コード例 #1
    public LotteryGMGump(Mobile from, LotteryBasket _basket) : base (100,100) {

      basket = _basket;
      if ( !from.Deleted && from != null && !basket.Deleted && basket != null ) {

	if (from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Counselor)
	  AddBackground(0, 0, 420, 200, 2600);
	  AddBackground(0, 0, 420, 400, 2600);

	int y = 25;
	AddLabel(45, y, 133, "Defiance Lottery");
	y += 15;
	AddLabel(45, y, 133, "GM Menu");
	y += 20;
	if ( basket.Debug )
	    AddLabel(150, y, 133, "!!! DEBUG MODE ENABLED !!!");
	y += 25;

	AddLabel(45, y, 2213, "Statistics");
	y += 30;
	AddButton(45, y, 2152, 2154, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
	AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Open statistics gump");

	if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) {
	  y += 50;

	  AddLabel(45, y, 2213, "Settings");
	  y += 30;
	  AddButton(45, y, 2152, 2154, 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
	  AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Item prize true/false");
	  AddLabel(230, y, 902, "Currently: "+basket.ItemPrize);
	  y += 30;
	  AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Current publishing Item: ");
	  y += 15;
	  if ( basket.Board != null )
	      AddLabel(90, y, 902, ""+basket.Board);
	      AddLabel(90, y, 902, "none");
	  y += 15;
	  AddLabel(90, y, 902, "(change this via [props)");
	  y += 50;
	  AddLabel(45, y, 2213, "Preform a drawing");
	  y += 30;
	  if (basket.Mode == LotteryBasketMode.Open) {
	    AddButton(45, y, 2152, 2154, -1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
	    AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Close lottery and draw new numbers (GM)");
	  } else if (basket.Mode == LotteryBasketMode.Closed) {
	    AddButton(45, y, 2152, 2154, -2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
	    AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Publish new drawing and re-open lottery");
	  y += 20;
	  AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Attention: This can not be undone!");
コード例 #2
        public LotteryBasketGump(Mobile from, LotteryBasket _basket) : base(200, 200) {
	    basket = _basket;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 400, 260, 2600);

            int y = 25;
            AddLabel(45, y, 902, "Defiance Lottery");
            y += 5;

            y += 30;
            ulong jp = basket.Award;
            foreach (ulong v in basket.Jackpot)
                jp += v;
            AddLabel(45, y, 902, "Current jackpot: " + jp + " gold");

            y += 30;
            uint[] outcome = basket.Outcome;
            string lastDrawing;
            if (outcome == null) {
                lastDrawing = "none yet";
            } else if (basket.Mode == LotteryBasketMode.Closed &&
                       from.AccessLevel <= AccessLevel.Counselor) {
                /* only GMs can see the new drawing until the
                 * lottery is open again */
                lastDrawing = "unknown yet";
            } else {
	        string[] text = new string[LotteryConstants.Picks];
                for (int z = 0; z < LotteryConstants.Picks; z++)
                    text[z] = "" + outcome[z];
                lastDrawing = string.Join(", ", text);
            AddLabel(45, y, 902,
                     (basket.Mode == LotteryBasketMode.Closed ? "Next" : "Last") +
                     " drawing: " + lastDrawing);

            y += 40;
            AddButton(45, y, 2152, 2154, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Buy a ticket for " + LotteryConstants.TicketPrice + " gold");

	    y += 30;
	    if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Counselor) {
	      AddButton(45, y, 2152, 2154, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
	      AddLabel(90, y, 133, "DFI Staff Functions");

            y += 30;
            AddButton(45, y, 2152, 2154, -1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(90, y, 902, "Cancel");
コード例 #3
    public LotteryStatisticsGump(Mobile from, LotteryBasket _basket) : base (100,100) {
      basket = _basket;

      if ( !from.Deleted && from != null && !basket.Deleted && basket != null ) {

	int height = 550;
	int lenght = 550;

	uint[] numbers = basket.Outcome;

	if ( numbers == null ) {
	    height = 385;
	    lenght = 450;

	AddBackground(0, 0, lenght, height, 2600);

	int y = 25;
	AddLabel(45, y, 133, "Defiance Lottery");
	y += 15;
	AddLabel(45, y, 133, "GM Menu - Statistics");
	y += 40;

	AddLabel(45, y, 2213, "Global statistics");
	y += 20;
	AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Gold destroyed: "+basket.Destroyed);
	y += 20;
	AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Gold given out: "+basket.Given);

	y += 30;
	AddLabel(45, y, 2213, "Drawing statistics");
	y += 25;
	AddLabel(60, y, 2213, "Surrent drawing");
	y += 20;
	AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Drawing ID: "+basket.Drawing);

	ulong jp = basket.Award;
	foreach (ulong v in basket.Jackpot)
	  jp += v;
	y += 20;
	AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Jackpot: "+jp);
	y += 20;
	AddLabel(75, y, 2215, "Ticket sales revenue: "+basket.Award);

	ulong[] jps = new ulong[4]{basket.Jackpot6, basket.Jackpot5, basket.Jackpot4, basket.Jackpot3};
	for ( uint cnt = 0; cnt < 4; cnt++ ) {
	    y += 20;
	    AddLabel(75, y, 2215, "Jackpot "+(6-cnt)+"-Rights: "+jps[cnt]);

	y += 20;
	AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Submitted tickets until now: "+basket.Participants);

	if ( numbers != null ) {
	  y += 30;
	  AddLabel(60, y, 2213, "Past drawing");
	  y += 20;

	  AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Drawing ID: "+(basket.Drawing-1));
	  y += 20;

	  string outcome = "";
	  string[] text = new string[6];
	  for (int z = 0; z < 6; z++)
	    text[z] = "" + numbers[z];
	  outcome = string.Join(", ", text);
	  AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Drawn numbers: "+outcome);

	  for ( uint cnt = 0; cnt < 4; cnt++ ) {
	      y += 20;

	      if ( basket.Awards[cnt] == 0 )
		  text[cnt] = "n/a";
		  text[cnt] = ""+basket.Awards[cnt];

	      AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Win with "+(6-cnt)+" rights: "+text[cnt]);

	      if ( basket.Winners[cnt] > 0 )
	        AddLabel(400, y, 2215, "Winners: "+basket.Winners[cnt]);

	  y += 20;
	  AddLabel(60, y, 2215, "Participants: "+basket.OldParticipants);