コード例 #1
        public async Task <EdgarSearch> NextPageAsync()
            if (NextPageUrl == null)
                throw new Exception("There is not another page to request");

            string content = await SecRequestManager.Instance.SecGetAsync(NextPageUrl);

            EdgarSearch es = new EdgarSearch();

コード例 #2
        public static async Task <EdgarSearch> CreateAsync(string stock_symbol, string filing_type = "", DateTime?prior_to = null, EdgarSearchOwnershipFilter ownership_filter = EdgarSearchOwnershipFilter.exclude, EdgarSearchResultsPerPage results_per_page = EdgarSearchResultsPerPage.Entries40)
            EdgarSearch es = new EdgarSearch();

            #region "Save search parameters"

            es.StockSymbol     = stock_symbol;
            es.FilingType      = filing_type;
            es.OwnershipFilter = ownership_filter;
            es.ResultsPerPage  = results_per_page;


            #region "Construct the query URL"

            string URL = "https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany";

            //Add the stock symbol
            URL = URL + "&CIK=" + stock_symbol;

            //Filing type?
            if (filing_type != "")
                URL = URL + "&type=" + filing_type;

            //Prior to?
            if (prior_to != null)
                string fs = prior_to.Value.Year.ToString("0000") + prior_to.Value.Month.ToString("00") + prior_to.Value.Day.ToString("00");
                URL = URL + "&dateb=" + fs;

            //Edgar ownership
            if (ownership_filter == EdgarSearchOwnershipFilter.exclude)
                URL = URL + "&owner=exclude";
            else if (ownership_filter == EdgarSearchOwnershipFilter.include)
                URL = URL + "&owner=include";
            else if (ownership_filter == EdgarSearchOwnershipFilter.only)
                URL = URL + "&owner=only";

            //Results per page
            if (results_per_page == EdgarSearchResultsPerPage.Entries10)
                URL = URL + "&count=10";
            else if (results_per_page == EdgarSearchResultsPerPage.Entries20)
                URL = URL + "&count=20";
            else if (results_per_page == EdgarSearchResultsPerPage.Entries40)
                URL = URL + "&count=40";
            else if (results_per_page == EdgarSearchResultsPerPage.Entries80)
                URL = URL + "&count=80";
            else if (results_per_page == EdgarSearchResultsPerPage.Entries100)
                URL = URL + "&count=100";

            //Get web data
            string web = await SecRequestManager.Instance.SecGetAsync(URL);

            //Now load and return the data