コード例 #1
        //this begins the attempt to link this creature to another creature
        protected bool LinkToCreature(BaseLinkedCreature creature)
            Type linktype = null;

            //determine what type to link to
            if (CrossCreatureLink)
                //attempt to link to any base linked creature
                linktype = typeof(BaseLinkedCreature);
                //link to only creatures of this same type
                linktype = this.GetType();

            //check for matching types
            if ((creature.GetType() != linktype && !CrossCreatureLink) || creature == this)

            //will not link if it has achieved maximum link count
            if (MaxLinkNum > 0 && _LinkedCreatures.Count >= MaxLinkNum)

            //check if these two creatures can link.  During this check, the other creature will link up
            //if they're compatable
            if (!creature.LinkTo(this))

            //use this method in reverse to perform the local link operation
コード例 #2
        //this continues the attempt to link.  it is called when another base linked creature tries to link up
        public bool LinkTo(BaseLinkedCreature creature)
            //will not link if it has achieved maximum link count
            //note: it counts itself in the linking!
            if (MaxLinkNum > 0 && _LinkedCreatures.Count >= MaxLinkNum)
                if (DebugLinkedCreatures)
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Too many links*");

            //if they don't want to cross-creature link
            if (creature.GetType() != this.GetType() && !CrossCreatureLink)
                if (DebugLinkedCreatures)
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Incompatable*");

            //if they don't want to link to the same creature type
            if (creature.GetType() == this.GetType() && !LinkToSameClass)
                if (DebugLinkedCreatures)
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Won't link to same class*");

            //if they have incompatable scopes
            if ((!CrossScopeLink || !creature.CrossScopeLink) && GlobalScopeLink != creature.GlobalScopeLink)
                if (DebugLinkedCreatures)
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Cannot cross scope link*");

            //if this creature is not in global scope mode, and the other one is out of range
            if (!GlobalScopeLink && !this.InRange(creature, LocalLinkPerceptionRange))
                if (DebugLinkedCreatures)
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Out of range*");

            //if they're already linked
            if (_LinkedCreatures.IndexOf(creature) > -1)
                if (DebugLinkedCreatures)
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Already linked*");

            //otherwise, add em and link up

            if (DebugLinkedCreatures)
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Forming link*");

            //this checks if the creature is ready to fight (ie: enough links have been formed and it is ready for players
            //note: it counts itself in the linking!
            if (_LinkedCreatures.Count >= MinLinkNum)
                Blessed = false;
                Frozen  = false;
                Hidden  = false;

            //this tells the creature requesting the link to also link up
コード例 #3
		//this continues the attempt to link.  it is called when another base linked creature tries to link up
		public bool LinkTo( BaseLinkedCreature creature )
			//will not link if it has achieved maximum link count
			//note: it counts itself in the linking!
			if( MaxLinkNum > 0 && _LinkedCreatures.Count >= MaxLinkNum )
				if( DebugLinkedCreatures )
					PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Too many links*" );
				return false;
			//if they don't want to cross-creature link
			if( creature.GetType() != this.GetType() && !CrossCreatureLink  )
				if( DebugLinkedCreatures )
					PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Incompatable*" );
				return false;
			//if they don't want to link to the same creature type
			if( creature.GetType() == this.GetType() && !LinkToSameClass  )
				if( DebugLinkedCreatures )
					PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Won't link to same class*" );
				return false;
			//if they have incompatable scopes
			if( ( !CrossScopeLink || !creature.CrossScopeLink ) && GlobalScopeLink != creature.GlobalScopeLink )
				if( DebugLinkedCreatures )
					PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Cannot cross scope link*" );
				return false;
			//if this creature is not in global scope mode, and the other one is out of range
			if( !GlobalScopeLink && !this.InRange( creature, LocalLinkPerceptionRange ) )
				if( DebugLinkedCreatures )
					PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Out of range*" );
				return false;
			//if they're already linked
			if( _LinkedCreatures.IndexOf( creature ) > -1 )
				if( DebugLinkedCreatures )
					PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Already linked*" );
				return false;
			//otherwise, add em and link up
			_LinkedCreatures.Add( creature );

			if( DebugLinkedCreatures )
				PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Emote, EmoteHue, false, "*Forming link*" );
			//this checks if the creature is ready to fight (ie: enough links have been formed and it is ready for players
			//note: it counts itself in the linking!
			if( _LinkedCreatures.Count >= MinLinkNum )
				Blessed = false;
				Frozen = false;
				Hidden = false;
			//this tells the creature requesting the link to also link up
			return true;
コード例 #4
		//this begins the attempt to link this creature to another creature
		protected bool LinkToCreature( BaseLinkedCreature creature )
			Type linktype = null;
			//determine what type to link to
			if( CrossCreatureLink )
				//attempt to link to any base linked creature
				linktype = typeof( BaseLinkedCreature );
				//link to only creatures of this same type
				linktype = this.GetType();
			//check for matching types
			if( ( creature.GetType() != linktype && !CrossCreatureLink ) || creature == this )
				return false;
			//will not link if it has achieved maximum link count 
			if( MaxLinkNum > 0 && _LinkedCreatures.Count >= MaxLinkNum )
				return false;
			//check if these two creatures can link.  During this check, the other creature will link up
			//if they're compatable
			if( !creature.LinkTo( this ) )
				return false;
			//use this method in reverse to perform the local link operation
			return LinkTo( creature );