コード例 #1
		public static void Initialize()
			EventSink.DeleteRequest += new DeleteRequestEventHandler( EventSink_DeleteRequest );
			EventSink.AccountLogin += new AccountLoginEventHandler( EventSink_AccountLogin );
			EventSink.GameLogin += new GameLoginEventHandler( EventSink_GameLogin );

			if ( PasswordCommandEnabled )
				CommandSystem.Register( "Password", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler( Password_OnCommand ) );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				CityInfo haven = new CityInfo( "Haven", "Uzeraan's Mansion", 3618, 2591, 0 );
				StartingCities[StartingCities.Length - 1] = haven;
コード例 #2
ファイル: FacetGump.cs プロジェクト: romeov007/imagine-uo
		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
			Mobile from = state.Mobile;

			switch( info.ButtonID )
				case 1:
					CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Town Center", 1475, 1645, 20 );

					from.MoveToWorld( city.Location, Map.Felucca );
				case 2:
					CityInfo city1 = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Town Center", 1475, 1645, 20 );

					from.MoveToWorld( city1.Location, Map.Trammel );
				case 3:
					CityInfo city2 = new CityInfo( "Lakeshire", "Town Center", 1203, 1124, -25 );

					from.MoveToWorld( city2.Location, Map.Ilshenar );
				case 4:
					CityInfo city3 = new CityInfo( "Luna", "Town Center", 989, 519, -50 );

					from.MoveToWorld( city3.Location, Map.Malas );

				case 5: 
					CityInfo city4 = new CityInfo( "Zento", "Town Center", 735, 1257, 30 );

					from.MoveToWorld( city4.Location, Map.Tokuno );

				case 6:
					CityInfo city5 = new CityInfo( "Test", "Test", 852, 3526, -43 );

					from.MoveToWorld( city5.Location, Map.TerMur );

コード例 #3
		private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args )
			if ( !VerifyProfession( args.Profession ) )
				args.Profession = 0;

			NetState state = args.State;

			if ( state == null )

			Mobile newChar = CreateMobile( args.Account as Account );

			if ( newChar == null )
				Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", state );///////////////////////

			args.Mobile = newChar;
			m_Mobile = newChar;

			newChar.Player = true;
			newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;
			newChar.Female = args.Female;
			//newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;

			if( Core.Expansion >= args.Race.RequiredExpansion )
				newChar.Race = args.Race;	//Sets body
				newChar.Race = Race.DefaultRace;

			//newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
			newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;

			newChar.Hunger = 20;
            newChar.Skills.Cap = (10000);
            newChar.StatCap = 300;
			bool young = false;

			if ( newChar is PlayerMobile )
				PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile) newChar;         

				pm.Profession = args.Profession;

                #region NeoLevelSystem              // Neo's Level SYstem

                pm.Exp = -1000;
                pm.Level = 0;

                #endregion                          // End of Neo's Level System

				if ( pm.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && ((Account)pm.Account).Young )
					young = pm.Young = true;

			SetName( newChar, args.Name );

			AddBackpack( newChar );

			SetStats( newChar, state, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int );
            //SetStats( newChar,  args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int );
			SetSkills( newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession );

			Race race = newChar.Race;

			if( race.ValidateHair( newChar, args.HairID ) )
				newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
				newChar.HairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.HairHue & 0x3FFF );

			if( race.ValidateFacialHair( newChar, args.BeardID ) )
				newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
				newChar.FacialHairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF );

			if ( args.Profession <= 3 )
				AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
				AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
				AddShoes( newChar );

			//if( TestCenter.Enabled )
				FillBankbox( newChar );

		    /*if ( young )
				NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
				ticket.Owner = newChar;
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );

		   // CityInfo city = GetStartLocation( args, young );
		    CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "New Player Castle", "New Player Castle", 885, 1408,-84, Map.Malas );

			newChar.MoveToWorld( city.Location, city.Map );

			Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", state, args.Account.Username );/////////////
			Console.WriteLine( " - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial );
			Console.WriteLine( " - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map.ToString() );

			new WelcomeTimer( newChar ).Start();
            newChar.StatCap = 300;
            newChar.SkillsCap = 10000;

コード例 #4
		private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated(CharacterCreatedEventArgs args)
			NetState state = args.State;
			var acct = args.Account as Account;

			Mobile newChar = CreateMobile(acct);

			if (newChar == null)
				Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", args.State);

			args.Mobile = newChar;
			m_Mobile = newChar;

			newChar.Player = true;
			newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;

			bool young = false;

			if (newChar is PlayerMobile)
				var pm = (PlayerMobile)newChar;

				if (pm.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && ((Account)pm.Account).Young)
					young = pm.Young = true;

			//CityInfo city = GetStartLocation(args, young);
			var city = new CityInfo("Britain", "Forever", 1495, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca);

			if (!VerifyProfession(args.Profession, city.Map.Expansion))
				args.Profession = 0;

			if (newChar is PlayerMobile)
				((PlayerMobile)newChar).Profession = args.Profession;

			newChar.Female = args.Female;
			//newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;

			newChar.Race = city.Map.Expansion >= args.Race.RequiredExpansion ? args.Race : Race.DefaultRace;

			//newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
			newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue(args.Hue & 0x3FFF) | 0x8000;

			newChar.Hunger = 20;
			newChar.Thirst = 20;

			//NameResultMessage result = SetName(newChar, args.Name);
			SetName(newChar, args.Name);
			AddBackpack(newChar, city.Map.Expansion);

			SetStats(newChar, state, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int);
			SetSkills(newChar, city.Map.Expansion, args.Skills, args.Profession);

			Race race = newChar.Race;

			if (race.ValidateHair(newChar, args.HairID))
				newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
				newChar.HairHue = race.ClipHairHue(args.HairHue & 0x3FFF);

			if (race.ValidateFacialHair(newChar, args.BeardID))
				newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
				newChar.FacialHairHue = race.ClipHairHue(args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF);

			if (args.Profession <= 3)
				AddShirt(newChar, args.ShirtHue, city.Map.Expansion);
				AddPants(newChar, args.PantsHue, city.Map.Expansion);
				AddShoes(newChar, city.Map.Expansion);

			BankBox bank = newChar.BankBox;

			bool needstartpack = acct != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(acct.GetTag("startpack"));

			if (needstartpack /*|| TestCenter.Enabled*/)
				Container startpack = new StarterPack();
				Item housedeed = new SmallBrickHouseDeed();
				housedeed.Name = "a beta tester's small brick house deed";
				housedeed.X = 23;
				housedeed.Y = 53;

				Item startercheck = new BankCheck(10000);
				startercheck.X = 52;
				startercheck.Y = 36;
				acct.SetTag("startpack", "true");

			if (young)
					new NewPlayerTicket
						Owner = newChar

			newChar.MoveToWorld(city.Location, city.Map);

			LogIPAccess(args.State.Address, acct, newChar);

			Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", args.State, args.Account.Username);
			Console.WriteLine(" - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial);
			Console.WriteLine(" - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map);

			new WelcomeTimer(newChar).Start();

			/*if (result != NameResultMessage.Allowed)
				newChar.SendGump(new NameChangeGump(newChar, result, args.Name));
コード例 #5
 public CharacterCreatedEventArgs( NetState state, IAccount a, string name, bool female, int hue, int str, int dex, int intel, CityInfo city, SkillNameValue[] skills, int shirtHue, int pantsHue, int hairID, int hairHue, int beardID, int beardHue, int profession, Race race)
     : this(state, a, name, female, hue, str, dex, intel, city, skills, shirtHue, pantsHue, hairID, hairHue, beardID, beardHue, profession, race, 0, 0)
コード例 #6
		public CharacterList(IAccount a, CityInfo[] info)
			: base(0xA9)
			EnsureCapacity(11 + (a.Length * 60) + (info.Length * 89));

			int highSlot = -1;

			for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i)
				if (a[i] != null)
					highSlot = i;

			int count = Math.Max(Math.Max(highSlot + 1, a.Limit), 5);


			for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
				if (a[i] != null)
					m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed(a[i].Name, 30);
					m_Stream.Fill(30); // password


			for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i)
				CityInfo ci = info[i];

				m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed(ci.City, 32);
				m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed(ci.Building, 32);

			CharacterListFlags flags = ExpansionInfo.CurrentExpansion.CharacterListFlags;

			if (count > 6)
				flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SeventhCharacterSlot | CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot);
			else if (count == 6)
				flags |= CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot; // 6th Character Slot
			else if (a.Limit == 1)
				flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SlotLimit & CharacterListFlags.OneCharacterSlot); // Limit Characters & One Character

			m_Stream.Write((int)(flags | m_AdditionalFlags)); // Additional Flags


			ThirdPartyFeature disabled = FeatureProtection.DisabledFeatures;

			if (disabled != 0)
				if (m_MD5Provider == null)
					m_MD5Provider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();


				byte[] hashCode = m_MD5Provider.ComputeHash(
					m_Stream.UnderlyingStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)m_Stream.UnderlyingStream.Length);
				var buffer = new byte[28];

				for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)

					m_Stream.Seek(35 + (i * 60), SeekOrigin.Begin);
					m_Stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

				m_Stream.Seek(35, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				m_Stream.Write((int)((long)disabled >> 32));

				m_Stream.Seek(95, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				m_Stream.Write(hashCode, 0, hashCode.Length);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Packets.cs プロジェクト: brodock/genova-project
        // Genova: suporte ao UO:KR.
        public CharacterList(IAccount a, CityInfo[] info, bool IsKrClient)
            : base(0xA9)
            this.EnsureCapacity(9 + (a.Length * 60) + (info.Length * 63));

            int highSlot = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i)
                if (a[i] != null)
                    highSlot = i;

            int count = Math.Max(Math.Max(highSlot + 1, a.Limit), 5);


            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                if (a[i] != null)
                    m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed(a[i].Name, 30);
                    m_Stream.Fill(30); // password


            for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i)
                CityInfo ci = info[i];

                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed(ci.City, 31);
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed(ci.Building, 31);
                        int flags = 0x08; //Context Menus

                        if ( Core.SE )
                            flags |= 0xA0; //SE & AOS
                        else if ( Core.AOS )
                            flags |= 0x20; //AOS
             * */

            int flags = ExpansionInfo.CurrentExpansion.CharacterListFlags;

            if (count >= 6)
                flags |= 0x40; // 6th character slot
            else if (a.Limit == 1)
                flags |= 0x14; // Limit characters & one character

            // Genova: suporte ao UO:KR.			
            // Is KR Client
            if (IsKrClient)
                flags |= 0x600;	// Still dont know. KR Flags.	

            m_Stream.Write((int)(flags | m_AdditionalFlags)); // flags
コード例 #8
ファイル: Packets.cs プロジェクト: Leorgrium/runuo
        public CharacterListOld( IAccount a, CityInfo[] info )
            : base(0xA9)
            this.EnsureCapacity( 9 + (a.Length * 60) + (info.Length * 63) );

            int highSlot = -1;

            for ( int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    highSlot = i;

            int count = Math.Max( Math.Max( highSlot + 1, a.Limit ), 5 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) count );

            for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( a[i].Name, 30 );
                    m_Stream.Fill( 30 ); // password
                    m_Stream.Fill( 60 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) info.Length );

            for ( int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i )
                CityInfo ci = info[i];

                m_Stream.Write( (byte) i );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.City, 31 );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.Building, 31 );

            CharacterListFlags flags = ExpansionInfo.CurrentExpansion.CharacterListFlags;

            if ( count > 6 )
                flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SeventhCharacterSlot | CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot); // 7th Character Slot - TODO: Is SixthCharacterSlot Required?
            else if ( count == 6 )
                flags |= CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot; // 6th Character Slot
            else if ( a.Limit == 1 )
                flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SlotLimit & CharacterListFlags.OneCharacterSlot); // Limit Characters & One Character

            m_Stream.Write( (int)(flags | CharacterList.AdditionalFlags) ); // Additional Flags

            ThirdPartyFeature disabled = FeatureProtection.DisabledFeatures;

            if ( disabled != 0 )
                if ( m_MD5Provider == null )
                    m_MD5Provider = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();


                byte[] hashCode = m_MD5Provider.ComputeHash( m_Stream.UnderlyingStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int) m_Stream.UnderlyingStream.Length );
                byte[] buffer = new byte[28];

                for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                    Utility.RandomBytes( buffer );

                    m_Stream.Seek( 35 + ( i * 60 ), SeekOrigin.Begin );
                    m_Stream.Write( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );

                m_Stream.Seek( 35, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ((long)disabled>>32) );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) disabled );

                m_Stream.Seek( 95, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                m_Stream.Write( hashCode, 0, hashCode.Length );
コード例 #9
        // UOSA: suporte ao UO:KR.
        public CharacterList(IAccount a, CityInfo[] info, bool IsKrClient)
            : base(0xA9)
            this.EnsureCapacity( 11 + (a.Length * 60) + (info.Length * 89) );

            int highSlot = -1;

            for ( int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    highSlot = i;

            int count = Math.Max( Math.Max( highSlot + 1, a.Limit ), 5 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) count );

            for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( a[i].Name, 30 );
                    m_Stream.Fill( 30 ); // password
                    m_Stream.Fill( 60 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) info.Length );

            for ( int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i )
                CityInfo ci = info[i];

                m_Stream.Write( (byte) i );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.City, 32 );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.Building, 32 );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.X );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Y );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Z );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Map.MapID );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Description );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) 0 );

            CharacterListFlags flags = ExpansionInfo.CurrentExpansion.CharacterListFlags;

            if ( count > 6 )
                flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SeventhCharacterSlot | CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot); // 7th Character Slot - TODO: Is SixthCharacterSlot Required?
            else if ( count == 6 )
                flags |= CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot; // 6th Character Slot
            else if ( a.Limit == 1 )
                flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SlotLimit & CharacterListFlags.OneCharacterSlot); // Limit Characters & One Character

            // Genova: suporte ao UO:KR.
            // Is KR Client
            if (IsKrClient)
                flags |= CharacterListFlags.KR;	// Still dont know. KR Flags.

            m_Stream.Write( (int)(flags | m_AdditionalFlags) ); // Additional Flags
コード例 #10
ファイル: Packets.cs プロジェクト: greeduomacro/divinity
        public CharacterList( IAccount a, CityInfo[] info )
            : base(0xA9)
            this.EnsureCapacity( 9 + (a.Length * 60) + (info.Length * 63) );

            int highSlot = -1;

            for ( int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    highSlot = i;

            int count = Math.Max( Math.Max( highSlot + 1, a.Limit ), 5 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) count );

            for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( a[i].Name, 30 );
                    m_Stream.Fill( 30 ); // password
                    m_Stream.Fill( 60 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) info.Length );

            for ( int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i )
                CityInfo ci = info[i];

                m_Stream.Write( (byte) i );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.City, 31 );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.Building, 31 );
            int flags = 0x08; //Context Menus

            if ( Core.SE )
                flags |= 0xA0; //SE & AOS
            else if ( Core.AOS )
                flags |= 0x20; //AOS
             * */

            int flags = ExpansionInfo.CurrentExpansion.CharacterListFlags;

            if ( count >= 6 )
                flags |= 0x40; // 6th character slot
            else if ( a.Limit == 1 )
                flags |= 0x14; // Limit characters & one character

            m_Stream.Write( (int)(flags | m_AdditionalFlags) ); // flags

            ThirdPartyFeature disabled = FeatureProtection.DisabledFeatures;

            if ( disabled != 0 )
                if ( m_MD5Provider == null )
                    m_MD5Provider = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();


                byte[] hashCode = m_MD5Provider.ComputeHash( m_Stream.UnderlyingStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int) m_Stream.UnderlyingStream.Length );

                Random rnd = new Random();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[29];

                for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                    rnd.NextBytes( buffer );

                    m_Stream.Seek( 34 + ( i * 60 ), SeekOrigin.Begin );
                    m_Stream.Write( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );

                m_Stream.Seek( 35, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ((long)disabled>>32) );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) disabled );

                m_Stream.Seek( 95, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                m_Stream.Write( hashCode, 0, hashCode.Length );
コード例 #11
        private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args )
            if ( !VerifyProfession( args.Profession ) )
                args.Profession = 0;

            Mobile newChar = CreateMobile( args.Account as Account );

            if ( newChar == null )
                Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", args.State );

            args.Mobile = newChar;
            m_Mobile = newChar;

            newChar.Player = true;
            newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;
            newChar.Female = args.Female;
            //newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;

            if( Core.Expansion >= args.Race.RequiredExpansion )
                newChar.Race = args.Race;	//Sets body
                newChar.Race = Race.DefaultRace;

            //newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
            newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;

            newChar.Hunger = 20;

            bool young = false;

            if ( newChar is PlayerMobile )
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile) newChar;

                pm.Profession = args.Profession;

                if ( pm.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && ((Account)pm.Account).Young )
                    young = pm.Young = true;

            SetName( newChar, args.Name );

            AddBackpack( newChar );

            SetStats( newChar, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int );
            SetSkills( newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession );

            Race race = newChar.Race;

            if( race.ValidateHair( newChar, args.HairID ) )
                newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
                newChar.HairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.HairHue & 0x3FFF );

            if( race.ValidateFacialHair( newChar, args.BeardID ) )
                newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
                newChar.FacialHairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF );

            if ( args.Profession <= 3 )
                AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
                AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
                AddShoes( newChar );

            if( TestCenter.Enabled )
                FillBankbox( newChar );

            if ( young )
                NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
                ticket.Owner = newChar;
                newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );

            //Because Malas is the only real map :D
            CityInfo city = new CityInfo("Luna", "Starting Point", 883, 532, -90, Map.Malas);

            //CityInfo city = GetStartLocation( args, young );
            //CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );

            newChar.MoveToWorld( city.Location, city.Map );

            Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", args.State, args.Account.Username );
            Console.WriteLine( " - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial );
            Console.WriteLine( " - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map.ToString() );

            new WelcomeTimer( newChar ).Start();
コード例 #12
        public static void Initialize()
            //#warning This should be get rid off when the shard goes live
            //LockdownLevel = AccessLevel.GameMaster;

            EventSink.DeleteRequest += new DeleteRequestEventHandler( EventSink_DeleteRequest );
            EventSink.AccountLogin += new AccountLoginEventHandler( EventSink_AccountLogin );
            EventSink.GameLogin += new GameLoginEventHandler( EventSink_GameLogin );

            if ( PasswordCommandEnabled )
                Server.Commands.CommandSystem.Register( "Password", AccessLevel.Player, new Server.Commands.CommandEventHandler( Password_OnCommand ) );

            if ( Core.AOS )
                CityInfo haven = new CityInfo( "Haven", "Uzeraan's Mansion", 3618, 2591, 0 );
                StartingCities[StartingCities.Length - 1] = haven;
コード例 #13
        public static void Initialize()
            EventSink.DeleteRequest += new DeleteRequestEventHandler( EventSink_DeleteRequest );
            EventSink.AccountLogin += new AccountLoginEventHandler( EventSink_AccountLogin );
            EventSink.GameLogin += new GameLoginEventHandler( EventSink_GameLogin );

            if ( PasswordCommandEnabled )
                CommandSystem.Register( "Password", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler( Password_OnCommand ) );

            if ( Core.AOS )
                //CityInfo haven = new CityInfo( "Haven", "Uzeraan's Mansion", 3618, 2591, 0 );
                CityInfo haven = new CityInfo( "Haven", "Uzeraan's Mansion", 3503, 2574, 14 );
                StartingCities[StartingCities.Length - 1] = haven;
            // added for login server to let players in heh.
            PacketHandlers.ClientVerification = false;
            // end ------
コード例 #14
ファイル: Packets.cs プロジェクト: Ravenwolfe/xrunuo
        public CharacterListHS( IAccount a, CityInfo[] info )
            : base(0xA9)
            this.EnsureCapacity( 311 + ( info.Length * 89 ) );

            int highSlot = -1;

            for ( int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    highSlot = i;

            int slotCount = Math.Max( Math.Max( highSlot + 1, a.Limit ), 5 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) slotCount );

            for ( int i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( a[i].Name, 30 );
                    m_Stream.Fill( 30 ); // password
                    m_Stream.Fill( 60 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) info.Length );

            for ( int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i )
                CityInfo ci = info[i];

                m_Stream.Write( (byte) i );

                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.City, 32 );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.Building, 32 );

                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.X );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Y );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Z );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Map.MapID );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) ci.Cliloc );
                m_Stream.Write( (int) 0 );

            m_Stream.Write( (int) ( CharacterList.GetFlags( slotCount ) ) ); // flags
            m_Stream.Write( (short) -1 );
コード例 #15
		private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args )
			if ( !VerifyProfession( args.Profession ) )
				args.Profession = 0;

			Mobile newChar = CreateMobile( args.Account as Account );

			if ( newChar == null )
				Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", args.State );

			args.Mobile = newChar;
			m_Mobile = newChar;

			newChar.Player = true;
			newChar.AccessLevel = ((Account)args.Account).AccessLevel;
			newChar.Female = args.Female;
			newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;
			newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
			newChar.Hunger = 20;

			bool young = false;

			if ( newChar is PlayerMobile )
				PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile) newChar;

				pm.Profession = args.Profession;

				if ( pm.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && ((Account)pm.Account).Young )
					young = pm.Young = true;

			SetName( newChar, args.Name );

			AddBackpack( newChar );

			SetStats( newChar, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int );
			SetSkills( newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession );

			AddHair( newChar, args.HairID, Utility.ClipHairHue( args.HairHue & 0x3FFF ) );
			AddBeard( newChar, args.BeardID, Utility.ClipHairHue( args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF ) );

			if ( args.Profession <= 3 )
				AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
				AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
				AddShoes( newChar );

			if( TestCenter.Enabled )
				FillBankbox( newChar );

			if ( young )
				PackItem( new NewPlayerBook() );

			if ( young && newChar.BankBox != null )

				NewerPlayerTicket ticket = new NewerPlayerTicket();
				ticket.Owner = newChar;
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( new Spellbook( UInt64.MaxValue ) );//Al: Fix for unblessed spellbook
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new BlackPearl( 30 ) ) );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new Bloodmoss( 30 ) ) );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new Garlic( 30 ) ) );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new Ginseng( 30 ) ) );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new MandrakeRoot( 30 ) ) );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new Nightshade( 30 ) ) );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new SulfurousAsh( 30 ) ) );
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( MakeNewbie( new SpidersSilk( 30 ) ) );

            //Al: personalized skill/statsball for wiped veteran accounts
                    newChar.Account is Account &&
                    ((Account)newChar.Account).CharacterCount == 1 &&
                    (DateTime.Now - ((Account)newChar.Account).Created) >= TimeSpan.FromDays(10000)
                int skillballsReceived;
                    skillballsReceived = Int32.Parse(((Account)newChar.Account).GetTag("WelcomeBackSkillballsReceived"));
                    skillballsReceived = 0;
                if (skillballsReceived < MAXIMUM_WELCOME_BACK_SKILLBALLS)
                    ((Account)newChar.Account).SetTag("WelcomeBackSkillballsReceived", (++skillballsReceived).ToString());
                    newChar.AddToBackpack(new WelcomeBackSkillball(newChar));
                    newChar.AddToBackpack(new NewPlayerStatsBall(newChar));

			//CityInfo city = GetStartLocation( args, young );
			� CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Young Town", "Young Town Entrance", 1243, 1193, -29, Map.Ilshenar ); // Added 2011-Feb-06
			//CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );

			//if (newChar.Account.Count <= 1 /*|| (GetSharedAccounts((newChar.Account as Account).LoginIPs)).Count <= 1*/)
			//	city = new CityInfo("Newbie City", "Start room", 5738, 797, 0, Map.Felucca);

			newChar.MoveToWorld( city.Location, city.Map );

			Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", args.State, ((Account)args.Account).Username );
			Console.WriteLine( " - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial );
			Console.WriteLine( " - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map.ToString() );

			//new WelcomeTimer( newChar ).Start();

			//This has to be done here and not in a separate CharacterCreated-Event to get a reference to the new PlayerMobile
			//Player can set the email address till exactly 24 hours after account creation.
			if ( newChar.Account is Account && (DateTime.Now - ((Account)newChar.Account).Created <= TimeSpan.FromHours(24)))
				Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), new TimerStateCallback(EmailSystem.SendEmailGump), newChar as PlayerMobile);
コード例 #16
ファイル: SistemaMorte.cs プロジェクト: evildude807/kaltar
        private CityInfo getLocalizacao(string nomeLocal)
            CityInfo local;
            if (nomeLocal == "padrao")
                local = new CityInfo("Ouro Branco", "Barco", 1385, 579, 32, Map.Malas);
            else if (nomeLocal == "ouroBranco")
                local = new CityInfo("Ouro Branco", "Igreja", 1652, 591, 6, Map.Malas);
            else if (nomeLocal == "loboLeite")
                local = new CityInfo("Lobo leite", "Barco", 1385, 579, 32, Map.Malas);
                local = new CityInfo("Ouro Branco", "Barco", 1385, 579, 32, Map.Malas);

            return local;
コード例 #17
ファイル: EventSink.cs プロジェクト: Godkong/Origins
 public CharacterCreatedEventArgs( NetState state, IAccount a, string name, bool female, int hue, int str, int dex, int intel, CityInfo city, SkillNameValue[] skills, int shirtHue, int pantsHue, int hairID, int hairHue, int beardID, int beardHue, int profession, Race race )
     m_State = state;
     m_Account = a;
     m_Name = name;
     m_Female = female;
     m_Hue = hue;
     m_Str = str;
     m_Dex = dex;
     m_Int = intel;
     m_City = city;
     m_Skills = skills;
     m_ShirtHue = shirtHue;
     m_PantsHue = pantsHue;
     m_HairID = hairID;
     m_HairHue = hairHue;
     m_BeardID = beardID;
     m_BeardHue = beardHue;
     m_Profession = profession;
     m_Race = race;
コード例 #18
		private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args )
			Mobile newChar = CreateMobile( args.Account as Account );

			if ( newChar == null )
				Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", args.State );

			args.Mobile = newChar;
			m_Mobile = newChar;

			newChar.Player = true;
			newChar.AccessLevel = ((Account)args.Account).AccessLevel;
			newChar.Female = args.Female;
			newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;
			newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
			newChar.Hunger = 20;

			if ( newChar is PlayerMobile )
				((PlayerMobile)newChar).Profession = args.Profession;

			//Pix: default to warrior if chosen is paladin, necro, etc.
			if( ((PlayerMobile)newChar).Profession > 3 )
				((PlayerMobile)newChar).Profession = 1;

			SetName( newChar, args.Name );

			AddBackpack( newChar );

			SetStats( newChar, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int );
			SetSkills( newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession );

			AddHair( newChar, args.HairID, Utility.ClipHairHue( args.HairHue & 0x3FFF ) );
			AddBeard( newChar, args.BeardID, Utility.ClipHairHue( args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF ) );

			if ( !Core.AOS || (args.Profession != 4 && args.Profession != 5) )
				AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
				AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
				AddShoes( newChar );

			if (TestCenter.Enabled)
				FillBankbox( newChar );

			 * Our numbers have been so low lately (< 50), it's once again important
			 * to concentrate playerss so that they do not log into what seems to be an empty shard.
			 * We can stem the griefing by:
			 * 1. Changing the look of starting players (remove noob look)
			 * 2. Have a wider entry area
			 * 3. Have them 'Recall in' so they look like they've been here for a while
			 * 4. Give them a 1 minute 'young' status?

            //Comment out the following line to let the player choose where to start.
            CityInfo city; // = args.City;
			Map spawnMap = Map.Felucca;

            //Comment out the following line to have them always start at Brit Inn
            //CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10 );

			// this NewPlayerStartingArea probably needs to be based on IP address and account age etc.
			if (CoreAI.IsDynamicFeatureSet(CoreAI.FeatureBits.NewPlayerStartingArea))
                city = new CityInfo("New Player Starting Area", "Starting Area", 5731, 953, 0);
				spawnMap = Map.Trammel;
                //if( city.City == "Britain" )
                	Point3D p = NewCharacterSpawnLocation();
                	city = new CityInfo("Britain", "West Brit Bank", p.X, p.Y, p.Z );

			newChar.MoveToWorld(city.Location, spawnMap);

			Console.WriteLine( "Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", args.State, ((Account)args.Account).Username );
			Console.WriteLine( " - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial );
			Console.WriteLine( " - Started: {0} {1}", city.City, city.Location );

			new WelcomeTimer( newChar ).Start();
コード例 #19
        public CharacterListOld( IAccount a, CityInfo[] info )
            : base(0xA9)
            this.EnsureCapacity( 9 + (a.Length * 60) + (info.Length * 63) );

            int highSlot = -1;

            for ( int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    highSlot = i;

            int count = Math.Max( Math.Max( highSlot + 1, a.Limit ), 5 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) count );

            for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( a[i].Name, 30 );
                    m_Stream.Fill( 30 ); // password
                    m_Stream.Fill( 60 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) info.Length );

            for ( int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i )
                CityInfo ci = info[i];

                m_Stream.Write( (byte) i );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.City, 31 );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.Building, 31 );

            CharacterListFlags flags = ExpansionInfo.CurrentExpansion.CharacterListFlags;

            if ( count > 6 )
                flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SeventhCharacterSlot | CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot); // 7th Character Slot - TODO: Is SixthCharacterSlot Required?
            else if ( count == 6 )
                flags |= CharacterListFlags.SixthCharacterSlot; // 6th Character Slot
            else if ( a.Limit == 1 )
                flags |= (CharacterListFlags.SlotLimit & CharacterListFlags.OneCharacterSlot); // Limit Characters & One Character

            m_Stream.Write( (int)(flags | CharacterList.AdditionalFlags) ); // Additional Flags
コード例 #20
		private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs args )
			if( !VerifyProfession( args.Profession ) )
				args.Profession = 0;

            NetState state = args.State;

            if (state == null)

			Mobile newChar = CreateMobile( args.Account as Account );

			if( newChar == null )
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", state);

			args.Mobile = newChar;
			m_Mobile = newChar;

			newChar.Player = true;
			newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;
			newChar.Female = args.Female;
			//newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;

			if( Core.Expansion >= args.Race.RequiredExpansion )
				newChar.Race = args.Race; //Sets body
				newChar.Race = Race.DefaultRace;

			//newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
			newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;

			newChar.Hunger = 20;

			bool young = false;

			PlayerMobile pm = null;
			if( newChar is PlayerMobile )
				pm = (PlayerMobile)newChar;

				pm.Profession = args.Profession;

				if( pm.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && ((Account)pm.Account).Young )
					young = pm.Young = true;

                #region Nasir - Set Original Values For RaceReset

			    pm.OriginalHairHue = args.HairHue;
			    pm.OriginalHairItemID = args.HairID;
			    pm.OriginalHue = args.Hue;


			SetName( newChar, args.Name );

            //We use player backpacks on INX

            Container pB = new PlayerBackpack(newChar);
            pB.Movable = false;

			AddBackpack( newChar );

            //SetStats(newChar, state, 100, 100, 100);
            //SetSkills( newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession );

            // Max stats
            newChar.Str = 100; newChar.Int = 100; newChar.Dex = 100;
            newChar.Hits = 100; newChar.Mana = 100; newChar.Stam = 100;
            Race race = newChar.Race;

			if( race.ValidateHair( newChar, args.HairID ) )
				newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
				newChar.HairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.HairHue & 0x3FFF );

			if( race.ValidateFacialHair( newChar, args.BeardID ) )
				newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
				newChar.FacialHairHue = race.ClipHairHue( args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF );
			if( args.Profession <= 3 )
				AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
				AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
				AddShoes( newChar );
			if( TestCenter.Enabled )
				FillBankbox( newChar );

			if( young)
				NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
				ticket.Owner = newChar;
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );

			//IN:X Settings
            newChar.EquipItem( new XtremePlateChest());
            newChar.EquipItem( new XtremePlateArms());
            newChar.EquipItem( new XtremePlateGloves());
            newChar.EquipItem( new XtremePlateGorget());
            newChar.EquipItem( new XtremePlateHelm());
            newChar.EquipItem( new XtremePlateLegs());
            newChar.EquipItem( new Bardicheofvanquishing());
            newChar.EquipItem( new Doublet(0x47e));
            newChar.EquipItem( new Skirt(0x47e));
            newChar.EquipItem( new HalfApron(2535)); 
			newChar.StatCap = 300;
			newChar.SkillsCap = 54000; //Iza - changed from 52000 to 54000 for proper all skills cap.
            Server.Skills skills = newChar.Skills;

			for ( int i = 0; i < skills.Length; ++i )
				skills[i].Base = 100f;

			//CityInfo city = GetStartLocation( args, false );
            CityInfo city = new CityInfo("Green Acres", "Duel Pit", 5705, 1131, 0, Map.Felucca);

           	newChar.MoveToWorld( city.Location, city.Map );

            pB.Movable = false;
            AddShirt(newChar, args.ShirtHue);
            AddPants(newChar, args.PantsHue);


			//if ((newChar.Account).AccessLevel <= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
			//    (newChar).AccessLevel = AccessLevel.GameMaster;
			//    (newChar.Account).AccessLevel = AccessLevel.GameMaster;

			//Unicode//ASCII speech
			Account acct = newChar.Account as Account;
			if( pm != null && acct != null && acct.HardwareInfo != null )
				string lang = acct.HardwareInfo.Language.ToUpper();

				if( lang.Equals( "ENG" ) || lang.Equals( "ENA" ) || lang.Equals( "ENC" ) || lang.Equals( "ENZ" ) || lang.Equals( "ENT" ) || lang.Equals( "ENU" ) || lang.Equals( "ENI" ) || lang.Equals( "ENW" ) || lang.Equals( "ENI" ) || lang.Equals( "ENS" ) || lang.Equals( "ENJ" ) || lang.Equals( "ENB" ) || lang.Equals( "ENL" ) || lang.Equals( "ENP" ) )
					pm.UseUnicodeSpeech = false;
					pm.UseUnicodeSpeech = true;
			else if( pm != null )
				pm.UseUnicodeSpeech = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", state, args.Account.Username);
            Console.WriteLine(" - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial);
			Console.WriteLine( " - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map );

//			BetaChar( newChar );
//			new WelcomeTimer( newChar ).Start();
コード例 #21
ファイル: Packets.cs プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sunuo-svn
        public CharacterList( IAccount a, CityInfo[] info )
            : base(0xA9)
            this.EnsureCapacity( 309 + (info.Length * 63) );

            int highSlot = -1;

            for ( int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    highSlot = i;

            int count = Math.Max( Math.Max( highSlot + 1, a.Limit ), 5 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) count );

            for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                if ( a[i] != null )
                    m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( a[i].Name, 30 );
                    m_Stream.Fill( 30 ); // password
                    m_Stream.Fill( 60 );

            m_Stream.Write( (byte) info.Length );

            for ( int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i )
                CityInfo ci = info[i];

                m_Stream.Write( (byte) i );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.City, 31 );
                m_Stream.WriteAsciiFixed( ci.Building, 31 );

            int flags = 0x08; //Context Menus

            if ( Core.SE )
                flags |= 0xA0; //SE & AOS
            else if ( Core.AOS )
                flags |= 0x20; //AOS

            if ( count >= 6 )
                flags |= 0x40; // 6th character slot
            else if ( count == 1 )
                flags |= 0x14; // Limit characters & one character

            m_Stream.Write( (int)(flags | m_AdditionalFlags) ); // flags
コード例 #22
 private void teleportarParaCidade()
     CityInfo cidadeInicial = new CityInfo( "Ouro Branco", "Estrada real", 1605, 672, 0, Map.Malas );
     jogador.MoveToWorld( cidadeInicial.Location, cidadeInicial.Map );