コード例 #1
        public void Dispose()
            catch (Exception ex)
                SysLogger.Log(ex.Message, SysLogType.Error);

            this.Connection = null;
            this.Properties = null;
            this.Handle = null;
            this.Server = null;
            this.clientHS = null;
            this.serverHS = null;

            if(this.KeepAliveTimer != null)
                this.KeepAliveTimer.Enabled = false;

            this.IsDisposed = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                SysLogger.Log(ex.Message, SysLogType.Error);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the keys to identify the user and encrypt the network session
        /// </summary>
        public void GenKey(SessionSide side, Size size, int MazeCount, int MazeSteps)
            if(side == SessionSide.Server)
                MazeHandshake = new ServerMaze(size, MazeCount, MazeSteps);
                MazeHandshake = new ClientMaze(size, MazeCount, MazeSteps);

            MazeHandshake.SetLoginData(Username, Password, PrivateKeys, PublicKey);

            //encrypt the public key with WopEx
            EncryptedPublicKey = MazeHandshake.GetEncryptedPublicKey();
            EncryptedHash = BitConverter.ToString(SHA512Managed.Create().ComputeHash(EncryptedPublicKey, 0, EncryptedPublicKey.Length)).Replace("-", "");
コード例 #3
            public void GenServerKey()
                ServerHandshake = new ServerMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(128, 128), 1, 5);

                Console.WriteLine("[Server] Setting up login data for user, ");// + Username);
                ServerHandshake.SetLoginData(Username, Password, PrivateKeys, PublicKey);
                Console.WriteLine("[Server] Generating key for user, ");// + Username);

                //encrypt the public key with WopEx
                EncryptedPublicKey = ServerHandshake.GetEncryptedPublicKey(); //encrypt the public key
                EncryptedHash = BitConverter.ToString(SHA512Managed.Create().ComputeHash(EncryptedPublicKey, 0, EncryptedPublicKey.Length)).Replace("-", "");
コード例 #4
        private static void KeepTestingHandshake()
            MazeErrorCode clientError = MazeErrorCode.Error;
            MazeErrorCode serverError = MazeErrorCode.Error;
            int multiplier = 100;

            while (true)
                Server_Users = new List<User>();

                //create users
                User temp_user = new User();
                temp_user.Username = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(GetRandomBytes(20));
                temp_user.Password = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(GetRandomBytes(20));
                temp_user.PublicKey = GetRandomBytes(128 * multiplier); //File.ReadAllBytes("./Data/PublicKey1.dat"));

                //for (int i = 0; i < temp_user.PublicKey.Length; i++)
                //    temp_user.PublicKey[i] = (byte)(i % 100);

                temp_user.PrivateKeys.Add(GetRandomBytes(128 * multiplier)); //File.ReadAllBytes("./Data/PrivateKey1.dat"));
                temp_user.PrivateKeys.Add(GetRandomBytes(128 * multiplier)); //(File.ReadAllBytes("./Data/PrivateKey2.dat"));

                Console.WriteLine("[Server] Creating user table...");


                foreach (User User in Server_Users)
                    Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    ClientMaze client = new ClientMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(128, 128), 1, 5);
                    ServerMaze server = new ServerMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(128, 128), 1, 5);
                    server.onFindKeyInDatabase += server_onFindKeyInDatabase;

                    byte[] ClientResponseData = new byte[0];
                    byte[] ServerResponseData = new byte[0];

                    //1. Send server the bytecode
                    byte[] byteCode = client.GetByteCode();
                    Console.WriteLine("[Client] Sending ByteCode to server");

                    //2. Server receives the ByteCode
                    serverError = server.onReceiveData(byteCode, ref ServerResponseData);
                    if (serverError == MazeErrorCode.Success)
                        Console.WriteLine("[Server] ByteCode is correct, continue on with handshake");
                        Console.WriteLine("[Server] ByteCode is not correct, disconnecting...");

                    //in this example we will simply keep this simple, so no additional encryption(s) will be used here except the one that is being used by the handshake it self
                    Console.WriteLine("[Client] Setting login data... username:"******"[Client] Calculating the key");
                    BigInteger mazeKey = client.SetMazeKey();

                    Console.WriteLine("[Client] Encrypting the public key & sending public key");
                    byte[] encryptedPublicKey = client.GetEncryptedPublicKey();

                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] Received encrypted public key");
                    serverError = server.onReceiveData(encryptedPublicKey, ref ServerResponseData);
                    if (serverError != MazeErrorCode.Success)
                        Console.WriteLine("[Server] Encrypted Public Key was not found in database or something else went wrong");
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] Sending back response to client len:" + ServerResponseData.Length);

                    Console.WriteLine("[Client] Received response from server... len:" + ServerResponseData.Length + ", sending response back...");
                    clientError = client.onReceiveData(ServerResponseData, ref ClientResponseData);
                    if (clientError != MazeErrorCode.Success && clientError != MazeErrorCode.Finished)
                        Console.WriteLine("[Client] Incorrect response from server");

                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] Received response from client len:" + ServerResponseData.Length);
                    serverError = server.onReceiveData(ClientResponseData, ref ServerResponseData);
                    if (serverError != MazeErrorCode.Success && serverError != MazeErrorCode.Finished)
                        Console.WriteLine("[Server] Incorrect response from client");
                    Console.WriteLine("[Client] Applied the key to the encryption");
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] Applied the key to the encryption");

                    Console.WriteLine("[Client-Key] " + BitConverter.ToString(client.wopEx.Key).Substring(0, 50) + "....");
                    Console.WriteLine("[Client-Salt] " + BitConverter.ToString(client.wopEx.Salt).Substring(0, 50) + "....");
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server-Key] " + BitConverter.ToString(server.wopEx.Key).Substring(0, 50) + "....");
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server-Salt] " + BitConverter.ToString(server.wopEx.Salt).Substring(0, 50));

                    Console.WriteLine("Done... Authenticated without sending login data, completed in " + sw.Elapsed);
コード例 #5
        private static void SecureHandshake_SingleUser()
            MazeErrorCode clientError = MazeErrorCode.Error;
            MazeErrorCode serverError = MazeErrorCode.Error;
            int multiplier = 100;

            //create users
            User temp_user = new User();

            Console.WriteLine("[Server] Creating user table...");
            //Add real data here if you want to test this out
            temp_user.Username = "******";
            temp_user.Password = "******";
            temp_user.PublicKey = GetRandomBytes(128 * multiplier); //File.ReadAllBytes("./Data/PublicKey1.dat"));
            temp_user.PrivateKeys.Add(GetRandomBytes(128 * multiplier)); //File.ReadAllBytes("./Data/PrivateKey1.dat"));
            temp_user.PrivateKeys.Add(GetRandomBytes(128 * multiplier)); //(File.ReadAllBytes("./Data/PrivateKey2.dat"));


            ClientMaze client = new ClientMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(128, 128), 1, 5);
            ServerMaze server = new ServerMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(128, 128), 1, 5);
            server.onFindKeyInDatabase += server_onFindKeyInDatabase;

            Server_Users = new List<User>();

            while (true)

                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                byte[] ClientResponseData = new byte[0];
                byte[] ServerResponseData = new byte[0];

                //1. Send server the bytecode
                byte[] byteCode = client.GetByteCode();
                Console.WriteLine("[Client] Sending ByteCode to server");

                //2. Server receives the ByteCode
                serverError = server.onReceiveData(byteCode, ref ServerResponseData);
                if (serverError == MazeErrorCode.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] ByteCode is correct, continue on with handshake");
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] ByteCode is not correct, disconnecting...");

                //in this example we will simply keep this simple, so no additional encryption(s) will be used here except the one that is being used by the handshake it self
                Console.WriteLine("[Client] Setting login data... username:"******"[Client] Calculating the key");
                BigInteger mazeKey = client.SetMazeKey();

                Console.WriteLine("[Client] Encrypting the public key & sending public key");
                byte[] encryptedPublicKey = client.GetEncryptedPublicKey();

                Console.WriteLine("[Server] Received encrypted public key");
                serverError = server.onReceiveData(encryptedPublicKey, ref ServerResponseData);
                if (serverError != MazeErrorCode.Success)
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] Encrypted Public Key was not found in database or something else went wrong");
                Console.WriteLine("[Server] Sending back response to client len:" + ServerResponseData.Length);

                Console.WriteLine("[Client] Received response from server... len:" + ServerResponseData.Length + ", sending response back...");
                clientError = client.onReceiveData(ServerResponseData, ref ClientResponseData);
                if (clientError != MazeErrorCode.Success && clientError != MazeErrorCode.Finished)
                    Console.WriteLine("[Client] Incorrect response from server");

                Console.WriteLine("[Server] Received response from client len:" + ServerResponseData.Length);
                serverError = server.onReceiveData(ClientResponseData, ref ServerResponseData);
                if (serverError != MazeErrorCode.Success && serverError != MazeErrorCode.Finished)
                    Console.WriteLine("[Server] Incorrect response from client");
                Console.WriteLine("[Client] Applied the key to the encryption");
                Console.WriteLine("[Server] Applied the key to the encryption");

                Console.WriteLine("[Client-Key] " + BitConverter.ToString(client.wopEx.Key).Substring(0, 50) + "....");
                Console.WriteLine("[Client-Salt] " + BitConverter.ToString(client.wopEx.Salt).Substring(0, 50) + "....");
                Console.WriteLine("[Server-Key] " + BitConverter.ToString(server.wopEx.Key).Substring(0, 50) + "....");
                Console.WriteLine("[Server-Salt] " + BitConverter.ToString(server.wopEx.Salt).Substring(0, 50));

                Console.WriteLine("Done... Authenticated without sending login data, completed in " + sw.Elapsed);

                Console.WriteLine("Re-Calculating the private keys");
                int keyCount = temp_user.PrivateKeys.Count;
                List<Stream> calcPrivateKeys = new List<Stream>();
                for(int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Old Privatekey[" + i.ToString("D2") + "] " + BitConverter.ToString(temp_user.PrivateKeys[i]).Substring(0, 50) + "....");
                    calcPrivateKeys.Add(client.RecalculatePrivateKey(new MemoryStream(temp_user.PrivateKeys[i])));
                    Console.WriteLine("New Privatekey[" + i.ToString("D2") + "] " + BitConverter.ToString(temp_user.PrivateKeys[i]).Substring(0, 50) + "....");

                //because of the MemoryStream we don't need to remove/add the keys, but in a remote server you must so I'll leave this here
                for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++)
                    temp_user.PrivateKeys.Add((calcPrivateKeys[i] as MemoryStream).ToArray());


                //re-initialize the client/server for new login attempt ;)
                client = new ClientMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(128, 128), 1, 5);
                server = new ServerMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(128, 128), 1, 5);
                server.onFindKeyInDatabase += server_onFindKeyInDatabase;
コード例 #6
        public void Test_MazeAuthentication()
            MazeErrorCode clientError = MazeErrorCode.Error;
            MazeErrorCode serverError = MazeErrorCode.Error;

            List<User> Server_Users = new List<User>();

            //create users
            User temp_user = new User();
            temp_user.Username = "";
            temp_user.Password = "";
            temp_user.PublicKey = File.ReadAllBytes("./Data/PublicKey1.dat");




            foreach (User User in Server_Users)
                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                ClientMaze client = new ClientMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(512, 512), 10, 30);
                ServerMaze server = new ServerMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(512, 512), 10, 30);
                server.onFindKeyInDatabase += (string EncryptedHash, ref byte[] Key, ref byte[] Salt, ref byte[] PublicKey, ref string Username) =>
                    foreach (User user in Server_Users)
                        if (user.EncryptedHash == EncryptedHash)
                            Key = user.ServerHandshake.MazeKey.getBytes();
                            Salt = user.ServerHandshake.PrivateSalt.getBytes();
                            PublicKey = user.PublicKey;
                            Username = user.Username;
                            return true;
                    return false;

                byte[] ClientResponseData = new byte[0];
                byte[] ServerResponseData = new byte[0];

                //1. Send server the bytecode
                byte[] byteCode = client.GetByteCode();

                //2. Server receives the ByteCode
                serverError = server.onReceiveData(byteCode, ref ServerResponseData);
                if (serverError != MazeErrorCode.Success)
                    throw new Exception("[Server] ByteCode is not correct, disconnecting...");

                //in this example we will simply keep this simple, so no additional encryption(s) will be used here except the one that is being used by the handshake it self
                client.SetLoginData(User.Username, User.Password, User.PrivateKeys, User.PublicKey);
                BigInteger mazeKey = client.SetMazeKey();
                byte[] encryptedPublicKey = client.GetEncryptedPublicKey();

                serverError = server.onReceiveData(encryptedPublicKey, ref ServerResponseData);
                if (serverError != MazeErrorCode.Success)
                    throw new Exception("[Server] Encrypted Public Key was not found in database or something else went wrong");

                clientError = client.onReceiveData(ServerResponseData, ref ClientResponseData);
                if (clientError != MazeErrorCode.Success && clientError != MazeErrorCode.Finished)
                    throw new Exception("[Client] Incorrect response from server");

                serverError = server.onReceiveData(ClientResponseData, ref ServerResponseData);
                if (serverError != MazeErrorCode.Success && serverError != MazeErrorCode.Finished)
                    throw new Exception("[Server] Incorrect response from client");
コード例 #7
            public void GenServerKey()
                ServerHandshake = new ServerMaze(new System.Drawing.Size(512, 512), 10, 30);
                ServerHandshake.SetLoginData(Username, Password, PrivateKeys, PublicKey);

                //encrypt the public key with WopEx
                EncryptedPublicKey = ServerHandshake.GetEncryptedPublicKey(); //encrypt the public key
                EncryptedHash = BitConverter.ToString(SHA512Managed.Create().ComputeHash(EncryptedPublicKey, 0, EncryptedPublicKey.Length)).Replace("-", "");