public void InteropSemWebGraphQuery() { Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); GraphSource source = new GraphSource(g); Console.WriteLine("Query for Cars and their Speeds"); Console.WriteLine(); SemWeb.Query.SparqlXmlQuerySink sink = new SemWeb.Query.SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); Variable car = new Variable("car"); Statement[] graphPattern = new Statement[] { new Statement(car, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new Statement(car, new Entity(""), new Variable("speed")) }; source.Query(graphPattern, new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions(), sink); Console.WriteLine("Query for the 1st Car and it's Speed"); Console.WriteLine(); sink = new SemWeb.Query.SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); graphPattern = new Statement[] { new Statement(car, new Entity(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType), new Entity("")), new Statement(car, new Entity(""), new Variable("speed")) }; SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options = new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions(); options.Limit = 1; source.Query(graphPattern, options, sink); }
public override void Query(Statement[] graph, SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options, SelectableSource targetModel, QueryResultSink result) { SemWeb.Query.GraphMatch q = new SemWeb.Query.GraphMatch(); foreach (Statement s in graph) { q.AddGraphStatement(s); } q.ReturnLimit = options.Limit; if (options.VariableKnownValues != null) { #if !DOTNET2 foreach (DictionaryEntry ent in options.VariableKnownValues) { q.SetVariableRange((Variable)ent.Key, (ICollection)ent.Value); } #else foreach (KeyValuePair <Variable, ICollection <Resource> > ent in options.VariableKnownValues) { q.SetVariableRange(ent.Key, ent.Value); } #endif } if (options.VariableLiteralFilters != null) { #if !DOTNET2 foreach (DictionaryEntry ent in options.VariableLiteralFilters) { foreach (LiteralFilter filter in (ICollection)ent.Value) { q.AddLiteralFilter((Variable)ent.Key, filter); } } #else foreach (KeyValuePair <Variable, ICollection <LiteralFilter> > ent in options.VariableLiteralFilters) { foreach (LiteralFilter filter in ent.Value) { q.AddLiteralFilter(ent.Key, filter); } } #endif } if (options.DistinguishedVariables != null) { foreach (Variable v in options.DistinguishedVariables) { q.SetDistinguishedVariable(v); } } q.Run(targetModel, result); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; Opts opts = new Opts(); opts.ProcessArgs(args); if (opts.RemainingArguments.Length != 1) { opts.DoHelp(); return; } string baseuri = "query://query/#"; QueryResultSink qs; if (opts.format == "simple") { qs = new PrintQuerySink(); } else if (opts.format == "html") { qs = new HTMLQuerySink(Console.Out); } else if (opts.format == "xml") { qs = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); } else if (opts.format == "lubm") { qs = new LUBMReferenceAnswerOutputQuerySink(); } else if (opts.format == "csv") { qs = new CSVQuerySink(); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid output format."); return; } Query query; MemoryStore queryModel = null; #if !DOTNET2 System.Collections.ICollection queryModelVars = null; #else System.Collections.Generic.ICollection <Variable> queryModelVars = null; #endif Store model = Store.Create(opts.RemainingArguments[0]); if (opts.type == "rsquary") { RdfReader queryparser = RdfReader.Create("n3", "-"); queryparser.BaseUri = baseuri; queryModel = new MemoryStore(queryparser); queryModelVars = queryparser.Variables; query = new GraphMatch(queryModel); } else if (opts.type == "sparql" && model.DataSources.Count == 1 && model.DataSources[0] is SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource) { string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); ((SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource)model.DataSources[0]).RunSparqlQuery(querystring, Console.Out); return; } else if (opts.type == "sparql") { string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); query = new SparqlEngine(querystring); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid query format: " + opts.type); } if (opts.limit > 0) { query.ReturnLimit = opts.limit; } //Console.Error.WriteLine(query.GetExplanation()); if (query is SparqlEngine && ((SparqlEngine)query).Type != SparqlEngine.QueryType.Select) { SparqlEngine sparql = (SparqlEngine)query; sparql.Run(model, Console.Out); } else if (model is QueryableSource && queryModel != null) { SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions qopts = new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions(); qopts.DistinguishedVariables = queryModelVars; // Replace bnodes in the query with Variables int bnodectr = 0; foreach (Entity e in queryModel.GetEntities()) { if (e is BNode && !(e is Variable)) { BNode b = (BNode)e; queryModel.Replace(e, new Variable(b.LocalName != null ? b.LocalName : "bnodevar" + (++bnodectr))); } } model.Query(queryModel.ToArray(), qopts, qs); } else { query.Run(model, qs); } if (qs is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)qs).Dispose(); } }
public override MetaQueryResult MetaQuery(Statement[] graph, SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options, SelectableSource source) { SemWeb.Query.MetaQueryResult ret = new SemWeb.Query.MetaQueryResult(); ret.QuerySupported = true; ret.NoData = new bool[graph.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < graph.Length; i++) { // Take this statement and replace variables by nulls // to make it a statement template. Statement st = graph[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (st.GetComponent(j) is Variable) { st.SetComponent(j, null); } } // See if the store contains this template. if (st != Statement.All && !source.Contains(st)) { ret.NoData[i] = true; continue; } // Process it further in case we have variables // with known values, in which case if none of the // known values is in the store, we also know this // statement is unanswerable. for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { Resource r = graph[i].GetComponent(j); // No need to check the following given the check above. //if (r != null && !(r is Variable) && !source.Contains(r)) // ret.NoData[i] = true; if (r != null && r is Variable && options.VariableKnownValues != null && #if !DOTNET2 options.VariableKnownValues.Contains((Variable)r) #else options.VariableKnownValues.ContainsKey((Variable)r) #endif ) { bool found = false; #if !DOTNET2 foreach (Resource s in (ICollection)options.VariableKnownValues[(Variable)r]) { #else foreach (Resource s in (ICollection <Resource>)options.VariableKnownValues[(Variable)r]) { #endif if (source.Contains(s)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ret.NoData[i] = true; } } } } return(ret); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; Opts opts = new Opts(); opts.ProcessArgs(args); if (opts.RemainingArguments.Length != 1) { opts.DoHelp(); return; } string baseuri = "query://query/#"; QueryResultSink qs; if (opts.format == "simple") qs = new PrintQuerySink(); else if (opts.format == "html") qs = new HTMLQuerySink(Console.Out); else if (opts.format == "xml") qs = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(Console.Out); else if (opts.format == "lubm") qs = new LUBMReferenceAnswerOutputQuerySink(); else if (opts.format == "csv") qs = new CSVQuerySink(); else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid output format."); return; } Query query; MemoryStore queryModel = null; #if !DOTNET2 System.Collections.ICollection queryModelVars = null; #else System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Variable> queryModelVars = null; #endif Store model = Store.Create(opts.RemainingArguments[0]); if (opts.type == "rsquary") { RdfReader queryparser = RdfReader.Create("n3", "-"); queryparser.BaseUri = baseuri; queryModel = new MemoryStore(queryparser); queryModelVars = queryparser.Variables; query = new GraphMatch(queryModel); } else if (opts.type == "sparql" && model.DataSources.Count == 1 && model.DataSources[0] is SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource) { string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); ((SemWeb.Remote.SparqlSource)model.DataSources[0]).RunSparqlQuery(querystring, Console.Out); return; } else if (opts.type == "sparql") { string querystring = Console.In.ReadToEnd(); query = new SparqlEngine(querystring); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid query format: " + opts.type); } if (opts.limit > 0) query.ReturnLimit = opts.limit; //Console.Error.WriteLine(query.GetExplanation()); if (query is SparqlEngine && ((SparqlEngine)query).Type != SparqlEngine.QueryType.Select) { SparqlEngine sparql = (SparqlEngine)query; sparql.Run(model, Console.Out); } else if (model is QueryableSource && queryModel != null) { SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions qopts = new SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions(); qopts.DistinguishedVariables = queryModelVars; // Replace bnodes in the query with Variables int bnodectr = 0; foreach (Entity e in queryModel.GetEntities()) { if (e is BNode && !(e is Variable)) { BNode b = (BNode)e; queryModel.Replace(e, new Variable(b.LocalName != null ? b.LocalName : "bnodevar" + (++bnodectr))); } } model.Query(queryModel.ToArray(), qopts, qs); } else { query.Run(model, qs); } if (qs is IDisposable) ((IDisposable)qs).Dispose(); }