public override void OnTalk( PlayerMobile player, bool contextMenu ) { QuestSystem qs = player.Quest; if ( qs is EminosUndertakingQuest ) { if ( EminosUndertakingQuest.HasLostNoteForZoel( player ) ) { Item note = new NoteForZoel(); if ( player.PlaceInBackpack( note ) ) { qs.AddConversation( new LostNoteConversation() ); } else { note.Delete(); player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1046260 ); // You need to clear some space in your inventory to continue with the quest. Come back here when you have more space in your inventory. } } else if ( EminosUndertakingQuest.HasLostEminosKatana( player ) ) { qs.AddConversation( new LostSwordConversation() ); } else { QuestObjective obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( FindEminoBeginObjective ) ); if ( obj != null && !obj.Completed ) { obj.Complete(); } else { obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( UseTeleporterObjective ) ); if ( obj != null && !obj.Completed ) { Item note = new NoteForZoel(); if ( player.PlaceInBackpack( note ) ) { obj.Complete(); player.AddToBackpack( new LeatherNinjaPants() ); player.AddToBackpack( new LeatherNinjaMitts() ); } else { note.Delete(); player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1046260 ); // You need to clear some space in your inventory to continue with the quest. Come back here when you have more space in your inventory. } } else { obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( ReturnFromInnObjective ) ); if ( obj != null && !obj.Completed ) { Container cont = GetNewContainer(); for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) cont.DropItem( new LesserHealPotion() ); cont.DropItem( new LeatherNinjaHood() ); cont.DropItem( new LeatherNinjaJacket() ); if ( player.PlaceInBackpack( cont ) ) { obj.Complete(); } else { cont.Delete(); player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1046260 ); // You need to clear some space in your inventory to continue with the quest. Come back here when you have more space in your inventory. } } else { if ( qs.IsObjectiveInProgress( typeof( SlayHenchmenObjective ) ) ) { qs.AddConversation( new ContinueSlayHenchmenConversation() ); } else { obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( GiveEminoSwordObjective ) ); if ( obj != null && !obj.Completed ) { Item katana = null; if ( player.Backpack != null ) katana = player.Backpack.FindItemByType( typeof( EminosKatana ) ); if ( katana != null ) { bool stolenTreasure = false; HallwayWalkObjective walk = qs.FindObjective( typeof( HallwayWalkObjective ) ) as HallwayWalkObjective; if ( walk != null ) stolenTreasure = walk.StolenTreasure; Kama kama = new Kama(); if ( stolenTreasure ) BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( kama, 1, 10, 20 ); else BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( kama, 1, 10, 30 ); if ( player.PlaceInBackpack( kama ) ) { katana.Delete(); obj.Complete(); if ( stolenTreasure ) qs.AddConversation( new EarnLessGiftsConversation() ); else qs.AddConversation( new EarnGiftsConversation() ); } else { kama.Delete(); player.SendLocalizedMessage( 1046260 ); // You need to clear some space in your inventory to continue with the quest. Come back here when you have more space in your inventory. } } } } } } } } } }
public override void OnTalk( PlayerMobile player, bool contextMenu ) { Direction = this.GetDirectionTo( player ); QuestSystem qs = player.Quest; if ( qs is EminosUndertakingQuest ) { if ( qs.IsObjectiveInProgress( typeof( FindDaimyoEminoObjective ) ) ) { QuestObjective obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( FindDaimyoEminoObjective ) ); if ( obj != null ) { obj.Complete(); } qs.AddConversation( new DaimyoEminoBeginConversation() ); qs.AddObjective( new FindEliteNinjaZoelObjective() ); } if ( qs.IsObjectiveInProgress( typeof( TakeGreenTeleporterObjective ) ) ) { QuestObjective obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( TakeGreenTeleporterObjective ) ); if ( obj != null ) { obj.Complete(); } qs.AddConversation( new EminoSecondConversation() ); player.AddToBackpack( new NoteForZoel() ); player.AddToBackpack( new LeatherNinjaPants() ); player.AddToBackpack( new LeatherNinjaMitts() ); qs.AddObjective( new BringNoteToZoelObjective() ); } if ( qs.IsObjectiveInProgress( typeof( GoBackBlueTeleporterObjective ) ) ) { QuestObjective obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( GoBackBlueTeleporterObjective ) ); if ( obj != null ) { obj.Complete(); } qs.AddConversation( new FrownsConversation() ); Bag bag = new Bag(); bag.Hue = 0x660; bag.DropItem( new LeatherNinjaJacket() ); bag.DropItem( new LeatherNinjaHood() ); for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { bag.DropItem( new LesserHealPotion() ); } player.AddToBackpack( bag ); qs.AddObjective( new TakeWhiteTeleporterObjective() ); } if ( qs.IsObjectiveInProgress( typeof( KillHenchmensObjective ) ) ) { qs.AddConversation( new ContinueKillHenchmensConversation() ); } if ( qs.IsObjectiveInProgress( typeof( ReturnToDaimyoObjective ) ) ) { List<Item> list = player.Backpack.Items; DaimyoEminosKatana katana = null; for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++ ) { if ( list[i] is DaimyoEminosKatana ) { katana = list[i] as DaimyoEminosKatana; break; } } if ( katana == null ) { qs.AddConversation( new TakeSwordAgainConversation() ); } else { katana.Delete(); QuestObjective obj = qs.FindObjective( typeof( ReturnToDaimyoObjective ) ); if ( obj != null ) { obj.Complete(); } qs.AddConversation( new GiftsConversation() ); Kama kama = new Kama(); BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo( kama, 1, 10, 30 ); player.AddToBackpack( kama ); qs.Complete(); } } } }