public MaginciaBazaarPlot(GenericReader reader) { int version = reader.ReadInt(); m_Definition = new PlotDef(reader); m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile(); m_ShopName = reader.ReadString(); m_Merchant = reader.ReadMobile() as BaseBazaarBroker; m_Sign = reader.ReadItem() as PlotSign; m_PlotMulti = reader.ReadItem() as BaseBazaarMulti; if (reader.ReadBool()) { m_Auction = new MaginciaPlotAuction(reader, this); } if (m_Merchant != null) { m_Merchant.Plot = this; } if (m_Sign != null) { m_Sign.Plot = this; } }
public void AddInventory(Mobile m, BaseBazaarBroker broker) { m_Funds += broker.BankBalance; m_Expires = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromDays(7); if (broker is CommodityBroker) { foreach (CommodityBrokerEntry entry in ((CommodityBroker)broker).CommodityEntries) { if (entry.Stock > 0) { m_CommodityTypes[entry.CommodityType] = entry.Stock; } } } else if (broker is PetBroker) { foreach (PetBrokerEntry entry in ((PetBroker)broker).BrokerEntries) { if (entry.Pet.Map != Map.Internal || !entry.Pet.IsStabled) { entry.Internalize(); } m_Creatures.Add(entry.Pet); } } }
public void AddInventoryToWarehouse(Mobile owner, BaseBazaarBroker broker) { StorageEntry newEntry = null; if (broker is CommodityBroker && ((CommodityBroker)broker).HasValidEntry()) { newEntry = new StorageEntry(((CommodityBroker)broker).CommodityEntries, broker.BankBalance); } else if (broker is PetBroker && ((PetBroker)broker).HasValidEntry()) { newEntry = new StorageEntry(((PetBroker)broker).BrokerEntries, broker.BankBalance); } if (newEntry != null) { m_WarehouseStorage[owner] = newEntry; /*Your hired broker has transferred any remaining inventory and funds from * your stall at the New Magincia Bazaar into storage at the New Magincia * Warehouse. You must reclaim these items or they will be destroyed! To reclaim * these items, see the Warehouse Superintendent in New Magincia.<br><br>This * service is provided free of charge. If you owed your broker any back fees, * those fees must be paid before you can reclaim your belongings. The storage * period lasts 7 days starting with the expiration of your lease at the New * Magincia Bazaar, and this storage period cannot be extended. Claim your * possessions and gold without delay!<br><br>The expiration time of this * message coincides with the expiration time of your Warehouse storage.*/ MaginciaLottoSystem.SendMessageTo(owner, new NewMaginciaMessage(1150676, new TextDefinition(1150674), null)); } }
public MaginciaBazaarPlot(PlotDef definition) { m_Definition = definition; m_Owner = null; m_PlotMulti = null; m_Merchant = null; m_ShopName = null; }
public void FireBroker() { if (m_Merchant != null) { m_Merchant.Delete(); m_Merchant = null; if (m_PlotMulti != null) { m_PlotMulti.Delete(); m_PlotMulti = null; } } }
public void Reset() { if (m_PlotMulti != null) { Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2), DeleteMulti_Callback); } EndTempMultiTimer(); if (m_Merchant != null) { m_Merchant.Dismiss(); } m_Owner = null; m_ShopName = null; m_Merchant = null; m_ShopName = null; }
public StorageEntry(Mobile m, BaseBazaarBroker broker) { AddInventory(m, broker); }