public static void SetSkill_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs arg) { if (arg.Length != 2) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage("SetSkill <skill name> <value>"); } else { SkillName skill; #if Framework_4_0 if (Enum.TryParse(arg.GetString(0), true, out skill)) { arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget(skill, arg.GetDouble(1)); } else { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005631); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. } #else try { skill = (SkillName)Enum.Parse(typeof(SkillName), arg.GetString(0), true); } catch { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005631); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. return; } arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget(skill, arg.GetDouble(1)); #endif } }
public static void SetSkill_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs arg ) { if ( arg.Length != 2 ) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage( "SetSkill <skill name> <value>" ); } else { SkillName skill; #if Framework_4_0 if( Enum.TryParse( arg.GetString( 0 ), true, out skill ) ) { arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget( skill, arg.GetDouble( 1 ) ); } else { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005631 ); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. } #else try { skill = (SkillName)Enum.Parse(typeof(SkillName), arg.GetString(0), true); } catch { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005631); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. return; } arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget(skill, arg.GetDouble(1)); #endif } }
public static void SetAllSkills_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs arg) { if (arg.Length != 1) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage("SetAllSkills <value>"); } else { arg.Mobile.Target = new AllSkillsTarget(arg.GetDouble(0)); } }
public static void SetAllSkills_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs arg ) { if ( arg.Length != 1 ) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage( "SetAllSkills <value>" ); } else { arg.Mobile.Target = new AllSkillsTarget( arg.GetDouble( 0 ) ); } }
public static void RegionParagonMod_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; if (e.Length == 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<BASEFONT COLOR=WHITE>MODIFIED PARAGON REGIONS<br><br>"); foreach (var kvp in m_Modifiers) { sb.Append(kvp.Key.Name); sb.Append(": "); sb.Append(kvp.Value); sb.Append("<br>"); } from.SendGump(new TextGump(sb.ToString())); return; } if (e.Length == 2) { try { string name = e.GetString(0); double mod = e.GetDouble(1); var region = FindRegion(from, name); if (region == null) { from.SendMessage("No region with that name was found."); } else { SetModifier(region, mod); from.SendMessage(String.Format("The paragon modifier for \"{0}\" has been set to {1}", region.Name, mod)); } } catch { from.SendMessage("Error in arguments. Usage: [RegionParagonMod \"name\" 0.5 (50% paragons)"); } } }
public static void SetSkill_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs arg) { if (arg.Length != 2) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage("SetSkill <skill name> <value>"); } else { if (Enum.TryParse(arg.GetString(0), true, out SkillName skill)) { arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget(skill, arg.GetDouble(1)); } else { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005631); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. } } }
public static void SetSkill_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs arg ) { if ( arg.Length != 2 ) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage( "SetSkill <skill name> <value>" ); } else { SkillName skill; if( Enum.TryParse( arg.GetString( 0 ), true, out skill ) ) { arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget( skill, arg.GetDouble( 1 ) ); } else { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005631 ); // You have specified an invalid skill to set. } } }
public static void SetLokaiSkill_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs arg) { if (arg.Length != 2) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage("SetLokaiSkill <Lokai Skill name> <value>"); } else { LokaiSkillName lokaiSkill; try { lokaiSkill = (LokaiSkillName)Enum.Parse(typeof(LokaiSkillName), arg.GetString(0), true); } catch { arg.Mobile.SendMessage("You have specified an invalid Lokai Skill to set."); return; } arg.Mobile.Target = new LokaiSkillTarget(lokaiSkill, arg.GetDouble(1)); } }
public static void SetSkill_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs arg) { if (arg.Length != 2) { arg.Mobile.SendMessage("SetSkill <skill name> <value>"); } else { SkillName skill; try { skill = (SkillName)Enum.Parse(typeof(SkillName), arg.GetString(0), true); } catch { arg.Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1005631); return; } arg.Mobile.Target = new SkillTarget(skill, arg.GetDouble(1)); } }
public static void RepeatSoundCommand_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs args) { if (args.Length == 2) { Timer timer = null; bool foundValue = false; int soundID = args.GetInt32(0); double interval = args.GetDouble(1); if (m_Table.ContainsKey(soundID)) { foundValue = m_Table.TryGetValue(soundID, out timer); } if (foundValue || timer != null) { if (timer != null) { timer.Stop(); } if (m_Table.Remove(soundID)) { args.Mobile.SendMessage("RepeatSound process with sound index {0} halted.", soundID); } } else { timer = new InternalTimer(args.Mobile, soundID, interval); timer.Start(); m_Table.Add(soundID, timer); } } else { args.Mobile.SendMessage("Usage: RepeatSound <int soundID> <double intervalDelay>"); } }