public object Execute(object param) { string sql = ""; try { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { sql = "select tRole2User.rolename, tUser.userGuid, LoginName, localName, englishname," + " isnull(tRoleProfile.value, 0) as [level], tUser.IKEYSN, u1.Value as WriteReportModalityType, u2.Value as ApproveReportModalityType" + " from tUser left join tRole2User" + " left join tRoleProfile on tRoleProfile.rolename=tRole2User.rolename and'RoleLevel'" + " on tUser.UserGuid = tRole2User.UserGuid" + " left join tUserProfile u1 on u1.UserGuid=tUser.UserGuid and'WriteReportModalityType'" + " left join tUserProfile u2 on u2.UserGuid=tUser.UserGuid and'ApproveReportModalityType'" + " order by tRole2User.rolename, loginName"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "UserList"); return(ds); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetUserListDAO_MSSQL, MSG=" + ex.Message + ", SQL=" + sql, "", 0); } return(null); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { string sql = "select rolename, tUser.userGuid, LoginName, localName, englishname " + " from tUser, tRole2User where tUser.UserGuid = tRole2User.UserGuid" + " order by rolename, loginName"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "UserList"); return(ds); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetUserListDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
private string OnDeliverReport(tagReportInfo rptInfo) { string sql = ""; // Need to send gateway if (!ServerPubFun.GetSystemProfile_Bool("SendToGateServer", ReportCommon.ModuleID.Integration)) return sql; try { // Gateway string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int event_type = 34; string exam_status = ""; sql = "insert GW_DataIndex(data_id, data_dt, event_type, RECORD_INDEX_1, Data_Source)" + " values('" + guid + "', getdate(), '" + event_type.ToString() + "', 'ReportGuid', 'Local')" + " insert GW_Patient(DATA_ID,DATA_DT,PATIENTID,OTHER_PID,PATIENT_NAME,PATIENT_LOCAL_NAME," + "BIRTHDATE,SEX,PATIENT_ALIAS,ADDRESS,PHONENUMBER_HOME,MARITAL_STATUS,PATIENT_TYPE," + "PATIENT_LOCATION,VISIT_NUMBER,BED_NUMBER,CUSTOMER_1,CUSTOMER_2,CUSTOMER_3,CUSTOMER_4)" + " values('" + guid + "', getdate(), '" + rptInfo.patientID + "','" + rptInfo.remotePID + "','" + rptInfo.patientName + "',N'" + rptInfo.patientLocalName + "','" + rptInfo.birthday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','" + rptInfo.gender + "', '" + rptInfo.patientAlias + "', '" + rptInfo.patientAddress + "', '" + rptInfo.patientPhone + "', '" + rptInfo.patientMarriage + "','" + rptInfo.patientType + "','" + rptInfo.inHospitalRegion + "', '" + rptInfo.visitNo + "', '" + rptInfo.bedNo + "', '" + rptInfo.patientName + "', '" + rptInfo.isVIP + "', '" + rptInfo.inHospitalNo + "', '" + rptInfo.patientComment + "') " + " insert GW_Order(DATA_ID,DATA_DT,ORDER_NO,PLACER_NO,FILLER_NO,PATIENT_ID,EXAM_STATUS," + "PLACER_DEPARTMENT, PLACER, FILLER_DEPARTMENT, FILLER, REF_PHYSICIAN, REQUEST_REASON, " + "REUQEST_COMMENTS, EXAM_REQUIREMENT, SCHEDULED_DT, MODALITY, STATION_NAME, EXAM_LOCATION, " + "EXAM_DT, DURATION, TECHNICIAN, BODY_PART, PROCEDURE_CODE, PROCEDURE_DESC, EXAM_COMMENT, " + "CHARGE_STATUS, CHARGE_AMOUNT,CUSTOMER_1,CUSTOMER_2,CUSTOMER_3) " + " values('" + guid + "', getdate(), '" + rptInfo.orderGuid + "','" + rptInfo.remoteAccNo + "', '" + rptInfo.AccNO + "', '" + rptInfo.patientID + "', '" + exam_status.ToString() + "', '" + rptInfo.dept + "', '" + rptInfo.applyDoctor + "','" + rptInfo.dept + "', '" + rptInfo.applyDoctor + "', '" + rptInfo.applyDoctor + "', '" + rptInfo.observation + "', '" + rptInfo.visitComments + "', '" + rptInfo.orderComments + "', '" + rptInfo.registerDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', '" + rptInfo.modalityType + "', '" + rptInfo.modality + "', '', '" + rptInfo.examineDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', '" + rptInfo.duration + "', '" + rptInfo.technician__LocalName + "', '" + rptInfo.bodypart + "', '" + rptInfo.procedureCode + "', '" + rptInfo.procedureDesc + "', '" + rptInfo.orderComments + "', '" + (rptInfo.isCharge == "1" ? "Y" : "N") + "', '" + rptInfo.charge + "','" + rptInfo.cardno + "','" + rptInfo.hisid + "','" + rptInfo.MedicareNo + "') "; /* + " insert GW_Report(data_id, data_dt, report_no, ACCESSION_NUMBER, PATIENT_ID, REPORT_STATUS, MODALITY, " + " REPORT_TYPE, REPORT_FILE, REPORT_WRITER, REPORT_APPROVER, REPORTDT, OBSERVATIONMETHOD,DIAGNOSE,COMMENTS,CUSTOMER_4)" + " values('" + guid + "', getdate(), '" + rptInfo.reportGuid + "', '" + rptInfo.AccNO + "'," + " '" + rptInfo.patientID + "', '" + report_status.ToString() + "', '" + rptInfo.modalityType + "', '0', '', '" + rptInfo.reportCreater_LocalName + "'," + " '" + rptInfo.reportApprover_LocalName + "', '" + rptInfo.reportCreateDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'," + " '" + rptInfo.operationStep + "','" + rptInfo.wysText + "','" + rptInfo.wygText + "','" + rptInfo.techinfo + "')"; */ } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "Deliver report send to gateway MSG=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return sql; }
public object Execute(object param) { bool isModified = false; try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in UpdateReportIsModifiedDAO!")); } string reportGuid = paramMap["reportguid"] as string; using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strLatestSumittedSQL = string.Format("select top 1 reporttext from treportlist where reportguid='{0}' and status = 110 order by operationtime desc", reportGuid); string strLatestApprovedSQL = string.Format("select top 1 reporttext from treportlist where reportguid='{0}' and status = 120 order by operationtime desc", reportGuid); string strUpdateIsModified = "update treport set ismodified = {0} where reportguid ='{1}'"; object lastSumittedRptText = Convert.ToString(dal.ExecuteScalar(strLatestSumittedSQL)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(lastSumittedRptText))) //no submitted record { dal.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(strUpdateIsModified, 0, reportGuid)); return(isModified); } else { object lastApprovedRptText = Convert.ToString(dal.ExecuteScalar(strLatestApprovedSQL)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(lastApprovedRptText))) //no approved record { dal.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(strUpdateIsModified, 0, reportGuid)); return(isModified); } else if (lastSumittedRptText.ToString().Equals(lastApprovedRptText.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { dal.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(strUpdateIsModified, 0, reportGuid)); return(isModified); } else { dal.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(strUpdateIsModified, 1, reportGuid)); return(isModified = true); //sumbmited reporttext differ with approved one } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "UpdateReportIsModifiedDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); return(isModified); } }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> inMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (inMap == null || inMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in DeleteReportDAO!")); } string orderGuid = "", assignSite = ""; foreach (string key in inMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "ORDERGUID") { orderGuid = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "ASSIGNSITE") { assignSite = inMap[key] as string; } } if (orderGuid == null || orderGuid.Length < 1 || assignSite == null || assignSite.Length < 1) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Missing Parameter"); throw (new Exception("Miss Parameter in DeleteReportDAO!")); } string sql = string.Format("update tRegOrder set Assign2Siet ={0} where orderGuid={1}", orderGuid, assignSite); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Info(0, "AssingReportDAO_MSSQL, SQL=" + sql, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { dal.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "AssingReportDAO_MSSQL=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return("-1"); }
/// <summary> /// Get the user-defined grid column /// </summary> /// <param name="gridName"></param> /// <param name="userGuid"></param> /// <returns> /// String like "TableName0.Column0 as TableName0__Column0, TableName1.Column1 as TableName1__Column1" /// </returns> private string GetSqlCol(string gridName, string userGuid) { try { GetGridColumnDAO ggc = new GetGridColumnDAO(); DataSet ds = ggc.GetGridCol(gridName, userGuid); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string sqlCol = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; string expression = dr["Expression"] as string; string tablename = dr["TableName"] as string; string columnname = dr["ColumnName"] as string; // expression & #alias# if (expression != null && (expression = expression.Trim()).Length > 0) { expression = expression.Replace("#alias#", tablename + ReportCommon.ReportCommon.FIELD_SEPERATOR + columnname); sqlCol += expression + ", "; } else { sqlCol += tablename + "." + columnname + " as " + tablename + ReportCommon.ReportCommon.FIELD_SEPERATOR + columnname + ", "; } } sqlCol = sqlCol.Trim(", ".ToCharArray()); return(sqlCol); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Can't get the Grid Columns!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetReportsListDAO_ORACLE=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return("'No Columns Setting'"); }
public string GetAllReportColumn() { try { string sql = "select table_name as tblname, column_name as colname," + " data_type as coltype, data_length as collength" + " from user_tab_cols" + " where table_name in ('TREGPATIENT','TREGORDER', 'TREGPROCEDURE', 'TPROCEDURECODE', 'TREPORT')" + " and column_name not like 'SYS_NC%$' "; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "ReportColumn"); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string rptCol = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string alias = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TBLNAME"].ToString() + ReportCommon.ReportCommon.FIELD_SEPERATOR + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["COLNAME"].ToString(); if (alias.Length > 30) { alias = alias.Substring(0, 30); } rptCol += ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TBLNAME"].ToString() + "." + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["COLNAME"].ToString() + " as " + alias + ", "; } rptCol = rptCol.Trim(", ".ToCharArray()); if (dal != null) { dal.Dispose(); } return(rptCol); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetReportInfoDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return("*"); }
private int getUnApprovedReportCount(string userGuid) { int unapprovedReportCount = 0; try { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { DataTable dtUnApprovedReportNoLock = new DataTable(); DataTable dtLockedRp = new DataTable(); DataTable dtLockedReportGuids = new DataTable(); string lockedSyncRpGuids = ""; string lockedRpGuids = ""; string sqlLockedRp = string.Format("select rpguids from tsync where owner ='{0}' and moduleid='0400'", userGuid); string sqlLockedReportGuids = "select distinct reportguid from tRegProcedure where status = 110 and ProcedureGuid in ('{0}')"; dal.ExecuteQuery(sqlLockedRp, dtLockedRp); foreach (DataRow dr in dtLockedRp.Rows) { lockedSyncRpGuids = Convert.ToString(dr["RPGuids"]); if (lockedSyncRpGuids.Length > 0) { lockedRpGuids += lockedSyncRpGuids.Split("&".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0] + ","; } } if (lockedRpGuids.Length > 0) { lockedRpGuids = lockedRpGuids.TrimEnd(",".ToCharArray()); lockedRpGuids = lockedRpGuids.Replace(",", "','"); } if (lockedRpGuids.Length > 0) { dal.ExecuteQuery(string.Format(sqlLockedReportGuids, lockedRpGuids), dtLockedReportGuids); } unapprovedReportCount = dtLockedReportGuids.Rows.Count; } return(unapprovedReportCount); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); return(unapprovedReportCount); } }
public object Execute(object param) { int count = 0; string userGuid = ""; string reportGuid = ""; int countType = 0; try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetReportHoldCountDAO_MSSQL!")); } userGuid = paramMap["UserGuid"] as string; if (paramMap.ContainsKey("ReportGuid")) { reportGuid = paramMap["ReportGuid"] as string; } countType = Convert.ToInt32(paramMap["CountType"]); switch (countType) { case 1: count = getUnWrittenReportCount(userGuid, reportGuid); break; case 2: count = getUnApprovedReportCount(userGuid); break; case 3: count = getUnWrittenUnApprovedReportCount(userGuid, reportGuid); break; default: break; } return(count); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); return(count); } }
/// <summary> /// GetIsolationLevel /// 0 -- ReadUncommitted /// 1 -- ReadCommitted /// 2 -- Snapshot /// 3 -- RepeatableRead /// 4 -- Serializable /// 5 -- Chaos /// 6 -- Unspecified /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static IsolationLevel GetIsolationLevel() { try { if (_iIsolationLevel < 0) { _iIsolationLevel = ServerPubFun.GetSystemProfile_Int(ReportCommon.ProfileName.IsolationLevel); } if (_iIsolationLevel == 0) { return(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted); } else if (_iIsolationLevel == 1) { return(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); } else if (_iIsolationLevel == 2) { return(IsolationLevel.Snapshot); } else if (_iIsolationLevel == 3) { return(IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead); } else if (_iIsolationLevel == 4) { return(IsolationLevel.Serializable); } else if (_iIsolationLevel == 5) { return(IsolationLevel.Chaos); } else if (_iIsolationLevel == 6) { return(IsolationLevel.Unspecified); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetIsolationLevel=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetReportHistoryDAO!")); } string patientID = "", reportGuid = "", strType = ""; foreach (string key in paramMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID" || key.ToUpper() == "REPORTID") { reportGuid = paramMap[key] as string; if (reportGuid == null) { reportGuid = ""; } } } using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { string sql = "select PrintCopies from tReport where ReportGuid ='" + reportGuid + "'"; DataTable dt = dal.ExecuteQuery(sql); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count == 1) { int count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]); return(count = (count >= 0 ? count : 0)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetReportPrintCopiesCountDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(0); }
public Object Execute(object param) { try { using (RisDAL oKodak = new RisDAL()) { string strOrderGuid = CommonGlobalSettings.Utilities.GetParameter("OrderGuid", param.ToString()); string strReportGuid = CommonGlobalSettings.Utilities.GetParameter("ReportGuid", param.ToString()); string strSQL = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOrderGuid)) { strSQL = string.Format("select IsFilmSent from tregorder where OrderGuid='{0}'", strOrderGuid); } else { strSQL = string.Format("select IsPrint from treport where ReportGuid='{0}'", strReportGuid); } Object obj = oKodak.ExecuteScalar(strSQL); if (obj == null || Convert.ToInt32(obj) == 0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetRePrintDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(false); //KodakDAL oKodak = new KodakDAL(); //string clsType = string.Format("{0}_{1}", this.GetType().ToString(), oKodak.DriverClassName.ToUpper()); //Type type = Type.GetType(clsType); //IReportDAO iRptDAO = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IReportDAO; //return iRptDAO.Execute(param); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in SaveLeaveSoundDAO!")); } using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { DataSet ds = paramMap["DataSet"] as DataSet; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string strSoundGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string strReportGuid = Convert.ToString(dr["ReportGuid"]); string strPath = Convert.ToString(dr["Path"]); int nStatus = 0; string strLeaveTime = GlobalCommon.ToLongDateTime(DateTime.Now); string strOwner = Convert.ToString(dr["Owner"]); string strDomain = Convert.ToString(dr["Domain"]); string strSQL = string.Format("insert into tLeaveSound(SoundGuid,ReportGuid,Path,Status,LeaveTime,Owner,Domain) values('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},'{4}','{5}','{6}')", strSoundGuid, strReportGuid, strPath, nStatus, strLeaveTime, strOwner, strDomain); dal.ExecuteNonQuery(strSQL); strSQL = string.Format("update tReport set IsLeaveSound=1 where ReportGuid='{0}'", strReportGuid); dal.ExecuteNonQuery(strSQL); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "SaveLeaveSoundDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); return(false); } return(true); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { BaseDataSetModel bdsm = param as BaseDataSetModel; if (bdsm == null || bdsm.DataSetParameter == null) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in SaveLeaveWordDAO!")); } //KodakDAL dal = new KodakDAL(); { DataSet ds = bdsm.DataSetParameter; if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string strReportGuid = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ReportGuid"]); string strLeaveWord = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LeaveWord"]); string strSQL = string.Format("update tReport set isLeaveWord=1, Comments= @Comments where ReportGuid='{0}'", strReportGuid); using (var dal = new RisDAL()) { dal.Parameters.Add("@Comments", strLeaveWord); dal.ExecuteNonQuery(strSQL); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "SaveLeaveWordDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); return(false); } return(true); }
public Object Execute(object param) { try { using (RisDAL oKodak = new RisDAL()) { string strOrderGuid = CommonGlobalSettings.Utilities.GetParameter("OrderGuid", param.ToString()); string strReportGuid = CommonGlobalSettings.Utilities.GetParameter("ReportGuid", param.ToString()); string strSQL = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOrderGuid)) { strSQL = string.Format("select IsFilmSent from tregorder where OrderGuid='{0}'", strOrderGuid); } else { strSQL = string.Format("select IsPrint from treport where ReportGuid='{0}'", strReportGuid); } Object obj = oKodak.ExecuteScalar(strSQL); if (obj == null || Convert.ToInt32(obj) == 0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetRePrintDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(false ); }
public DataSet GetGridCol(string gridName, string userGuid) { try { gridName = gridName == null ? "" : gridName.Trim(); userGuid = userGuid == null ? "" : userGuid.Trim(); if (gridName.Length > 0) { string sql = " select * from tGridColumnOption" + " left join tGridColumn on tGridColumn.Guid = tGridColumnOption.Guid" + " and tGridColumn.UserGuid is null" + " where tGridColumnOption.listname = '" + gridName + "'" + " order by tGridColumnOption.OrderID"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "GridColumn"); return(ds); } } else { throw (new Exception("Missing Parameter!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetGridColumnDAO_ORACLE, MSG=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetLeaveSoundDAO!")); } string strReportGuid = paramMap["ReportGuid"] as string; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (RisDAL oKodak = new RisDAL()) { string strSQL = string.Format("select A.SoundGuid,A.ReportGuid,A.Path,A.Status,A.LeaveTime,A.Owner,B.LocalName from tLeaveSound A,tUser B where A.Owner=B.UserGuid and ReportGuid='{0}' order by LeaveTime desc", strReportGuid); DataTable dtLeaveSound = oKodak.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); ds.Tables.Add(dtLeaveSound); return(ds); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetLeaveSoundDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); return(null); } return(null); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> inMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (inMap == null || inMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter!")); } string gridName = "", userGuid = ""; foreach (string key in inMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "GRIDNAME") { gridName = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "USERGUID" || key.ToUpper() == "USERID") { userGuid = inMap[key] as string; } } return(GetGridCol(gridName, userGuid)); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetGridColumnDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetReportHistoryDAO!")); } string patientID = "", reportGuid = "", strType = ""; foreach (string key in paramMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "PATIENTGUID" || key.ToUpper() == "PATIENTID") { patientID = paramMap[key] as string; if (patientID == null) { patientID = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID" || key.ToUpper() == "REPORTID") { reportGuid = paramMap[key] as string; if (reportGuid == null) { reportGuid = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "TYPE") { strType = paramMap[key] as string; if (strType == null) { strType = ""; } } } string sql = "select distinct tRegPatient.PatientID, tRegPatient.LocalName, tRegOrder.AccNO," + " tRegOrder.createDt, tReport.reportName, tReportPrintLog.*,tPrintTemplate.TemplateName" + " from tRegPatient, tRegOrder, tRegProcedure, " + " tReport, tReportPrintLog" + " left join tPrintTemplate" + " on tReportPrintLog.PrintTemplateGuid = tPrintTemplate.TemplateGuid" + " where tRegPatient.PatientGuid = tRegOrder.PatientGuid" + " and tRegOrder.OrderGuid = tRegProcedure.OrderGuid" + " and tRegProcedure.reportGuid = tReport.reportGuid" + " and tReport.reportGuid = tReportPrintLog.reportGuid"; if (patientID != null && patientID.Length > 0) { sql += " and tRegPatient.PatientID='" + patientID + "'"; } if (reportGuid != null && reportGuid.Length > 0) { sql += " and tReport.reportGuid='" + reportGuid + "'"; } if (strType != null && strType.Length > 0) { sql += " and tReportPrintLog.Type='" + strType + "'"; } sql += " order by tRegOrder.createDt desc, tReportPrintLog.PrintDt desc"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "ReportPrintLog"); Dictionary <string, object> outMap = new Dictionary <string, object>(); outMap.Add("DataSet", ds); return(outMap); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetReportPrintLogDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetLockDAO!")); } string userGuid = ""; string reportGuid = ""; string SignActions = ""; string certsn = ""; bool IsGetDigitalSignImage = false; foreach (string key in paramMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "USERGUID") { userGuid = paramMap[key] as string; if (userGuid == null) { userGuid = ""; } } if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID") { reportGuid = paramMap[key] as string; if (reportGuid == null) { reportGuid = ""; } } if (key.ToUpper() == "ISGETDIGITALSIGNIMAGE") { IsGetDigitalSignImage = Convert.ToBoolean(paramMap[key]); } if (key.ToUpper() == "SIGNACTIONS") { SignActions = Convert.ToString(paramMap[key]); } } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //dal.BeginTransaction(); try { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { if (reportGuid.Trim().Length > 0) { string strSQL = string.Format("SELECT Creater,Submitter,FirstApprover,SecondApprover FROM tReport WHERE REPORTGUID = '{0}'", reportGuid); DataTable dt = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(null); } string strCreater = "", strFirstApprover = "", strSubmitter = "", strSecondApprover = ""; if (dt.Rows[0]["Creater"] != null) { strCreater = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Creater"]); } if (dt.Rows[0]["FirstApprover"] != null) { strFirstApprover = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["FirstApprover"]); } if (dt.Rows[0]["Submitter"] != null) { strSubmitter = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Submitter"]); } if (dt.Rows[0]["SecondApprover"] != null) { strSecondApprover = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["SecondApprover"]); } if (!IsGetDigitalSignImage) { if (strCreater.Length > 0) { strSQL = string.Format("SELECT SignImage FROM tUser WHERE userguid = '{0}'", strCreater); DataTable dtCreater = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); dtCreater.TableName = "CreaterSignImage"; ds.Tables.Add(dtCreater); } if (strFirstApprover.Length > 0) { strSQL = string.Format("SELECT SignImage FROM tUser WHERE userguid = '{0}'", strFirstApprover); DataTable dtFirstApprover = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); dtFirstApprover.TableName = "FirstApproverSignImage"; ds.Tables.Add(dtFirstApprover); } if (strSubmitter.Length > 0) { strSQL = string.Format("SELECT SignImage FROM tUser WHERE userguid = '{0}'", strSubmitter); DataTable dtSubmitter = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); dtSubmitter.TableName = "SubmitterSignImage"; ds.Tables.Add(dtSubmitter); } if (strSecondApprover.Length > 0) { strSQL = string.Format("SELECT SignImage FROM tUser WHERE userguid = '{0}'", strSecondApprover); DataTable dtSecondApprover = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); dtSecondApprover.TableName = "SecondApproverSignImage"; ds.Tables.Add(dtSecondApprover); } } else { #region CA sign pic string[] signActionsArr = SignActions.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (signActionsArr.Length > 0) { bool isSubmitAction, isApproveAction, isSecondApproveAction; isSubmitAction = isApproveAction = isSecondApproveAction = false; foreach (string act in signActionsArr) { if (act.Equals("submitreport", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isSubmitAction = true; } else if (act.Equals("approvereport", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isApproveAction = true; } else if (act.Equals("secondapprovereport", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { isSecondApproveAction = true; } } if (isSubmitAction) { strSQL = string.Format("SELECT signpic FROM tUserCerts WHERE certsn = (select top 1 certsn from tsignedhistory where reportguid ='{0}' and action='submitreport' order by createdt desc)", reportGuid); dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ds, "SubmitterSignImage"); } if (isApproveAction) { strSQL = string.Format("SELECT signpic FROM tUserCerts WHERE certsn = (select top 1 certsn from tsignedhistory where reportguid ='{0}' and action='ApproveReport' order by createdt desc)", reportGuid); dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ds, "FirstApproverSignImage"); } if (isSecondApproveAction) { strSQL = string.Format("SELECT signpic FROM tUserCerts WHERE certsn = (select top 1 certsn from tsignedhistory where reportguid ='{0}' and action='SecondApproveReport' order by createdt desc)", reportGuid); dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ds, "SecondApproverSignImage"); } } #endregion } } else { string strSQL = string.Format("SELECT SignImage FROM tUser WHERE userguid = '{0}'", userGuid); dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ds, "SignImage"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //dal.RollbackTransaction(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); throw (ex); } //dal.CommitTransaction(); return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetLockDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
public DataSet GetGridCol(string gridName, string userGuid) { try { gridName = gridName == null ? "" : gridName.Trim(); userGuid = userGuid == null ? "" : userGuid.Trim(); if (gridName.Length > 0) { /* * string sql = "if exists(select 1 from tGridColumn, tGridColumnOption" + " where tGridColumn.Guid = tGridColumnOption.Guid" + " and tGridColumnOption.listname = '" + gridName + "' and tGridColumn.UserGuid = '" + userGuid + "') \r\n" + " select * from tGridColumn, tGridColumnOption" + " where tGridColumn.Guid = tGridColumnOption.Guid" + " and tGridColumnOption.listname = '" + gridName + "'" + " and tGridColumn.UserGuid = '" + userGuid + "' order by tGridColumn.OrderID \r\n" + " else if exists(select 1 from tGridColumn, tGridColumnOption" + " where tGridColumn.Guid = tGridColumnOption.Guid" + " and tGridColumnOption.listname = '" + gridName + "' and tGridColumn.UserGuid = '') \r\n" + " select * from tGridColumn, tGridColumnOption" + " where tGridColumn.Guid = tGridColumnOption.Guid" + " and tGridColumnOption.listname = '" + gridName + "'" + " and tGridColumn.UserGuid = '' order by tGridColumn.OrderID \r\n" + " else \r\n" + " select * from tGridColumnOption" + " left join tGridColumn on tGridColumn.Guid = tGridColumnOption.Guid" + " and tGridColumn.UserGuid = ''" + " where tGridColumnOption.listname = '" + gridName + "' order by tGridColumnOption.OrderID"; */ string sql = string.Format("select tGridColumn.Guid,tGridColumn.ColumnWidth,tGridColumn.IsHidden,tGridColumnOption.ColumnID," + " tGridColumnOption.TableName,tGridColumnOption.ColumnName,tGridColumnOption.Expression," + " tGridColumnOption.ModuleID, tGridColumnOption.isImageColumn, tGridColumnOption.ImagePath" + " from tGridColumn left join tGridColumnOption on " + " tGridColumn.Guid=tGridColumnOption.Guid where " + " tGridColumn.UserGuid='' AND tGridColumnOption.ListName='{0}' " + " order by tGridColumn.OrderID ", gridName); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "GridColumn"); return(ds); } } else { throw (new Exception("Missing Parameter!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetGridColumnDAO_MSSQL, MSG=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
public object Execute(object param, ref string strObjectGuids) { try { #region Parse the parameters Dictionary <string, object> inMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (inMap == null || inMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in ReportOpenPolicyDAO!")); } string RPGuids = ""; bool bAssociated = false; bool bOfflineData = false; foreach (string key in inMap.Keys) { switch (key.ToUpper()) { case "RPGUIDS": { RPGuids = inMap[key] as string; } break; case "ASSOCIATED": { bAssociated = (System.Convert.ToString(inMap[key]) == "1"); } break; case "OFFLINEDATA": { bOfflineData = (System.Convert.ToString(inMap[key]) == "1"); } break; } } #endregion string strSQL = ""; bool bExistImage = true; using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { if (bAssociated) { string strTemp = ""; strSQL = string.Format( " SELECT OrderGuid,status,reportGuid FROM tregprocedure where procedureguid='{0}' ", RPGuids.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]); if (bOfflineData) { strSQL += string.Format(" UNION " + " SELECT OrderGuid,status,reportGuid FROM RISArchive..tregprocedure where procedureguid='{0}' ", RPGuids.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]); } DataTable dt1 = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); if (dt1 == null || dt1.Rows.Count < 1) { // RP not exists return(2); } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[0]["status"]) != 50) { strObjectGuids = Convert.ToString(dt1.Rows[0]["ReportGuid"]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strObjectGuids)) { return(2); } else { return(1); } } strSQL = string.Format( " SELECT ProcedureGuid,IsExistImage FROM tregprocedure where status=50 and OrderGuid='{0}' " , Convert.ToString(dt1.Rows[0]["OrderGuid"])); if (bOfflineData) { strSQL += string.Format(" UNION " + " SELECT ProcedureGuid,IsExistImage FROM RISArchive..tregprocedure where status=50 and OrderGuid='{0}' " , Convert.ToString(dt1.Rows[0]["OrderGuid"])); } dt1 = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); foreach (DataRow dr in dt1.Rows) { string strRPGuid = Convert.ToString(dr["ProcedureGuid"]); strTemp += strRPGuid; strTemp += ","; if (dr["IsExistImage"] is DBNull || dr["IsExistImage"] == null || Convert.ToInt32(dr["IsExistImage"]) == 0) { bExistImage = false; } } strObjectGuids = strTemp.TrimEnd(','); return(bExistImage ? 0 : 4); } // if (RPGuids.Split(',').Length > 1) { RPGuids = RPGuids.Trim(", ".ToCharArray()); RPGuids = RPGuids.Replace(",", "','"); RPGuids = "'" + RPGuids + "'"; strSQL = string.Format( " SELECT A.OrderGuid,A.Status,A.IsExistImage,A.ReportGuid from tRegProcedure A where A.ProcedureGuid in({0})" , RPGuids); if (bOfflineData) { strSQL += string.Format(" UNION " + " SELECT A.OrderGuid,A.Status,A.IsExistImage,A.ReportGuid from RISArchive..tRegProcedure A where A.ProcedureGuid in({0})" , RPGuids); } } else { strSQL = string.Format( " SELECT A.OrderGuid,A.Status,A.IsExistImage,A.ReportGuid from tRegProcedure A where A.ProcedureGuid ='{0}'" , RPGuids); if (bOfflineData) { strSQL += string.Format(" UNION " + " SELECT A.OrderGuid,A.Status,A.IsExistImage,A.ReportGuid from RISArchive..tRegProcedure A where A.ProcedureGuid ='{0}'" , RPGuids); } } DataTable dt2 = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); if (dt2 == null || dt2.Rows.Count == 0) { // RP NOT exists return(2); } bool bSameOrder = true; string strExpression = "status>50"; DataRow[] drFound = dt2.Select(strExpression); if (drFound.Length != 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in drFound) { if (dr["ReportGuid"] != null && !(dr["ReportGuid"] is DBNull)) { strObjectGuids += Convert.ToString(dr["ReportGuid"]); } strObjectGuids += ","; } strObjectGuids.TrimEnd(','); return(1); } else { strObjectGuids = RPGuids; } strExpression = "IsExistImage=0"; drFound = dt2.Select(strExpression); if (drFound.Length > 0) { bExistImage = false; } if (dt2.Rows.Count > 1) { List <string> listOrderGuid = new List <string>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows) { string strOrderGuid = Convert.ToString(dr["OrderGuid"]); if (listOrderGuid.Count == 0) { listOrderGuid.Add(strOrderGuid); continue; } if (!listOrderGuid.Contains(strOrderGuid)) { bSameOrder = false; break; } } } if (!bSameOrder) { return(3); } if (!bExistImage) { return(4); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "ReportOpenPolicyDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(0); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetLockDAO!")); } string action = ""; string lockType = ""; string lockGuid = ""; string owner = ""; string ownerIP = ""; foreach (string key in paramMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "LOCKTYPE") { lockType = paramMap[key] as string; if (lockType == null) { lockType = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "LOCKGUID") { lockGuid = paramMap[key] as string; if (lockGuid == null) { lockGuid = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "ACTION") { action = paramMap[key] as string; if (action == null) { action = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "OWNER") { owner = paramMap[key] as string; if (owner == null) { owner = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "OWNERIP") { ownerIP = paramMap[key] as string; if (ownerIP == null) { ownerIP = ""; } } } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //dal.BeginTransaction(); try { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { if (action.ToUpper() == "ADD") { string sql0 = "merge into tSync D" + " using (select " + lockType + " syncType, '" + lockGuid + "' guid, '" + owner + "' owner, '" + ownerIP + "' ownerIP from dual) S" + " on (s.synctype = d.syncType and s.guid = d.guid)" + " when not matched then insert (d.syncType, d.guid, d.owner, d.ownerIP)" + " values(s.synctype, s.guid, s.owner, s.ownerip)"; string sql1 = " select * from tSync, tUser where tSync.Owner = tUser.UserGuid" + " and tSync.SyncType=" + lockType + " and tSync.Guid='" + lockGuid + "' for update"; string sql2 = " commit"; dal.ExecuteNonQuery(sql0); dal.ExecuteQuery(sql1, ds, "tSync"); dal.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2); } else if (action.ToUpper() == "DELETE" || action.ToUpper() == "DEL") { string sql0 = "delete from tSync" + " where syncType=" + lockType + " and guid='" + lockGuid + "'"; string sql1 = " select * from tSync, tUser where tSync.Owner = tUser.UserGuid" + " and tSync.SyncType=" + lockType + " and tSync.Guid='" + lockGuid + "' "; string sql2 = " commit"; dal.ExecuteNonQuery(sql0); dal.ExecuteQuery(sql1, ds, "tSync"); dal.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2); } else { string sql = "select * from tSync, tUser where tSync.Owner=tUser.UserGuid and tSync.SyncType=" + lockType + " and tSync.Guid='" + lockGuid + "'"; dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds, "tSync"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //dal.RollbackTransaction(); throw (ex); } //dal.CommitTransaction(); return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetLockDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> inMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (inMap == null || inMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in DisqualifyImageDAO!")); } string rpGuids = "", reportGuid = "", curUserGuid = "", reason = ""; string strDomain = CommonGlobalSettings.Utilities.GetCurDomain(); foreach (string key in inMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID") { reportGuid = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "USERID") { curUserGuid = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "PROCEDUREGUID") { rpGuids = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "REASON") { reason = inMap[key] as string; } } if ((reportGuid == null || reportGuid.Length < 1) && (rpGuids == null || rpGuids.Length < 1)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Missing Parameter"); throw (new Exception("Miss Parameter in DisqualifyImageDAO!")); } if (curUserGuid == null || curUserGuid.Length < 1) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Missing Parameter"); throw (new Exception("Miss Parameter in DisqualifyImageDAO!")); } if (reportGuid == null) { reportGuid = ""; } reportGuid = reportGuid.Trim(" ,".ToCharArray()); if (rpGuids == null) { rpGuids = ""; } rpGuids = rpGuids.Trim(" ,".ToCharArray()); reason = reason == null ? "" : reason.Length >= 512 ? reason.Substring(0, 512) : reason; string sql = " begin tran \r\n"; using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { if (reportGuid != null && reportGuid.Length > 0) { string sqlGetRPs = "select procedureGuid from tRegProcedure where ReportGuid='" + reportGuid + "'"; DataTable dtTmp = dal.ExecuteQuery(sqlGetRPs); if (dtTmp != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtTmp.Rows) { string tmpRP = System.Convert.ToString(dr[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpRP)) { continue; } sql += " if exists(select 1 from tReShot where procedureGuid ='" + tmpRP + "') \r\n" + " update tReShot set reason='" + reason + "', rejectDoctor='" + curUserGuid + "'," + " rejectDt = getdate(),domain='" + strDomain + "' " + " where procedureGuid = '" + tmpRP + "' \r\n" + " else " + " insert tReShot(ProcedureGuid, reason, rejectDoctor, rejectDt, domain) " + " values ('" + tmpRP + "', '" + reason + "', '" + curUserGuid + "', getdate(), '" + strDomain + "') \r\n" ; } } //sql += " delete from tReShot where procedureGuid in (select procedureGuid from tRegProcedure where ReportGuid='" + reportGuid + "') \r\n" // + " insert tReShot(ProcedureGuid) select procedureGuid from tRegProcedure " // + " where reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "' \r\n" // + " update tReShot set reason='" + reason + "', rejectDoctor='" + curUserGuid + "', rejectDt = getdate(),domain='" + strDomain + "' " // + " where (rejectDoctor is null or rejectDoctor = '')" // + " and procedureGuid in (select procedureGuid from tRegProcedure" // + " where reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "') \r\n"; sql += "" + " update tRegProcedure set status = " + System.Convert.ToInt32(ReportCommon.RP_Status.Repeatshot).ToString() + ",reportguid=null where " + " reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "' \r\n" + " delete from tReportlist where reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "' \r\n" + " delete from tReport where reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "' \r\n"; } else if (rpGuids != null && rpGuids.Length > 0) { string[] arrRPs = rpGuids.Split(",;".ToCharArray()); foreach (string tmpRP in arrRPs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpRP)) { continue; } sql += " if exists(select 1 from tReShot where procedureGuid ='" + tmpRP + "') \r\n" + " update tReShot set reason='" + reason + "', rejectDoctor='" + curUserGuid + "'," + " rejectDt = getdate(),domain='" + strDomain + "' " + " where procedureGuid = '" + tmpRP + "' \r\n" + " else " + " insert tReShot(ProcedureGuid, reason, rejectDoctor, rejectDt, domain) " + " values ('" + tmpRP + "', '" + reason + "', '" + curUserGuid + "', getdate(), '" + strDomain + "') \r\n" ; } if (!rpGuids.Contains("'")) { rpGuids = rpGuids.Replace(",", "','"); rpGuids = rpGuids.Replace(";", "','"); rpGuids = "'" + rpGuids + "'"; } //sql += " delete from tReShot where procedureGuid in (" + rpGuids + ") \r\n" //+ " insert tReShot(ProcedureGuid) select procedureGuid from tRegProcedure" //+ " where procedureGuid in (" + rpGuids + ") \r\n" //+ " update tReShot set reason='" + reason + "', rejectDoctor='" + curUserGuid + "', rejectDt = getdate(),domain='" + strDomain + "' " //+ " where (rejectDoctor is null or rejectDoctor = '') and procedureGuid in (" + rpGuids + ") \r\n"; sql += " update tRegProcedure set status = " + System.Convert.ToInt32(ReportCommon.RP_Status.Repeatshot).ToString() + " where procedureGuid in (" + rpGuids + ") \r\n"; } sql += " commit"; ServerPubFun.RISLog_Info(0, "DisqualifyImageDAO_MSSQL, SQL=" + sql, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); // Delete tagReportInfo rptInfo = ServerPubFun.GetReportInfo2(rpGuids); //ServerPubFun.GetReportInfo(reportGuid); ServerPubFun.OnReportDelete(rptInfo, ReportCommon.RP_Status.Repeatshot); dal.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "DisqualifyImageDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return("-1"); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> inMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (inMap == null || inMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in SaveReportDAO!")); } string[] reportGuids = null; string curUserGuid = "", comments = "", snapShotSrvPath = "", modalityType = "", modality = ""; int logType = 0, cnt = 1, costTime = 0; string strType = "", strMultiCostTime = null; string strPrintTemplateGuid = ""; foreach (string key in inMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "LOGTYPE") { string tmp = inMap[key] as string; if (tmp != null && tmp.Length > 0) { logType = System.Convert.ToInt32(tmp); } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUIDS" || key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID") { string tmp = inMap[key] as string; if (tmp != null && (tmp = tmp.Trim(", ".ToCharArray())).Length > 0) { reportGuids = tmp.Split(','); } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "COUNT") { string tmp = inMap[key] as string; if (tmp != null && tmp.Length > 0) { cnt = System.Convert.ToInt32(tmp); } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "USERID" || key.ToUpper() == "USERGUID") { curUserGuid = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "COMMENTS") { comments = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "SNAPSHOTSRVPATH") { snapShotSrvPath = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "MODALITYTYPE") { modalityType = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "MODALITY") { modality = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "COSTTIME") { string tmp = inMap[key] as string; if (tmp != null && tmp.Length > 0) { costTime = System.Convert.ToInt32(tmp); } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "TYPE") { strType = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "MULTICOSTTIME") { strMultiCostTime = inMap[key] as string; } else if (key.ToUpper() == "PRINTTEMPLATEGUID") { strPrintTemplateGuid = inMap[key] as string; } } string sql = ""; string strDomain = CommonGlobalSettings.Utilities.GetCurDomain(); if (strMultiCostTime != null && strMultiCostTime.Trim().Length > 0) { string[] arrCostTime = strMultiCostTime.Split('|'); sql += " insert into tEventLog(guid, eventCode, ModalityType, costtime, createdt, operator,Domain)" + " values('" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "', " + (int)ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_Exam2Draft + ", '" + modalityType + "', " + arrCostTime[0].ToString() + ", getdate(), '" + curUserGuid + "','" + strDomain + "') \r\n"; sql += " insert into tEventLog(guid, eventCode, ModalityType, costtime, createdt, operator,Domain)" + " values('" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "', " + (int)ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_Draft2Submit + ", '" + modalityType + "', " + arrCostTime[1].ToString() + ", getdate(), '" + curUserGuid + "','" + strDomain + "') \r\n"; sql += " insert into tEventLog(guid, eventCode, ModalityType, costtime, createdt, operator,Domain)" + " values('" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "', " + (int)ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_Submit2Approve + ", '" + modalityType + "', " + arrCostTime[2].ToString() + ", getdate(), '" + curUserGuid + "','" + strDomain + "') \r\n"; sql += " insert into tEventLog(guid, eventCode, ModalityType, costtime, createdt, operator,Domain)" + " values('" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "', " + (int)ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_ApproveStart2End + ", '" + modalityType + "', " + arrCostTime[3].ToString() + ", getdate(), '" + curUserGuid + "','" + strDomain + "') \r\n"; } else { if (logType == System.Convert.ToInt32(ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_Exam2Draft) || logType == System.Convert.ToInt32(ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_Draft2Submit) || logType == System.Convert.ToInt32(ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_Submit2Approve) || logType == System.Convert.ToInt32(ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_ApproveStart2End) || logType == System.Convert.ToInt32(ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_Exam2Print)) { if (reportGuids.Length > 0) { sql = "insert into tEventLog(guid, eventCode, ModalityType, costtime, createdt, operator,Domain)" + " values('" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "', " + logType.ToString() + ", '" + modalityType + "', " + costTime.ToString() + ", getdate(), '" + curUserGuid + "','" + strDomain + "')"; } } // 2015-06-08, Oscar added (US25173) else if (logType == (int)ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_SubmitCostTime || logType == (int)ReportCommon.ReportLog_Type.EventLog_ApproveCostTime) { if (reportGuids.Length > 0) { sql += UpsertEventLog(logType, modalityType, costTime, curUserGuid, strDomain, reportGuids[0]); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < reportGuids.Length; i++) { string tmp = reportGuids.GetValue(i) as string; if (tmp != null && tmp.Length > 0) { if (cnt < 1) { sql += " insert into tReportPrintLog(fileGuid, ReportGuid,Printer,PrintDt,Counts,Comments,snapShotSrvPath,Type,Domain) " + " values(newid(), '" + tmp + "', '" + curUserGuid + "', getdate(), " + cnt.ToString() + ", '" + comments + "', '" + snapShotSrvPath + "','" + strType + "','" + strDomain + "') \r\n"; } else { sql += " update tReport set isPrint=1,Optional1='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', PrintTemplateGuid ='" + strPrintTemplateGuid + "' where reportGuid='" + tmp + "' \r\n" + " insert into tReportPrintLog(fileGuid, ReportGuid,Printer,PrintDt,Counts,Comments,snapShotSrvPath,Type,PrintTemplateGuid,Domain)" + " values(newid(), '" + tmp + "', '" + curUserGuid + "', getdate(), " + cnt.ToString() + ", '" + comments + "', '" + snapShotSrvPath + "','" + strType + "','" + strPrintTemplateGuid + "','" + strDomain + "') \r\n"; } } } } } if (0 == iWrittenLog++ % 100) { ServerPubFun.RISLog_Info(0, "RecordLogDAO, UserGuid=" + curUserGuid + ", SQL=" + sql, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } else { ServerPubFun.RISLog_Info(0, "RecordLogDAO, UserGuid=" + curUserGuid + ", reportGuids=" + reportGuids.ToString(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } if (sql.Length > 0) { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { dal.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "RecordLogDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(false); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetReportNameDAO!")); } string reportGuid = ""; string rpGuids = ""; string accNO = ""; foreach (string key in paramMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID") { reportGuid = paramMap[key] as string; if (reportGuid == null) { reportGuid = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "PROCEDUREGUID") { rpGuids = paramMap[key] as string; if (rpGuids == null) { rpGuids = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "ACCNO") { accNO = paramMap[key] as string; if (accNO == null) { accNO = ""; } } } string sql = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED \r\n" + "select " + GetAllReportColumn() + " \r\n" + " from tRegPatient with (nolock), tRegOrder with (nolock), tProcedureCode with (nolock), tRegProcedure with (nolock) \r\n" + " left join tReport with (nolock) on tRegProcedure.reportGuid = tReport.reportGuid \r\n" + " where tRegPatient.PatientGuid = tRegOrder.PatientGuid \r\n" + " and tRegOrder.OrderGuid = tRegProcedure.OrderGuid \r\n" + " and tRegProcedure.ProcedureCode = tProcedureCode.ProcedureCode \r\n"; string sqlFile = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED \r\n" + " select distinct tReportFile.* from tReportFile, tReport " + " where tReportFile.reportGuid = tReport.reportGuid"; #region Added by Kevin For SR string sqlreportcontent = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED \r\n" + " select * from tReportContent" + " where tReportContent.ReportId ='" + reportGuid + "' "; #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportGuid)) { sql += " and tReport.reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "'"; sqlFile += " and tReport.reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "'"; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rpGuids)) { rpGuids = rpGuids.Trim(", ".ToCharArray()); string[] arr = rpGuids.Split(','); if (arr.Length > 1) { if (!rpGuids.Contains("','")) { rpGuids = rpGuids.Replace(",", "','"); rpGuids = "'" + rpGuids + "'"; } sql += " and tRegProcedure.ProcedureGuid in (" + rpGuids + ")"; } else { rpGuids = "'" + rpGuids + "'"; sql += " and tRegProcedure.ProcedureGuid =" + rpGuids; } sqlFile += " and 1=2 "; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accNO)) { sql += " AND tRegOrder.ACCNO = '" + accNO.Trim() + "'"; sqlFile += " AND 1=2 "; } if (0 == iWrittenCount++ % 100) { ServerPubFun.RISLog_Info(0, "GetReportInfoDAO=" + sql + ", reportFile=" + sqlFile, "", 0); } else { ServerPubFun.RISLog_Info(0, "GetReportInfoDAO, rpGuid=" + rpGuids + ", reportGuid=" + reportGuid + ", iWrittenCount=" + iWrittenCount.ToString(), "", 0); } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { // // report info DataTable dt0 = new DataTable("ReportInfo"); dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, dt0); ds.Tables.Add(dt0); // // report file DataTable dt1 = new DataTable("ReportFile"); dal.ExecuteQuery(sqlFile, dt1); ds.Tables.Add(dt1); string sqlPrintTemplate = "select * from tPrintTemplate where Type=3 and TemplateName='QualityControlReportTemplate'"; DataTable dt2 = new DataTable("PrintTemplate"); dal.ExecuteQuery(sqlPrintTemplate, dt2); ds.Tables.Add(dt2); #region Added by Kevin For SR // reportcontent DataTable dt3 = new DataTable("ReportContent"); dal.ExecuteQuery(sqlreportcontent, dt3); ds.Tables.Add(dt3); #endregion } return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetReportInfoDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
public string GetAllReportColumn() { try { if (_strReportInfoColumns != null && _strReportInfoColumns.Length > 0) { return(_strReportInfoColumns); } _strReportInfoColumns = " tRegOrder.OrderGuid as tRegOrder__OrderGuid,tRegOrder.AccNo as tRegOrder__AccNo, tRegOrder.ApplyDept as tRegOrder__ApplyDept, " + " tRegOrder.ApplyDoctor as tRegOrder__ApplyDoctor, tRegOrder.IsScan as tRegOrder__IsScan, " + " tRegOrder.Comments as tRegOrder__Comments, tRegOrder.RemoteAccNo as tRegOrder__RemoteAccNo, tRegOrder.TotalFee as tRegOrder__TotalFee,tRegOrder.InitialDomain as tRegOrder__InitialDomain," + " tRegOrder.HisID as tRegOrder__HisID, tRegOrder.CardNo as tRegOrder__CardNo, tRegPatient.MedicareNo as tRegPatient__MedicareNo,tRegOrder.ReferralId as tRegOrder__ReferralId,tRegOrder.IsReferral as tRegOrder__IsReferral, " + " tRegPatient.PatientGuid as tRegPatient__PatientGuid,tRegPatient.GlobalID as tRegPatient__GlobalID, tRegPatient.PatientID as tRegPatient__PatientID, tRegPatient.LocalName as tRegPatient__LocalName, " + " tRegPatient.EnglishName as tRegPatient__EnglishName, tRegPatient.ReferenceNo as tRegPatient__ReferenceNo, tRegPatient.Birthday as tRegPatient__Birthday," + " tRegPatient.Gender as tRegPatient__Gender, tRegPatient.Address as tRegPatient__Address, tRegPatient.Telephone as tRegPatient__Telephone, " + " tRegPatient.IsVIP as tRegPatient__IsVIP, tRegPatient.Comments as tRegPatient__Comments, tRegPatient.RemotePID as tRegPatient__RemotePID, " + " tRegPatient.CreateDt as tRegPatient__CreateDt, " + " tRegProcedure.ProcedureGuid as tRegProcedure__ProcedureGuid, tRegProcedure.ProcedureCode as tRegProcedure__ProcedureCode," + " tRegProcedure.ExamSystem as tRegProcedure__ExamSystem, tRegProcedure.WarningTime as tRegProcedure__WarningTime, tRegProcedure.FilmSpec as tRegProcedure__FilmSpec," + " tRegProcedure.FilmCount as tRegProcedure__FilmCount, tRegProcedure.ContrastName as tRegProcedure__ContrastName, tRegProcedure.ContrastDose as tRegProcedure__ContrastDose, " + " tRegProcedure.ImageCount as tRegProcedure__ImageCount, tRegProcedure.ExposalCount as tRegProcedure__ExposalCount, tRegProcedure.Deposit as tRegProcedure__Deposit, " + " tRegProcedure.Charge as tRegProcedure__Charge, tRegProcedure.ModalityType as tRegProcedure__ModalityType, tRegProcedure.Modality as tRegProcedure__Modality, " + " tRegProcedure.Registrar as tRegProcedure__Registrar, tRegProcedure.RegisterDt as tRegProcedure__RegisterDt, tRegProcedure.Priority as tRegProcedure__Priority," + " tRegProcedure.Technician as tRegProcedure__Technician, tRegProcedure.TechDoctor as tRegProcedure__TechDoctor, tRegProcedure.TechNurse as tRegProcedure__TechNurse, " + " tRegProcedure.OperationStep as tRegProcedure__OperationStep, tRegProcedure.ExamineDt as tRegProcedure__ExamineDt, tRegProcedure.Mender as tRegProcedure__Mender, " + " tRegProcedure.ModifyDt as tRegProcedure__ModifyDt, tRegProcedure.IsExistImage as tRegProcedure__IsExistImage, tRegProcedure.Status as tRegProcedure__Status, " + " tRegProcedure.Comments as tRegProcedure__Comments, tRegProcedure.IsCharge as tRegProcedure__IsCharge, tRegProcedure.RemoteRPID as tRegProcedure__RemoteRPID, " + " tRegProcedure.QueueNo as tRegProcedure__QueueNo, tRegProcedure.CreateDt as tRegProcedure__CreateDt, tRegOrder.VisitGuid as tRegOrder__VisitGuid, " + " tRegProcedure.Posture as tRegProcedure__Posture, tRegProcedure.MedicineUsage as tRegProcedure__MedicineUsage, " + " tRegOrder.InhospitalNo as tRegOrder__InhospitalNo, tRegOrder.ClinicNo as tRegOrder__ClinicNo, tRegOrder.PatientType as tRegOrder__PatientType, tRegOrder.Observation as tRegOrder__Observation,tRegOrder.Optional2 as tRegOrder__Inspection," + " tRegOrder.HealthHistory as tRegOrder__HealthHistory, tRegOrder.InhospitalRegion as tRegOrder__InhospitalRegion, tRegOrder.BedNo as tRegOrder__BedNo,tRegOrder.BedSide as tRegOrder__BedSide, tRegOrder.CreateDt as tRegOrder__CreateDt," + " tRegOrder.CurrentAge as tRegOrder__CurrentAge,tRegOrder.VisitComment as tRegOrder__VisitComment,tRegOrder.ChargeType as tRegOrder__ChargeType, tReport.ReportGuid as tReport__ReportGuid," + " tReport.ReportName as tReport__ReportName, tReport.WYS as tReport__WYS, tReport.WYG as tReport__WYG, tReport.AppendInfo as tReport__AppendInfo, tReport.TechInfo as tReport__TechInfo, " + " tReport.ReportText as tReport__ReportText, tReport.DoctorAdvice as tReport__DoctorAdvice, tReport.IsPositive as tReport__IsPositive, tReport.AcrCode as tReport__AcrCode, " + " tReport.AcrAnatomic as tReport__AcrAnatomic, tReport.AcrPathologic as tReport__AcrPathologic, tReport.Creater as tReport__Creater, tReport.CreateDt as tReport__CreateDt, tReport.Submitter as tReport__Submitter," + " tReport.SubmitDt as tReport__SubmitDt, tReport.FirstApprover as tReport__FirstApprover, tReport.FirstApproveDt as tReport__FirstApproveDt, tReport.SecondApprover as tReport__SecondApprover, " + " tReport.SecondApproveDt as tReport__SecondApproveDt, tReport.IsDiagnosisRight as tReport__IsDiagnosisRight, tReport.KeyWord as tReport__KeyWord, tReport.ReportQuality as tReport__ReportQuality, " + " tReport.RejectToObject as tReport__RejectToObject, tReport.Rejecter as tReport__Rejecter, tReport.RejectDt as tReport__RejectDt, tReport.Status as tReport__Status, " + " tReport.Comments as tReport__Comments, tReport.DeleteMark as tReport__DeleteMark, tReport.Deleter as tReport__Deleter, " + " tReport.DeleteDt as tReport__DeleteDt, tReport.Recuperator as tReport__Recuperator, tReport.ReconvertDt as tReport__ReconvertDt, tReport.Mender as tReport__Mender, " + " tReport.ModifyDt as tReport__ModifyDt, tReport.IsPrint as tReport__IsPrint, tReport.CheckItemName as tReport__CheckItemName, tReport.Optional1 as tReport__Optional1, " + " tReport.Optional2 as tReport__Optional2, tReport.Optional3 as tReport__Optional3, tReport.IsLeaveWord as tReport__IsLeaveWord, tReport.WYSText as tReport__WYSText, " + " tReport.WYGText as tReport__WYGText, tReport.IsDraw as tReport__IsDraw, tReport.DrawerSign as tReport__DrawerSign, tReport.DrawTime as tReport__DrawTime, " + " tReport.IsLeaveSound as tReport__IsLeaveSound, tReport.TakeFilmDept as tReport__TakeFilmDept, tReport.TakeFilmRegion as tReport__TakeFilmRegion, " + " tReport.PrintTemplateGuid as tReport__PrintTemplateGuid, tReport.Domain as tReport__Domain," + " tReport.TakeFilmComment as tReport__TakeFilmComment, tReport.RebuildMark as tReport__RebuildMark, " + " tReport.PrintCopies as tReport__PrintCopies, " + " tProcedureCode.ProcedureCode as tProcedureCode__ProcedureCode, tProcedureCode.Description as tProcedureCode__Description, " + " tProcedureCode.EnglishDescription as tProcedureCode__EnglishDescription, tProcedureCode.ModalityType as tProcedureCode__ModalityType, " + " tProcedureCode.BodyPart as tProcedureCode__BodyPart, tProcedureCode.CheckingItem as tProcedureCode__CheckingItem, " + " tProcedureCode.BodyCategory as tProcedureCode__BodyCategory, " + " tReport.SubmitDomain as tReport__SubmitDomain, " + " tReport.RejectDomain as tReport__RejectDomain, " + " tReport.FirstApproveDomain as tReport__FirstApproveDomain, " + " tRegPatient.Alias as tRegPatient__Alias, " + " tRegPatient.ParentName as tRegPatient__ParentName, " + " tRegOrder.curPatientName as tRegOrder__curPatientName,tRegOrder.BodyWeight as tRegOrder__BodyWeight," + " tRegOrder.curGender as tRegOrder__curGender, tRegOrder.IsCharge as tRegOrder__IsCharge," + " tRegOrder.AgeInDays as tRegOrder__AgeInDays, tRegProcedure.Booker as tRegProcedure__Booker," + " tRegProcedure.BookingBeginDt as tRegProcedure__BookingBeginDt, tRegProcedure.BookingEndDt as tRegProcedure__BookingEndDt " + " , tRegOrder.BookingSite AS tRegOrder__BookingSite, tRegOrder.ExamSite AS tRegOrder__ExamSite, tRegOrder.RegSite AS tRegOrder__RegSite, tRegPatient.Site AS tRegPatient__Site, tReport.FirstApproveSite AS tReport__FirstApproveSite, tReport.RejectSite AS tReport__RejectSite, tReport.SecondApproveSite AS tReport__SecondApproveSite, tReport.SubmitSite AS tReport__SubmitSite " + " , tRegOrder.ThreeDRebuild AS tRegOrder__ThreeDRebuild " + " , tReport.ReportQuality2 as tReport__ReportQuality2 " + " , TREGORDER.ORDERMESSAGE as TREGORDER__ORDERMESSAGE " + " , TREGORDER.PathologicalFindings as TREGORDER__PathologicalFindings " + " , TREGORDER.InternalOptional1 as TREGORDER__InternalOptional1 " + " , TREGORDER.InternalOptional2 as TREGORDER__InternalOptional2 " + " , TREGORDER.ExternalOptional1 as TREGORDER__ExternalOptional1 " + " , TREGORDER.ExternalOptional2 as TREGORDER__ExternalOptional2 " + " , TREGORDER.ExternalOptional3 as TREGORDER__ExternalOptional3 " + ", tReport.ReportQualityComments as tReport__ReportQualityComments" + ", tReport.CreaterName as tReport__CreaterName" + ", tReport.SubmitterName as tReport__SubmitterName" + ", tReport.FirstApproverName as tReport__FirstApproverName" + ", tReport.SecondApproverName as tReport__SecondApproverName" + ", tReport.ScoringVersion as tReport__ScoringVersion" + ", tReport.AccordRate as tReport__AccordRate" + ", tReport.SubmitterSign as tReport__SubmitterSign" + ", tReport.FirstApproverSign as tReport__FirstApproverSign" + ", tReport.SecondApproverSign as tReport__SecondApproverSign" + ", tReport.SubmitterSignTimeStamp as tReport__SubmitterSignTimeStamp" + ", tReport.FirstApproverSignTimeStamp as tReport__FirstApproverSignTimeStamp" + ", tReport.SecondApproverSignTimeStamp as tReport__SecondApproverSignTimeStamp" + ", tReport.IsModified as tReport__IsModified" + ", tRegProcedure.BookerName as tRegProcedure__BookerName" + ", tRegProcedure.RegistrarName as tRegProcedure__RegistrarName" + ", tRegProcedure.TechnicianName as tRegProcedure__TechnicianName" + ", tRegProcedure.UnwrittenCurrentOwner as tRegProcedure__UnwrittenCurrentOwner" + ", tRegProcedure.UnapprovedCurrentOwner as tRegProcedure__UnapprovedCurrentOwner" + ", tReport.MenderName as tReport__MenderName" + ", tRegOrder.InjectDose as tRegOrder__InjectDose" + ", tRegOrder.InjectTime as tRegOrder__InjectTime" + ", tRegOrder.BodyHeight as tRegOrder__BodyHeight" + ", tRegOrder.BloodSugar as tRegOrder__BloodSugar" + ", tRegOrder.Insulin as tRegOrder__Insulin" + ", tRegOrder.GoOnGoTime as tRegOrder__GoOnGoTime" + ", tRegOrder.InjectorRemnant as tRegOrder__InjectorRemnant" + ", tRegOrder.SubmitHospital as tRegOrder__SubmitHospital" + ", tRegOrder.SubmitDept as tRegOrder__SubmitDept" + ", tRegOrder.SubmitDoctor as tRegOrder__SubmitDoctor" + " , TREGORDER.Optional1 as TREGORDER__Optional1 " + " , TREGORDER.Optional2 as TREGORDER__Optional2 " + " , TREGORDER.Optional3 as TREGORDER__Optional3 " + ", tRegProcedure.RPDesc as tRegProcedure__RPDesc " + ", tRegProcedure.BodyPart as tRegProcedure__BodyPart" + ", tRegProcedure.CheckingItem as tRegProcedure__CheckingItem " + ", TREGPROCEDURE.UNAPPROVEDASSIGNDATE AS TREGPROCEDURE__UNAPPROVEDASSIGNDATE" + ", TREGPROCEDURE.UNAPPROVEDPREVIOUSOWNER AS TREGPROCEDURE__UNAPPROVEDPREVIOUSOWNER" + ", TREGPROCEDURE.UNWRITTENASSIGNDATE AS TREGPROCEDURE__UNWRITTENASSIGNDATE" + ", TREGPROCEDURE.UNWRITTENPREVIOUSOWNER AS TREGPROCEDURE__UNWRITTENPREVIOUSOWNER" + ", tRegOrder.Assign2site AS tRegOrder__Assign2site" + ", tRegOrder.CurrentSite AS tRegOrder__CurrentSite" + ", tRegPatient.SocialSecurityNo AS tRegPatient__SocialSecurityNo" + ", tRegProcedure.CheckItemName AS tRegProcedure__CheckItemName" + ", tRegOrder.PhysicalCompany AS tRegOrder__PhysicalCompany" + ", tRegOrder.PhysicalCompany AS tRegOrder__PhysicalCompany__Desc" + ", tRegOrder.PhysicalCompany AS tRegOrder__PhysicalCompany__Telephone" ; //_strReportInfoColumns = rptCol; return(_strReportInfoColumns); //} } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetAllReportColumn=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return("*"); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetReportNameDAO!")); } string reportGuid = ""; string rpGuids = ""; foreach (string key in paramMap.Keys) { if (key.ToUpper() == "REPORTGUID") { reportGuid = paramMap[key] as string; if (reportGuid == null) { reportGuid = ""; } } else if (key.ToUpper() == "PROCEDUREGUID") { rpGuids = paramMap[key] as string; if (rpGuids == null) { rpGuids = ""; } } } string sql = "select " + GetAllReportColumn() + " from tRegPatient, tRegOrder, tProcedureCode, tRegProcedure " + " left join tReport on tRegProcedure.reportGuid = tReport.reportGuid " + " where tRegPatient.PatientGuid = tRegOrder.PatientGuid " + " and tRegOrder.OrderGuid = tRegProcedure.OrderGuid " + " and tRegProcedure.ProcedureCode = tProcedureCode.ProcedureCode "; string sqlFile = " select distinct tReportFile.* from tReportFile, tReport " + " where tReportFile.reportGuid = tReport.reportGuid "; if (reportGuid.Length > 0) { sql += " and tReport.reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "'"; sqlFile += " and tReport.reportGuid = '" + reportGuid + "'"; } if (rpGuids.Length > 0 && reportGuid.Length == 0) { rpGuids = rpGuids.Trim(", ".ToCharArray()); rpGuids = rpGuids.Replace(",", "','"); rpGuids = "'" + rpGuids + "'"; sql += " and tRegProcedure.ProcedureGuid in (" + rpGuids + ")"; sqlFile += " 1!=1"; } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { // // report info DataTable dt0 = new DataTable("ReportInfo"); //ServerPubFun.DeclareOracleNoCase(); dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, dt0); ds.Tables.Add(dt0); // // report file DataTable dt1 = new DataTable("ReportFile"); dal.ExecuteQuery(sqlFile, dt1); ds.Tables.Add(dt1); if (dal != null) { dal.Dispose(); } } return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetReportInfoDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// GetLocalName /// </summary> /// <param name="userGuid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetLocalName(string userGuid) { try { if (userGuid != null && (userGuid = userGuid.Trim()).Length > 0) { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sql = ""; //multi userguid if (userGuid.Length > Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Length) { string tmp = "'" + userGuid.Replace(",", "','") + "'"; sql = "select UserGuid,LocalName from tUser where UserGuid in(" + tmp + ")"; dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, dt); if (null != dt && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { tmp = ""; foreach (string str in userGuid.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { DataRow[] drs = dt.Select("UserGuid='" + str + "'"); if (drs.Length > 0) { tmp += drs[0]["LocalName"].ToString() + ","; } else { tmp += str + ","; } } tmp = tmp.TrimEnd(",".ToCharArray()); return(tmp); } return(""); } else { sql = "select rolename, tUser.userGuid, LoginName, localName, englishname " + " from tUser, tRole2User" + " where tUser.UserGuid = tRole2User.UserGuid" + " and tUser.UserGuid = '" + userGuid + "'"; dal.ExecuteQuery(sql, dt); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string retName = dt.Rows[0]["LocalName"].ToString(); return(retName); } } if (dal != null) { dal.Dispose(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetLocalName=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(""); }
public object Execute(object param) { try { Dictionary <string, object> paramMap = param as Dictionary <string, object>; if (paramMap == null || paramMap.Count < 1) { throw (new Exception("No parameter in GetDrawerSignDAO!")); } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { using (RisDAL dal = new RisDAL()) { string strReportGuids = paramMap["ReportGuid"] as string; string[] arrItem = strReportGuids.Split('|'); DataTable dtDrawSign = null; strReportGuids = ""; foreach (string str in arrItem) { string strSQL = string.Format("select ReportGuid,IsDraw,DrawerSign,TakeFilmDept," + " TakeFilmRegion,TakeFilmComment " //+ " ReportTextApprovedSign, ReportTextSubmittedSign," //+ " CombinedForCertification, SignCombinedForCertification " + " from tReport where ReportGuid ='{0}'", str); DataTable dt = dal.ExecuteQuery(strSQL); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtDrawSign == null) { dtDrawSign = dt.Clone(); } dtDrawSign.Rows.Add(dt.Rows[0].ItemArray); } } ds.Tables.Add(dtDrawSign); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetDrawerSignDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); throw (ex); } return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); ServerPubFun.RISLog_Error(0, "GetDrawerSignDAO=" + ex.Message, (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileName(), (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame()).GetFileLineNumber()); } return(null); }