public BuildScript Analyse(Autobuilder builder, bool auto) { if (builder.Options.BuildCommand == null) { return(BuildScript.Failure); } // Custom build commands may require a specific .NET Core version return(withDotNet(builder, environment => { var command = new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions, null, environment); // Custom build commands may require a specific Visual Studio version var vsTools = MsBuildRule.GetVcVarsBatFile(builder); if (vsTools != null) { command.CallBatFile(vsTools.Path); } builder.MaybeIndex(command, builder.Options.BuildCommand); return command.Script; })); }
public BuildScript Analyse(Autobuilder builder, bool auto) { builder.Log(Severity.Info, "Attempting to locate build script"); var extensions = builder.Actions.IsWindows() ? winExtensions : linuxExtensions; var scripts = buildScripts.SelectMany(s => extensions.Select(e => s + e)); var scriptPath = builder.Paths.Where(p => scripts.Any(p.Item1.ToLower().EndsWith)).OrderBy(p => p.Item2).Select(p => p.Item1).FirstOrDefault(); if (scriptPath == null) { return(BuildScript.Failure); } var chmod = new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions); chmod.RunCommand("/bin/chmod", $"u+x {scriptPath}"); var chmodScript = builder.Actions.IsWindows() ? BuildScript.Success : BuildScript.Try(chmod.Script); string?dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(scriptPath); // A specific .NET Core version may be required return(chmodScript & withDotNet(builder, environment => { var command = new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions, dir, environment); // A specific Visual Studio version may be required var vsTools = MsBuildRule.GetVcVarsBatFile(builder); if (vsTools != null) { command.CallBatFile(vsTools.Path); } builder.MaybeIndex(command, scriptPath); return command.Script; })); }
public BuildScript Analyse(Autobuilder builder, bool auto) { if (!builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild.Any()) { return(BuildScript.Failure); } if (auto) { builder.Log(Severity.Info, "Attempting to build using MSBuild"); } var vsTools = GetVcVarsBatFile(builder); if (vsTools is null && builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild.Any()) { var firstSolution = builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild.OfType <ISolution>().FirstOrDefault(); vsTools = firstSolution is not null ? BuildTools.FindCompatibleVcVars(builder.Actions, firstSolution) : BuildTools.VcVarsAllBatFiles(builder.Actions).OrderByDescending(b => b.ToolsVersion).FirstOrDefault(); } if (vsTools is null && builder.Actions.IsWindows()) { builder.Log(Severity.Warning, "Could not find a suitable version of VsDevCmd.bat/vcvarsall.bat"); } // Use `nuget.exe` from source code repo, if present, otherwise first attempt with global // `nuget` command, and if that fails, attempt to download `nuget.exe` from var nuget = builder.GetFilename("nuget.exe").Select(t => t.Item1).FirstOrDefault() ?? "nuget"; var nugetDownload = builder.Actions.PathCombine(builder.Options.RootDirectory, ".nuget", "nuget.exe"); var nugetDownloaded = false; var ret = BuildScript.Success; foreach (var projectOrSolution in builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild) { if (builder.Options.NugetRestore) { BuildScript GetNugetRestoreScript() => new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions). RunCommand(nuget). Argument("restore"). QuoteArgument(projectOrSolution.FullPath). Argument("-DisableParallelProcessing"). Script; var nugetRestore = GetNugetRestoreScript(); var msbuildRestoreCommand = new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions). RunCommand(msBuild). Argument("/t:restore"). QuoteArgument(projectOrSolution.FullPath); if (nugetDownloaded) { ret &= BuildScript.Try(nugetRestore | msbuildRestoreCommand.Script); } else { // If `nuget restore` fails, and we have not already attempted to download `nuget.exe`, // download it and reattempt `nuget restore`. var nugetDownloadAndRestore = BuildScript.Bind(DownloadNugetExe(builder, nugetDownload), exitCode => { nugetDownloaded = true; if (exitCode != 0) { return(BuildScript.Failure); } nuget = nugetDownload; return(GetNugetRestoreScript()); }); ret &= BuildScript.Try(nugetRestore | nugetDownloadAndRestore | msbuildRestoreCommand.Script); } } var command = new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions); if (vsTools is not null) { command.CallBatFile(vsTools.Path); // `vcvarsall.bat` sets a default Platform environment variable, // which may not be compatible with the supported platforms of the // given project/solution. Unsetting it means that the default platform // of the project/solution is used instead. command.RunCommand("set Platform=&& type NUL", quoteExe: false); } command.RunCommand(msBuild); command.QuoteArgument(projectOrSolution.FullPath); command.Argument("/p:UseSharedCompilation=false"); var target = builder.Options.MsBuildTarget ?? "rebuild"; var platform = builder.Options.MsBuildPlatform ?? (projectOrSolution is ISolution s1 ? s1.DefaultPlatformName : null); var configuration = builder.Options.MsBuildConfiguration ?? (projectOrSolution is ISolution s2 ? s2.DefaultConfigurationName : null); command.Argument("/t:" + target); if (platform is not null) { command.Argument(string.Format("/p:Platform=\"{0}\"", platform)); } if (configuration is not null) { command.Argument(string.Format("/p:Configuration=\"{0}\"", configuration)); } command.Argument("/p:MvcBuildViews=true"); command.Argument(builder.Options.MsBuildArguments); ret &= command.Script; } return(ret); }
public BuildScript Analyse(Autobuilder builder, bool auto) { if (!builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild.Any()) { return(BuildScript.Failure); } if (auto) { builder.Log(Severity.Info, "Attempting to build using MSBuild"); } var vsTools = GetVcVarsBatFile(builder); if (vsTools == null && builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild.Any()) { var firstSolution = builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild.OfType <ISolution>().FirstOrDefault(); vsTools = firstSolution != null ? BuildTools.FindCompatibleVcVars(builder.Actions, firstSolution) : BuildTools.VcVarsAllBatFiles(builder.Actions).OrderByDescending(b => b.ToolsVersion).FirstOrDefault(); } if (vsTools == null && builder.Actions.IsWindows()) { builder.Log(Severity.Warning, "Could not find a suitable version of vcvarsall.bat"); } var nuget = builder.SemmlePlatformTools != null? builder.Actions.PathCombine(builder.SemmlePlatformTools, "csharp", "nuget", "nuget.exe") : "nuget"; var ret = BuildScript.Success; foreach (var projectOrSolution in builder.ProjectsOrSolutionsToBuild) { if (builder.Options.NugetRestore) { var nugetCommand = new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions). RunCommand(nuget). Argument("restore"). QuoteArgument(projectOrSolution.FullPath); ret &= BuildScript.Try(nugetCommand.Script); } var command = new CommandBuilder(builder.Actions); if (vsTools != null) { command.CallBatFile(vsTools.Path); // `vcvarsall.bat` sets a default Platform environment variable, // which may not be compatible with the supported platforms of the // given project/solution. Unsetting it means that the default platform // of the project/solution is used instead. command.RunCommand("set Platform=&& type NUL", quoteExe: false); } builder.MaybeIndex(command, MsBuild); command.QuoteArgument(projectOrSolution.FullPath); command.Argument("/p:UseSharedCompilation=false"); string target = builder.Options.MsBuildTarget != null ? builder.Options.MsBuildTarget : "rebuild"; string?platform = builder.Options.MsBuildPlatform != null ? builder.Options.MsBuildPlatform : projectOrSolution is ISolution s1 ? s1.DefaultPlatformName : null; string?configuration = builder.Options.MsBuildConfiguration != null ? builder.Options.MsBuildConfiguration : projectOrSolution is ISolution s2 ? s2.DefaultConfigurationName : null; command.Argument("/t:" + target); if (platform != null) { command.Argument(string.Format("/p:Platform=\"{0}\"", platform)); } if (configuration != null) { command.Argument(string.Format("/p:Configuration=\"{0}\"", configuration)); } command.Argument("/p:MvcBuildViews=true"); command.Argument(builder.Options.MsBuildArguments); ret &= command.Script; } return(ret); }