コード例 #1
        private void PopulateDictionaries()
            foreach (TabPage page in this.mTabControl.TabPages)
                String COMPort = page.Text;
                String MACAddr = null;
                String Label   = null;
                foreach (Control c in page.Controls)
                    if (c.Name == "addrlabel")
                        MACAddr = (c as Label).Text;
                    if (c.Name == "newComboBox")
                        Label = ((c as ComboBox).SelectedItem) as String;
                        if (Label == null)
                            Label = ((c as ComboBox).SelectedValue as String);
                SensorIdentification tmpSensorID = new SensorIdentification(Label, MACAddr, COMPort);

                if (mNexus.mSensorIDDict.ContainsKey(Label) == false)
                    mNexus.mSensorIDDict.Add(Label, tmpSensorID);
                if (mNexus.mSensorDict.ContainsKey(Label) == false)
                    mNexus.mSensorDict.Add(Label, new Sensor(tmpSensorID));
コード例 #2
 public Sensor(SensorIdentification config)
     mID       = config.Id;
     mMAC      = config.Mac;
     mPortName = config.PortName;
     mData     = new RingBuffer <SensorDataEntry>(HISTORY_BUFFER_SIZE);
     /** Add an empty entry in case getLastEntry is called before data comes in */
     mData.Add(new SensorDataEntry());
     mTimeoutWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
コード例 #3
 public Sensor(SensorIdentification config)
     mID = config.Id;
     mMAC = config.Mac;
     mPortName = config.PortName;
     mData = new RingBuffer<SensorDataEntry>(HISTORY_BUFFER_SIZE);
     /** Add an empty entry in case getLastEntry is called before data comes in */
     mData.Add( new SensorDataEntry() );
     mTimeoutWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the config file at %APPDATA%/Sensor-Aware-PT/config.xml
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReadConfigFile()
            bool         retval     = true;
            StreamReader fileStream = null;

                // Get an array of sensor IDs from the xml file
                fileStream = new StreamReader(ConfigFilePath);

                SensorIdentification[] tmpArray = new SensorIdentification[1] {
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(tmpArray.GetType());

                // Take each array object and insert it into the id dictionary
                tmpArray = serializer.Deserialize(fileStream) as SensorIdentification[];
                foreach (SensorIdentification id in tmpArray)
                    if (mNexus.mSensorIDDict.Keys.Contains(id.Id))
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("There is already a sensor with ID \"{0}\"", id.Id));
                    mNexus.mSensorIDDict[id.Id] = id;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException e)
                if (e.Message.StartsWith("There is an error in XML document"))
                    Logger.Warning(String.Format("{0}- {1}", e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message));
                    retval = false;
            catch (FileNotFoundException exc)
                Logger.Warning("FileNotFoundException- {0}", exc.FileName);
                if (fileStream.BaseStream.CanRead)
            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the config file at %APPDATA%/Sensor-Aware-PT/config.xml
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReadConfigFile()
            bool retval = true;
            StreamReader fileStream = null;
                // Get an array of sensor IDs from the xml file
                fileStream = new StreamReader(ConfigFilePath);

                SensorIdentification[] tmpArray = new SensorIdentification[1] { null };
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(tmpArray.GetType());

                // Take each array object and insert it into the id dictionary
                tmpArray = serializer.Deserialize(fileStream) as SensorIdentification[];
                foreach (SensorIdentification id in tmpArray)
                    if (mNexus.mSensorIDDict.Keys.Contains(id.Id))
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("There is already a sensor with ID \"{0}\"", id.Id));
                    mNexus.mSensorIDDict[id.Id] = id;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException e)
                if (e.Message.StartsWith("There is an error in XML document"))
                    Logger.Warning(String.Format("{0}- {1}", e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message));
                    retval = false;
            catch (FileNotFoundException exc)
                Logger.Warning("FileNotFoundException- {0}", exc.FileName);
                if (fileStream.BaseStream.CanRead)
                return false;
            catch (Exception)
            return retval;
        private void PopulateDictionaries()
            foreach (TabPage page in this.mTabControl.TabPages)
                String COMPort = page.Text;
                String MACAddr = null;
                String Label = null;
                foreach (Control c in page.Controls)
                    if (c.Name == "addrlabel")
                        MACAddr = (c as Label).Text;
                    if (c.Name == "newComboBox")
                        Label = ((c as ComboBox).SelectedItem) as String;
                        if (Label == null)
                            Label = ((c as ComboBox).SelectedValue as String);
                SensorIdentification tmpSensorID = new SensorIdentification(Label, MACAddr, COMPort);

                if (mNexus.mSensorIDDict.ContainsKey(Label) == false)
                    mNexus.mSensorIDDict.Add(Label, tmpSensorID);
                if (mNexus.mSensorDict.ContainsKey(Label) == false)
                    mNexus.mSensorDict.Add(Label, new Sensor(tmpSensorID));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a tab for each sensor on the TabControl and every control in each tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MacAddress">Mac Address of the sensor</param>
        /// <param name="portName">The COM Port of th sensor</param>
        /// <param name="mPossibleIds">Possible Letters of the alphabet we can assign to this sensor</param>
        /// <param name="id">An optional SensorIdentification parameter that should not be passed in by the user. Use the overload instead.</param>
        private void GenerateControls(string MacAddress, string portName, List<char> mPossibleIds, SensorIdentification id = null)
            TabPage newpage = new TabPage(portName);
            ComboBox newcombo = new ComboBox();
            Label maclabel = new Label();
            Label addrlabel = new Label();
            maclabel.Name = "maclabel";
            maclabel.Text = "MAC";
            addrlabel.Name = "addrlabel";
            addrlabel.Text = MacAddress;
            newcombo.Name = "newComboBox";

            foreach (Char c in this.mPossibleIds) { newcombo.Items.Add(c.ToString()); };

            newcombo.Dock = DockStyle.None;
            newcombo.Left = (mTabControl.Width / 2) - newcombo.Width;
            newcombo.Top = (mTabControl.Height / 2) - newcombo.Height;

            if (id == null) newcombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
            else newcombo.SelectedItem = id.Id;

            newpage.Dock = DockStyle.None;
            maclabel.Top = newcombo.Top - maclabel.Height;
            maclabel.Left = newcombo.Left;
            maclabel.AutoSize = true;

            newpage.Dock = DockStyle.None;
            addrlabel.Top = maclabel.Top;
            addrlabel.Left = maclabel.Left + maclabel.Width;

 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the other overload of GenerateControls using the hidden id parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">A SensorIdentification containing an already-detected sensor's info</param>
 /// <param name="mPossibleIds">A list of possible letters we can assign to that sensor.</param>
 private void GenerateControls(SensorIdentification id, List<Char> mPossibleIds)
     GenerateControls(id.Mac, id.PortName, mPossibleIds, id);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a tab for each sensor on the TabControl and every control in each tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MacAddress">Mac Address of the sensor</param>
        /// <param name="portName">The COM Port of th sensor</param>
        /// <param name="mPossibleIds">Possible Letters of the alphabet we can assign to this sensor</param>
        /// <param name="id">An optional SensorIdentification parameter that should not be passed in by the user. Use the overload instead.</param>
        private void GenerateControls(string MacAddress, string portName, List <char> mPossibleIds, SensorIdentification id = null)
            TabPage  newpage   = new TabPage(portName);
            ComboBox newcombo  = new ComboBox();
            Label    maclabel  = new Label();
            Label    addrlabel = new Label();

            maclabel.Name  = "maclabel";
            maclabel.Text  = "MAC";
            addrlabel.Name = "addrlabel";
            addrlabel.Text = MacAddress;
            newcombo.Name  = "newComboBox";

            foreach (Char c in this.mPossibleIds)

            newcombo.Dock = DockStyle.None;
            newcombo.Left = (mTabControl.Width / 2) - newcombo.Width;
            newcombo.Top  = (mTabControl.Height / 2) - newcombo.Height;

            if (id == null)
                newcombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
                newcombo.SelectedItem = id.Id;

            newpage.Dock      = DockStyle.None;
            maclabel.Top      = newcombo.Top - maclabel.Height;
            maclabel.Left     = newcombo.Left;
            maclabel.AutoSize = true;

            newpage.Dock   = DockStyle.None;
            addrlabel.Top  = maclabel.Top;
            addrlabel.Left = maclabel.Left + maclabel.Width;

コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the other overload of GenerateControls using the hidden id parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">A SensorIdentification containing an already-detected sensor's info</param>
 /// <param name="mPossibleIds">A list of possible letters we can assign to that sensor.</param>
 private void GenerateControls(SensorIdentification id, List <Char> mPossibleIds)
     GenerateControls(id.Mac, id.PortName, mPossibleIds, id);