "--logfile") { string logfile = args[++i]; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(logfile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)); writer.AutoFlush = true; Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) { return; } Console.Write("Verifying scripts:"); m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; Console.Write(" {0}[", l.Name); l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); Console.Write("{0} items, {1} mobiles]", itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } Console.WriteLine(" - done ({0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) { config.Save(); } World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while (!m_Closing) { Thread.Sleep(1); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }