コード例 #1
        public static void GoldTransfer(Mobile m, Container c, BaseCreature creature)
            if (creature.IsBonded)

            if (m.Map != creature.Map || !m.InRange(creature, 12))

            string nametitle = null;

            if (creature.Title != null)
                nametitle = creature.Name + " " + creature.Title;

                nametitle = creature.Name;

            Item       item   = m.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(GoldLedger));
            GoldLedger ledger = item as GoldLedger;

            if (ledger == null)

            if (!ledger.GoldAutoLoot || !m.Alive || !GoldLedger.GoldAutoLootAvailable)

            TransferGold(m, c, ledger, nametitle);
コード例 #2
        public static void GoldSweep(Mobile m, Gold gold)
            Item item = m.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(GoldLedger));

            GoldLedger ledger = item as GoldLedger;

            if (ledger == null)

            if (!ledger.GoldSweeper || !GoldLedger.GoldSweeperAvailable)

            if (gold != null)
                if (ledger.Gold < 999999999)
                    double maxWeight = (WeightOverloading.GetMaxWeight(m));
                    if ((Mobile.BodyWeight + m.TotalWeight) < (maxWeight))
                        int golda = gold.Amount;
                        if ((gold.Amount + ledger.Gold) > 999999999)
                            golda = (999999999 - ledger.Gold);
                        double maxgold = golda;
                        if (ledger.d_WeightScale > 0)
                            maxgold = ((maxWeight - ((double)Mobile.BodyWeight + (double)m.TotalWeight)) / ledger.d_WeightScale);
                        if (golda > maxgold)
                            golda = (int)maxgold;
                        int GoldID = 0;
                        if (golda == 1)
                            GoldID = gold.ItemID;
                        else if (golda > 1 && golda < 6)
                            GoldID = gold.ItemID + 1;
                        else if (golda >= 6)
                            GoldID = gold.ItemID + 2;
                        if (golda < gold.Amount)
                            gold.Amount -= golda;
                        ledger.Gold += golda;
                        if (ledger.b_open && golda > 0)
                            m.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(ledger));

                        if (golda > 0)
                            m.SendMessage(2125, "You deposit {0} gold into your gold ledger.", golda.ToString("#,0"));
                            if (!m.Mounted)
                                m.Animate(32, 5, 1, true, false, 0);
                            Effects.SendMovingEffect(gold, m, GoldID, 5, 50, true, false);
コード例 #3
        public static void TransferGold(Mobile m, Container c, GoldLedger ledger, string nametitle)
            Item[] items = c.FindItemsByType(typeof(Gold));

            foreach (Gold ngold in items)
                Gold gold = ngold as Gold;

                if (gold != null)
                    if (ledger.Gold < 999999999)
                        double maxWeight = (WeightOverloading.GetMaxWeight(m));
                        if ((Mobile.BodyWeight + m.TotalWeight) < (maxWeight))
                            int golda = gold.Amount;
                            if ((gold.Amount + ledger.Gold) > 999999999)
                                golda = (999999999 - ledger.Gold);
                            double maxgold = golda;
                            if (ledger.d_WeightScale > 0)
                                maxgold = ((maxWeight - ((double)Mobile.BodyWeight + (double)m.TotalWeight)) / ledger.d_WeightScale);
                            if (golda > maxgold)
                                golda = (int)maxgold;
                            int GoldID = 0;
                            if (golda == 1)
                                GoldID = gold.ItemID;
                            else if (golda > 1 && golda < 6)
                                GoldID = gold.ItemID + 1;
                            else if (golda >= 6)
                                GoldID = gold.ItemID + 2;
                            if (golda < gold.Amount)
                                gold.Amount -= golda;
                            ledger.Gold += golda;
                            if (ledger.b_open && golda > 0)
                                m.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(ledger));

                            if (golda > 0)
                                m.SendMessage(2125, "You loot {0} gold from {1} and deposit it into your gold ledger.", golda.ToString("#,0"), nametitle);
                                Effects.SendMovingEffect(c, m, GoldID, 5, 50, true, false);
コード例 #4
        public void EndAddGold(Mobile from, object obj)

            if (obj is Item)
                Item   item      = obj as Item;
                double maxWeight = (WeightOverloading.GetMaxWeight(from));
                int    golda     = 0;

                if (!this.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.
                if (!item.IsAccessibleTo(from))
                    from.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(this));
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(3000270); // That is not accessible.

                if (obj is Gold)
                    Gold gold = obj as Gold;

                    golda = gold.Amount;
                    if ((gold.Amount + this.Gold) > 999999999)
                        golda = (999999999 - this.Gold);
                    double maxgold = golda;
                    if (this.d_WeightScale > 0 && gold.RootParent != from)
                        maxgold = ((maxWeight - ((double)Mobile.BodyWeight + (double)from.TotalWeight)) / this.d_WeightScale);
                    if (golda > maxgold)
                        golda = (int)maxgold;
                    if (golda < gold.Amount)
                        gold.Amount -= golda;

                    this.Gold += golda;

                    from.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(this));
                    from.SendMessage(2125, String.Format("You deposit {0} gold into your gold ledger.", golda.ToString("#,0")));
                else if (obj is BankCheck)
                    BankCheck check = obj as BankCheck;

                    golda = check.Worth;
                    if ((check.Worth + this.Gold) > 999999999)
                        golda = (999999999 - this.Gold);
                    double maxgold = golda;
                    if (this.d_WeightScale > 0)
                        maxgold = ((maxWeight - ((double)Mobile.BodyWeight + (double)from.TotalWeight)) / this.d_WeightScale);
                    if (golda > maxgold)
                        golda = (int)maxgold;
                    if (golda < check.Worth)
                        check.Worth -= golda;

                    this.Gold += golda;

                    from.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(this));
                    from.SendMessage(2125, String.Format("You deposit a bank check worth {0} gold into your gold ledger.", golda.ToString("#,0")));
                else if (obj is GoldLedger && obj != this)
                    GoldLedger gledger = obj as GoldLedger;

                    golda = gledger.Gold;
                    if ((gledger.Gold + this.Gold) > 999999999)
                        golda = (999999999 - this.Gold);
                    double maxgold = golda;
                    if (this.d_WeightScale > 0)
                        maxgold = ((maxWeight - ((double)Mobile.BodyWeight + (double)from.TotalWeight)) / this.d_WeightScale);
                    if (golda > maxgold)
                        golda = (int)maxgold;
                    gledger.Gold -= golda;

                    this.Gold += golda;

                    from.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(this));
                    from.SendMessage(2125, String.Format("You transfer {0} gold into your gold ledger.", golda.ToString("#,0")));
                    from.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(this));
                    from.SendMessage(2125, "You can only deposit gold or bank checks into your gold ledger.");
                from.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(this));
                from.SendMessage(2125, "You can only deposit gold or bank checks into your gold ledger.");

            from.SendMessage(2125, "Do you want to deposit anything else? (ESC to cancel)");
            from.Target = new AddGoldTarget(this);
コード例 #5
        public GoldLedgerGump(GoldLedger ledger)
            : base(225, 100)
            Resizable = false;

            Ledger = ledger;
            int val = Ledger.Gold;

            if (val > 5000)
                val = 5000;

            bool bool1 = true;
            bool bool2 = false;

            if (Ledger.i_Selection == 1)
                bool1 = false;
                bool2 = true;

            AddBackground(50, 50, 400, (280 + ((GoldLedger.GoldSweeperAvailable || GoldLedger.GoldAutoLootAvailable) ? 85 : 0)), 3600);
            AddLabel(217, 78, 2124, @"Gold Ledger");
            AddImage(138, 68, 4037, 2124);
            AddImage(328, 70, 4037, 2124);
            AddImage(295, 80, 57, 2101);
            AddImage(175, 80, 59, 2101);
            AddButton(395, 66, 22153, 22155, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(417, 68, 3, 4, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddBackground(65, 115, 185, 85, 9270);
            AddLabel(107, 130, 2124, @"Account Balance");
            AddBackground(103, 157, 109, 25, 9350);
            AddLabel(112, 160, 0, Ledger.Gold.ToString("#,0"));

            AddBackground(250, 115, 185, 85, 9270);
            AddLabel(291, 130, 2124, @"Deposit Currency");
            AddButton(289, 154, 10800, 10820, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddBackground(65, 200, 185, 115, 9270);
            AddLabel(132, 215, 2124, @"Currency");
            AddItem(97, 242, 3823, 0);
            AddLabel(108, 242, 2101, @"Gold");
            AddLabel(154, 243, 2101, @"or");
            AddItem(174, 240, 5360, 52);
            AddLabel(188, 237, 2101, @"Bank");
            AddLabel(185, 249, 2101, @"Check");
            AddRadio(114, 275, 210, 211, bool1, 2);
            AddRadio(182, 275, 210, 211, bool2, 3);

            AddBackground(250, 200, 185, 115, 9270);
            AddLabel(284, 215, 2124, @"Withdraw Currency");
            AddBackground(288, 242, 109, 30, 2620);
            AddTextEntry(295, 247, 95, 20, 2101, 4, val.ToString());
            AddLabel(290, 277, 2101, @"Finalize");
            AddButton(343, 276, 2128, 2129, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (GoldLedger.GoldSweeperAvailable)
                AddBackground(65, 315, 185, 85, 9270);
                AddLabel(121, 330, 2124, @"Gold Sweeper");
                AddLabel(90, 357, 2101, @"Sweeper Enabled");
                AddButton(199, 354, (Ledger.GoldSweeper ? 9723 : 9720), (Ledger.GoldSweeper ? 9720 : 9723), 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (GoldLedger.GoldAutoLootAvailable)
                AddBackground(250, 315, 185, 85, 9270);
                AddLabel(297, 330, 2124, @"Gold Auto-Loot");
                AddLabel(275, 357, 2101, @"Gold Looting");
                AddButton(357, 357, (Ledger.GoldAutoLoot ? 2113 : 2116), (Ledger.GoldAutoLoot ? 2116 : 2113), 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddImage(0, -7, 10400, 2124);
            AddImage(0, 167, 10401, 2124);
            AddImage(0, 345, 10402, 2124);
            AddImage(418, -7, 10410, 2124);
            AddImage(418, 167, 10411, 2124);
            AddImage(418, 345, 10412, 2124);
コード例 #6
 public AddGoldTarget(GoldLedger tl)
     : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_TL = tl;
コード例 #7
        public static void TransferGold(Mobile m, Container c, GoldLedger ledger, string nametitle)
            Item[] items = c.FindItemsByType(typeof(Gold));

            foreach (Gold ngold in items)
                Gold gold = ngold as Gold;

                if (gold != null)
                    if (ledger.Gold < 999999999)
                        double maxWeight = (WeightOverloading.GetMaxWeight(m));
                        if ((Mobile.BodyWeight + m.TotalWeight) < (maxWeight))
                            int golda = gold.Amount;
                            if ((gold.Amount + ledger.Gold) > 999999999)
                                golda = (999999999 - ledger.Gold);
                            double maxgold = golda;
                            if (ledger.d_WeightScale > 0)
                                maxgold = ((maxWeight - ((double)Mobile.BodyWeight + (double)m.TotalWeight)) / ledger.d_WeightScale);
                            if (golda > maxgold)
                                golda = (int)maxgold;
                            int GoldID = 0;
                            if (golda == 1)
                                GoldID = gold.ItemID;
                            else if (golda > 1 && golda < 6)
                                GoldID = gold.ItemID + 1;
                            else if (golda >= 6)
                                GoldID = gold.ItemID + 2;
                            if (golda < gold.Amount)
                                gold.Amount -= golda;
                            ledger.Gold += golda;
                            if (ledger.b_open && golda > 0)
                                m.SendGump(new GoldLedgerGump(ledger));

                            if (golda > 0)
                                m.SendMessage(2125, "You loot {0} gold from {1} and deposit it into your gold ledger.", golda.ToString("#,0"), nametitle);
                                Effects.SendMovingEffect(c, m, GoldID, 5, 50, true, false);
コード例 #8
        public GoldLedgerGump(GoldLedger ledger)
            : base(225, 100)
            Resizable = false;

            Ledger = ledger;
            int val = Ledger.Gold;
            if (val > 5000)
                val = 5000;

            bool bool1 = true;
            bool bool2 = false;
            if (Ledger.i_Selection == 1)
                bool1 = false;
                bool2 = true;

            AddBackground(50, 50, 400, (280 + ((GoldLedger.GoldSweeperAvailable || GoldLedger.GoldAutoLootAvailable) ? 85 : 0)), 3600);
            AddLabel(217, 78, 2124, @"Gold Ledger");
            AddImage(138, 68, 4037, 2124);
            AddImage(328, 70, 4037, 2124);
            AddImage(295, 80, 57, 2101);
            AddImage(175, 80, 59, 2101);
            AddButton(395, 66, 22153, 22155, 8, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(417, 68, 3, 4, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddBackground(65, 115, 185, 85, 9270);
            AddLabel(107, 130, 2124, @"Account Balance");
            AddBackground(103, 157, 109, 25, 9350);
            AddLabel(112, 160, 0, Ledger.Gold.ToString("#,0"));

            AddBackground(250, 115, 185, 85, 9270);
            AddLabel(291, 130, 2124, @"Deposit Currency");
            AddButton(289, 154, 10800, 10820, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddBackground(65, 200, 185, 115, 9270);
            AddLabel(132, 215, 2124, @"Currency");
            AddItem(97, 242, 3823, 0);
            AddLabel(108, 242, 2101, @"Gold");
            AddLabel(154, 243, 2101, @"or");
            AddItem(174, 240, 5360, 52);
            AddLabel(188, 237, 2101, @"Bank");
            AddLabel(185, 249, 2101, @"Check");
            AddRadio(114, 275, 210, 211, bool1, 2);
            AddRadio(182, 275, 210, 211, bool2, 3);

            AddBackground(250, 200, 185, 115, 9270);
            AddLabel(284, 215, 2124, @"Withdraw Currency");
            AddBackground(288, 242, 109, 30, 2620);
            AddTextEntry(295, 247, 95, 20, 2101, 4, val.ToString());
            AddLabel(290, 277, 2101, @"Finalize");
            AddButton(343, 276, 2128, 2129, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (GoldLedger.GoldSweeperAvailable)
                AddBackground(65, 315, 185, 85, 9270);
                AddLabel(121, 330, 2124, @"Gold Sweeper");
                AddLabel(90, 357, 2101, @"Sweeper Enabled");
                AddButton(199, 354, (Ledger.GoldSweeper ? 9723 : 9720), (Ledger.GoldSweeper ? 9720 : 9723), 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            if (GoldLedger.GoldAutoLootAvailable)
                AddBackground(250, 315, 185, 85, 9270);
                AddLabel(297, 330, 2124, @"Gold Auto-Loot");
                AddLabel(275, 357, 2101, @"Gold Looting");
                AddButton(357, 357, (Ledger.GoldAutoLoot ? 2113 : 2116), (Ledger.GoldAutoLoot ? 2116 : 2113), 7, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddImage(0, -7, 10400, 2124);
            AddImage(0, 167, 10401, 2124);
            AddImage(0, 345, 10402, 2124);
            AddImage(418, -7, 10410, 2124);
            AddImage(418, 167, 10411, 2124);
            AddImage(418, 345, 10412, 2124);
コード例 #9
 public AddGoldTarget(GoldLedger tl)
     : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_TL = tl;
コード例 #10
 public SetOwnerTarget(GoldLedger tl)
     : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None)
     m_TL = tl;