public ArcGISLocatorPlaceSearchProvider(Map map) : base()
            if (map == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            _map = map;
            _spatialRefWKID = _map.SpatialReference.WKID;

            // Determine map units
            _map.GetMapUnitsAsync(OnGetMapUnitsCompleted, OnGetMapUnitsFailed);

            // Hook to property changed to detect a change in map units
            _map.PropertyChanged += Map_PropertyChanged;

            // Initialize commands
            updateLocatorInfo = new DelegateCommand(doUpdateLocatorInfo, canUpdateLocatorInfo);

            // Initialize views
            ResultsView = new ArcGISLocatorResultsView();
            InputView = new SingleLineSearchInputView();

            _widthUnits = Utils.GetEnumDescriptions<LengthUnits>();
            if (_widthUnits.ContainsKey(LengthUnits.UnitsDecimalDegrees))

            Results = _results;
            PagedResults = new PagedCollectionView(Results) { PageSize = _pageSize };
            ExtentFields = new ExtentFields();

            // Initialize geometry service and proxy URL with values from application environment if available
            if (MapApplication.Current != null)
                // Bind the geometry service's URL to the environment's by default
                Binding b = new Binding("GeometryServiceUrl") { Source = MapApplication.Current.Urls  };
                BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, GeometryServiceUrlProperty, b);

            // Initialize display name
            Properties.SetDisplayName(this, this.GetDisplayNameFromAttribute());

            // Listen for changes to the proxy URL
            Properties.NotifyOnDependencyPropertyChanged("ProxyUrl", this, OnProxyUrlChanged);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the search provider based on a configuration string
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadConfiguration(string configData)
            // Store configuration string in case configuration needs to be reverted
            _lastConfiguration = configData;

            // Deserialize configuration
            Dictionary<string, object> configSettings =
                configData.DataContractDeserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(knownSerializationTypes);
            LocatorInfo = (LocatorService)configSettings["LocatorInfo"];
            UseExtentFields = (bool)configSettings["UseExtentFields"];
            if (UseExtentFields)
                ExtentFields fields = (ExtentFields)configSettings["ExtentFields"];

                // The extent fields must be the same field instances contained in the locator info's candidate 
                // fields collection.  The deserialization creates new fields instances, so a lookup is required
                // to initialize ExtentFields with the field instances from LocatorInfo.CandidateFields
                ExtentFields = new ExtentFields();
                ExtentFields.XMinField = findCandidateField(fields.XMinField);
                ExtentFields.XMaxField = findCandidateField(fields.XMaxField);
                ExtentFields.YMinField = findCandidateField(fields.YMinField);
                ExtentFields.YMaxField = findCandidateField(fields.YMaxField);
                ExtentWidth = (double)configSettings["ExtentWidth"];

            WidthUnit = (LengthUnits)configSettings["WidthUnit"];

            // Initialize locator task
            if (_locator == null)
                _locator = new Locator();
                _locator.AddressToLocationsCompleted += AddressToLocationsCompleted;
                _locator.Failed += Locator_Failed;
            _locator.Url = LocatorServiceUrl = LocatorInfo.Url;

            // Initialize proxy
            UseProxy = (bool)configSettings["UseProxy"];
            _locator.ProxyURL = UseProxy ? ProxyUrl : null;