/// <summary> /// Method to add commitments. /// </summary> /// <param name="seedId"></param> /// <param name="memberId"></param> /// <param name="commitmentDate"></param> /// <param name="commitmentMsg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool addCommitment(string seedId, string memberId, string commitmentDate, string commitmentMsg) { #region bool actionDone = false; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(seedId); seedData.status = SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING; Commitment objCommit = new Commitment(); objCommit.id = Guid.NewGuid(); objCommit.commitDate = DateTime.Now; objCommit.deadline = Convert.ToDateTime(commitmentDate); objCommit.memberId = new Guid(memberId); objCommit.seedId = seedData.id; objCommit.status = SystemStatements.STATUS_ACTIVE; objCommit.msg = commitmentMsg; objCommit.isRead = false; seedData.Commitments.Add(objCommit); seedData = objSeed.UpdateSeed(seedData); if (seedData != null) actionDone = true; return actionDone; #endregion }
public void AddCommitment(string Sid, string Deadline, string Msg) { #region SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(Sid); seedData.status = SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING; Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); Commitment objCommit = new Commitment(); objCommit.id = Guid.NewGuid(); objCommit.commitDate = DateTime.Now; objCommit.deadline = Convert.ToDateTime(Deadline); objCommit.memberId = memberData.id; objCommit.seedId = seedData.id; objCommit.status = SystemStatements.STATUS_ACTIVE; objCommit.msg = Msg; objCommit.isRead = false; seedData.Commitments.Add(objCommit); objSeed.UpdateSeed(seedData); MailForContribution((seedData.Member.firstName + " " + seedData.Member.lastName).ToString(), (memberData.firstName + " " + memberData.lastName).ToString(), seedData.title, ("http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "/Member/UserDetail/" + memberData.id), seedData.Member.username.ToString(), "Commitment"); Response.Redirect("/Seed/SeedDetails/" + seedData.id); #endregion }
public ActionResult AddCommentAtHomePage(string SCid, string commentValue) { #region SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(SCid); seedData.status = SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING; Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); Comment objComment = new Comment(); objComment.id = Guid.NewGuid(); objComment.commentDate = DateTime.Now; objComment.msg = commentValue; objComment.seedId = seedData.id; objComment.commentById = memberData.id; objComment.isRead = false; seedData.Comments.Add(objComment); objSeed.UpdateSeed(seedData); ContributionMailAlert((seedData.Member.firstName + " " + seedData.Member.lastName).ToString(), (memberData.firstName + " " + memberData.lastName).ToString(), seedData.title, ("http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "/Seed/SeedDetails/" + seedData.id), seedData.Member.username.ToString(), "Comment"); ViewData["commentId"] = seedData.id; return PartialView("CommentPartial"); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Method to add comments. /// </summary> /// <param name="seedId"></param> /// <param name="memberId"></param> /// <param name="commentMsg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool addComment(string seedId, string memberId, string commentMsg) { bool actionDone = false; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(seedId); seedData.status = SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING; Comment objComment = new Comment(); objComment.id = Guid.NewGuid(); objComment.commentDate = DateTime.Now; objComment.msg = commentMsg.Replace("|", "&"); objComment.seedId = seedData.id; objComment.commentById = new Guid(memberId); objComment.isRead = false; seedData.Comments.Add(objComment); seedData = objSeed.UpdateSeed(seedData); if (seedData != null) actionDone = true; return actionDone; }
// ************************************* // URL: /Member/Dashboard // ************************************* public ActionResult Dashboard(string id) { #region Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); if (memberData == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Member"); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> tempPlanted = objSeed.GetSeedsByUser(memberData.id.ToString()).Where(x => x.parentSeedID == null).ToList(); IList<Seed> tempCommented = objSeed.GetAllSeedsCommentedByMe(memberData.id.ToString()); tempCommented = tempCommented.Where(x => x.ownerId != memberData.id).ToList(); IList<Seed> tempReply = objSeed.GetAllReplySeedsbyMember(memberData.id.ToString()); var tempCmtReply = tempCommented.Union(tempReply); IList<Seed> tempFavSeeds = objSeed.GetAllFavouriteSeeds(memberData.id.ToString()); string replySeedCount = objSeed.GetReplySeedCountbyOwnerId(memberData.id.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { if (id == "Date") tempPlanted = tempPlanted.OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).ToList(); if (id == "Category") tempPlanted = tempPlanted.OrderBy(x => x.Categories.FirstOrDefault() != null ? x.Categories.FirstOrDefault().name : "").ToList(); if (id == "Likes") tempPlanted = tempPlanted.OrderByDescending(x => x.Ratings.ToList().Count).ToList(); if (id == "Comments") tempPlanted = tempPlanted.OrderByDescending(x => x.Comments.ToList().Count).ToList(); if (id == "SeedReply") tempPlanted = tempPlanted.OrderByDescending(x => x.Seed1.ToList().Count).ToList(); } ViewData["MyPlantedSeeds"] = tempPlanted; ViewData["PlantedSeedCount"] = tempPlanted.Count(); ViewData["MyCommentsAndReply"] = (from gs in tempCmtReply select gs).OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).Distinct().ToList(); ViewData["CommentsAndReplyCount"] = (from gs in tempCmtReply select gs).OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).Distinct().ToList().Count(); ViewData["MyFavSeeds"] = tempFavSeeds; ViewData["FavSeedsCount"] = tempFavSeeds.Count(); SessionStore.SetSessionValue(SessionStore.MySeeds, tempPlanted); string[] dashboardCount = new string[4]; int tmpPlant = tempPlanted.Count(); int cmtReply = (from gs in tempCmtReply select gs).OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).Distinct().ToList().Count(); int fav = tempFavSeeds.Count(); int MySeedsCount = tmpPlant + cmtReply + fav; dashboardCount[0] = MySeedsCount.ToString(); StreamAction objStream = new StreamAction(); IList<ssStream> lstStream = objStream.GetAllStreams(memberData.id.ToString()); dashboardCount[1] = lstStream.Count().ToString(); MemberAction objMember = new MemberAction(); IList<Member> followingMemberList = objMember.GetFollowing(memberData.id.ToString()); dashboardCount[2] = followingMemberList.Count().ToString(); IList<Seed> lstNearestSeeds = getNewestNearby("15"); dashboardCount[3] = lstNearestSeeds.Count().ToString(); SessionStore.SetSessionValue(SessionStore.DashboardCount, dashboardCount); ViewData["SelectedIndex"] = 0; if (Request.QueryString["gridCmtReply-page"] != null) ViewData["SelectedIndex"] = 1; if (Request.QueryString["gridFavs-page"] != null) ViewData["SelectedIndex"] = 2; return View(); #endregion }
public ContentResult Titles(string q, int limit, Int64 timestamp) { StringBuilder responseContentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> finalList = new List<Seed>(); IList<Seed> lstSeed = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByTitle(q).OrderBy(x => x.title).ToList(); foreach (Seed s in lstSeed) { finalList.Add(s); } foreach (Seed seed in finalList) responseContentBuilder.Append(String.Format("{0}|{1}\n", seed.id, seed.title)); IList<Tag> lstTags = (from t in objSeed.GetAllTagsByName(q) group t by new { t.name } into g select new Tag { name = g.Key.name }).ToList(); foreach (Tag tag in lstTags) responseContentBuilder.Append(String.Format("{0}|{1}\n", tag.id, tag.name)); return Content(responseContentBuilder.ToString()); }
public ActionResult ListSeed() { #region Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); if (memberData == null) return RedirectToAction("Default", "Member"); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); LocationAction objLocation = new LocationAction(); IList<Location> locData = objLocation.GetLocationByMemberId(memberData.id.ToString()); List<Seed> currentSeedList = new List<Seed>(); if (locData != null) { foreach (Location tempLocation in locData) { IList<Seed> seedList = objSeed.GetSeedByLocationId(tempLocation.id.ToString()); foreach (Seed seedData in seedList) { if (seedData.status == SystemStatements.STATUS_NEW || seedData.status == SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING) currentSeedList.Add(seedData); } } } ViewData["ListSeed"] = currentSeedList; return View(); #endregion }
public IList<Seed> HomeSearchSeeds(string Criteria, string sortBy, string radius, string counter) { #region SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> seedData = new List<Seed>(); IList<Seed> tmpSeedList = null; CategoryAction objCategory = new CategoryAction(); string searchOthers = ""; string searchZip = ""; int seedCounter = Convert.ToInt32(counter) + 1; string[] criteriaArr = Criteria.Trim().Split(' '); foreach (string str in criteriaArr) { if (this.checkCriteria(str)) { searchZip = str; } else { searchOthers = searchOthers + " " + str; } } searchOthers = searchOthers.Trim(); if (searchZip.Length > 0) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByZip(radius, searchZip); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (searchOthers.Length > 0 && seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { IList<Category> catList = objCategory.GetAllCategoriesByName(searchOthers); foreach (Category cat in catList) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByCategory(cat.id.ToString()); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByTitle(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByDescription(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetSeedByCrossStreet(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetSeedByCity(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } } seedData = seedData.Distinct().Take(seedCounter).ToList(); return seedData; #endregion }
public IList<Seed> getHomeSearchResult(string city, string catId, string keyword, string zip, string userName) { #region Logic IList<Seed> seedList = new List<Seed>(); Repository repoObj = new Repository(); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); string searchString = ""; if (catId != null && catId.Length > 0) { searchString = "select distinct seed.* from seed, Seed_has_Category where (status='New' or status='Growing')"; } else { searchString = "select distinct seed.* from seed where (status='New' or status='Growing')"; } bool flag = false; #region Search in location table if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(city) && city != "Set Your location") || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zip) && zip != "Zipcode")) { searchString += " and locationid in ( select distinct(id) from location where "; if (city.Length > 0 && city != "City") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zip)) searchString += "cityid in (select id from City where name = '" + city + "' )"; else searchString += "cityid in (select id from City where name = '" + city + "' ))"; flag = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zip)) { if (zip.Length > 0 && zip != "Zipcode") { CommonMethods cmnMethod = new CommonMethods(); string zipResult = cmnMethod.GetZipByRadiusNew("25", zip); if (flag) { searchString += " or "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zipResult)) { searchString = searchString.Substring(0, searchString.Length - 1); searchString += " zipcode in (" + zipResult + "))"; } else { searchString += " zipcode in (" + zip + "))"; } flag = true; } } } #endregion #region Search according to categories if (catId != null && catId.Length > 0) { if (!catId.Equals("all")) searchString += " and Seed_has_Category.categoryId in (" + catId + ") and Seed.id=Seed_has_Category.seedId"; } #endregion #region Search in username, firstname, lastname if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { if (userName != "Search by user, category, keywords") { if (userName.Contains('@')) { searchString += " and Seed.ownerId in (Select id from Member where username = '******')"; } else { string fName = string.Empty; string lName = string.Empty; string[] splt = userName.Split(' '); if (splt.Count() > 1) { fName = splt[0].ToString(); lName = splt[1].ToString(); searchString += " and Seed.ownerId in (select id from Member where firstName = '" + fName + "' or lastName='" + lName + "')"; } else { fName = splt[0].ToString(); searchString += " and Seed.ownerId in (select id from Member where firstName = '" + fName + "')"; } } } } #endregion #region Search in title or description if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { if (keyword.Length > 0 && keyword != "Search by user, category, keywords") { searchString += " or (Seed.title like '%" + keyword + "%' or Seed.description like '%" + keyword + "%')"; } } #endregion seedList = repoObj.ListPPP<Seed>("usp_SearchSeeds", searchString).ToList(); IList<Seed> returnSeedList = (from s in seedList select s).Distinct().ToList(); SessionStore.SetSessionValue(SessionStore.DefaultFeed, searchString); return returnSeedList; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Method to get commitments by seedId. /// </summary> /// <param name="SeedId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList<SeedComment> GetCommitmentsById(string SeedId) { IList<SeedComment> lstSeedComment = new List<SeedComment>(); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(SeedId); IList<Commitment> tempCommitment = seedData.Commitments.ToList(); foreach (Commitment commitment in tempCommitment) { SeedComment objSeedComment = new SeedComment(); string imagePath = "No Image"; if (commitment.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault() != null) { if (commitment.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault().imagePath != null) { imagePath = commitment.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault().imagePath; imagePath = imagePath.Substring(imagePath.LastIndexOf('/')); imagePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootURL"].ToString() + "/UploadedMedia" + imagePath; } } // imagePath = commitment.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault().imagePath.ToString(); objSeedComment.Path = imagePath; objSeedComment.MemberName = commitment.Member.firstName + " " + commitment.Member.lastName; objSeedComment.CommentMessage = commitment.msg.ToString(); //objSeedComment.CommentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(commitment.commitDate).ToString("MMMM dd yyyy"); objSeedComment.CommentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(commitment.commitDate).ToString(); objSeedComment.MemberID = commitment.Member.id.ToString(); lstSeedComment.Add(objSeedComment); } return lstSeedComment; }
public IList<MemberSeeds> GetAllSeedsByParrentId(string ParrentId, string counter) { IList<MemberSeeds> lstMemberSeeds = new List<MemberSeeds>(); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); int getCounter = Convert.ToInt32(counter) + 1; IList<Seed> seedData = (objSeed.GetSeedsByParrentSeedID(ParrentId)).Take(getCounter).OrderBy(x => x.createDate).ToList(); //int i = 0; foreach (Seed s in seedData) { MemberSeeds objMemberSeed = new MemberSeeds(); string imgPath = "No Image"; objMemberSeed.SeedID = s.id.ToString(); objMemberSeed.Title = s.title; if (s.Media != null && s.Media.Where(x => x.type.Equals("Image")).Count() > 0) { imgPath = s.Media.Where(x => x.type.Equals("Image")).OrderByDescending(x => x.dateUploaded).FirstOrDefault().path; imgPath = imgPath.Substring(imgPath.LastIndexOf('/')); if (imgPath.Length > 1) { imgPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootURL"].ToString() + "/UploadedMedia" + imgPath; } else { imgPath = "No Image"; } } objMemberSeed.Path = imgPath; if (s.Location.City != null) { objMemberSeed.City = s.Location.City.name; } if (s.Location.City.Region != null) { objMemberSeed.State = s.Location.City.Region.code; } if (s.Location != null) { objMemberSeed.Zip = s.Location.zipcode; objMemberSeed.Latitude = s.Location.localLat.ToString(); objMemberSeed.Longitude = s.Location.localLong.ToString(); } objMemberSeed.CreateDate = s.createDate.ToString(); lstMemberSeeds.Add(objMemberSeed); } //if (seedData.Count < 1) //{ // MemberSeeds objMemberSeed = new MemberSeeds(); // objMemberSeed.SeedID = "No Matching Seeds Found##No Matching Seeds Found"; // lstMemberSeeds.Add(objMemberSeed); //} return lstMemberSeeds; }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to Add new Seeds. /// </summary> /// <param name="SeedName"></param> /// <param name="Description"></param> /// <param name="CityName"></param> /// <param name="Street"></param> /// <param name="RegionCode"></param> /// <param name="LatLong"></param> /// <param name="ZipCode"></param> /// <param name="ownerId"></param> /// <param name="tagName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string AddSeedData(string SeedName, string Description, string CityName, string Street, string RegionCode, string Lat, string Lng, string ZipCode, string ownerId, string tagName, string imageName, string categoryNames) { bool actionCompleted = false; Seed seedData = null; string imagePath = imageName; string result = "Error while seed planting."; try { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed objSeedEntity = new Seed(); Member memberData = new Member(); Tag objTagEntity = new Tag(); objSeedEntity.title = SeedName.Replace("|","&"); objSeedEntity.description = Description.Replace("|", "&"); LocationAction objLocation = new LocationAction(); string cityid = objLocation.GetCityIdByCityName(CityName, RegionCode); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityid)) cityid = objSeed.AddCity(CityName, RegionCode); string lat = Lat; string longt = Lng; if (cityid.Length > 0) { Location objLoc = objLocation.CreateLocation(cityid, (ZipCode).ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(lat), Convert.ToDouble(longt), Street); objSeedEntity.locationId = new Guid(objLoc.id.ToString()); objSeedEntity.ownerId = new Guid(ownerId); seedData = objSeed.AddSeed(objSeedEntity); actionCompleted = true; result = seedData.id.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName)) { if (seedData.id != null && tagName.Length > 0) { if (!tagName.Equals("(null)")) { objTagEntity.name = tagName; objTagEntity.seedId = seedData.id; actionCompleted = objSeed.ManageTag(objTagEntity); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageName)) { if (!imageName.Equals("No Image")) { AddMedia("Iphone Image1", imageName, seedData.id.ToString(), "Image", ownerId); imagePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootURL"].ToString() + "/UploadedMedia/" + imageName; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryNames)) { if (seedData.id != null && categoryNames.Length > 0) { if (!categoryNames.Equals("Select Category")) { string[] arrCategoryIds; string[] arrCategoryNames; string ids = string.Empty; //categoryNames = categoryNames.TrimStart(','); arrCategoryNames = categoryNames.Split(','); CategoryAction objCategory = new CategoryAction(); for (int c = 0; c < arrCategoryNames.Length; c++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) ids = ids + "," + objCategory.GetCategoryIdByCategoryName(arrCategoryNames[c].ToString().Trim()); else ids = objCategory.GetCategoryIdByCategoryName(arrCategoryNames[c].ToString().Trim()); } arrCategoryIds = ids.Split(','); if (categoryNames.Trim().ToString() != "" && arrCategoryIds.Length > 0) { objSeed.AddCategories(seedData.id.ToString(), arrCategoryIds); } } } } result = seedData.id.ToString() + "||" + seedData.title + "||" + CityName + "||" + RegionCode + "||" + ZipCode + "||" + imageName + "||" + imagePath + "||" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); } if (actionCompleted == false) { result = "Error while seed planting."; } } catch (Exception ex) { result = "Error while seed planting."; } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Method to Update seed. /// </summary> /// <param name="seedId"></param> /// <param name="seedName"></param> /// <param name="seedDescription"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string UpdateSeed(string seedId, string seedName, string seedDescription, string SeedTags, string categories, string imageName, string ownerId) { string isCompleted = "Error in Update Action"; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); try { Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(seedId); seedData.title = seedName.Replace("|", "&"); seedData.description = seedDescription.Replace("|", "&"); objSeed.UpdateSeed(seedData); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageName)) { if (!imageName.Equals("No Image")) { AddMedia("Iphone Image1", imageName, seedData.id.ToString(), "Image", ownerId); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categories)) { if (!categories.Equals("Select Category")) { bool isPlanted = false; string[] arrCategoryIds; string[] arrCategoryNames; string ids = string.Empty; arrCategoryNames = categories.Split(','); CategoryAction objCategory = new CategoryAction(); for (int c = 0; c < arrCategoryNames.Length; c++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) ids = ids + "," + objCategory.GetCategoryIdByCategoryName(arrCategoryNames[c].ToString().Trim()); else ids = objCategory.GetCategoryIdByCategoryName(arrCategoryNames[c].ToString().Trim()); } arrCategoryIds = ids.Split(','); if (categories.Trim().ToString() != "" && arrCategoryIds.Length > 0) { isPlanted = objSeed.AddCategories(seedData.id.ToString(), arrCategoryIds); } } } Tag objTagEntity = new Tag(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SeedTags)) { if (!SeedTags.Equals("(null)")) { objTagEntity.name = SeedTags; objTagEntity.seedId = new Guid(seedId); objSeed.ManageTag(objTagEntity); } } //isCompleted = "Seed Update Successfully"; if (imageName.Length > 1 && imageName != "No Image") { imageName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootURL"].ToString() + "/UploadedMedia/" + imageName; } else { imageName = "No Image"; } isCompleted = seedData.id.ToString() + "||" + seedData.title + "||" + seedData.Location.City.name + "||" + seedData.Location.City.Region.code + "||" + seedData.Location.zipcode + "||" + imageName; //isCompleted = "SeedId: " + seedId + ", Seed Name: " + seedName + ", Seed Description: " + seedDescription; } catch { } return isCompleted; }
/// <summary> /// Method to add rating. /// </summary> /// <param name="seedId"></param> /// <param name="memberId"></param> /// <param name="rate"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string addRating(string seedId, string memberId, string rate) { bool actionDone = false; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); actionDone = objSeed.ManageRating(seedId, memberId.ToString(), rate); int count = objSeed.getSeedRatingCountBySeedId(seedId, "Like"); return count + " Likes"; }
/// <summary> /// Search Seeds /// </summary> /// <param name="Criteria"></param> /// <param name="sortBy"></param> /// <param name="radius"></param> /// <param name="counter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList<SeedDetail> SearchSeeds(string Criteria, string sortBy, string radius, string counter) { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> seedData = new List<Seed>(); IList<Seed> tmpSeedList = null; CategoryAction objCategory = new CategoryAction(); string searchOthers = ""; string searchZip = ""; int seedCounter = Convert.ToInt32(counter) + 1; string[] criteriaArr = Criteria.Trim().Split(' '); foreach (string str in criteriaArr) { //Checking that searchstring contains zipcode if (this.checkCriteria(str)) { searchZip = str; } else { searchOthers = searchOthers + " " + str; } } searchOthers = searchOthers.Trim(); if (searchZip.Length > 0) { // radius = "50"; tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByZip(radius, searchZip); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { if (sData.status.Equals(SystemStatements.STATUS_NEW) || sData.status.Equals(SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING)) { seedData.Add(sData); } //seedData.Add(sData); } } if (searchOthers.Length > 0 && seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { //Searching in Category IList<Category> catList = objCategory.GetAllCategoriesByName(searchOthers); foreach (Category cat in catList) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByCategory(cat.id.ToString()); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByTitle(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { //Searching in Description tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByDescription(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { //Searching in FirstName tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByUserName(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { //Searching in CrossStreet tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetSeedByCrossStreet(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } if (seedData.Distinct().ToList().Count < seedCounter) { //Searching in City tmpSeedList = objSeed.GetSeedByCity(searchOthers); foreach (Seed sData in tmpSeedList) { seedData.Add(sData); } } } // string tmp = ""; seedData = seedData.Distinct().Take(seedCounter).ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy)) { switch (sortBy) { case "1": seedData = seedData.OrderBy(x => x.Categories.FirstOrDefault() != null ? x.Categories.FirstOrDefault().name : "").ToList(); break; case "2": seedData = seedData.OrderBy(x => x.Location.zipcode).ToList(); break; case "3": seedData = seedData.OrderBy(x => x.title).ToList(); break; default: seedData = seedData.OrderBy(x => x.title).ToList(); break; } } string tmpCName = ""; IList<SeedDetail> lstSeedList = new List<SeedDetail>(); foreach (Seed s in seedData) { SeedDetail objSeedDetail = new SeedDetail(); string imgPath = "No Image"; int likesCount = s.Ratings.Where(x => x.likes.Equals("Like")).ToList().Count; int replyCount =Convert.ToInt16(objSeed.GetReplySeedCount(s.id.ToString()));// s.Commitments.ToList().Count; int commentsCount = s.Comments.ToList().Count; if (s.Media != null && s.Media.Count > 0) { imgPath = s.Media.FirstOrDefault().path; imgPath = imgPath.Substring(imgPath.LastIndexOf('/')); if (imgPath.Length > 1) imgPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootURL"].ToString() + "/UploadedMedia" + imgPath; else imgPath = "No Image"; } objSeedDetail.SeedID = s.id.ToString(); objSeedDetail.Title = s.title; if (s.Location.City != null) { // tmp += "||" + s.Location.City.name; objSeedDetail.City = s.Location.City.name; } if (s.Location.City.Region != null) { objSeedDetail.State = s.Location.City.Region.code; //tmp += "||" + s.Location.City.Region.code; } if (s.Location != null) { objSeedDetail.Zip = s.Location.zipcode; // tmp += "||" + s.Location.zipcode; } objSeedDetail.Path = imgPath; // tmp += "||" + imgPath; if (s.Categories != null && s.Categories.Count > 0) { tmpCName = s.Categories.FirstOrDefault().name; } if (s.Location != null) { objSeedDetail.Latitude = s.Location.localLat.ToString(); objSeedDetail.Longitude = s.Location.localLong.ToString(); } objSeedDetail.TempCategory = tmpCName; // tmp += "||" + tmpCName; objSeedDetail.MemberName = s.Member.firstName + " " + s.Member.lastName; objSeedDetail.Address = s.Location.crossStreet; objSeedDetail.CreateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(s.createDate).ToString(); objSeedDetail.Description = s.description; objSeedDetail.Likes = likesCount + " Likes"; objSeedDetail.Comments = commentsCount + " Comments"; objSeedDetail.ReplySeeds = replyCount + " Reply Seeds"; objSeedDetail.PopularCount = (likesCount + commentsCount + replyCount).ToString(); //tmp += "||" + s.Member.firstName + " " + s.Member.lastName + "||" + s.Location.crossStreet + "||" + Convert.ToDateTime(s.createDate).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy") + "||" + s.description + "||" + likesCount + " Likes" + "||" + commitmentCount + " Commitments" + "||" + commentsCount + " Comments"; string tmpCategory = ""; foreach (Category c in s.Categories) { if (tmpCategory.Length > 0) tmpCategory = tmpCategory + "," + c.name; else tmpCategory = c.name; } objSeedDetail.Categories = tmpCategory; // tmp = tmp + "||" + tmpCategory; lstSeedList.Add(objSeedDetail); }//For each seed return lstSeedList; }
private void GetHarvestedSeeds() { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> ListHarvestedSeeds = objSeed.GetSeedsByStatus(SystemStatements.STATUS_HARVESTED); ViewData["HarvestedSeeds"] = ListHarvestedSeeds; }
private void GetTerminatedSeeds() { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> ListTerminatedSeeds = objSeed.GetSeedsByStatus(SystemStatements.STATUS_TERMINATED); ViewData["TerminatedSeeds"] = ListTerminatedSeeds; }
/// <summary> /// Method to get all seeds by Id. /// </summary> /// <param name="SeedId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList<SeedDetail> GetSeedsById(string SeedId, string MemberId) { IList<SeedDetail> lstSeedDetail = new List<SeedDetail>(); SeedDetail objSeedDetail = new SeedDetail(); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); //For finding total reply seeds of the current seed //int getCounter = 200; // IList<Seed> seedDataCounter = (objSeed.GetSeedsByParrentSeedID(SeedId)).Take(getCounter).OrderBy(x => x.createDate).ToList(); // Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(SeedId); int likesCount = seedData.Ratings.Where(x => x.likes.Equals("Like")).ToList().Count; int replyCount = Convert.ToInt16(objSeed.GetReplySeedCount(SeedId));// seedData.Commitments.ToList().Count; int commentsCount = seedData.Comments.ToList().Count; objSeedDetail.Title = seedData.title; if (seedData.Member.organisationName != null) { objSeedDetail.MemberName = seedData.Member.organisationName; } else { objSeedDetail.MemberName = seedData.Member.firstName + " " + seedData.Member.lastName; } objSeedDetail.City = seedData.Location.City.name; objSeedDetail.Address = seedData.Location.crossStreet; objSeedDetail.State = seedData.Location.City.Region.name; objSeedDetail.CreateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(seedData.createDate).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); objSeedDetail.Description = seedData.description; objSeedDetail.Likes = likesCount + " Likes"; objSeedDetail.ReplySeeds = replyCount + " Reply Seeds"; objSeedDetail.Comments= commentsCount + " Comments"; objSeedDetail.RootSeedID =seedData.id.ToString(); objSeedDetail.ParentSeedID = seedData.parentSeedID != null ? seedData.parentSeedID.ToString() : seedData.id.ToString(); string tmpCategory = ""; foreach (Category c in seedData.Categories) { if (tmpCategory.Length > 0) tmpCategory = tmpCategory + ", " + c.name; else tmpCategory = c.name; } objSeedDetail.Categories = tmpCategory; if (seedData.Tags != null && seedData.Tags.Count > 0) { objSeedDetail.Keywords = seedData.Tags.FirstOrDefault().name.ToString(); } else { objSeedDetail.Keywords = ""; } objSeedDetail.MemberID = seedData.Member.id.ToString(); objSeedDetail.Zip = seedData.Location.zipcode; int counter = objSeed.getSeedRatingCountByMemberId(SeedId, MemberId, "Like"); if (counter > 0) { objSeedDetail.Rating= "Disable"; } else { objSeedDetail.Rating = "Enable"; } objSeedDetail.Latitude = seedData.Location.localLat.ToString(); objSeedDetail.Longitude = seedData.Location.localLong.ToString(); string imgPath = "No Image"; if (seedData.Media != null && seedData.Media.Where(x => x.type.Equals("Image")).Count() > 0) { imgPath = seedData.Media.Where(x => x.type.Equals("Image")).OrderByDescending(x => x.dateUploaded).FirstOrDefault().path; imgPath = imgPath.Substring(imgPath.LastIndexOf('/')); if (imgPath.Length > 1) { imgPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootURL"].ToString() + "/UploadedMedia" + imgPath; } else { imgPath = "No Image"; } } objSeedDetail.Path = imgPath; lstSeedDetail.Add(objSeedDetail); return lstSeedDetail; }
public IList<Seed> getNewestNearby(string radius) { #region CommonMethods objCmnMethods = new CommonMethods(); string strIpAddress = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; if (strIpAddress == "") strIpAddress = ""; string ipLocation = objCmnMethods.IP2AddressAPI(strIpAddress); string citySearch = string.Empty; string stateSearch = string.Empty; string zipCodeSearch = string.Empty; string latSearch = string.Empty; string lngSearch = string.Empty; string[] currentAddress; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipLocation)) { //IPaddressAPI currentAddress = ipLocation.Split(','); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[4].Replace("\"", "").ToString())) stateSearch = "AZ"; else stateSearch = currentAddress[4].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[6].ToString())) citySearch = "Phoenix"; else citySearch = currentAddress[6].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[7].Replace("\"", "").ToString())) zipCodeSearch = "85027"; else zipCodeSearch = currentAddress[7].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); latSearch = currentAddress[8].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); lngSearch = currentAddress[9].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); } else { //MaxMind ipLocation = objCmnMethods.IP2AddressMaxMind(); currentAddress = ipLocation.Split('\''); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[7].ToString())) stateSearch = "AZ"; else stateSearch = currentAddress[7].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[5].ToString())) citySearch = "Phoenix"; else citySearch = currentAddress[5].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[15].ToString())) zipCodeSearch = "85027"; else zipCodeSearch = currentAddress[15].ToString(); latSearch = currentAddress[11].ToString(); lngSearch = currentAddress[13].ToString(); } SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> lstSeed = objSeed.GetAllSeedsByZip(radius, zipCodeSearch); return lstSeed.Where(x => (x.status.Equals(SystemStatements.STATUS_NEW) || x.status.Equals(SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING))).ToList(); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Method to get votes by seedId. /// </summary> /// <param name="SeedId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList<SeedComment> GetVotesById(string SeedId) { IList<SeedComment> lstGetVotesById = new List<SeedComment>(); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(SeedId); IList<Rating> tempRating = seedData.Ratings.Where(x => x.likes.Equals("Like")).ToList(); string tmp = string.Empty; foreach (Rating rating in tempRating) { SeedComment objGetVotesById = new SeedComment(); string imagePath = "No Image"; if (rating.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault() != null) { if (rating.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault().imagePath != null) { imagePath = rating.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault().imagePath; imagePath = imagePath.Substring(imagePath.LastIndexOf('/')); imagePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootURL"].ToString() + "/UploadedMedia" + imagePath; } } // imagePath = rating.Member.MemberProfiles.FirstOrDefault().imagePath.ToString(); objGetVotesById.Path = imagePath; objGetVotesById.MemberName = rating.Member.firstName + " " + rating.Member.lastName; // objGetVotesById.CommentMessage = "Voted for " + rating.Seed.title + " " + Convert.ToDateTime(rating.ratingDate).ToString(); objGetVotesById.CommentMessage =Convert.ToDateTime(rating.ratingDate).ToShortDateString() + "-" + rating.Seed.title ; //objGetVotesById.CommentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rating.ratingDate).ToString("MMMM dd yyyy"); objGetVotesById.CommentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rating.ratingDate).ToString(); objGetVotesById.MemberID = rating.Member.id.ToString(); lstGetVotesById.Add(objGetVotesById); } return lstGetVotesById; }
public ActionResult LikeSeedPartial(string SLikedid, string partialLike) { #region SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); Seed seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(SLikedid); seedData.status = SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING; Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); MemberAction objMember = new MemberAction(); bool isDone = objMember.LikeUnlike(memberData.id.ToString(), SLikedid, partialLike); seedData = objSeed.GetSeedBySeedId(SLikedid); ViewData["LikeData"] = seedData.id; return PartialView("LikePartial"); #endregion }
public void TerminateSeed(string id) { bool isCompleted = false; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); isCompleted = objSeed.HarvestTerminateSeed(id, "Terminate"); if (isCompleted == true) Response.Redirect("/Admin/ManageSeeds"); }
public ContentResult Tags(string q, int limit, Int64 timestamp) { StringBuilder responseContentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Tag> lstTags = (from t in objSeed.GetAllTagsByName(q) group t by new { t.name } into g select new Tag { name = g.Key.name }).ToList(); foreach (Tag tag in lstTags) responseContentBuilder.Append(String.Format("{0}|{1}\n", tag.id, tag.name)); return Content(responseContentBuilder.ToString()); }
public void unFlagSeed(string id) { bool isCompleted = false; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); isCompleted = objSeed.unFlagSeed(id); if (isCompleted == true) Response.Redirect("/Admin/ManageSeeds"); }
public ActionResult UserDetail(string id) { #region Member memData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); if (memData != null) { if (Convert.ToString(memData.id) == id) ViewData["ProfileView"] = "Self"; else ViewData["ProfileView"] = "Other"; } MemberAction objMember = new MemberAction(); Member memberData = objMember.GetMemberByMemberId(id); ViewData["MemberInfo"] = memberData; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> listSeed = objSeed.GetSeedsByUser(id).ToList(); ViewData["ListSeed"] = listSeed; IList<Member> followerMemberList = objMember.GetFollowers(id); IList<Member> followingMemberList = objMember.GetFollowing(id); IList<Seed> seedList = objMember.GetFollowingActivity(id); ViewData["LatestActivity"] = seedList; ViewData["Following"] = followingMemberList; ViewData["Followers"] = followerMemberList; IList<Seed> FavSeeds = objSeed.GetAllFavouriteSeeds(id); ViewData["FavSeeds"] = FavSeeds; StreamAction objStream = new StreamAction(); IList<ssStream> lstFeeds = objStream.GetAllStreams(id); IList<ssStream> lstMyFeeds = lstFeeds.Where(x => x.streamType.Equals(SystemStatements.STREAM_FEED)).OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).ToList(); IList<ssStream> lstMyLists = lstFeeds.Where(x => x.streamType.Equals(SystemStatements.STREAM_HANDPICKED)).OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).ToList(); ViewData["UserFeeds"] = lstMyFeeds; ViewData["UserLists"] = lstMyLists; IList<Seed> LatestActivity = objMember.GetFollowingActivity(id); ViewData["LatestActivity"] = LatestActivity; string[] counts = new string[7]; counts[0] = Convert.ToString(listSeed.Count()); counts[1] = Convert.ToString(FavSeeds.Count()); counts[2] = Convert.ToString(followerMemberList.Count()); counts[3] = Convert.ToString(lstMyFeeds.Count()); counts[4] = Convert.ToString(lstMyLists.Count()); counts[5] = Convert.ToString(followingMemberList.Count()); counts[6] = Convert.ToString(LatestActivity.Count()); ViewData["Counts"] = counts; ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 0; ViewData["ChildTabSelectedIndex"] = 0; if (Request.QueryString["PlantedSeedsgridbox-page"] != null) ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 0; if (Request.QueryString["Likesgridbox-page"] != null) ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 1; if (Request.QueryString["gridboxFeeds-page"] != null) ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 3; if (Request.QueryString["gridboxLists-page"] != null) ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 4; if (Request.QueryString["Following-page"] != null) { ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 2; ViewData["ChildTabSelectedIndex"] = 0; } if (Request.QueryString["Followers-page"] != null) { ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 2; ViewData["ChildTabSelectedIndex"] = 1; } if (Request.QueryString["LatestActivitygridbox-page"] != null) { ViewData["ParentTabSelectedIndex"] = 2; ViewData["ChildTabSelectedIndex"] = 2; } return View(); #endregion }
private void GetActiveSeeds() { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> ListActiveSeeds = objSeed.GetSeedsByTwoStatus(SystemStatements.STATUS_NEW, SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING); ViewData["ActiveSeeds"] = ListActiveSeeds; }
public ActionResult Default() { #region PreviousCoding Repository repoObj = new Repository(); Member memberData = (Member)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Memberobject); if (memberData != null) { //ViewData["LocationData"] = locations; //ViewData["Memberlocation"] = memberLocation; } else { string logoutString = TempData["Logout"] as string; if (logoutString != "Logout") { const string myFacebookApiKey = "101151816623334"; const string myFacebookSecret = "65f49046dce2d1f54d6991e43c4af675"; var connectSession = new ConnectSession(myFacebookApiKey, myFacebookSecret); if (connectSession.IsConnected()) { ViewData["FBConnected"] = true; var api = new Api(connectSession); ViewData["FBUser"] = api.Users.GetInfo(); ViewData["UserID"] = api.Users.GetInfo().uid; SessionStore.SetSessionValue(SessionStore.FacebookConnect, "FacebookUserLoggedIn"); string[] fbDetails = new string[2]; fbDetails[0] = Convert.ToString("fb_" + api.Users.GetInfo().uid); fbDetails[1] = api.Users.GetInfo().name; SessionStore.SetSessionValue("FacebookDetails", fbDetails); api.Session.Logout(); connectSession.Logout(); return RedirectToAction("FBUser", "Member"); } } } #endregion GetTopPlanters(); CommonMethods objCmnMethods = new CommonMethods(); string strIpAddress = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; if (strIpAddress == "") strIpAddress = ""; string citySearch = string.Empty; string stateSearch = string.Empty; string zipCodeSearch = string.Empty; string latSearch = string.Empty; string lngSearch = string.Empty; string[] currentAddress; string ipLocation = objCmnMethods.MaxMindIPData(strIpAddress); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipLocation) && (!ipLocation.Contains("IP_NOT_FOUND"))) { //IPaddressAPI currentAddress = ipLocation.Split(','); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[1].Replace("\"", "").ToString())) stateSearch = "AZ"; else { stateSearch = currentAddress[1].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); //stateSearch = "WA"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[2].ToString())) citySearch = "Phoenix"; else { citySearch = currentAddress[2].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); //citySearch = "Seattle"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[3].Replace("\"", "").ToString())) { //zipCodeSearch = "85027"; SeedAction objS = new SeedAction(); LocationAction objLocation = new LocationAction(); string cityId = objLocation.GetCityIdByCityName(citySearch, stateSearch); zipCodeSearch = objS.GetZipOfSeedByCityId(cityId); } else zipCodeSearch = currentAddress[3].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); latSearch = currentAddress[4].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); lngSearch = currentAddress[5].Replace("\"", "").ToString(); } else { //MaxMind ipLocation = objCmnMethods.IP2AddressMaxMind(); currentAddress = ipLocation.Split('\''); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[7].ToString())) stateSearch = "AZ"; else stateSearch = currentAddress[7].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[5].ToString())) citySearch = "Phoenix"; else citySearch = currentAddress[5].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentAddress[15].ToString())) zipCodeSearch = "85027"; else zipCodeSearch = currentAddress[15].ToString(); latSearch = currentAddress[11].ToString(); lngSearch = currentAddress[13].ToString(); } ViewData["LocLat"] = latSearch; ViewData["LocLng"] = lngSearch; Session["LocLatLng"] = latSearch + "," + lngSearch; SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> lstSeed = getHomeSearchResult(citySearch, "", "", zipCodeSearch, ""); if (lstSeed.Count > 0) { ViewData["SeedList"] = lstSeed.OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).ToList(); ViewData["userLocation"] = "Your Location : " + citySearch + ", " + stateSearch; ViewData["CatLocation"] = citySearch + ", " + stateSearch; } else { lstSeed = repoObj.List<Seed>().Where(x => x.status.Equals(SystemStatements.STATUS_NEW) || x.status.Equals(SystemStatements.STATUS_GROWING)).OrderByDescending(x => x.createDate).Take(20).ToList(); ViewData["SeedList"] = lstSeed; ViewData["userLocation"] = "Your Location : " + citySearch + ", " + stateSearch; ViewData["CatLocation"] = citySearch + ", " + stateSearch; ViewData["CitySearchMsg"] = "<span>Sorry, no seeds planted in '" + citySearch + "' area. Showing latest additions.</span>"; string streamFeed = "Select top 20 * from Seed order by createDate desc"; SessionStore.SetSessionValue(SessionStore.DefaultFeed, streamFeed); } string advSearch = TempData["DiscoverSeed"] as string; if (advSearch != "AdvanceSearch") { if (lstSeed.Count > 0) SessionStore.SetSessionValue(SessionStore.DiscoverSeed, lstSeed); } if (SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.DiscoverSeed) != null) lstSeed = (IList<Seed>)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.DiscoverSeed); int rowCount = lstSeed.Count; Session["RowCount"] = rowCount; Session["PageCount"] = "1"; ViewData["SeedList"] = lstSeed.Take(10).ToList(); ViewData["PrevVisibility"] = "visibility:hidden;"; if (lstSeed.Count > 10) ViewData["NxtVisibility"] = "visibility:visible;"; else ViewData["NxtVisibility"] = "visibility:hidden;"; foreach (Seed sd in lstSeed) { sd.seedDistance = (int)objCmnMethods.distance(Convert.ToDouble(latSearch), Convert.ToDouble(lngSearch), Convert.ToDouble(sd.Location.localLat), Convert.ToDouble(sd.Location.localLong)); } if (lstSeed.Count > 0) SessionStore.SetSessionValue(SessionStore.DiscoverSeed, lstSeed); ViewData["SeedList"] = lstSeed.OrderBy(x => x.seedDistance).ToList(); ViewData["MarkerList"] = MarkerGenerator((IList<Seed>)ViewData["SeedList"]); //ListBox if (Session["SelectedCategory"] != null) { Session["SelectedCategory"] = null; } else { if (str != null) { string myString = null; for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { myString = str[i]; } else { myString = myString + "," + str[i]; } } Session["SelectedCategory"] = myString; ViewData["SelectedCategories"] = myString; } } //ListBox if (lstSeed.Count > 0) { CategoryAction objCat = new CategoryAction(); IList<Category> categ = new List<Category>(); Category c = null; foreach (Seed s in lstSeed) { IList<Category> listCategory = s.Categories.ToList(); if (listCategory.Count > 0) { foreach (Category c1 in listCategory) { c = objCat.GetCategoryById(s.Categories.FirstOrDefault().id.ToString()); if (c != null) categ.Add(c); } } } ViewData["SeedCategories"] = categ.Distinct().ToList(); } return View(); }
private void GetDyingSeeds() { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> ListDyingSeeds = objSeed.GetAllDyingSeeds(); ViewData["DyingSeeds"] = ListDyingSeeds; }
public void bindCheckBox() { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Category> category; category = objSeed.GetAllCategories(); string ids = string.Empty; foreach (Category sc in category) { if (ids.Length > 0) { ids = ids + "," + sc.id; } else { ids = sc.id.ToString(); } } ViewData["ids"] = ids; ViewData["categoryId"] = category; }
private void GetFlagSeeds() { SeedAction objSeed = new SeedAction(); IList<Seed> ListFlagSeeds = objSeed.GetFlaggedSeeds(); ViewData["FlagSeeds"] = ListFlagSeeds; }