コード例 #1
        public int ImportFromCsv(string csvFile, DateTime reportDate, bool isCompleted, DateTime?payoutStartDate)
            int    errorCount       = 0;
            int    payoutCount      = 0;
            int    reservationCount = 0;
            int    resolutionCount  = 0;
            string channel          = "Airbnb";
            string account          = GetAccountFromFilename(csvFile);
            string inputSource      = string.Format("{0} {1}", reportDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), GetInputSourceFromFilePath(csvFile));

            if (DuplicateInputSource(inputSource))

            if (!File.Exists(csvFile))
                var inputError = new InputError
                    InputSource  = inputSource,
                    Row          = 0,
                    Section      = "Input File Check",
                    Message      = string.Format("Input file '{0}' does not exist.", csvFile),
                    OriginalText = csvFile,
                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors

                return(-1000000);       // large number of errors

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(csvFile))
                int totalCols           = 14;
                int startRow            = 2; // starting row for reservation data
                int payoutDateCol       = 0;
                int typeCol             = 1;
                int confirmationCodeCol = 2;
                int checkinDateCol      = 3;
                int nightCol            = 4;
                int guestCol            = 5;
                int listingCol          = 6;
                int detailCol           = 7;
                int referenceCol        = 8;
                int currencyCol         = 9;
                int amountCol           = 10;
                int payoutCol           = 11;

                bool isOwnerRow             = false;
                bool isRowError             = false;
                List <InputError> errorRows = new List <InputError>();

                char               delimiter    = (char)0;
                OwnerPayout        payout       = null;
                List <Reservation> reservations = null;
                List <Resolution>  resolutions  = null;
                DateTime           today        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var propertyProvider            = new PropertyProvider(_context);

                int row = 0;
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    string line = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (row < startRow)
                        continue;                 // first row is header
                    if (delimiter == (char)0)
                        delimiter = (line.Count(x => x == '\t') > 2 ? '\t' : ',');
                    string[] columns = ParseLine(line, delimiter, totalCols);

                    if (columns.Count() != totalCols)
                        errorRows.Add(new InputError
                            InputSource  = inputSource,
                            Row          = row,
                            Section      = "Parse",
                            Message      = string.Format("The total number of columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", columns.Count(), totalCols),
                            OriginalText = line,
                            CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow

                        // exit loop if there is no transaction date on a row
                        if (isCompleted && columns[payoutDateCol] == null)
                            if (payout != null && isOwnerRow && !isRowError)
                                QueuePayout(payout, reservations, resolutions);
                                payout = null; // start a new input section cycle

                        string type             = columns[typeCol];
                        string confirmationCode = columns[confirmationCodeCol];
                        var    payoutType       = type.StartsWith("Payout") ? PayoutType.Payout :
                                                  (type.StartsWith("Reservation") ? PayoutType.Reservation :
                                                   (type.StartsWith("Resolution") ? PayoutType.Resolution : PayoutType.Other));

                        if (payoutType == PayoutType.Payout)
                            // payout row following a reservation or resolution row start an input cycle, we queue up the payout
                            if (isCompleted && payout != null && !isOwnerRow && !isRowError)
                                if (payoutStartDate == null || payout.PayoutDate.Value.Date > payoutStartDate.Value.Date)
                                    QueuePayout(payout, reservations, resolutions);
                                    break;     // payout date comes in in ascending order; so we can skip dates before payoutStartDate
                                payout = null; // start a new input section cycle
                            // owner row following another owner row is a payout split, we add the amount up
                            else if (isCompleted && payout != null && isOwnerRow && !isRowError)
                                payout.PayoutAmount += GetSafeNumber(columns[payoutCol]);

                            isOwnerRow   = true;
                            isRowError   = false;
                            payout       = new OwnerPayout();
                            reservations = new List <Reservation>();
                            resolutions  = new List <Resolution>();

                            payout.PayoutDate    = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(GetSafeDate(columns[payoutDateCol]));
                            payout.AccountNumber = GetAccountNumber(columns[detailCol]);
                            payout.Source        = account;
                            payout.PayoutAmount  = GetSafeNumber(columns[payoutCol]);
                            payout.CreatedDate   = today;
                            payout.ModifiedDate  = today;
                            payout.InputSource   = inputSource;
                        else if (payoutType == PayoutType.Resolution || payoutType == PayoutType.Other)
                            if (!isCompleted && resolutions == null)
                                resolutions = new List <Resolution>();

                            isOwnerRow = false;

                            Resolution resolution = new Resolution();
                            resolution.ResolutionDate = (payout != null && payout.PayoutDate != null) ?
                                                        payout.PayoutDate :
                            resolution.ResolutionType        = columns[typeCol];
                            resolution.ResolutionDescription = columns[detailCol];
                            resolution.ResolutionAmount      = GetSafeNumber(columns[amountCol]);
                            resolution.ConfirmationCode      = columns[confirmationCodeCol];
                            resolution.Impact         = string.Empty; // fill in later
                            resolution.CreatedDate    = today;
                            resolution.ModifiedDate   = today;
                            resolution.InputSource    = inputSource;
                            resolution.ApprovalStatus = RevenueApprovalStatus.NotStarted;

                            // resolution has confirmation code associated with
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolution.ConfirmationCode))
                                string listingTitle = columns[listingCol];
                                string propertyCode = propertyProvider.GetPropertyCodeByListing(account, Unquote(listingTitle));
                                resolution.PropertyCode = propertyCode;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolution.ResolutionDescription))
                                    resolution.ResolutionDescription = listingTitle;

                            // for future payout, link to
                            if (!isCompleted)
                                resolution.OwnerPayoutId = 0;

                            if (resolutions != null)
                        else if (payoutType == PayoutType.Reservation)
                            if (!isCompleted && reservations == null)
                                reservations = new List <Reservation>();

                            isOwnerRow = false;

                            Reservation r = new Reservation();
                            r.ListingTitle = columns[listingCol];
                            string propertyCode = propertyProvider.GetPropertyCodeByListing(account, Unquote(r.ListingTitle));
                            r.TransactionDate = (payout != null && payout.PayoutDate != null) ?
                                                payout.PayoutDate :
                            r.PropertyCode     = propertyCode;
                            r.ConfirmationCode = columns[confirmationCodeCol];
                            r.CheckinDate      = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(GetSafeDate(columns[checkinDateCol]));
                            r.Nights           = (int)GetSafeNumber(columns[nightCol]);
                            r.CheckoutDate     = r.CheckinDate.Value.AddDays(r.Nights);
                            r.TotalRevenue     = GetSafeNumber(columns[amountCol]);
                            r.GuestName        = columns[guestCol];
                            r.Reference        = columns[referenceCol];
                            CurrencyType currency;
                            if (Enum.TryParse(columns[currencyCol], true, out currency) == true)
                                r.Currency = currency;
                                r.Currency = CurrencyType.USD;

                            // non-input fields
                            r.Source             = account;
                            r.Channel            = channel;
                            r.LocalTax           = 0;
                            r.DamageWaiver       = 0;
                            r.AdminFee           = 0;
                            r.PlatformFee        = 0;
                            r.TaxRate            = 0;
                            r.IsFutureBooking    = isCompleted ? false : true;
                            r.IncludeOnStatement = true;
                            r.ApprovalStatus     = RevenueApprovalStatus.NotStarted;

                            // house keeping fields
                            r.CreatedDate  = today;
                            r.ModifiedDate = today;
                            r.InputSource  = inputSource;

                            if (!isCompleted)
                                r.OwnerPayoutId = 0;               // link to Owner Payout placeholder record for future payout
                            // if property is not fund, we use a placehoder property so it can be fixed later
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyCode))
                                errorRows.Add(new InputError
                                    InputSource  = inputSource,
                                    Row          = row,
                                    Section      = "Reservation",
                                    Message      = string.Format("Property from listing title '{0}' and account '{1}' does not exist", r.ListingTitle, account),
                                    OriginalText = line,
                                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                                r.PropertyCode = AppConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_CODE;
                                //isRowError = true;

                            if (r.TotalRevenue < 0)
                                errorRows.Add(new InputError
                                    InputSource = inputSource,
                                    Row         = row,
                                    Section     = "Reservation",
                                    Message     = string.Format("[PropertyCode] = '{0}' and [ConfirmationCode] = '{1}' [TotalRevenue] = {2}",
                                                                r.PropertyCode, r.ConfirmationCode, r.TotalRevenue.ToString("C2")),
                                    OriginalText = "Excel row",
                                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow

                            if (reservations != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.PropertyCode))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        errorRows.Add(new InputError
                            InputSource  = inputSource,
                            Row          = row,
                            Section      = "Exception",
                            Message      = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message,
                            OriginalText = line,
                            CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                        isRowError = true;

                    // last one
                    if (isCompleted & payout != null && !isRowError)
                        if (payoutStartDate == null || payout.PayoutDate.Value.Date > payoutStartDate.Value.Date)
                            QueuePayout(payout, reservations, resolutions);

                    // save reservations and resoutions for future payout if there is no error
                    if (errorCount == 0 && !isCompleted)
                        if (resolutions != null && resolutions.Count() > 0)

                        if (reservations != null && reservations.Count() > 0)

                        _context.SaveChanges(); // Save Reservations
                    else if (errorCount == 0 && isCompleted)
                        _context.SaveChanges(); // save OwnerPayouts, Reservations, and Resolutions

                    // save process errors for resolution
                    if (errorRows.Count > 0)
                        _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var inputError = new InputError
                        InputSource  = inputSource,
                        Row          = 0,
                        Section      = "Exception",
                        Message      = "Data saving error: " + ex.Message,
                        OriginalText = "Database saving",
                        CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                    _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors
                    errorCount = 100000;    // a large number



            if (errorCount > 0)
            else if (isCompleted)
コード例 #2
        public int ImportFromExcel(string excelFile, DateTime reportDate, bool isCompleted)
            int    errorCount       = 0;
            int    payoutCount      = 0;
            int    reservationCount = 0;
            int    resolutionCount  = 0;
            string channel          = "Airbnb";
            string account          = GetAccountFromFilename(excelFile);
            string inputSource      = string.Format("{0} {1}", reportDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), GetInputSourceFromFilePath(excelFile));
            string excelPath        = Path.Combine(UrlHelper.DataRootUrl(), excelFile);

            if (!File.Exists(excelPath))
                var inputError = new InputError
                    InputSource  = inputSource,
                    Row          = 0,
                    Section      = "Input File Check",
                    Message      = string.Format("Input file '{0}' does not exist.", excelPath),
                    OriginalText = excelPath,
                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors

                return(-1000000);       // large number of error

            FileInfo excelFileInfo = new FileInfo(excelPath);

            using (var package = new ExcelPackage(excelFileInfo))
                ExcelWorkbook workBook = package.Workbook;
                if (workBook != null)
                    if (workBook.Worksheets.Count > 0)
                        int totalCols           = 14;
                        int startRow            = 2; // starting row for reservation data
                        int payoutDateCol       = 1;
                        int typeCol             = 2;
                        int confirmationCodeCol = 3;
                        int checkinDateCol      = 4;
                        int nightCol            = 5;
                        int guestCol            = 6;
                        int listingCol          = 7;
                        int detailCol           = 8;
                        int referenceCol        = 9;
                        int currencyCol         = 10;
                        int amountCol           = 11;
                        int payoutCol           = 12;
                        //int hostFeeCol = 13;
                        //int cleanFeeCol = 14;

                        ExcelWorksheet currentWorksheet = workBook.Worksheets[1];

                        bool isOwnerRow             = false;
                        bool isRowError             = false;
                        List <InputError> errorRows = new List <InputError>();

                        OwnerPayout        payout           = null;
                        List <Reservation> reservations     = null;
                        List <Resolution>  resolutions      = null;
                        DateTime           today            = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        PropertyProvider   propertyProvider = new PropertyProvider(_context);
                        for (int row = startRow; row <= currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; row++)
                            if (currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column != totalCols)
                                errorRows.Add(new InputError
                                    InputSource  = inputSource,
                                    Row          = row,
                                    Section      = "Parse",
                                    Message      = string.Format("The total number of columns {0:d} does not match {1:d}", currentWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column, totalCols),
                                    OriginalText = "Excel row",
                                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow

                                if (isCompleted && currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value == null)
                                    if (payout != null && isOwnerRow && !isRowError)
                                        QueuePayout(payout, reservations, resolutions);
                                    break; // exit loop at the end of row

                                string type       = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, typeCol].Value);
                                var    payoutType = type.StartsWith("Payout") ? PayoutType.Payout :
                                                    (type.StartsWith("Reservation") ? PayoutType.Reservation :
                                                     (type.StartsWith("Resolution") ? PayoutType.Resolution : PayoutType.Other));

                                if (payoutType == PayoutType.Payout)
                                    if (isCompleted && payout != null && !isOwnerRow && !isRowError)
                                        QueuePayout(payout, reservations, resolutions);

                                    isOwnerRow   = true;
                                    isRowError   = false;
                                    payout       = new OwnerPayout();
                                    reservations = new List <Reservation>();
                                    resolutions  = new List <Resolution>();

                                    payout.PayoutDate    = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value);
                                    payout.PayoutDate    = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(payout.PayoutDate);
                                    payout.AccountNumber = GetAccountNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, detailCol].Value);
                                    payout.Source        = account;
                                    payout.PayoutAmount  = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutCol].Value);
                                    payout.CreatedDate   = today;
                                    payout.ModifiedDate  = today;
                                    payout.InputSource   = inputSource;
                                else if (payoutType == PayoutType.Resolution)
                                    // business rule: one resolution per reservastion
                                    isOwnerRow = false;
                                    Resolution resolution = new Resolution();
                                    resolution.ResolutionDate        = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value);
                                    resolution.ResolutionDate        = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(resolution.ResolutionDate);
                                    resolution.ResolutionType        = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, typeCol].Value);
                                    resolution.ResolutionDescription = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, detailCol].Value);
                                    resolution.ResolutionAmount      = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, amountCol].Value);
                                    resolution.ConfirmationCode      = string.Empty;
                                    resolution.Impact       = string.Empty; // fill in later
                                    resolution.CreatedDate  = today;
                                    resolution.ModifiedDate = today;
                                    resolution.InputSource  = inputSource;

                                    if (!isCompleted)
                                        resolution.OwnerPayoutId = 0;               // link to Owner Payout placeholder record for future payout
                                    if (resolutions != null)
                                else if (payoutType == PayoutType.Reservation)
                                    if (!isCompleted && reservations == null)
                                        reservations = new List <Reservation>();

                                    isOwnerRow = false;
                                    Reservation r = new Reservation();
                                    r.ListingTitle = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, listingCol].Value);
                                    string propertyCode = propertyProvider.GetPropertyCodeByListing(account, Unquote(r.ListingTitle));
                                    r.TransactionDate  = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, payoutDateCol].Value);
                                    r.TransactionDate  = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(r.TransactionDate);
                                    r.PropertyCode     = propertyCode;
                                    r.ConfirmationCode = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, confirmationCodeCol].Value);
                                    r.CheckinDate      = GetSafeDate(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, checkinDateCol].Value);
                                    r.CheckinDate      = ConversionHelper.EnsureUtcDate(r.CheckinDate);
                                    r.Nights           = (int)GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, nightCol].Value);
                                    r.CheckoutDate     = r.CheckinDate.Value.AddDays(r.Nights);
                                    r.TotalRevenue     = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, amountCol].Value);
                                    //r.HostFee = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, hostFeeCol].Value); // not needed per Jason
                                    //r.CleanFee = GetSafeNumber(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, cleanFeeCol].Value); // not needed per Jason
                                    r.GuestName = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, guestCol].Value);
                                    r.Reference = GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, referenceCol].Value);
                                    CurrencyType currency;
                                    if (Enum.TryParse(GetSafeCellString(currentWorksheet.Cells[row, currencyCol].Value), true, out currency) == true)
                                        r.Currency = currency;
                                        r.Currency = CurrencyType.USD;

                                    // non-input fields
                                    r.Source             = account;
                                    r.Channel            = channel;
                                    r.LocalTax           = 0;
                                    r.DamageWaiver       = 0;
                                    r.AdminFee           = 0;
                                    r.PlatformFee        = 0;
                                    r.TaxRate            = 0;
                                    r.IsFutureBooking    = isCompleted ? false : true;
                                    r.IncludeOnStatement = false;
                                    r.ApprovalStatus     = RevenueApprovalStatus.NotStarted;

                                    // house keeping fields
                                    r.CreatedDate  = today;
                                    r.ModifiedDate = today;
                                    r.InputSource  = inputSource;

                                    if (!isCompleted)
                                        r.OwnerPayoutId = 0;               // link to Owner Payout placeholder record for future payout
                                    // if property is not fund, we use a placehoder property so it can be fixed later
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyCode))
                                        errorRows.Add(new InputError
                                            InputSource  = inputSource,
                                            Row          = row,
                                            Section      = "Reservation",
                                            Message      = string.Format("Property from listing title '{0}' and account '{1}' does not exist", Unquote(r.ListingTitle), account),
                                            OriginalText = "Excel row",
                                            CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                                        r.PropertyCode = AppConstants.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_CODE;
                                        //isRowError = true;

                                    if (reservations != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.PropertyCode))
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                errorRows.Add(new InputError
                                    InputSource  = inputSource,
                                    Row          = row,
                                    Section      = "Exception",
                                    Message      = "Data parse exception: " + ex.Message,
                                    OriginalText = "Excel row",
                                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                                isRowError = true;

                            // save reservations and resoutions for future payout if there is no error
                            if (errorCount == 0 && !isCompleted)
                                if (resolutions != null && resolutions.Count() > 0)

                                if (reservations != null && reservations.Count() > 0)

                                _context.SaveChanges(); // Save Reservations
                            else if (errorCount == 0 && isCompleted)
                                _context.SaveChanges(); // save OwnerPayouts, Reservations, and Resolutions

                            if (errorRows.Count > 0)
                                _context.SaveChanges(); // Save errors
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var inputError = new InputError
                                InputSource  = inputSource,
                                Row          = 0,
                                Section      = "Exception",
                                Message      = "Data saving error: " + ex.Message,
                                OriginalText = "Database saving",
                                CreatedTime  = DateTime.UtcNow
                            _context.SaveChanges(); // save errors
                            errorCount = 100000;    // a large number

                // ignore if cannot delete

            if (errorCount > 0)
            else if (isCompleted)