public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info ) { if ( m_Ticket.Deleted ) return; int number = 0; string message = null; Item item = null; switch ( info.ButtonID ) { case 1: BaseCreature parrot = new TalkingParrot {Controlled = true, ControlMaster = m_From}; parrot.Delta(MobileDelta.Noto); item = new ShrinkItem(parrot); message = "A shrunk parrot has been placed in your backpack"; break; case 2: item = new ActionFigure { Name = "Lord Blackthorne action figure", Phrase1 = "That tickles!", Sound1 = 1066, Phrase2 = "Uhhh I think I had too much to drink yesterday", Sound2 = 1087, Phrase3 = "Hey, put me down!", Sound3 = 1069, Phrase4 = "Shh, I'm trying to sleep here", Sound4 = 1089, Phrase5 = "Wasn't me", Sound5 = 1064 }; message = "A Lord Blackthorne action figure has been placed in your backpack"; break; case 3: item = new MagicCrystalBall {Hue = 1952}; message = "A magic crystal ball has been placed in your backpack"; break; case 4: item = new FireworksWand(); number = 501935; // A wand of fireworks has been placed in your backpack. break; case 5: item = new tarotpoker(); message = "A deck of tarot poker cards has been placed in your backpack"; break; } if ( item != null ) { m_Ticket.Delete(); if (number > 0) m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( number ); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) m_From.SendAsciiMessage(message); m_From.AddToBackpack( item ); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (m_Ticket.Deleted) { return; } int number = 0; string message = null; Item item = null; switch (info.ButtonID) { case 1: BaseCreature parrot = new TalkingParrot { Controlled = true, ControlMaster = m_From }; parrot.Delta(MobileDelta.Noto); item = new ShrinkItem(parrot); message = "A shrunk parrot has been placed in your backpack"; break; case 2: item = new ActionFigure { Name = "Lord Blackthorne action figure", Phrase1 = "That tickles!", Sound1 = 1066, Phrase2 = "Uhhh I think I had too much to drink yesterday", Sound2 = 1087, Phrase3 = "Hey, put me down!", Sound3 = 1069, Phrase4 = "Shh, I'm trying to sleep here", Sound4 = 1089, Phrase5 = "Wasn't me", Sound5 = 1064 }; message = "A Lord Blackthorne action figure has been placed in your backpack"; break; case 3: item = new MagicCrystalBall { Hue = 1952 }; message = "A magic crystal ball has been placed in your backpack"; break; case 4: item = new FireworksWand(); number = 501935; // A wand of fireworks has been placed in your backpack. break; case 5: item = new tarotpoker(); message = "A deck of tarot poker cards has been placed in your backpack"; break; } if (item != null) { m_Ticket.Delete(); if (number > 0) { m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(number); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { m_From.SendAsciiMessage(message); } m_From.AddToBackpack(item); } }
public MagicBallIdleTimer(Mobile follower, MagicCrystalBall ball, TimeSpan delay) : base(delay) { m_Follower = follower; m_Ball = ball; Priority = TimerPriority.OneSecond; }
public ActionGump(MagicCrystalBall ball, Mobile from) : base(40, 82) { from.CloseGump(typeof(ActionGump)); Dragable = false; Closable = false; Resizable = false; m_Ball = ball; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 400, 40, 9200); AddButton(5, 9, 2020, 2019, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddTextEntry(77, 10, 304, 20, 0, 1, "Type message here."); }
public FollowerGump(MagicCrystalBall ball, int duration) : base(40, 40) { Dragable = false; Closable = false; Resizable = false; m_Ball = ball; AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 400, 40, 9200); if (m_Ball.State == MagicBallState.Following || m_Ball.State == MagicBallState.Remaining) AddButton(5, 9, 2020, 2019, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddLabel(77, 10, 0, string.Format("You have {0} seconds to view your subject.", duration.ToString())); }
public SubjectLinkTarget(MagicCrystalBall ball) : base(-1, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_Ball = ball; }