private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { // Accurate Draw AutoAttack if (Config.drawAA.GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Player.Position, Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(null), Color.Gold); } if (Config.drawW.GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Player.Position, W.Range, Color.SkyBlue); } }
private static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { // Accurate Draw AutoAttack if (Menu.Item("DrawAA").GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Player.Position, Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(null), Color.Gold); } if (Menu.Item("DrawW").GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Player.Position, W.Range, Color.SkyBlue); } }
/// <summary> /// Drawings /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> private static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (Player.IsDead) { return; } if (Menu.Item("DrawAA").GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(null), System.Drawing.Color.BlueViolet); } if (Menu.Item("DrawQ").GetValue <bool>()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, Q.Range, System.Drawing.Color.Chartreuse); } if (Menu.Item("DrawR").GetValue <bool>() && (R.Level > 0) && R.Instance.IsReady()) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Player.Position, R.Range, System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink); } if (Menu.Item("QMinionDrawHelper").GetValue <bool>()) { foreach ( var creature in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>() .Where( x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains("minion") && x.IsHPBarRendered && x.IsValidTarget(1000) && (x.Health < Q.GetDamage(x) + GetSheenDamage(x)) && x.IsEnemy)) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(creature.Position, 35, System.Drawing.Color.Chartreuse); } } if (!Menu.Item("DrawStunnable").GetValue <bool>()) { return; } foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(x => Stunnable(x) && x.IsValidTarget())) { var drawPos = Drawing.WorldToScreen(enemy.Position); var textSize = Drawing.GetTextExtent("Stunnable"); Drawing.DrawText(drawPos.X - textSize.Width / 2f, drawPos.Y, System.Drawing.Color.DeepPink, "Stunnable"); } }
private static void Combo() { // If target's champion target him, if it's not target surrounding enemy [creep, etc] var target = Orbwalker.GetTarget() as Obj_AI_Hero; if (target == null) { target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(W.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Physical); } if ((target != null) && target.IsValidTarget()) { if ((Menu.Item("ComboUseQ").GetValue <bool>() && target.IsValidTarget(Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(null)) && Q.IsReady() && (Player.Mana > Q.Instance.ManaCost + R.Instance.ManaCost)) || (target.Health < 5 * Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(Player))) { Q.Cast(); } if (Menu.Item("ComboUseW").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady() && (Player.Mana > W.Instance.ManaCost + R.Instance.ManaCost) && target.IsValidTarget(W.Range)) { SebbySpell(W, target); } DontREnemyNearAlly(); foreach ( var ulttarget in HeroManager.Enemies.Where(ulttarget => target.IsValidTarget(2000) && OktwCommon.ValidUlt(ulttarget)) ) { if (Menu.Item("ComboUseR").GetValue <bool>() && target.IsValidTarget(W.Range) && (target.Health < W.GetDamage(target) + R.GetDamage(target) + 3 * Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(target) + OktwCommon.GetIncomingDamage(target)) && !target.HasBuff("rebirth")) { SebbySpell(R, target); if (Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Fired when the game loads. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> public static void OnGameLoad() { try { if (!Player.IsChampion("Zilean")) { return; } var igniteSlot = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot"); if (igniteSlot != SpellSlot.Unknown) { IgniteSpell = new Spell(igniteSlot, 600f); } foreach (var ally in HeroManager.Allies) { IncomingDamageManager.AddChampion(ally); } IncomingDamageManager.Skillshots = true; Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 900f - 100f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(Player)); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 700f); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 900f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.7f, 140f - 25f, int.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); GenerateMenu(); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget += OnInterruptableTarget; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalking.BeforeAttack += BeforeAttack; } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }
private static void Harass() { var SpellQ = Menu.Item("HarassUseQ").GetValue <bool>(); var SpellW = Menu.Item("HarassUseW").GetValue <bool>(); var target = Orbwalker.GetTarget() as Obj_AI_Hero; if (target == null) { target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(W.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Physical); } if ((target != null) && target.IsValidTarget()) { if (target.IsValidTarget(W.Range) && SpellW) { SebbySpell(W, target); } if (Q.IsReady() && SpellQ && target.IsValidTarget(Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(null))) { Q.Cast(); } } }
private void LaneClear() { if (!Config.EnableFarming.GetValue <bool>()) { return; } // LaneClear | Notes: Rework on early levels not using that much abilities since Spell Damage is lower, higher Lvl is fine if (Config.UseQLC.GetValue <bool>() || Config.UseELC.GetValue <bool>()) { if (Player.ManaPercent > Config.laneclearMinimumMana.GetValue <Slider>().Value) { var ryzeebuffed = MinionManager.GetMinions(Player.Position, Q.Range) .Find(x => x.HasBuff("RyzeE") && x.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)); var ryzenotebuffed = MinionManager.GetMinions(Player.Position, Q.Range) .Find(x => !x.HasBuff("RyzeE") && x.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)); var allMinionsQ = Cache.GetMinions(Player.ServerPosition, Q.Range, MinionTeam.Enemy); var allMinions = Cache.GetMinions(Player.ServerPosition, E.Range, MinionTeam.Enemy); if (Q.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) { if (allMinionsQ.Count > 0) { foreach (var minion in allMinionsQ) { if (!minion.IsValidTarget() || (minion == null)) { return; } if (minion.Health < QGetRealDamage(minion)) { Q.Cast(minion); } else if ((minion.Health < QGetRealDamage(minion) + Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(minion)) && minion.IsValidTarget(Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(minion))) { Q.Cast(minion); Orbwalker.ForceTarget(minion); } } } } if (!Q.IsReady() && (Q.Level > 0) && E.IsReady()) { if (ryzeebuffed != null) { if ((ryzeebuffed.Health < E.GetDamage(ryzeebuffed) + QGetRealDamage(ryzeebuffed)) && ryzeebuffed.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { E.CastOnUnit(ryzeebuffed); if (Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(ryzeebuffed); } Orbwalker.ForceTarget(ryzeebuffed); } } else if (ryzeebuffed == null) { foreach (var minion in allMinions) { if (minion.IsValidTarget(E.Range) && (minion.Health < E.GetDamage(minion) + QGetRealDamage(minion))) { E.CastOnUnit(minion); if (Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(ryzeebuffed); } } } } } if (Q.IsReady() && E.IsReady()) { if (ryzeebuffed != null) { if ((ryzeebuffed.Health < Q.GetDamage(ryzeebuffed) + E.GetDamage(ryzeebuffed) + Q.GetDamage(ryzeebuffed)) && ryzeebuffed.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { Q.Cast(ryzeebuffed); if (ryzeebuffed.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { E.CastOnUnit(ryzeebuffed); } if (!E.IsReady() && Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(ryzeebuffed); } } } else if (ryzeebuffed == null) { if ((ryzenotebuffed.Health < Q.GetDamage(ryzenotebuffed) + E.GetDamage(ryzenotebuffed) + Q.GetDamage(ryzenotebuffed)) && ryzenotebuffed.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { Q.Cast(ryzenotebuffed); if (ryzenotebuffed.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { Orbwalker.ForceTarget(ryzenotebuffed); E.CastOnUnit(ryzenotebuffed); } if (!E.IsReady() && Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(ryzenotebuffed); } } } } } } } // LaneClear End