public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from ) { Eggs eg = new Eggs(); eg.MoveToWorld( this.Location, this.Map ); }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 1)) { if (m_Owner != null) { if (m_HasEggs > 0) { if (m_Owner is BaseAnimal) { BaseAnimal ba = (BaseAnimal)m_Owner; if (ba.Owner != from && ba.Owner != null) { ba.Combatant = from; } if (ba.IsPregnant) { ba.IsPregnant = false; } } Eggs egg = new Eggs(); from.AddToBackpack(egg); m_HasEggs -= 1; InvalidateProperties(); from.SendMessage("You take an egg from the nest."); if (m_HasEggs < 1) { ItemID = 6869; } } else { from.SendMessage("The nest is empty."); ItemID = 6869; } } else { Movable = true; m_Owner = from; from.SendMessage("You free the nest."); } } else { from.SendMessage("You are too far away!"); } }
protected override void OnTick() { if (Mare.Map != Map.Internal) { Eggs eggs = new Eggs(); eggs.MoveToWorld( Mare.Location, Mare.Map ); Effects.PlaySound( Mare.Location, Mare.Map, 110);//Can change number of sound played 110 = chicken cluck Mare.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 62, true, "Cluck" );//FYI: Mare.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 62 this is for the hue colot, true is for cursive, "Cluck" ); } else { Effects.PlaySound( Mare.Location, Mare.Map, 130);//Can change number of sound played, 130 = Moose sound Mare.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 38, true, "Eggs spawning on internal Map. Tell a GM." ); } }
public InternalTarget( Eggs item ) : base(1, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_Item = item; }
public InternalTarget(Eggs item) : base(1, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_Item = item; }
public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from ) { int eggs = 0; if( !this.InRange( from, 1 ) ) { from.SendMessage( "You are too far away to do that." ); return; } if( from != null ) { if ( DateTime.Compare( DateTime.Now, ( this.LastEgg + TimeSpan.FromHours( 1 ) ) ) > 0 ) { eggs++; if ( DateTime.Compare( DateTime.Now, ( this.LastEgg + TimeSpan.FromHours( 2 ) ) ) > 0 ) { eggs++; if ( DateTime.Compare( DateTime.Now, ( this.LastEgg + TimeSpan.FromHours( 3 ) ) ) > 0 ) { eggs++; } } if ( from is PlayerMobile ) { PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile; Container pack = pm.Backpack; Eggs neweggs = new Eggs(); neweggs.Amount = eggs; pack.DropItem( neweggs ); } this.LastEgg = DateTime.Now; from.SendMessage( "You collect some of the chicken's eggs." ); } else { from.SendMessage( "It is too early to get any more eggs from this chicken." ); } } }