public static void RTT_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { int mode = 0; try { if (e.Arguments.Length > 0) { try { mode = int.Parse(e.Arguments[0]); } catch //(Exception e1) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Error with argument - using default test."); } } if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Target a player to RTT"); e.Mobile.Target = new RTTTarget(mode); } else { if (e.Mobile is PlayerMobile) { ((PlayerMobile)e.Mobile).RTT("Forced AFK check!", true, mode, "Command"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Scripts.Commands.LogHelper.LogException(ex); } }
public static void ValidateName_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { if ( Validate( e.ArgString, 2, 16, true, true, true, 1, SpaceDashPeriodQuote ) ) e.Mobile.SendMessage( 0x59, "That name is considered valid." ); else e.Mobile.SendMessage( 0x22, "That name is considered invalid." ); }
public override bool ValidateArgs( BaseCommandImplementor impl, CommandEventArgs e ) { if ( e.Length >= 1 ) { Type t = ScriptCompiler.FindTypeByName( e.GetString( 0 ) ); if ( t == null ) { e.Mobile.SendMessage( "No type with that name was found." ); string match = e.GetString( 0 ).Trim(); if ( match.Length < 3 ) { e.Mobile.SendMessage( "Invalid search string." ); e.Mobile.SendGump( new AddGump( e.Mobile, match, 0, Type.EmptyTypes, false ) ); } else { e.Mobile.SendGump( new AddGump( e.Mobile, match, 0, AddGump.Match( match ).ToArray(), true ) ); } } else { return true; } } else { e.Mobile.SendGump( new CategorizedAddGump( e.Mobile ) ); } return false; }
public static void CheckLOS_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && TestCenter.Enabled == false) { // Players can only test this on Test Center e.Mobile.SendMessage("Not available here."); return; } if (e.Mobile.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player) { // you will not get good results if you test this with AccessLevel > Player e.Mobile.SendMessage("You should test this with AccessLevel.Player."); return; } try { e.Mobile.Target = new LOSTarget(); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Check LOS to which object?"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogException(ex); } }
public static void BondInfo_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; e.Mobile.BeginTarget( -1, false, TargetFlags.None, new TargetCallback( BondInfo_OnTarget ) ); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Target the pet you wish to know the bonding timer of"); }
public static void FindMultiByType_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Length == 1) { LogHelper Logger = new LogHelper("FindMultiByType.log", e.Mobile, false); string name = e.GetString(0); foreach (ArrayList list in Server.Multis.BaseHouse.Multis.Values) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { BaseHouse house = list[i] as BaseHouse; // like Server.Multis.Tower if (house.GetType().ToString().ToLower().IndexOf(name.ToLower()) >= 0) { Logger.Log(house); } } } Logger.Finish(); } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: FindMultiByType <type>"); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventSink.InvokeLogException(new LogExceptionEventArgs(ex)); } }
public static void Staff_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { PlayerMobile from = (PlayerMobile)e.Mobile; AccessLevelMod mod = RawAccessLevel( from ); if ( mod != null ) { if ( e.Length == 0 ) { from.AccessLevel = mod.Level; m_Mobiles.Remove( from ); } else { AccessLevel level; if ( !ArgumentToAccessLevel( e.Arguments[0], out level ) ) from.SendMessage( "Invalid AccessLevel: " + e.Arguments[0] ); else { if ( mod.Level < level ) from.SendMessage( "Invalid AccessLevel: " + e.Arguments[0] ); else { if ( mod.Level == level ) { m_Mobiles.Remove( from ); } from.AccessLevel = level; } } } } else if ( from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player ) from.Say( e.ArgString ); else { if ( e.Length == 0 ) { m_Mobiles.Add( from, new AccessLevelMod( from.AccessLevel ) ); from.AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Player; } else { AccessLevel level; if ( !ArgumentToAccessLevel( e.Arguments[0], out level ) ) from.SendMessage( "Invalid AccessLevel: " + e.Arguments[0] ); else { if ( from.AccessLevel <= level ) from.SendMessage( "Invalid AccessLevel: " + e.Arguments[0] ); else { m_Mobiles.Add( from, new AccessLevelMod( from.AccessLevel ) ); from.AccessLevel = level; } } } } }
public static void TotalRespawn_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "The world is respawning, please wait."); ArrayList spawners = new ArrayList(); foreach( Item item in World.Items.Values ) { if( item is Server.Mobiles.Spawner ) { spawners.Add(item); } } foreach( Server.Mobiles.Spawner sp in spawners ) { if( sp.Running ) { sp.Respawn(); } } DateTime end = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeTaken = end-begin; World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "World spawn complete. The entire process took {0:00.00} seconds.", timeTaken.TotalSeconds); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Total Respawn of {0} spawners took {1:00.00} seconds", spawners.Count, timeTaken.TotalSeconds); }
public static void FindItemByType_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Length == 1) { LogHelper Logger = new LogHelper("FindItemByType.log", e.Mobile, false); string name = e.GetString(0); foreach (Item item in World.Items.Values) { if (item != null && item.GetType().ToString().ToLower().IndexOf(name.ToLower()) >= 0) { Logger.Log(LogType.Item, item); } } Logger.Finish(); } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: FindItemByType <type>"); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventSink.InvokeLogException(new LogExceptionEventArgs(ex)); } }
private static void OnChat( CommandEventArgs e, bool spammsg ) { try{ ChatInfo info = ChatInfo.GetInfo( e.Mobile ); if ( !CanChat( info, true ) ) return; if ( e.ArgString == null || e.ArgString == "" ) ListGump.SendTo( e.Mobile, Listing.Faction ); else if ( !TrackSpam.LogSpam( e.Mobile, "chat", ChatInfo.SpamLimiter ) ) { Timer.DelayCall( TrackSpam.NextAllowedIn( e.Mobile, "chat", ChatInfo.SpamLimiter ), new TimerStateCallback( Queued ), e ); if ( spammsg ) e.Mobile.SendMessage( info.SystemColor, "Message queued. Please wait {0} seconds between messages.", ChatInfo.SpamLimiter ); } else { foreach( ChatInfo ci in ChatInfo.ChatInfos.Values ) { if ( ci.Mobile.NetState == null ) continue; if ( CanChat( ci ) && SameFaction( info.Mobile, ci.Mobile ) && !ci.Ignoring( info.Mobile ) ) ci.Mobile.SendMessage( ci.FactionColor, "<{0}> {1}: {2}", ((PlayerMobile)e.Mobile).FactionPlayerState.Faction.Definition.FriendlyName, e.Mobile.Name, e.ArgString ); else if ( ci.GlobalFaction ) ci.Mobile.SendMessage( ci.FactionColor, "<{0}> {1}: {2}", ((PlayerMobile)e.Mobile).FactionPlayerState.Faction.Definition.FriendlyName, e.Mobile.Name, e.ArgString ); } } }catch{ Errors.Report( String.Format( "FactionChat-> OnChat-> |{0}|", e.Mobile ) ); } }
private static void Msg( CommandEventArgs e ) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; Guild GuildC = from.Guild as Guild; if ( GuildC == null ) { from.SendMessage( "You are not in a guild!" ); } else { foreach ( NetState state in NetState.Instances ) { Mobile m = state.Mobile; if ( m != null && GuildC.IsMember( m ) ) { m.SendMessage( 0x2C, String.Format( "Guild[{0}]: {1}", from.Name, e.ArgString ) ); } } Packet p = null; foreach (NetState ns in from.GetClientsInRange(8)) { Mobile mob = ns.Mobile; if (mob != null && mob.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && mob.AccessLevel > from.AccessLevel) { if (p == null) p = new UnicodeMessage(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, from.SpeechHue, 3, from.Language, from.Name, String.Format("[Guild]: {0}", e.ArgString)); ns.Send(p); } } } }
private static void ShrinkRelease_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { PlayerMobile from = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile; if ( null != from ) SetLockDown( from, false ); }
public static void FactionsManage_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs arg ) { Mobile from = arg.Mobile; from.CloseGump( typeof( FactionsManageGump ) ); from.SendGump( new FactionsManageGump( from ) ); }
private static void Shrink_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { PlayerMobile from = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile; if ( null != from ) from.Target = new Xanthos.Evo.ShrinkTarget( from, null ); }
public static void Email_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; // check arguments if (e.Length != 3) { Usage(from); return; } try { string To = e.GetString(0); string Subject = e.GetString(1); string Body = e.GetString(2); if (SmtpDirect.CheckEmailAddy(To, true) == false) { from.SendMessage("Error: The 'to' address is ill formed."); return; } // okay, now hand the list of users off to our mailer daemon new Emailer().SendEmail(To, Subject, Body, false); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogException(ex); System.Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught in generic emailer: " + ex.Message); System.Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } return; }
private static void CountShardPlatinum_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs args ) { float tokencount = WorkHorse(); string formatworld=""; int decimalworld=0; if ( TokenSettings.Currency_Format.ToLower().StartsWith("y")) { //World if ( tokencount < 1000 ) { formatworld=""; } if ( tokencount >= 1000 && tokencount < 1000000 ) { tokencount=tokencount/1000; formatworld=" Thousand"; decimalworld=TokenSettings.Places_Thousand; } if ( tokencount > 999999 ) { tokencount=tokencount/1000000; formatworld=" Million"; decimalworld=TokenSettings.Places_Million; } } else { } args.Mobile.SendMessage("Tokens in the World : "+String.Format("{0:f"+decimalworld+"}",tokencount)+formatworld); }
public static void On_FDStats(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Display FreezeDry status for all eligible containers..."); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; int containers = 0; int eligible = 0; int freezeDried = 0; int scheduled = 0; int orphans = 0; foreach (Item i in World.Items.Values) { if (i as Container != null) { Container cx = i as Container; containers++; if (cx.CanFreezeDry == true) { eligible++; if (cx.IsFreezeDried == true) freezeDried++; } if (cx.IsFreezeScheduled == true) scheduled++; if (cx.CanFreezeDry == true && cx.IsFreezeDried == false && cx.IsFreezeScheduled == false) orphans++; } } e.Mobile.SendMessage("Out of {0} eligible containers, {1} are freeze dried, {2} scheduled, and {3} orphans.", eligible, freezeDried, scheduled, orphans); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; e.Mobile.SendMessage("Finished in {0}ms.", (end - start).TotalMilliseconds); }
private static void SetGuarded_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; if (e.Length == 1) { GuardedRegion reg = from.Region as GuardedRegion; if (reg == null) { from.SendMessage("You are not in a guardable region."); } else { reg.Disabled = !e.GetBoolean(0); if (reg.Disabled) from.SendMessage("The guards in this region have been disabled."); else from.SendMessage("The guards in this region have been enabled."); } } else { from.SendMessage("Format: SetGuarded <true|false>"); } }
public static void GetFlag_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { int flag=0; bool error = false; if( e.Arguments.Length > 0 ) { if(e.Arguments[0].StartsWith( "0x" )) { try{flag = Convert.ToInt32( e.Arguments[0].Substring( 2 ), 16 ); } catch { error = true;} } else { try{flag = int.Parse(e.Arguments[0]); } catch { error = true;} } } if(!error) { e.Mobile.Target = new GetFlagTarget(e,flag); } else { try{ e.Mobile.SendMessage(33,"Flag: Bad flagfield argument"); } catch {} } }
private static void Endduel_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { DuelObject d = Ladder.GetDuel(e.Mobile); if (d != null) { Mobile opponent = d.Player1 == e.Mobile ? d.Player2 : d.Player1; if (opponent != null) { if (opponent.NetState == null) { d.Timer.Stop(); d.Finished(-1, DateTime.Now); } else { e.Mobile.SendGump(new EndDuelGump(d)); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Your opponent is still online."); } } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("You are not duelling."); } } else { e.Mobile.SendMessage("You are not duelling."); } }
public static void ClearContainer_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e ) { foreach ( Mobile m in World.Mobiles.Values ) { if ( m is BaseVendor ) { BaseVendor vendor = m as BaseVendor; Container buypack = vendor.BuyPack; if ( buypack != null && buypack.Items != Item.EmptyItems ) { ArrayList newitemslist = new ArrayList( buypack.Items ); buypack.Items.Clear(); for ( int i = newitemslist.Count - 1;i >= 0; i-- ) { Item item = newitemslist[i] as Item; if ( item != null ) item.Delete(); } buypack.UpdateTotals(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Handler for the GenSpawnData command /// </summary> private static void OnGenSpawnData( CommandEventArgs e ) { World.Broadcast( BoxConfig.MessageHue, false, "Generating spawn data for Pandora's Box" ); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; SpawnData data = new SpawnData(); ArrayList Items = new ArrayList( World.Items.Values ); foreach ( Item item in Items ) { if ( item.GetType() == SpawnerHelper.SpawnerType ) { SpawnEntry entry = SpawnerHelper.SpawnerToData( item ); if ( entry != null ) data.m_Spawns.Add( entry ); } } data.Save(); TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start; World.Broadcast( BoxConfig.MessageHue, false, string.Format( "Generation complete. The process took {0} seconds", duration.TotalSeconds ) ); }
private static void OnChat( CommandEventArgs e, bool spammsg ) { try{ ChatInfo info = ChatInfo.GetInfo( e.Mobile ); if ( !CanChat( info, true ) ) return; if ( e.ArgString == null || e.ArgString == "" ) ListGump.SendTo( e.Mobile, Listing.Guild ); else if ( !TrackSpam.LogSpam( e.Mobile, "chat", ChatInfo.SpamLimiter ) ) { Timer.DelayCall( TrackSpam.NextAllowedIn( e.Mobile, "chat", ChatInfo.SpamLimiter ), new TimerStateCallback( Queued ), e ); if ( spammsg ) e.Mobile.SendMessage( info.SystemColor, "Message queued. Please wait {0} seconds between messages.", ChatInfo.SpamLimiter ); } else { foreach( ChatInfo ci in ChatInfo.ChatInfos.Values ) { if ( ci.Mobile.NetState == null ) continue; if ( CanChat( ci ) && info.Mobile.Guild == ci.Mobile.Guild && !ci.Ignoring( info.Mobile ) ) ci.Mobile.SendMessage( ci.GuildColor, "<{0}> {1}: {2}", e.Mobile.Guild.Abbreviation, e.Mobile.Name, e.ArgString ); else if ( ChatInfo.AllianceChat && CanChat( ci ) && ((Guild)info.Mobile.Guild).Allies.Contains( ci.Mobile.Guild ) && !ci.Ignoring( info.Mobile ) ) ci.Mobile.SendMessage( ci.GuildColor, "<{0}> {1}: {2}", e.Mobile.Guild.Abbreviation, e.Mobile.Name, e.ArgString ); else if ( ci.GlobalGuild ) ci.Mobile.SendMessage( ci.GuildColor, "<{0}> {1}: {2}", e.Mobile.Guild.Abbreviation, e.Mobile.Name, e.ArgString ); } } }catch{ Errors.Report( String.Format( "GuildChat-> OnChat-> |{0}|", e.Mobile ) ); } }
public static void FreezeMap_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Map map = e.Mobile.Map; if (map != null && map != Map.Internal) SendWarning(e.Mobile, "You are about to freeze <u>all items in {0}</u>.", BaseFreezeWarning, map, NullP3D, NullP3D, new WarningGumpCallback(FreezeWarning_Callback)); }
private static void LagReport_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs arg) { Mobile from = arg.Mobile; if (from is PlayerMobile) { PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)from; // Limit to 5 minutes between lag reports if ((pm.LastLagTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)) < DateTime.Now) { // Let them log again LogHelper lh = new LogHelper("lagreports.log", false, true); lh.Log(LogType.Mobile, from, Server.Engines.CronScheduler.Cron.GetRecentTasks()); //adam: added schduled tasks! //Requested by Adam: Console.WriteLine("Lag at: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); // Update LastLagTime on PlayerMobile pm.LastLagTime = DateTime.Now; lh.Finish(); from.SendMessage("The fact that you are experiencing lag has been logged. We will review this with other data to try and determine the cause of this lag. Thank you for your help."); } else { from.SendMessage("It has been less than five minutes since you last reported lag. Please wait five minutes between submitting lag reports."); } } }
private static void OnErrors( CommandEventArgs e ) { if ( e.ArgString == null || e.ArgString == "" ) ErrorsGump.SendTo( e.Mobile ); else Report( e.ArgString + " - " + e.Mobile.Name ); }
public override void ExecuteList(CommandEventArgs e, ArrayList list) { if (list.Count > 0) e.Mobile.SendGump(new InterfaceGump(e.Mobile, list, 0)); else AddResponse("No matching objects found."); }
public override void Execute(CommandEventArgs e, object obj) { Mobile m = obj as Mobile; Mobile from = e.Mobile; if (m != null) { ArrayList aggressors = m.Aggressors; if (aggressors.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < aggressors.Count; ++i) { AggressorInfo info = (AggressorInfo)aggressors[i]; Mobile temp = info.Attacker; from.SendMessage("Aggressor:{0} '{1}' Ser:{2}, Time:{3}, Expired:{4}", (temp is PlayerMobile ? ((PlayerMobile)temp).Account.ToString() : ((Mobile)temp).Name), temp.GetType().Name, temp.Serial, info.LastCombatTime.TimeOfDay, info.Expired); } } } else { AddResponse("Please target a mobile."); } }
public override void ExecuteList( CommandEventArgs e, ArrayList list ) { if ( list.Count > 0 ) { List<string> columns = new List<string>(); columns.Add( "Object" ); if ( e.Length > 0 ) { int offset = 0; if ( Insensitive.Equals( e.GetString( 0 ), "view" ) ) ++offset; while ( offset < e.Length ) columns.Add( e.GetString( offset++ ) ); } e.Mobile.SendGump( new InterfaceGump( e.Mobile, columns.ToArray(), list, 0, null ) ); } else { AddResponse( "No matching objects found." ); } }
public static void On_Reserve(CommandEventArgs e) { uint start, end; try { start = uint.Parse(e.Arguments[0].Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); end = uint.Parse(e.Arguments[1].Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (start < 0x60000000 || end >= 0x70000000 || start > end) throw new Exception(); } catch { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Usage: [ReserveSerials <start> <end>"); e.Mobile.SendMessage("This command will reserve serials from <start> to <end> (inclusive). <start> and <end> must be in hex format. <start> must be equal to or above 0x60000000 and <end> must be below 0x70000000."); return; } for (int i = (int)start; i <= end; i++) { if (World.IsReserved(i) || World.FindItem(i) != null) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Failure: Serial # {0:X} is in use.", i); return; } } for (int i = (int)start; i <= end; i++) World.ReserveSerial(i); e.Mobile.SendMessage("Serial range 0x{0:X} - 0x{1:X} successfully reserved.", start, end); }
public static bool Handle(Mobile from, string text, MessageType type = MessageType.Regular) { if (!text.StartsWith(Prefix) && type != MessageType.Command) { return(false); } if (type != MessageType.Command) { text = text.Substring(Prefix.Length); } var indexOf = text.IndexOf(' '); string command; string[] args; string argString; if (indexOf >= 0) { argString = text.Substring(indexOf + 1); command = text.Substring(0, indexOf); args = Split(argString); } else { argString = ""; command = text.ToLower(); args = Array.Empty <string>(); } Entries.TryGetValue(command, out var entry); if (entry != null) { if (from.AccessLevel >= entry.AccessLevel) { if (entry.Handler != null) { var e = new CommandEventArgs(from, command, argString, args); entry.Handler(e); EventSink.InvokeCommand(e); } } else { if (from.AccessLevel <= BadCommandIgnoreLevel) { return(false); } from.SendMessage("You do not have access to that command."); } } else { if (from.AccessLevel <= BadCommandIgnoreLevel) { return(false); } from.SendMessage("That is not a valid command."); } return(true); }
public static void DoorGenDelete_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Delete(); }
public static void InvokeCommand(CommandEventArgs e) => Command?.Invoke(e);
public static void DoorGenDelete_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { WeakEntityCollection.Delete("door"); // Retained for backward compatibility Delete(); }
private static void DecorateML_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendMessage("Generating Mondain's Legacy world decoration, please wait."); Decorate.Generate("ml", "Data/Mondain's Legacy/Trammel", Map.Trammel); Decorate.Generate("ml", "Data/Mondain's Legacy/Felucca", Map.Felucca); Decorate.Generate("ml", "Data/Mondain's Legacy/Ilshenar", Map.Ilshenar); Decorate.Generate("ml", "Data/Mondain's Legacy/Malas", Map.Malas); Decorate.Generate("ml", "Data/Mondain's Legacy/Tokuno", Map.Tokuno); Decorate.Generate("ml", "Data/Mondain's Legacy/TerMur", Map.TerMur); PeerlessAltar altar; PeerlessTeleporter tele; PrismOfLightPillar pillar; // Bedlam - Malas altar = new BedlamAltar(); if (!FindItem(86, 1627, 0, Map.Malas, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(86, 1627, 0), Map.Malas); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(99, 1617, 50), Map.Malas); } // Blighted Grove - Trammel altar = new BlightedGroveAltar(); if (!FindItem(6502, 875, 0, Map.Trammel, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6502, 875, 0), Map.Trammel); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6511, 949, 26), Map.Trammel); } // Blighted Grove - Felucca altar = new BlightedGroveAltar(); if (!FindItem(6502, 875, 0, Map.Felucca, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6502, 875, 0), Map.Felucca); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6511, 949, 26), Map.Felucca); } // Palace of Paroxysmus - Trammel altar = new ParoxysmusAltar(); if (!FindItem(6511, 506, -34, Map.Trammel, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6511, 506, -34), Map.Trammel); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6518, 365, 46), Map.Trammel); } // Palace of Paroxysmus - Felucca altar = new ParoxysmusAltar(); if (!FindItem(6511, 506, -34, Map.Felucca, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6511, 506, -34), Map.Felucca); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6518, 365, 46), Map.Felucca); } // Prism of Light - Trammel altar = new PrismOfLightAltar(); if (!FindItem(6509, 167, 6, Map.Trammel, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6509, 167, 6), Map.Trammel); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.Visible = true; tele.ItemID = 0xDDA; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6501, 137, -20), Map.Trammel); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x581); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6506, 167, 0), Map.Trammel); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x581); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6509, 164, 0), Map.Trammel); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x581); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6506, 164, 0), Map.Trammel); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x481); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6512, 167, 0), Map.Trammel); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x481); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6509, 170, 0), Map.Trammel); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x481); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6512, 170, 0), Map.Trammel); } // Prism of Light - Felucca altar = new PrismOfLightAltar(); if (!FindItem(6509, 167, 6, Map.Felucca, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6509, 167, 6), Map.Felucca); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.Visible = true; tele.ItemID = 0xDDA; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6501, 137, -20), Map.Felucca); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x581); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6506, 167, 0), Map.Felucca); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x581); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6509, 164, 0), Map.Felucca); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x581); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6506, 164, 0), Map.Felucca); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x481); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6512, 167, 0), Map.Felucca); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x481); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6509, 170, 0), Map.Felucca); pillar = new PrismOfLightPillar((PrismOfLightAltar)altar, 0x481); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", pillar); pillar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(6512, 170, 0), Map.Felucca); } // The Citadel - Malas altar = new CitadelAltar(); if (!FindItem(89, 1885, 0, Map.Malas, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(89, 1885, 0), Map.Malas); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(111, 1955, 0), Map.Malas); } // Twisted Weald - Ilshenar altar = new TwistedWealdAltar(); if (!FindItem(2170, 1255, -60, Map.Ilshenar, altar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", altar); altar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2170, 1255, -60), Map.Ilshenar); tele = new PeerlessTeleporter(altar); WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", tele); tele.PointDest = altar.ExitDest; tele.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(2139, 1271, -57), Map.Ilshenar); } // Stygian Dragon Lair - Abyss StygianDragonPlatform sAltar = new StygianDragonPlatform(); if (!FindItem(363, 157, 5, Map.TerMur, sAltar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", sAltar); sAltar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(363, 157, 0), Map.TerMur); } //Medusa Lair - Abyss MedusaPlatform mAltar = new MedusaPlatform(); if (!FindItem(822, 756, 56, Map.TerMur, mAltar)) { WeakEntityCollection.Add("ml", sAltar); mAltar.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(822, 756, 56), Map.TerMur); } e.Mobile.SendMessage("Mondain's Legacy world generating complete."); }
public static void GetLocation_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendMessage(GetLocationString(e.Mobile.Location, e.Mobile.Map)); }
private static void DecorateMLDelete_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { WeakEntityCollection.Delete("ml"); }
private static void SettingsML_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { e.Mobile.SendGump(new MondainsLegacyGump()); }