public InternalEntry(PlayerMobile from, GuardCaptain guard) : base(1152366, 3) // City Banner { Player = from; Guard = guard; Enabled = CityLoyaltySystem.HasCitizenship(from, Guard.City); }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack)) { CityLoyaltySystem sys = CityLoyaltySystem.GetCityInstance(City); if (CityLoyaltySystem.HasCitizenship(from, City) && sys.GetLoyaltyRating(from) >= LoyaltyRating.Commended) { base.OnDoubleClick(from); } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1152361, String.Format("#{0}", CityLoyaltySystem.GetCityLocalization(City))); // You are not sufficiently loyal to ~1_CITY~ to use this. } } }
public override void OnClick() { CityLoyaltySystem thisSystem = CityLoyaltySystem.GetCityInstance(Guard.City); CityLoyaltySystem theirSystem = CityLoyaltySystem.GetCitizenship(Player); Guard.CheckBannerCooldown(); if (theirSystem != null && thisSystem != null && CityLoyaltySystem.HasCitizenship(Player, Guard.City)) { if (Guard.IsInBannerCooldown(Player)) { Guard.SayTo(Player, 1152364, String.Format("#{0}", CityLoyaltySystem.BannerLocalization(thisSystem.City))); // I have quite a backlog of orders and I cannot satisfy your request for a ~1_ITEM~ right now. } if (theirSystem.GetLoyaltyRating(Player) < LoyaltyRating.Adored) { Guard.SayTo(Player, 1152363, String.Format("#{0}", CityLoyaltySystem.GetCityLocalization(thisSystem.City))); // I apologize, but you are not well-enough renowned in the city of ~1_CITY~ to make this purchase. } else { string args = String.Format("#{0}\t{1}", CityLoyaltySystem.BannerLocalization(thisSystem.City), CityLoyaltySystem.BannerCost.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))); Player.SendGump(new ConfirmCallbackGump(Player, 1049004, 1152365, Player, args, Guard.OnConfirm)); } } }