private Resource ReadResource2(ParseContext context, bool allowDirective, out bool reverse, out bool forgetBNode) { reverse = false; forgetBNode = false; Location loc = context.Location; object tok = ReadToken(context.source, context); if (tok is Literal) return (Literal)tok; string str = (string)tok; if (str == "") return null; // Directives if (str == "@prefix") { if (allowDirective) return PrefixResource; else OnError("The directive '" + str + "' is not allowed here", loc); } if (str == "@keywords") { if (allowDirective) return KeywordsResource; else OnError("The directive '" + str + "' is not allowed here", loc); } if (str == "@base") { if (allowDirective) return BaseResource; else OnError("The directive '" + str + "' is not allowed here", loc); } // @ Keywords if (context.UsingKeywords && context.Keywords.Contains(str)) str = "@" + str; if (!context.UsingKeywords && ( str == "a" || str == "has" || str == "is")) str = "@" + str; // Standard Keywords // TODO: Turn these off with @keywords if (str == "@a") return entRDFTYPE; if (str == "=") return entDAMLEQUIV; if (str == "=>") return entLOGIMPLIES; if (str == "<=") { reverse = true; return entLOGIMPLIES; } if (str == "=:>") // SPECIAL EXTENSION! return entGRAPHCONTAINS; if (str == "@has") // ignore this token return ReadResource2(context, false, out reverse, out forgetBNode); if (str == "@is") { // Reverse predicate bool reversetemp; Resource pred = ReadResource2(context, false, out reversetemp, out forgetBNode); reverse = true; string of = ReadToken(context.source, context) as string; if (of == null) OnError("End of stream while expecting 'of'", loc); if (of == "@of" || (!context.UsingKeywords && of == "of") || (context.UsingKeywords && context.Keywords.Contains("of") && of == "of")) return pred; OnError("Expecting token 'of' but found '" + of + "'", loc); return null; // unreachable } if (str.StartsWith("@")) OnError("The " + str + " directive is not supported", loc); // URI if (str.StartsWith("<") && str.EndsWith(">")) { string uri = GetAbsoluteUri(BaseUri, str.Substring(1, str.Length-2)); string urierror = Entity.ValidateUri(uri); if (urierror != null) OnWarning(urierror, loc); return GetResource(context, uri); } // VARIABLE if (str[0] == '?') { string name = str.Substring(1); Entity varb = (Entity)context.variables[name]; if (varb == null) { varb = new Variable(name); AddVariable((Variable)varb); context.variables[name] = varb; } return varb; } // QNAME if (str.IndexOf(":") != -1) return ResolveQName(str, context, loc); // ANONYMOUS if (str == "[") { Entity ret = new BNode(); ReadWhitespace(context.source); if (context.source.Peek() != ']') { char bracket = ReadPredicates(ret, context); if (bracket == '.') bracket = ReadPunc(context.source); if (bracket != ']') OnError("Expected a close bracket but found '" + bracket + "'", loc); } else { context.source.Read(); } forgetBNode = true; return ret; } // LIST if (str == "(") { // A list Entity head = null, ent = null; while (true) { bool rev2, fb2; Resource res = ReadResource(context, false, out rev2, out fb2); if (res == null) break; if (ent == null) { ent = new BNode(); head = ent; } else { Entity sub = new BNode(); Add(, new Statement(ent, entRDFREST, sub, context.meta), loc); ent = sub; } Add(, new Statement(ent, entRDFFIRST, res, context.meta), loc); if (fb2) DoForget(res, context); } if (head == null) // No list items. head = entRDFNIL; // according to Turtle spec else Add(, new Statement(ent, entRDFREST, entRDFNIL, context.meta), loc); return head; } if (str == ")") return null; // Should I use a more precise end-of-list return value? // FORMULA if (str == "{") { // ParseContext is a struct, so this gives us a clone. ParseContext newcontext = context; // The formula is denoted by a blank node, unless we set // the override meta flag above. if (context.overrideMeta == null) newcontext.meta = new BNode(); else newcontext.meta = context.overrideMeta; // According to the spec, _:xxx anonymous nodes are // local to the formula. But ?$variables (which aren't // mentioned in the spec) are treated as global names. newcontext.anonymous = new Hashtable(); while (NextPunc(context.source) != '}' && ReadStatement(newcontext)) { } ReadWhitespace(context.source); if (context.source.Peek() == '}') context.source.Read(); return newcontext.meta; } // NUMERIC LITERAL // In Turtle, numbers are restricted to [0-9]+, and are datatyped xsd:integer. double numval; #if !SILVERLIGHT if (double.TryParse(str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, null, out numval)) { #else bool ok = true; numval = 0; try { numval = double.Parse(str); } catch (Exception) { ok = false; } if (ok) { #endif if (numval >= long.MinValue && numval <= long.MaxValue && numval == (double)(long)numval) return new Literal(((long)numval).ToString(), null, NS.XMLSCHEMA + "integer"); else return new Literal(numval.ToString(), null, NS.XMLSCHEMA + "double"); } //BOOLEAN LITERAL if (str == "true" || str == "false") { return new Literal(str,null,NS.XMLSCHEMA+"boolean"); } // If @keywords is used, alphanumerics that aren't keywords // are local names in the default namespace. if (context.UsingKeywords && char.IsLetter(str[0])) { if (BaseUri == null) OnError("The document contains an unqualified name but no BaseUri was specified: \"" + str + "\"", loc); return GetResource(context, BaseUri + str); } // NOTHING MATCHED OnError("Invalid token: " + str, loc); return null; } private void Add(StatementSink store, Statement statement, Location position) { store.Add(statement); }
public override void Run(SelectableSource source, QueryResultSink resultsink) { if (!(query is SelectQuery)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Only SELECT queries are supported by this method (" + query.GetType() + ")."); // Perform the query SelectQuery squery = (SelectQuery)query; RdfSourceWrapper sourcewrapper = new RdfSourceWrapper(source, QueryMeta, this); MyLogicFactory logic = new MyLogicFactory(); foreach (RdfFunction f in extFunctions) logic.registerExternalFunction( new URIWrapper(f.Uri), new ExtFuncWrapper(sourcewrapper, f)); squery.bindLogic(logic); RdfBindingSet results; try { results = squery.execute(sourcewrapper); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new QueryExecutionException("Error executing query: " + e.Message, e); } // Prepare binding objects java.util.List vars = results.getVariables(); VariableBinding[] bindings = new VariableBinding[vars.size()]; SparqlVariable[] svars = new SparqlVariable[vars.size()]; SemWebVariable[] vars2 = new SemWebVariable[vars.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++) { svars[i] = (SparqlVariable)vars.get(i); vars2[i] = new SemWebVariable(svars[i].getName()); bindings[i] = new VariableBinding(vars2[i], null); } // Initialize the result sink resultsink.Init(bindings, false, false); // set distinct and ordered // Set the comments resultsink.AddComments(queryString + "\n"); resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); // Iterate the bindings java.util.Iterator iter = results.iterator(); long ctr = -1, ctr2 = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { RdfBindingRow row = (RdfBindingRow); // Since SPARQL processing may be lazy-delayed, // add any new comments that might have been logged. resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); ctr++; if (ctr < ReturnStart && ReturnStart != -1) continue; for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++) { Resource r = sourcewrapper.ToResource(row.getValue(svars[i])); r = sourcewrapper.Persist(r); bindings[i] = new VariableBinding(bindings[i].Variable, r); } resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); resultsink.Add(bindings); ctr2++; if (ctr2 >= ReturnLimit && ReturnLimit != -1) break; } resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); // Close the result sink. resultsink.Finished(); }
public void InteropSemWebNativeStore() { //Get the Talis Connection TalisPlatformConnector talis = new TalisPlatformConnector("rvesse-dev1", "rvesse", "4kn478wj"); Assert.IsNotNull(talis); //Create a Talis Triple Store TalisTripleStore store = new TalisTripleStore(talis); //Create the Native Store Source NativeStoreSource source = new NativeStoreSource(store); Console.WriteLine("All Statements in the Store"); source.Select(new SemWebConsolePrinter()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Does a FordFiesta exist in the Store? "); Console.WriteLine(source.Contains(new Entity(""))); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Does a Monkey exist in the Store? "); Console.WriteLine(source.Contains(new Entity(""))); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Do any Cars exist in the Store? "); Statement cars = new Statement(null, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")); Console.WriteLine(source.Contains(cars)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Do any Gorillas exist in the Store?"); Statement gorillas = new Statement(null, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")); Console.WriteLine(source.Contains(gorillas)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("What Cars exists in the Store?"); source.Select(new Statement(null, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new SemWebConsolePrinter()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Cars are their Speeds from the Store?"); Variable car = new Variable("car"); Statement[] pattern = new Statement[] { new Statement(car, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new Statement(car, new Entity(""), new Variable("speed")) }; source.Query(pattern, new QueryOptions(), new SemWebResultsConsolePrinter()); Console.WriteLine(); }
private Resource ReadResource2(ParseContext context, out bool reverse) { reverse = false; Location loc = context.Location; object tok = ReadToken(context.source, context); if (tok is Literal) return (Literal)tok; string str = (string)tok; if (str == "") return null; // @ Keywords if (str == "@prefix") return PrefixResource; if (str == "@keywords") return KeywordsResource; if (context.UsingKeywords && context.Keywords.Contains(str)) str = "@" + str; if (!context.UsingKeywords && ( str == "a" || str == "has" || str == "is")) str = "@" + str; // Standard Keywords // TODO: Turn these off with @keywords if (str == "@a") return entRDFTYPE; if (str == "=") return entDAMLEQUIV; if (str == "=>") return entLOGIMPLIES; if (str == "<=") { reverse = true; return entLOGIMPLIES; } if (str == "@has") // ignore this token return ReadResource2(context, out reverse); if (str == "@is") { // Reverse predicate bool reversetemp; Resource pred = ReadResource2(context, out reversetemp); reverse = true; string of = ReadToken(context.source, context) as string; if (of == null) OnError("End of stream while expecting 'of'", loc); if (of == "@of" || (!context.UsingKeywords && of == "of") || (context.UsingKeywords && context.Keywords.Contains("of") && of == "of")) return pred; OnError("Expecting token 'of' but found '" + of + "'", loc); return null; // unreachable } if (str.StartsWith("@")) OnError("The " + str + " directive is not supported", loc); // URI if (str.StartsWith("<") && str.EndsWith(">")) { string uri = GetAbsoluteUri(BaseUri, str.Substring(1, str.Length-2)); return GetResource(context, uri); } // VARIABLE if (str[0] == '?') { string name = str.Substring(1); Entity var = (Entity)context.variables[name]; if (var == null) { var = new Variable(name); AddVariable((Variable)var); context.variables[name] = var; } return var; } // QNAME if (str.IndexOf(":") != -1) return ResolveQName(str, context, loc); // ANONYMOUS if (str == "[") { Entity ret = new BNode(); ReadWhitespace(context.source); if (context.source.Peek() != ']') { char bracket = ReadPredicates(ret, context); if (bracket == '.') bracket = ReadPunc(context.source); if (bracket != ']') OnError("Expected a close bracket but found '" + bracket + "'", loc); } else { context.source.Read(); } return ret; } // LIST if (str == "(") { // A list Entity ent = null; while (true) { bool rev2; Resource res = ReadResource(context, out rev2); if (res == null) break; if (ent == null) { ent = new BNode(); } else { Entity sub = new BNode(); Add(, new Statement(ent, entRDFREST, sub, context.meta), loc); ent = sub; } Add(, new Statement(ent, entRDFFIRST, res, context.meta), loc); } if (ent == null) // No list items. ent = entRDFNIL; // according to Turtle spec else Add(, new Statement(ent, entRDFREST, entRDFNIL, context.meta), loc); return ent; } if (str == ")") return null; // Should I use a more precise end-of-list return value? // FORMULA if (str == "{") { // ParseContext is a struct, so this gives us a clone. ParseContext newcontext = context; // The formula is denoted by a blank node newcontext.meta = new BNode(); // According to the spec, _:xxx anonymous nodes are // local to the formula. But ?$variables (which aren't // mentioned in the spec) are treated as global names. newcontext.anonymous = new Hashtable(); while (NextPunc(context.source) != '}' && ReadStatement(newcontext)) { } ReadWhitespace(context.source); if (context.source.Peek() == '}') context.source.Read(); return newcontext.meta; } // NUMERIC LITERAL // In Turtle, numbers are restricted to [0-9]+, and are datatyped xsd:integer. double numval; if (double.TryParse(str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, null, out numval)) return new Literal(numval.ToString()); // If @keywords is used, alphanumerics that aren't keywords // are local names in the default namespace. if (context.UsingKeywords && char.IsLetter(str[0])) { if (BaseUri == null) OnError("The document contains an unqualified name but no BaseUri was specified: \"" + str + "\"", loc); return GetResource(context, BaseUri + str); } // NOTHING MATCHED OnError("Invalid token: " + str, loc); return null; }
public override void Init(Variable[] variables) { for (int i = 0; i < variables.Length; i++) { if (variables[i].LocalName == "subject") si = i; if (variables[i].LocalName == "predicate") pi = i; if (variables[i].LocalName == "object") oi = i; } }
public void InteropSemWebGraphQuery() { Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); GraphSource source = new GraphSource(g); Console.WriteLine("Query for Cars and their Speeds"); Console.WriteLine(); SemWeb.Query.SparqlXmlQuerySink sink = new SemWeb.Query.SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); Variable car = new Variable("car"); Statement[] graphPattern = new Statement[] { new Statement(car, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new Statement(car, new Entity(""), new Variable("speed")) }; source.Query(graphPattern, new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions(), sink); Console.WriteLine("Query for the 1st Car and it's Speed"); Console.WriteLine(); sink = new SemWeb.Query.SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); graphPattern = new Statement[] { new Statement(car, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new Statement(car, new Entity(""), new Variable("speed")) }; SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options = new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions(); options.Limit = 1; source.Query(graphPattern, options, sink); }
private static ArrayList prove(Hashtable cases, SelectableSource world, Statement[] goal, int maxNumberOfSteps) { // This is the main routine from euler.js. // cases: Resource (predicate) => IList of Sequent if (world != null) // cache our queries to the world, if a world is provided world = new SemWeb.Stores.CachedSource(world); StatementMap cached_subproofs = new StatementMap(); // Create the queue and add the first item. ArrayList queue = new ArrayList(); { QueueItem start = new QueueItem(); start.env = new Hashtable(); start.rule = new Sequent(Statement.All, goal, null); start.src = null; start.ind = 0; start.parent = null; start.ground = new ArrayList(); queue.Add(start); if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Queue: " + start); } // The evidence array holds the results of this proof. ArrayList evidence = new ArrayList(); // Track how many steps we take to not go over the limit. int step = 0; // Process the queue until it's empty or we reach our step limit. while (queue.Count > 0) { // deal with the QueueItem at the top of the queue QueueItem c = (QueueItem)queue[queue.Count-1]; queue.RemoveAt(queue.Count-1); ArrayList g = new ArrayList(c.ground); // have we done too much? step++; if (maxNumberOfSteps != -1 && step >= maxNumberOfSteps) { if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Maximum number of steps exceeded. Giving up."); return null; } // if each statement in the body of the sequent has been proved if (c.ind == c.rule.body.Length) { // if this is the top-level sequent being proved; we've found a complete evidence for the goal if (c.parent == null) { EvidenceItem ev = new EvidenceItem(); ev.head = new Statement[c.rule.body.Length]; bool canRepresentHead = true; for (int i = 0; i < c.rule.body.Length; i++) { ev.head[i] = evaluate(c.rule.body[i], c.env); if (ev.head[i].AnyNull) // can't represent it: literal in subject position, for instance canRepresentHead = false; } ev.body = c.ground; ev.env = c.env; if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Found Evidence: " + ev); if (!canRepresentHead) continue; evidence.Add(ev); // this is a subproof of something; whatever it is a subgroup for can // be incremented } else { // if the rule had no body, it was just an axiom and we represent that with Ground if (c.rule.body.Length != 0) g.Add(new Ground(c.rule, c.env)); // advance the parent being proved and put the advanced // parent into the queue; unify the parent variable assignments // with this one's QueueItem r = new QueueItem(); r.rule = c.parent.rule; r.src = c.parent.src; r.ind = c.parent.ind; r.parent = c.parent.parent; r.env = (Hashtable)c.parent.env.Clone(); r.ground = g; unify(c.rule.head, c.env, r.rule.body[r.ind], r.env, true); r.ind++; queue.Add(r); if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Queue Advancement: " + r); // The number of live children for this parent is decremented since we are // done with this subproof, but we store the result for later. if ( == null) = new StatementList();[r.ind-1], r.env)); decrementLife(c.parent, cached_subproofs); } // this sequent still has parts of the body left to be proved; try to // find evidence for the next statement in the body, and if we find // evidence, queue up that evidence } else { // this is the next part of the body that we need to try to prove Statement t = c.rule.body[c.ind]; // Try to process this predicate with a user-provided custom // function that resolves things like mathematical relations. // euler.js provides similar functionality, but the system // of user predicates is completely different here. RdfRelation b = FindUserPredicate(t.Predicate); if (b != null) { Resource[] args; Variable[] unifyResult; Resource value = evaluate(t.Object, c.env); if (!c.rule.callArgs.ContainsKey(t.Subject)) { // The array of arguments to this relation is just the subject of the triple itself args = new Resource[] { evaluate(t.Subject, c.env) }; unifyResult = new Variable[1]; if (t.Subject is Variable) unifyResult[0] = (Variable)t.Subject; } else { // The array of arguments to this relation comes from a pre-grouped arg list. args = (Resource[])((ICloneable)c.rule.callArgs[t.Subject]).Clone(); unifyResult = new Variable[args.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] is Variable) { unifyResult[i] = (Variable)args[i]; args[i] = evaluate(args[i], c.env); } } } // Run the user relation on the array of arguments (subject) and on the object. if (b.Evaluate(args, ref value)) { // If it succeeds, we press on. // The user predicate may update the 'value' variable and the argument // list array, and so we want to unify any variables in the subject // or object of this user predicate with the values given to us // by the user predicate. Hashtable newenv = (Hashtable)c.env.Clone(); if (t.Object is Variable) unify(value, null, t.Object, newenv, true); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) if (unifyResult[i] != null) unify(args[i], null, unifyResult[i], newenv, true); Statement grnd = evaluate(t, newenv); if (grnd != Statement.All) // sometimes not representable, like if literal as subject g.Add(new Ground(new Sequent(grnd, new Statement[0], null), new Hashtable())); QueueItem r = new QueueItem(); r.rule = c.rule; r.src = c.src; r.ind = c.ind; r.parent = c.parent; r.env = newenv; r.ground = g; r.ind++; queue.Add(r); // Note: Since we are putting something back in for c, we don't touch the life counter on the parent. } else { // If the predicate fails, decrement the life of the parent. if (c.parent != null) decrementLife(c.parent, cached_subproofs); } continue; } // t can be proved either by the use of a rule // or if t literally exists in the world Statement t_resolved = evaluate(t, c.env); // If resolving this statement requires putting a literal in subject or predicate position, we // can't prove it. if (t_resolved == Statement.All) { if (c.parent != null) decrementLife(c.parent, cached_subproofs); continue; } ArrayList tcases = new ArrayList(); // See if we have already tried to prove this. if (cached_subproofs.ContainsKey(t_resolved)) { StatementList cached_solutions = (StatementList)cached_subproofs[t_resolved]; if (cached_solutions == null) { if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Dropping queue item because we have already failed to prove it: " + t_resolved); } else { foreach (Statement s in cached_solutions) { if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Using Cached Axiom: " + s); Sequent seq = new Sequent(s); tcases.Add(seq); } } } else { // get all of the rules that apply to the predicate in question if (t_resolved.Predicate != null && cases.ContainsKey(t_resolved.Predicate)) tcases.AddRange((IList)cases[t_resolved.Predicate]); if (cases.ContainsKey("WILDCARD")) tcases.AddRange((IList)cases["WILDCARD"]); // if t has no unbound variables and we've matched something from // the axioms, don't bother looking at the world, and don't bother // proving it any other way than by the axiom. bool lookAtWorld = true; foreach (Sequent seq in tcases) { if (seq.body.Length == 0 && seq.head == t_resolved) { lookAtWorld = false; tcases.Clear(); tcases.Add(seq); break; } } // if there is a seprate world, get all of the world // statements that witness t if (world != null && lookAtWorld) { MemoryStore w = new MemoryStore(); if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Running " + c); if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Ask World: " + t_resolved); world.Select(t_resolved, w); foreach (Statement s in w) { if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: World Select Response: " + s); Sequent seq = new Sequent(s); tcases.Add(seq); } } } // If there is no evidence or potential evidence (i.e. rules) // for t, then we will dump this QueueItem by not queuing any // subproofs. // Otherwise we try each piece of evidence in turn. foreach (Sequent rl in tcases) { ArrayList g2 = (ArrayList)c.ground.Clone(); if (rl.body.Length == 0) g2.Add(new Ground(rl, new Hashtable())); QueueItem r = new QueueItem(); r.rule = rl; r.src = rl; r.ind = 0; r.parent = c; r.env = new Hashtable(); r.ground = g2; if (unify(t, c.env, rl.head, r.env, true)) { QueueItem ep = c; // euler path while ((ep = ep.parent) != null) if (ep.src == c.src && unify(ep.rule.head, ep.env, c.rule.head, c.env, false)) break; if (ep == null) { // It is better for caching subproofs to work an entire proof out before // going on, which means we want to put the new queue item at the // top of the stack. queue.Add(r); c.liveChildren++; if (Debug) Console.Error.WriteLine("Euler: Queue from Axiom: " + r); } } } // If we did not add anything back into the queue for this item, then // we decrement the life of the parent. if (c.liveChildren == 0 && c.parent != null) decrementLife(c.parent, cached_subproofs); } } return evidence; }
/// <summary> /// Writes the specified variable to the output writer. /// </summary> /// <param name="variable">The variable.</param> protected virtual void WriteVariable(Variable variable) { Write("?"); WriteEscaped(variable.LocalName ?? ("var" + Math.Abs(variable.GetHashCode()))); }
public override void Init(Variable[] variables) { output.WriteLine("<table>"); output.WriteLine("<tr>"); foreach (Variable var in variables) { if (var.LocalName == null) continue; output.WriteLine("<th>" + var.LocalName + "</th>"); } output.WriteLine("</tr>"); }
public override void Query(Statement[] graph, SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options, SelectableSource targetModel, SemWeb.Query.QueryResultSink sink) { QueryCheckArg(graph); // Try to do the inferencing. ArrayList evidence = prove(rules, targetModel, graph, -1); if (evidence == null) return; // not provable (in max number of steps, if that were given) // Then send the possible bindings to the QueryResultSink. // Map variables to indexes. Hashtable vars = new Hashtable(); foreach (Statement s in graph) { if (s.Subject is Variable && !vars.ContainsKey(s.Subject)) vars[s.Subject] = vars.Count; if (s.Predicate is Variable && !vars.ContainsKey(s.Predicate)) vars[s.Predicate] = vars.Count; if (s.Object is Variable && !vars.ContainsKey(s.Object)) vars[s.Object] = vars.Count; } // Prepare the bindings array. Variable[] varOrder = new Variable[vars.Count]; foreach (Variable v in vars.Keys) varOrder[(int)vars[v]] = v; // Initialize the sink. sink.Init(varOrder); // Send a binding set for each piece of evidence. foreach (EvidenceItem ei in evidence) { // Write a comment to the results with the actual proof. (nifty actually) sink.AddComments(ei.ToProof().ToString()); // Create the binding array and send it on Resource[] variableBindings = new Resource[varOrder.Length]; foreach (Variable v in vars.Keys) if (ei.env.ContainsKey(v)) variableBindings[(int)vars[v]] = (Resource)ei.env[v]; sink.Add(new SemWeb.Query.VariableBindings(varOrder, variableBindings)); } // Close the sink. sink.Finished(); }
public override void Init(Variable[] variables) { bool first = true; foreach (Variable var in variables) { if (var.LocalName == null) continue; if (!first) output.Write(","); first = false; output.Write(var.LocalName); } output.WriteLine(); }
public override void Init(Variable[] variables) { output.WriteStartElement("sparql","");// output.WriteStartElement("head"); foreach (Variable var in variables) { if (var.LocalName == null) continue; output.WriteStartElement("variable"); output.WriteAttributeString("name", var.LocalName); output.WriteEndElement(); } output.WriteEndElement(); // head output.WriteStartElement("results"); // instead of <results>, we might want <boolean>true</boolean> }
public override void Init(Variable[] variables) { vars = new Variable[variables.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < variables.Length; i++) vars[i] = (Variable)variableNames[variables[i].LocalName]; sink.Init(vars); }
public override void Init(Variable[] variables) { java.util.ArrayList vars = new java.util.ArrayList(); foreach (Variable b in variables) if (varMap[b] != null) // because of bad treatment of meta vars.add((SparqlVariable)varMap[b]); bindings = new RdfBindingSetImpl(vars); }
public override void Run(SelectableSource source, QueryResultSink resultsink) { if (!(query is SelectQuery)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only SELECT queries are supported by this method (" + query.GetType() + ")."); } // Perform the query SelectQuery squery = (SelectQuery)query; RdfSourceWrapper sourcewrapper = new RdfSourceWrapper(source, QueryMeta, this); MyLogicFactory logic = new MyLogicFactory(); foreach (RdfFunction f in extFunctions) { logic.registerExternalFunction( new URIWrapper(f.Uri), new ExtFuncWrapper(sourcewrapper, f)); } squery.bindLogic(logic); RdfBindingSet results; try { results = squery.execute(sourcewrapper); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new QueryExecutionException("Error executing query: " + e.Message, e); } // Prepare binding objects java.util.List vars = results.getVariables(); VariableBinding[] bindings = new VariableBinding[vars.size()]; SparqlVariable[] svars = new SparqlVariable[vars.size()]; SemWebVariable[] vars2 = new SemWebVariable[vars.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++) { svars[i] = (SparqlVariable)vars.get(i); vars2[i] = new SemWebVariable(svars[i].getName()); bindings[i] = new VariableBinding(vars2[i], null); } // Initialize the result sink resultsink.Init(bindings, false, false); // set distinct and ordered // Set the comments resultsink.AddComments(queryString + "\n"); resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); // Iterate the bindings java.util.Iterator iter = results.iterator(); long ctr = -1, ctr2 = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { RdfBindingRow row = (RdfBindingRow); // Since SPARQL processing may be lazy-delayed, // add any new comments that might have been logged. resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); ctr++; if (ctr < ReturnStart && ReturnStart != -1) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++) { Resource r = sourcewrapper.ToResource(row.getValue(svars[i])); r = sourcewrapper.Persist(r); bindings[i] = new VariableBinding(bindings[i].Variable, r); } resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); resultsink.Add(bindings); ctr2++; if (ctr2 >= ReturnLimit && ReturnLimit != -1) { break; } } resultsink.AddComments(sourcewrapper.GetLog()); // Close the result sink. resultsink.Finished(); }
Resource ToRes(object expr, java.util.Map knownValues, bool entities, Hashtable varMap1, Hashtable varMap2, RdfSourceWrapper src, QueryOptions opts, VariableList distinguishedVars, VariableList undistinguishedVars, java.util.Set sparqlDistinguished) { if (expr is SparqlVariable) { Variable v; if (varMap1.ContainsKey(expr)) { v = (Variable)varMap1[expr]; } else { v = new Variable(expr.ToString()); varMap1[expr] = v; varMap2[v] = expr; if (knownValues != null && knownValues.get(expr) != null) { java.util.Set values = (java.util.Set)knownValues.get(expr); VarKnownValuesList values2 = new VarKnownValuesList(); for (java.util.Iterator iter = values.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Resource r = src.ToResource((name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.Value); if (r != null) values2.Add(r); } opts.VariableKnownValues[v] = values2; } if (sparqlDistinguished != null && sparqlDistinguished.contains(expr)) distinguishedVars.Add(v); else undistinguishedVars.Add(v); } return v; } return entities ? src.ToEntity((name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.Value)expr) : src.ToResource((name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.Value)expr); }
public void InteropSemWebInMemoryStoreSource() { MicrosoftSqlStoreManager mssql = new MicrosoftSqlStoreManager("dotnetrdf_experimental", "sa", "20sQl08"); InMemoryStoreSource source = new InMemoryStoreSource(new SqlTripleStore(mssql)); N3Writer writer = new N3Writer(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples of the form ?s rdf:type ?type"); Statement template = new Statement(new Variable(), new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Variable()); source.Select(template, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples of the form ?s rdf:type ?car"); template = new Statement(new Variable(), new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")); source.Select(template, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting all Triples for Cars and Planes"); SelectFilter filter = new SelectFilter(); filter.Predicates = new Entity[] { new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType) }; filter.Objects = new Entity[] { new Entity(""), new Entity("") }; source.Select(filter, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Outputting the Speeds of all Cards"); Variable car = new Variable("car"); Statement[] pattern = new Statement[] { new Statement(car, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new Statement(car, new Entity(""), new Variable("speed")) }; source.Query(pattern, new QueryOptions(), new SemWebResultsConsolePrinter()); Console.WriteLine(); writer.Close(); }
protected void AddVariable(Variable variable) { variables[variable] = variable; }
public VariableBinding(Variable variable, Resource target) { v = variable; t = target; }