private static void draw(object sender, TickEventArgs args) { IVideoSurface.Fill(Color.Black); // flush background black Point HeaderPos = new Point(5, 5); // Point for header drawing var HeaderText = myfont.Render("JAIMaker by XayrGA ", Color.White); // yay me. Video.Screen.Blit(HeaderText, HeaderPos); Point RAMPos = new Point(150, 5); // Point for header drawing var ramstring = string.Format("MEM: {0}MB ", me.PrivateMemorySize / (1024 * 1024)); if (Root.currentProg != null && Root.currentBank != null) { ramstring = string.Format("MEM: {0}MB BNK: {1} PRG: {2}", me.PrivateMemorySize / (1024 * 1024),, Root.ProgNumber); } var RAMText = myfont.Render(ramstring, Color.White); // yay me. Video.Screen.Blit(RAMText, RAMPos); RAMText.Dispose(); HeaderText.Dispose(); IVideoSurface.Update(); // Update the video surface. }
/* Various Drawing Functions */ internal void DrawScreen(SurfaceControl surfaceControl, Tableau tableau) { surf.Fill(Color.Green); DrawCards(tableau); if (GameOver == -1) { Font = font.Render("You Lose !", Color.Red); FontShadow = font.Render("You Lose !", Color.DarkRed); surf.Blit(FontShadow, new Point((surf.Width - Font.Width) / 2 + 2, (surf.Height - Font.Height) / 2 + 2)); surf.Blit(Font, new Point((surf.Width - Font.Width) / 2, (surf.Height - Font.Height) / 2)); } else if (GameOver == 1) { Font = font.Render("You Win !", Color.Red); FontShadow = font.Render("You Win !", Color.DarkRed); surf.Blit(FontShadow, new Point((surf.Width - Font.Width) / 2 + 2, (surf.Height - Font.Height) / 2 + 2)); surf.Blit(Font, new Point((surf.Width - Font.Width) / 2, (surf.Height - Font.Height) / 2)); } if (tableau.FireworksLeft >= 0) { particles.Update(); particles.Render(surf); } surfaceControl.Blit(surf); }
private void Init() { mBackgroundSurf = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(IO.IO.CreateOSPath("Skins\\" + Globals.ActiveSkin + "\\General\\TaskBar\\taskbarbutton.png")); if (mWindow.TaskBarText != "") { Gfx.Font font = Logic.Graphics.FontManager.LoadFont("tahoma", 12); Gfx.Surface textSurf = font.Render(mWindow.TaskBarText, Color.White); //textSurf = textSurf.CreateStretchedSurface(new Size(130, 12)); mBackgroundSurf.Blit(textSurf, GetCenter(mBackgroundSurf, textSurf.Size), new Rectangle(0, 0, 125, 14)); string stateString = "?"; switch (mWindow.WindowState) { case Client.Logic.Windows.WindowManager.WindowState.Normal: stateString = "^"; break; case Client.Logic.Windows.WindowManager.WindowState.Minimized: stateString = "v"; break; case Client.Logic.Windows.WindowManager.WindowState.Maximized: stateString = "[]"; break; } mBackgroundSurf.Blit(font.Render(stateString, Color.White), new Point(this.Width - font.SizeText(stateString).Width - 1, 0)); font.Close(); } base.Buffer.Blit(mBackgroundSurf, new Point(0, 0)); }
private void DrawGameText(string gameText, int x, int y) { GameFont = gameFont.Render(gameText, Color.Red); GameFontShadow = gameFont.Render(gameText, Color.DarkRed); VideoScreen.Blit(GameFontShadow, new Point(x + 2, y + 2)); VideoScreen.Blit(GameFont, new Point(x, y)); }
private void ShowFinish() { font = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(@"Assets\Fonts\Xeranthemum.ttf", 20); font_finish = font.Render("Congratulations, you've saved yourself", Color.White); font_finish2 = font.Render("from this horrible appocalypse!", Color.White); rectStart = new Rectangle(new Point(m_Video.Width / 2 - font_finish.Width / 2, m_Video.Height / 3), font_finish.Size); rectExit = new Rectangle(new Point(m_Video.Width / 2 - font_finish2.Width / 2, m_Video.Height - m_Video.Height / 3), font_finish2.Size); m_Video.Fill(Color.Black); done = true; m_Video.Blit(font_finish, new Point(rectStart.X, rectStart.Y)); m_Video.Blit(font_finish2, new Point(rectExit.X, rectExit.Y)); }
public Startscreen(Surface video) : base(video) { titlePosition = new Point(50, 150); controls1Position = new Point(250, 250); controls2Position = new Point(250, 300); controls3Position = new Point(250, 350); continuePosition = new Point(150, 400); keypress = false; Title = fontBig.Render("Alien Terrorist Killer", Color.CornflowerBlue); Controls1 = fontSmall.Render("left/right: Q/D", Color.CornflowerBlue); Controls2 = fontSmall.Render("jump: space", Color.CornflowerBlue); Controls3 = fontSmall.Render("shoot: mouse click", Color.CornflowerBlue); Continue = fontSmall.Render("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE", Color.CornflowerBlue); Events.KeyboardDown += Events_KeyboardDown; }
public override void paint(Surface surface, bool focused, Point offset) { if (captionRendered == null) { captionRendered = new Surface[caption.Length]; MaxTextWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < caption.Length; i++) { captionRendered[i] = font.Render(caption[i], color); MaxTextWidth = System.Math.Max(captionRendered[i].Width, MaxTextWidth); } } Point p = offset; for (int i = 0; i < captionRendered.Length; i++) { if (align == Alignment.RIGHT) { p.X = Width - captionRendered[i].Width + offset.X; } else if (align == Alignment.CENTER) { p.X = (Width - captionRendered[i].Width) / 2 + offset.X; } surface.Blit(captionRendered[i], p); p.Y += captionRendered[i].Height; } }
private void UpdateSurface() { mBackground.Fill(mBackColor); if (base.IsColorTransparent(mBackColor)) { mBackground.Transparent = true; mBackground.TransparentColor = mBackColor; } else { mBackground.Transparent = false; } decimal newWidth = (decimal)base.Width * ((decimal)mPercent / (decimal)100); Size barSize = new Size(System.Math.Max(0, (int)newWidth - 2), System.Math.Max(0, base.Height - 2)); Gfx.Surface barSurface = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(barSize); barSurface.Fill(mBarColor); mBackground.Blit(barSurface, new Point(1, 1)); barSurface.Close(); barSurface.Dispose(); if (mText != "" && mFont != null) { Gfx.Surface fontSurf = mFont.Render(mText, Color.Black, false); mBackground.Blit(fontSurf, GetCenter(mBackground, fontSurf.Size), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height)); } Draw3dBorder(); base.Buffer.Blit(mBackground, new Point(0, 0)); }
public override void Draw(Surface sfcGameWindow) { if (text != null) { sfcGameWindow.Blit(font.Render(text, colour), new Point((int)x, (int)y)); } }
public static void DrawText(RendererDestinationData destData, SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font font, string text, Color textColor, Point destinationPosition) { Surface textSurface = font.Render(text, textColor); destData.Blit(textSurface, destinationPosition); textSurface.Close(); }
private void UpdateBackground() { mBackground = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(base.Size); base.Buffer.Fill(mBackColor); if (mBackColor.A != 0) { mBackground.Fill(mBackColor); } else { mBackground.Transparent = true; mBackground.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent; mBackground.Fill(Color.Transparent); } mCheckedBoxBounds = new Rectangle(new Point(2, 2), new Size(this.Height - 4, this.Height - 4)); Gfx.Primitives.Box box = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Primitives.Box(mCheckedBoxBounds.Location, mCheckedBoxBounds.Size); mBackground.Draw(box, Color.Black); if (mChecked) { Gfx.Surface filled = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(box.Size); filled.Fill(Color.Black); mBackground.Blit(filled, box.Location); filled.Close(); filled.Dispose(); } if (mText != "") { Gfx.Font font = new Gfx.Font(IO.IO.CreateOSPath("Fonts\\PMU.ttf"), this.Height); mBackground.Blit(font.Render(mText, mForeColor, mAntiAlias), new Point(20, -4)); font.Close(); } base.Buffer.Blit(mBackground, new Point(0, 0)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="surface"></param> protected override void DrawGameObject(Surface surface) { int currentY = 0; Surface fontSurface = font.Render("Score: " + this._Score, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)); surface.Blit(fontSurface, new System.Drawing.Point(this.ScreenX, this.ScreenY + currentY)); currentY += 20; fontSurface = font.Render("Blocks Destroyed: " + this._BlocksDestroyed, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)); surface.Blit(fontSurface, new System.Drawing.Point(this.ScreenX, this.ScreenY + currentY)); currentY += 20; fontSurface = font.Render("Level: " + this._Level, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)); surface.Blit(fontSurface, new System.Drawing.Point(this.ScreenX, this.ScreenY + currentY)); }
private void UpdateTextBuffer() { try { base.Buffer.Fill(mBackColor); int addX = mXOffset; int addY = mYOffset; if (mText != "") { if (mMultiLine) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { base.Buffer.Blit(textSprites[i].Surface, new Point(textSprites[i].X + addX, textSprites[i].Y + addY), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height)); } } else { if (mCentered) { if (mBackColor.A == 0) { Gfx.Surface fontSurf = mFont.Render(mText, mForeColor, mAntiAlias); base.Buffer.Blit(fontSurf, GetCenter(base.Buffer, fontSurf.Size), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height)); } else { base.Buffer.Blit(mFont.Render(mText, mForeColor, mBackColor, mAntiAlias), new Point(addX, addY), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height)); } } else { if (mBackColor.A == 0) { base.Buffer.Blit(mFont.Render(mText, mForeColor, mAntiAlias), new Point(addX, addY), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height)); } else { base.Buffer.Blit(mFont.Render(mText, mForeColor, mBackColor, mAntiAlias), new Point(addX, addY), new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height)); } } } } DrawBorder(); } catch {} }
public Endscreen(Surface video) : base(video) { CreateWorld(); keypress = false; thanksMessage = fontBig.Render("thanks for playing", Color.CornflowerBlue); exitMessage = fontSmall.Render("press escape to exit the game", Color.CornflowerBlue); escape = SdlDotNet.Input.Key.Escape; Events.KeyboardDown += Events_KeyboardDown; }
internal void SetText(string text) { fontSurface = textFont.Render(text, Color.Black, false); int px = this.Rectangle.Width / 2 - (fontSurface.Width / 2); int py = this.Rectangle.Height / 2 - (fontSurface.Height / 2); this.Surface.Blit(fontSurface, new Point(px, py)); }
public void Update() { if (! { hero.Update(this); } if (!hero.dead) { for (int i = 0; i < rocketList.Count; i++) { rocketList[i].UpdatePosition(this); } for (int i = 0; i < rocketList.Count; i++) { if (rocketList[i].Y >= video.Height) { rocketList.Remove(rocketList[i]); } } } if (!hero.dead) { IEnumerable <MovingEnemy> movingEnemyList = spriteArray.OfType <MovingEnemy>(); foreach (MovingEnemy movingEnemy in movingEnemyList) { movingEnemy.UpdatePosition(this); } tellerCannon++; IEnumerable <Cannon> cannonList = spriteArray.OfType <Cannon>(); foreach (Cannon cannon in cannonList) { if (tellerCannon % 20 == 0) { rocketList.Add(new Rocket(cannon.X - cannon.Width, cannon.Y, video)); } } } coinCountSurface = font.Render(Convert.ToString(CoinCount), Color.White); }
private static void DispSDLText(Surface screen, string text, int x, int y) { mTextSurface = mFont.Render(text, Color.Red); //hardcoded, but should look up from a location if (x == -1) { x = mVideoScreen.Width / 2 - mTextSurface.Width / 2 + 2; } mVideoScreen.Blit(mTextSurface, new Point(x, y)); mVideoScreen.Update(); }
private void HomeScreen() { if (!done) // build homescreen { font = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(@"Assets\Fonts\Xeranthemum.ttf", 45); // font type, font size font_start = font.Render("START", Color.White); font_exit = font.Render("EXIT", Color.White); m_menuItemsList.Add(font_start); m_menuItemsList.Add(font_exit); rectStart = new Rectangle(new Point(m_Video.Width / 2 - font_start.Width / 2, m_Video.Height / 3), font_start.Size); // startknop aanmaken rectExit = new Rectangle(new Point(m_Video.Width / 2 - font_exit.Width / 2, m_Video.Height - m_Video.Height / 3), font_exit.Size); // exitknop rectMenuItemsList.Add(rectStart); // knoppen worden in een rectangle lijst gestoken om te kunnen reageren op mouse input rectMenuItemsList.Add(rectExit); m_Video.Blit(background); done = true; } m_Video.Blit(font_start, new Point(rectStart.X, rectStart.Y)); m_Video.Blit(font_exit, new Point(rectExit.X, rectExit.Y)); }
public ScoreCard(Player player, Point displayPosition) { this.player = player; this.displayPosition = displayPosition; this.kills = 0; this.defeats = 0; this.suicides = 0; this.font = new Font(Configuration.InfoBar.PlayerStatusDisplayFontFilename, Configuration.InfoBar.PlayerStatusDisplayFontSize); Surface scoreCardSurface = new Surface(Configuration.InfoBar.PlayerStatusDisplayImageFilename); Point position = new Point(Configuration.InfoBar.XBuffer, Configuration.InfoBar.YBuffer); // Show the ship's picture. scoreCardSurface.Blit(this.player.Ship.ShipPhotoSurface, position); position.X += this.player.Ship.ShipPhotoSurface.Width + Configuration.InfoBar.XBuffer; using (Surface text = font.Render(string.Format("Player {0}", player.Number), Configuration.Ships.Shields.InfoDisplayPlayerFontColor)) { text.Transparent = true; scoreCardSurface.Blit(text, position); } int xPosition = position.X + Configuration.InfoBar.FirstColumn_PixelsToIndent; this.shieldsText = font.Render("Shields:", Configuration.Ships.Shields.InfoDisplayStrongColor, true); this.shieldsText.Transparent = true; scoreCardSurface.Blit(shieldsText, new Point(xPosition, position.Y + this.font.LineSize + 1)); this.bulletsText = font.Render("Bullets:", Configuration.Ships.Cannon.InfoDisplayStrongBulletCountColor, true); this.bulletsText.Transparent = true; scoreCardSurface.Blit(bulletsText, new Point(xPosition, position.Y + this.font.LineSize * 2 + 1)); xPosition = position.X + Configuration.InfoBar.SecondColumn_PixelsToIndent; this.killsText = font.Render("Kills:", Configuration.InfoBar.CounterTextColor, true); this.killsText.Transparent = true; scoreCardSurface.Blit(killsText, new Point(xPosition, position.Y)); this.defeatsText = font.Render("Defeats:", Configuration.InfoBar.CounterTextColor, true); this.defeatsText.Transparent = true; scoreCardSurface.Blit(defeatsText, new Point(xPosition, position.Y + this.font.LineSize + 1)); this.suicidesText = font.Render("Suicides:", Configuration.InfoBar.CounterTextColor, true); this.suicidesText.Transparent = true; scoreCardSurface.Blit(suicidesText, new Point(xPosition, position.Y + this.font.LineSize * 2 + 1)); this.scoreCard = scoreCardSurface.Convert(Video.Screen, true, false); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the OpenGL system /// </summary> protected void InitGL() { // Reset The Current Viewport Gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height); // Select The Projection Matrix Gl.glMatrixMode(Gl.GL_PROJECTION); // Reset The Projection Matrix Gl.glLoadIdentity(); Gl.glOrtho(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, -20.0, 20.0); // Select The Modelview Matrix Gl.glMatrixMode(Gl.GL_MODELVIEW); // Reset The Modelview Matrix Gl.glLoadIdentity(); // Enable Smooth Shading Gl.glShadeModel(Gl.GL_SMOOTH); // Enables Depth Testing Gl.glEnable(Gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST); // The Type Of Depth Testing To Do Gl.glDepthFunc(Gl.GL_LEQUAL); // Really Nice Perspective Calculations Gl.glHint(Gl.GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, Gl.GL_NICEST); surfaceGl1 = new SurfaceGl(font.Render(phrase1, Color.White, Color.Black)); surfaceGl2 = new SurfaceGl(font.Render(phrase2, Color.White, Color.Black)); surfaceGl3 = new SurfaceGl(font.Render(phrase3, Color.White, Color.Black)); }
public void RenderText() { if (selected) { colour = colourSelected; } else { colour = colourNotSelected; } sfcText = font.Render(text, colour); width = sfcText.Width; height = sfcText.Height; }
public IntroScreen(Surface video) { title = new Surface(@"Sprites\intro\FairMario.png"); mario = new Surface(@"Sprites\intro\introLeft.png"); un = new Surface(@"Sprites\intro\UN.png"); unPosition = new Point(250, 0); position = new Point(0, 120); visibleRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 171, mario.Height); = video; ended = false; playTxt = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(@"Sprites\8-BIT WONDER.TTF", 35); play = playTxt.Render("Start game", Color.Black); playPoint = new Point(video.Width / 2 - play.Width / 2, video.Height / 2 - 3 * play.Height / 2); }
public static void DrawMultilineString(Surface s, string[] lines, SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font font, Color c, Point p) { int y = p.Y; int fh = (int)(font.Height * Constants.LineHeight); foreach (string line in lines) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { using (Surface ts = font.Render(line, c)) { s.Blit(ts, new Point(p.X, y)); } } y += fh; } }
public static void CreateStrMenu(string[] items, Color c, SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font font, ref SurfaceCollection surfaces, ref Rectangle[] rects, int width = 300, int height = 30) { int y = 0; int idx = 0; if (height < 0) { height = (int)(font.Height * Constants.MenuLineHeight); } foreach (string mi in items) { Surface s = font.Render(mi, c, true); surfaces.Add(s); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, y, width, height); y = r.Bottom; rects[idx++] = r; } }
private void KeyboardDown(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e) { screen.Fill(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), Color.Black); // Check if the key pressed was a Q or Escape if (e.Key == Key.Escape || e.Key == Key.Q) { Events.QuitApplication(); } eventText = "key: " + e.Key.ToString() + " char? " + e.KeyboardCharacter; font.Style = Styles.Bold; text = font.Render(eventText, Color.Red, true); screen.Blit(text, new Rectangle(new Point(0, curY), text.Size)); keyProcessAndRepaint(e.Key); Game.draw(); screen.Update(); //curY += 20; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new TextSprite given the text, font, color, anti-aliasing flag and position. /// </summary> /// <param name="textItem">Text to display</param> /// <param name="font">The font to use when rendering.</param> /// <param name="color">Color of Text</param> /// <param name="antiAlias">A flag determining if it's to use anti-aliasing when rendering. Defaults to true.</param> /// <param name="position">Position of Sprite</param> public TextSprite( string textItem, SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font font, Color color, bool antiAlias, Point position) : base() { if (font == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("font"); } base.Surface = font.Render(textItem, color); this.textItem = textItem; this.font = font; this.color = color; this.antiAlias = antiAlias; base.Position = position; this.RenderInternal(); }
private void Events_TickEvent(object sender, TickEventArgs e) { try { font.Style = (Styles)styleArray[rand.Next(styleArray.Length)]; text = font.Render( textArray[rand.Next(textArray.Length)], Color.FromArgb(0, (byte)rand.Next(255), (byte)rand.Next(255), (byte)rand.Next(255))); switch (rand.Next(4)) { case 1: text = text.CreateFlippedVerticalSurface(); break; case 2: text = text.CreateFlippedHorizontalSurface(); break; case 3: text = text.CreateRotatedSurface(rand.Next(360)); break; default: break; } screen.Blit( text, new Rectangle(new Point(rand.Next(width - 100), rand.Next(height - 100)), text.Size)); screen.Update(); Thread.Sleep(500); } catch { //sdl.Dispose(); throw; } }
private void UpdateTexture() { if (mBackcolor.A != 0) { mTexture.Fill(mBackcolor); } else { mTexture.Transparent = true; mTexture.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent; mTexture.Fill(Color.Transparent); } mBackgroundTexture.Fill(mHoverColor); mTexture.Blit(mBackgroundTexture, new Point(1, 1)); mTexture.Blit(mFont.Render(mText, mForecolor), new Point(((mTexture.Width / 2) - (mTextSize.Width / 2)) + mXOffset, ((mTexture.Height / 2) - (mTextSize.Height / 2)) + mYOffset)); for (int i = 0; i < mBorderWidth; i++) { Gfx.IPrimitive border = new Gfx.Primitives.Box((short)(i + 1), (short)(i + 1), (short)(this.Width - (2 + i)), (short)(this.Height - (2 + i))); mTexture.Draw(border, mBorderColor); } }
public void Init() { //Init position of items in list /* itemY[0] = startY; itemY[1] = startY+12;//+12 itemY[2] = startY+27;//+15 itemY[3] = startY+42;//+15 itemY[4] = startY+60;//+18 itemY[5] = startY+80;//+20 itemY[6] = startY+102;//+22 itemY[7] = startY+126;//+24 itemY[8] = startY+152;//+26 itemY[9] = startY+184;//+32 itemY[10] = startY+220;//+36 // center item itemY[11] = startY+266;//+46 itemY[12] = startY+302;//+36 itemY[13] = startY+334;//+32 itemY[14] = startY+360;//+26 itemY[15] = startY+384;//+24 itemY[16] = startY+406;//+22 itemY[17] = startY+426;//+20 itemY[18] = startY+444;//+18 itemY[19] = startY+459;//+15 itemY[20] = startY+471;//+12 */ itemY[0] = startY; itemY[1] = startY+16;//+16 itemY[2] = startY+35;//+19 itemY[3] = startY+54;//+19 itemY[4] = startY+76;//+22 itemY[5] = startY+100;//+24 itemY[6] = startY+126;//+26 itemY[7] = startY+154;//+28 itemY[8] = startY+184;//+30 itemY[9] = startY+220;//+36 itemY[10] = startY+260;//+40 // center item itemY[11] = startY+310;//+50 itemY[12] = startY+350;//+40 itemY[13] = startY+386;//+36 itemY[14] = startY+416;//+30 itemY[15] = startY+444;//+28 itemY[16] = startY+470;//+26 itemY[17] = startY+494;//+24 itemY[18] = startY+516;//+22 itemY[19] = startY+535;//+19 itemY[20] = startY+554;//+19 itemX[0] = startX; itemX[1] = startX+3; itemX[2] = startX+6; itemX[3] = startX+9; itemX[4] = startX+12; itemX[5] = startX+15; itemX[6] = startX+18; itemX[7] = startX+21; itemX[8] = startX+24; itemX[9] = startX+27; itemX[10] = startX+30;// center item itemX[11] = startX+27; itemX[12] = startX+24; itemX[13] = startX+21; itemX[14] = startX+18; itemX[15] = startX+15; itemX[16] = startX+12; itemX[17] = startX+9; itemX[18] = startX+6; itemX[19] = startX+3; itemX[20] = startX; sfError = new Surface (new Size (1, 1)); sfErrorBackground = new Surface (new Size (1, 1)); try { changeGame = new Sound (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["ChangeGameSound"]); changeEmulator = new Sound (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["ChangeEmulatorSound"]); music = new Sound (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["MusicSound"]); } catch (Exception ex) { displayError = true; errorMessage += "Problem loading sounds, file may be missing... \n"; } if (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["PlayMusic"] == "true") { music.Play (true); } time = SdlDotNet.Core.Timer.TicksElapsed; emulators [0] = "Mame"; emulators [1] = "Snes"; rand = new Random (); currentEmulator = 0; try { _sfTitle = new Surface (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["ApplicationLogo"]); } catch (Exception ex) { displayError = true; errorMessage += "Problem loading logo, file may be missing... \n"; _sfTitle = new Surface (new Size (1, 1)); } _ptTitle.X = (ScreenManager.ScreenSize.Width - _sfTitle.Width) / 2; _ptTitle.Y = 10; sfBackgroundImage = new Surface (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["BackgroundImage"]); currentIndex = 0; // We load the mame game list switchEmulator (); fontXXSmall = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 8); fontXSmall = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 10); fontSmall = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 13); fontNormal = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 16); fontMedium = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 20); fontLarge = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 24); fontXL = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 32); fontXXL = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 44); font8 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 8); font10 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 10); font12 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 12); font14 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 14); font16 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 16); font18 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 18); font20 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 20); font24 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 24); font28 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 28); font32 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 32); font36 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 36); font40 = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["FontFile"], 40); //init starfield for (int i=0; i<512; i++) { starsX [i] = rand.Next (-1000, 1000); starsY [i] = rand.Next (-1000, 1000); starsZ [i] = rand.Next (100, 1000); starsZV [i] = rand.Next (1, 8); } pixels = new Surface (new Size (1280, 1024)); if (displayError == true) { sfError = fontNormal.Render (errorMessage, Color.White); sfErrorBackground = new Surface (new Size (sfError.Width + 40, sfError.Height + 40)); sfErrorBackground.Fill (Color.Gray); sfErrorBackground.Blit (sfError, new Point (((sfErrorBackground.Width - sfError.Width) / 2), 20)); ScreenManager.MainScreen.Blit (sfErrorBackground, new Point (((ScreenManager.MainScreen.Width - sfErrorBackground.Width) / 2), 250)); } }
private void tick(object sender, TickEventArgs e) { video.Fill(Color.Black); drawLines(); elapsed += e.SecondsElapsed; Video.WindowCaption = $"CanBusDisplay {elapsed}"; SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font f = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ARIAL.TTF", 20); // TODO: only update values on specified interval? foreach (Display d in config.Displays) { switch (d.Type) { case "text": video.Blit(f.Render(d.Label, Color.FromName(d.Colour)), new Point(d.Location[0], d.Location[1])); break; case "byte": byte valByte = source.Data[int.Parse(d.Value[0], NumberStyles.HexNumber)][int.Parse(d.Value[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber)]; if (d.Graph) { queue(valByte, history[d.Label]); drawGraph(history[d.Label], Color.FromName(d.Colour), d.Min, d.Max); } if (d.Location != null) { video.Blit(f.Render($"{d.Label} {valByte}", Color.FromName(d.Colour)), new Point(d.Location[0], d.Location[1])); } break; case "word": byte hi = source.Data[int.Parse(d.Value[0], NumberStyles.HexNumber)][int.Parse(d.Value[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber)]; byte lo = source.Data[int.Parse(d.Value[2], NumberStyles.HexNumber)][int.Parse(d.Value[3], NumberStyles.HexNumber)]; int valWord = hi << 8 | lo; if (d.Scale != 0) { valWord = (int)(valWord * d.Scale); } if (d.Offset != 0) { valWord += d.Offset; } if (d.Graph) { queue(valWord, history[d.Label]); drawGraph(history[d.Label], Color.FromName(d.Colour), d.Min, d.Max); } if (d.Location != null) { video.Blit(f.Render($"{d.Label} {valWord}", Color.FromName(d.Colour)), new Point(d.Location[0], d.Location[1])); } break; } } //video.Blit(f.Render($"ABS FL {source.ABSSpeedFL}", Color.Red), new Point(0, 140)); //video.Blit(f.Render($"ABS FR {source.ABSSpeedFR}", Color.Red), new Point(0, 160)); //video.Blit(f.Render($"ABS RL {source.ABSSpeedRL}", Color.Red), new Point(0, 180)); //video.Blit(f.Render($"ABS RR {source.ABSSpeedRR}", Color.Red), new Point(0, 200)); //video.Blit(f.Render($"MIL {source.MIL}", Color.Red), new Point(300, 20)); video.Update(); }
private void Events_Tick(object sender, TickEventArgs e) { int gridSize = 200; int gridStep = 10; m_video.Fill(Color.Black); // update sim if (m_demo) { m_simulator.Update(e.SecondsElapsed); } else { m_simulator.Update(e.SecondsElapsed, m_xMove, m_yMove, m_zMove); } Servo[] s = m_simulator.GetServos(); // origin (A) (side) Point sideA = new Point(550, 150); drawGrid(sideA.X - gridStep, sideA.Y - (gridSize / 2), gridSize, gridStep, "X-Y plane (rear, follows plane)"); // knee (B) (side) double side_bx = Math.Cos(degreesToRadians(s[1].Angle)) * AB; // a = cos(theta)*h double side_by = Math.Sin(degreesToRadians(s[1].Angle)) * AB; // o = sin(theta)*h Point sideB = new Point((int)(side_bx * m_multiplier) + sideA.X, sideA.Y - (int)(side_by * m_multiplier)); // foot (C) (side) double side_cx = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(m_simulator.X, 2) + Math.Pow(m_simulator.Y, 2)); double side_cy = m_simulator.Z; Point sideC = new Point((int)(side_cx * m_multiplier) + sideA.X, sideA.Y - (int)(side_cy * m_multiplier)); // draw AC (rear) m_video.Draw(new Line(sideA, sideC), Color.Green, true); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("({0:0.0},{1:0.0}) {2:0.00}°", 0, 0, s[1].Angle), Color.Red), sideA); // draw AB (rear) m_video.Draw(new Line(sideA, sideB), Color.Red, true); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("({0:0.0},{1:0.0}) {2:0.00}°", side_bx, side_by, s[2].Angle), Color.Blue), sideB); // draw BC (rear) m_video.Draw(new Line(sideB, sideC), Color.Blue, true); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("({0:0.0},{1:0.0})", side_cx, side_cy), Color.Green), sideC); // origin (A) (top) Point topA = new Point(sideA.X, sideA.Y + gridSize + (gridStep * 2)); drawGrid(topA.X - gridStep, topA.Y - (gridSize / 2), gridSize, gridStep, "Z plane (above)"); // knee (B) (top) double top_bh = side_bx; double top_bx = Math.Cos(degreesToRadians(s[0].Angle)) * top_bh; // cos(theta) * h = a double top_by = Math.Sin(degreesToRadians(s[0].Angle)) * top_bh; // sin(theta) * h = o Point topB = new Point((int)(top_bx * m_multiplier) + topA.X, topA.Y - (int)(top_by * m_multiplier)); // foot (C) (top) double top_ch = side_cx; double top_cx = Math.Cos(degreesToRadians(s[0].Angle)) * top_ch; // cos(theta) * h = a double top_cy = Math.Sin(degreesToRadians(s[0].Angle)) * top_ch; // sin(theta) * h = o Point topC = new Point((int)(top_cx * m_multiplier) + topA.X, topA.Y - (int)(top_cy * m_multiplier)); // draw BC (top) m_video.Draw(new Line(topB, topC), Color.Blue, true); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("({0:0.0},{1:0.0})", top_bx, top_by), Color.Blue), new Point(topB.X, topB.Y - 20)); // draw AB (top) - draw after BC so it appears on top of m_video.Draw(new Line(topA, topB), Color.Red, true); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("({0:0.0},{1:0.0}) {2:0.00}°", 0, 0, s[0].Angle), Color.Red), topA); // draw AC (top) m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("({0:0.0},{1:0.0})", top_cx, top_cy), Color.Green), topC); // text m_video.Blit(m_font.Render("Inverse Kinematics", Color.White), new Point(50, 50)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("Location (w,d,h) {0:0.0},{1:0.0},{2:0.0}", m_simulator.X, m_simulator.Y, m_simulator.Z), Color.White), new Point(50, 70)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("s0 (front/back hip) {0:0.00}°", s[0].Angle + 90), Color.White, s[0].Valid ? Color.Black : Color.Red), new Point(50, 90)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("s1 (up/down hip) {0:0.00}°", s[1].Angle + 90), Color.White, s[1].Valid ? Color.Black : Color.Red), new Point(50, 110)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("s2 (up/down knee) {0:0.00}°", s[2].Angle), Color.White, s[2].Valid ? Color.Black : Color.Red), new Point(50, 130)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("Origin location (a) {0:0.0},{1:0.0}", 0, 0), Color.White), new Point(300, 70)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("Knee location (b) {0:0.0},{1:0.0}", side_bx, side_by), Color.White), new Point(300, 90)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("Foot location (c) {0:0.0},{1:0.0}", side_cx, side_cy), Color.White), new Point(300, 110)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("ac_angle {0:0.00}°", 180 - (s[1].Angle + s[2].Angle)), Color.Green), new Point(300, 130)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("ab_angle {0:0.00}°", s[1].Angle), Color.Red), new Point(300, 150)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("bc_angle {0:0.00}°", s[2].Angle), Color.Blue), new Point(300, 170)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("Origin location (a) {0:0.0},{1:0.0}", 0, 0), Color.White), new Point(300, 290)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("Knee location (b) {0:0.0},{1:0.0}", top_bx, top_by), Color.White), new Point(300, 310)); m_video.Blit(m_font.Render(string.Format("Foot location (c) {0:0.0},{1:0.0}", top_cx, top_cy), Color.White), new Point(300, 330)); // update display m_video.Update(); }
public Demo() { Events.MouseButtonDown += new EventHandler<SdlDotNet.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs>(Events_MouseButtonDown); Events.MouseButtonUp += new EventHandler<SdlDotNet.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs>(Events_MouseButtonUp); Events.KeyboardDown += new EventHandler<SdlDotNet.Input.KeyboardEventArgs>(Events_KeyboardDown); Events.KeyboardUp += new EventHandler<SdlDotNet.Input.KeyboardEventArgs>(Events_KeyboardUp); Events.MouseMotion += new EventHandler<SdlDotNet.Input.MouseMotionEventArgs>(Events_MouseMotion); objects = new List<OpenGlObject>(); font = new Font(Path.Combine(dataDir, "FreeSans.ttf"), 40); font.Bold = true; font2 = new Font(Path.Combine(dataDir, "FreeSans.ttf"), 15); font2.Bold = true; pauseSprite = new SurfaceGl(font.Render("PAUSED", System.Drawing.Color.White, System.Drawing.Color.Black, true)); upsSprite = new SurfaceGl(font2.Render("UPS:", System.Drawing.Color.White, System.Drawing.Color.Black, true)); CreateNumbers(); CreateEngine(); timer = new PhysicsTimer(Update, .010f); CreateBomb(); CreateAvatar(); CreateClipper(); Demo1(); }
/* Various Drawing Functions */ internal void DrawScreen(SurfaceControl surfaceControl, PlayState playState, Hand userHand, AI[] computerPlayers, int[] clicked, bool passing, bool playing, bool showAll) { surf.Fill(Color.Green); name1 = buttonFont.Render(playState.UserName, Color.White); name2 = buttonFont.Render(computerPlayers[0].Name, Color.White); name3 = buttonFont.Render(computerPlayers[1].Name, Color.White); name4 = buttonFont.Render(computerPlayers[2].Name, Color.White); if (playing || passing || showAll) { surf.Blit(name1, new Point(247 - name1.Width, 582 - name1.Height)); surf.Blit(name2, new Point(15, 114 - name2.Height)); surf.Blit(name3, new Point(532, 18)); surf.Blit(name4, new Point(782 - name4.Width, 476)); } int temp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (clicked[i] >= 0) { temp++; } } passCount = temp; if (passCount == 3 && passing && !playing) { if (playState.PassingMode == 0) { surf.Blit(passButton, new Point(400, 400)); passButtonFont = buttonFont.Render("Pass Left", Color.Black); surf.Blit(passButtonFont, new Point(411, 408)); } if (playState.PassingMode == 1) { surf.Blit(passButton, new Point(400, 400)); passButtonFont = buttonFont.Render("Pass Across", Color.Black); surf.Blit(passButtonFont, new Point(403, 408)); } if (playState.PassingMode == 2) { surf.Blit(passButton, new Point(400, 400)); passButtonFont = buttonFont.Render("Pass Right", Color.Black); surf.Blit(passButtonFont, new Point(409, 408)); } } else if (passing && !playing) { if (playState.PassingMode == 0) { surf.Blit(passButton, new Point(400, 400)); passButtonFont = buttonFont.Render("Pass Left", Color.Gray); surf.Blit(passButtonFont, new Point(411, 408)); } if (playState.PassingMode == 1) { surf.Blit(passButton, new Point(400, 400)); passButtonFont = buttonFont.Render("Pass Across", Color.Gray); surf.Blit(passButtonFont, new Point(403, 408)); } if (playState.PassingMode == 2) { surf.Blit(passButton, new Point(400, 400)); passButtonFont = buttonFont.Render("Pass Right", Color.Gray); surf.Blit(passButtonFont, new Point(409, 408)); } } int x = 250, y = 462; for (int j = 0; j < userHand.Cards.Count; j++) { if ((clicked[0] == j || clicked[1] == j || clicked[2] == j) && passing) { DrawCardFaceUp(userHand.Cards[j], x, y, true); } else { if (playState.Clicked == j) { DrawInverted(userHand.Cards[j], x, y); } else { DrawCardFaceUp(userHand.Cards[j], x, y, false); } } x += 20; } if (!showAll) { x = 15; y = 120; for (int j = computerPlayers[0].AIHand.Cards.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { DrawCardFaceDown(x, y, 1, passing, playState.CardsPassingContains(0, j)); y += 20; } x = 450; y = 15; for (int j = computerPlayers[1].AIHand.Cards.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { DrawCardFaceDown(x, y, 2, passing, playState.CardsPassingContains(1, j)); x -= 20; } x = 706; y = 350; for (int j = computerPlayers[2].AIHand.Cards.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { DrawCardFaceDown(x, y, 3, passing, playState.CardsPassingContains(2, j)); y -= 20; } } else { x = 15; y = 120; for (int j = 0; j < computerPlayers[0].AIHand.Cards.Count; j++) { DrawCardFaceUp(computerPlayers[0].AIHand.Cards[j], x, y, false); y += 20; } x = 450; y = 15; for (int j = 0; j < computerPlayers[1].AIHand.Cards.Count; j++) { DrawCardFaceUp(computerPlayers[1].AIHand.Cards[j], x, y, false); x -= 20; } x = 706; y = 350; for (int j = 0; j < computerPlayers[2].AIHand.Cards.Count; j++) { DrawCardFaceUp(computerPlayers[2].AIHand.Cards[j], x, y, false); y -= 20; } } if (playState.Trick.Count != 0) { DrawTricks(playState); } surfaceControl.Blit(surf); }