public void Awake()
            InteractiveRigidbody irb = GetComponent <InteractiveRigidbody>();


            m_hover = m_grab = false;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update mesh polling center position to camera.
        /// </summary>
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (m_handlerActive != null)
                if (m_handlerActive.IsActivated())
                    m_rotation     = 0;
                    m_lastRotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                else if (m_handlerActive.IsActive())
                    Vector3 newRot = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    // find delta rotation
                    float deltaRot = newRot.z - m_lastRotation.z;
                    // account for 360 degree jump
                    while (deltaRot < -180)
                        deltaRot += 360;
                    while (deltaRot > +180)
                        deltaRot -= 360;
                    // This should only work when controller points horizontally
                    // > diminish when |Y| component of forwards vector increases
                    float changeFactor = 1 - Mathf.Abs(transform.forward.y);
                    deltaRot *= changeFactor;
                    // accumulate change (minus: clockwise = positive number)
                    m_rotation += -deltaRot;
                    // constrain to control curve limits
                    m_rotation = Mathf.Clamp(m_rotation,
                                             Curve.keys[Curve.length - 1].time);
                    // actually change parameter

                    InteractiveRigidbody irb = m_physicsGrabScript.GetActiveBody();
                    if ((Mathf.Abs(m_rotation) > 1) && (irb != null) && irb.CanScale)
                        float   relScaleFactor = 1.0f + Curve.Evaluate(m_rotation) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                        Vector3 oldScale       = irb.Rigidbody.transform.localScale;
                        Vector3 newScale       = oldScale * relScaleFactor;
                        Vector3 pivot          = m_physicsGrabScript.GetGrabPoint();
                        Vector3 posDiff        = irb.Rigidbody.transform.position - pivot;
                        irb.Rigidbody.MovePosition(pivot + posDiff * relScaleFactor);
                        irb.Rigidbody.transform.localScale = newScale;
                    m_lastRotation = newRot;
 private void OnGrabEnd(InteractiveRigidbody _rb, GameObject _other)
     m_grab = false; UpdateMaterials();
 private void OnGrabStart(InteractiveRigidbody _rb, GameObject _other)
     m_grab = true; UpdateMaterials();
 private void OnHoverEnd(InteractiveRigidbody _rb, GameObject _other)
     m_hover = false; UpdateMaterials();
 private void OnHoverStart(InteractiveRigidbody _rb, GameObject _other)
     m_hover = true; UpdateMaterials();