コード例 #1
 public PokerGump(Mobile from, PokerMachine pokerMachine, string message)
     : this(from, pokerMachine, null, PokerTurn.First, new bool[5] { false, false, false, false, false }, message, true, false, false, true)
コード例 #2
        private PokerGump(Mobile from, PokerMachine pokerMachine, PokerSystem pokerSystem, PokerTurn pokerTurn, bool[] holdButtons, string status, bool updateCards, bool useBank, bool checkForWinnings, bool showBack)
            : base(50, 35)

            m_PokerMachine = pokerMachine;
            m_PokerTurn = pokerTurn;
            m_HoldButtons = holdButtons;
            m_bUseBank = useBank;

            if (pokerSystem == null)
                m_PokerSystem = new PokerSystem(from);
                m_PokerSystem.MinBet = pokerMachine.MinBet;
                m_PokerSystem.MaxBet = pokerMachine.MaxBet;
                m_PokerSystem.BetChange = pokerMachine.BetChange;
                m_PokerSystem.WinningsTable = pokerMachine.m_WinningsTable;
                m_PokerSystem.CurrentBet = pokerMachine.MinBet;
                m_PokerSystem = pokerSystem;

            if (updateCards)
                UpdateCards(m_PokerSystem, m_HoldButtons, showBack);

            if (checkForWinnings)
                CheckForWinnings(from, m_PokerMachine, m_PokerSystem, m_PokerTurn, out status);

            this.Closable = true;
            this.Disposable = true;
            this.Dragable = true;
            this.Resizable = false;
            this.AddBackground(0, 0, 524, 341, 2620);
            this.AddAlphaRegion(5, 7, 513, 326);

            foreach (PokerCard card in m_PokerSystem.Cards)

            this.AddButton(476, 275, 4017, 4018, (int)Buttons.Cancel, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            this.AddLabel(434, 277, 940, "Close");
            this.AddButton(175, 218, 4023, 4024, (int)Buttons.OK, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (m_PokerTurn == PokerTurn.First)
                this.AddButton(476, 246, 4014, 4015, (int)Buttons.ChangeBet, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                this.AddLabel(398, 248, 940, "Change Bet");
            else if (m_PokerTurn == PokerTurn.Second)
                int checkY = PokerSystem.CardLocation.Y + PokerSystem.CardSize.Y + 10;
                this.AddCheck(PokerSystem.CardLocation.X + PokerSystem.CardSize.X / 2 - 10, checkY, 210, 211, m_HoldButtons[0], (int)Buttons.Check1);
                this.AddCheck(PokerSystem.CardLocation.X + PokerSystem.CardSize.X / 2 + PokerSystem.CardSpace - 10, checkY, 210, 211, m_HoldButtons[1], (int)Buttons.Check2);
                this.AddCheck(PokerSystem.CardLocation.X + PokerSystem.CardSize.X / 2 + PokerSystem.CardSpace * 2 - 10, checkY, 210, 211, m_HoldButtons[2], (int)Buttons.Check3);
                this.AddCheck(PokerSystem.CardLocation.X + PokerSystem.CardSize.X / 2 + PokerSystem.CardSpace * 3 - 10, checkY, 210, 211, m_HoldButtons[3], (int)Buttons.Check4);
                this.AddCheck(PokerSystem.CardLocation.X + PokerSystem.CardSize.X / 2 + PokerSystem.CardSpace * 4 - 10, checkY, 210, 211, m_HoldButtons[4], (int)Buttons.Check5);

            this.AddCheck(191, 271, 210, 211, m_bUseBank, (int)Buttons.UseBankCheck);
            this.AddLabel(18, 272, 940, @"Withdraw money from bank.");

            this.AddLabel(18, 252, 940, string.Format("Bank balance: {0}gp.", Banker.GetBalance( from ).ToString()));

            this.AddBackground(366, 16, 144, 226, 3000);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_PokerSystem.WinningsTable.Length - 1; ++i)
                this.AddLabel(370, 20 + i * 20, 0, ((WinTypes)i).ToString());
                this.AddLabel(450, 20 + i * 20, 0, string.Format("{0}gp", m_PokerSystem.GetCalculatedWinning((WinTypes)i, pokerMachine)));

            this.AddLabel(370, (m_PokerSystem.WinningsTable.Length + 1) * 20, 0, string.Format("Current Bet: {0}gp", m_PokerSystem.CurrentBet));
            this.AddHtml(13, 302, 497, 27, status, (bool)true, (bool)false);
コード例 #3
        private void CheckForWinnings(Mobile from, PokerMachine pokerMachine, PokerSystem pokerSystem, PokerTurn pokerTurn, out string message)
            message = string.Empty;

            if (pokerTurn == PokerTurn.First)
                PokerWinInfo pokerWinInfo = PokerSystem.CheckForWinnings(from, pokerSystem);
                message = pokerWinInfo.Message;

                if (pokerWinInfo.WinType != WinTypes.None)
                    if (pokerSystem.PayWinning(from, pokerMachine, pokerWinInfo.WinType))
                        message += string.Format(" {0} gp have been placed in your bank box.", pokerSystem.GetCalculatedWinning(pokerWinInfo.WinType, pokerMachine));
                        message += string.Format(" {0} gp have been placed in your backpack, because your bank box is full.", pokerSystem.GetCalculatedWinning(pokerWinInfo.WinType, pokerMachine));
                    pokerMachine.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x0, true, "Winner!");
                    pokerMachine.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x0, true, pokerWinInfo.WinType.ToString());