コード例 #1
        private static void GenerateInlineScriptExpression(ScriptGenerator generator, MemberSymbol symbol, InlineScriptExpression expression)
            ScriptTextWriter writer = generator.Writer;

            string script = expression.Script;
            ICollection<Expression> parameters = expression.Parameters;

            if (parameters != null) {
                Debug.Assert(parameters.Count != 0);

                string[] parameterScripts = new string[parameters.Count];
                int i = 0;

                foreach (Expression parameterExpression in parameters) {
                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

                    try {
                        ExpressionGenerator.GenerateExpression(generator, symbol, parameterExpression);

                        parameterScripts[i] = sw.ToString();
                    finally {

                script = String.Format(script, parameterScripts);

コード例 #2
        private Expression ProcessOpenParenExpressionNode(BinaryExpressionNode node) {
            bool isDelegateInvoke = false;
            Expression leftExpression = BuildExpression(node.LeftChild);

            if (leftExpression is LocalExpression) {
                Debug.Assert(leftExpression.EvaluatedType.Type == SymbolType.Delegate);

                // Handle the implicit delegate invoke scenario by turning the expression
                // into an explicit call into the delegate's Invoke method

                MemberSymbol invokeMethodSymbol = leftExpression.EvaluatedType.GetMember("Invoke");
                Debug.Assert(invokeMethodSymbol != null);

                leftExpression = new MemberExpression(leftExpression, invokeMethodSymbol);
                isDelegateInvoke = true;

            if (leftExpression.Type != ExpressionType.Member) {
                // A method call was evaluated into a non-member expression as part of building
                // the left node. For example, Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault() becomes a logical or expression.

                return leftExpression;

            MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression)leftExpression;

            ExpressionListNode argNodes = null;
            List<Expression> args = null;
            if (node.RightChild != null) {
                Debug.Assert(node.RightChild is ExpressionListNode);

                argNodes = (ExpressionListNode)node.RightChild;
                args = BuildExpressionList(argNodes);

            MethodExpression methodExpression = null;

            if (memberExpression.Member.Type != SymbolType.Method) {
                // A non-method member is being used in a method call; the member must be
                // a delegate...
                Debug.Assert(memberExpression.EvaluatedType.Type == SymbolType.Delegate);
                Expression instanceExpression = TransformMemberExpression(memberExpression);

                MethodSymbol invokeMethod =
                Debug.Assert(invokeMethod != null);

                methodExpression = new MethodExpression(instanceExpression, invokeMethod);
                isDelegateInvoke = true;
            else {
                // The member being accessed is a method...

                // REVIEW: Uggh... this has become too complex over time with all the transformations
                //         added over time. Refactoring needed...

                MethodSymbol method = (MethodSymbol)memberExpression.Member;
                TypeSymbol objectType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.Object);
                TypeSymbol typeType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.Type);
                TypeSymbol dictionaryType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.Dictionary);
                TypeSymbol genericDictionaryType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.GenericDictionary);
                TypeSymbol numberType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.Number);
                TypeSymbol stringType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.String);
                TypeSymbol scriptType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.Script);
                TypeSymbol argsType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.Arguments);

                if ((method.Parent == objectType) &&
                    method.Name.Equals("GetType", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    // Since we can't extend object's prototype, we need to transform the
                    // natural c# syntax into a static method.
                    // Object.GetType instance method becomes Type.GetInstanceType static method

                    TypeSymbol typeSymbol = typeType;

                    method = (MethodSymbol)typeSymbol.GetMember("GetInstanceType");
                    Debug.Assert(method != null);

                    methodExpression = new MethodExpression(new TypeExpression(typeSymbol, SymbolFilter.Public | SymbolFilter.StaticMembers),
                    return methodExpression;
                else if ((method.Parent == objectType) &&
                         (method.Name.Equals("ToString", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                          method.Name.Equals("ToLocaleString", StringComparison.Ordinal)) &&
                         (memberExpression.ObjectReference.EvaluatedType == stringType)) {
                    // No-op ToString calls on strings (this happens when performing a ToString
                    // on a named enum value.
                    return memberExpression.ObjectReference;
                else if ((method.Parent == objectType) &&
                         (method.Name.Equals("ToString", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                          method.Name.Equals("ToLocaleString", StringComparison.Ordinal)) &&
                         (memberExpression.ObjectReference.EvaluatedType is EnumerationSymbol)) {
                    EnumerationSymbol enumSymbol = (EnumerationSymbol)memberExpression.ObjectReference.EvaluatedType;

                    if (enumSymbol.UseNamedValues) {
                        // If the enum value is a named enum, then it is already a string.
                        return memberExpression.ObjectReference;

                    return new MethodExpression(memberExpression.ObjectReference, method);
                else if (((method.Parent == dictionaryType) || (method.Parent == genericDictionaryType)) &&
                         method.Name.Equals("ContainsKey", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    // Switch the instance ContainsKey method on Dictionary to
                    // calls to the static KeyExists method.
                    Debug.Assert(args.Count == 1);

                    MethodSymbol keyExistsMethod = (MethodSymbol)dictionaryType.GetMember("KeyExists");
                    Debug.Assert(keyExistsMethod != null);

                    methodExpression = new MethodExpression(new TypeExpression(dictionaryType, SymbolFilter.Public | SymbolFilter.StaticMembers),

                    return methodExpression;
                else if (((method.Parent == dictionaryType) || (method.Parent == genericDictionaryType)) &&
                         method.Name.Equals("Remove", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    // Switch the instance Remove method on Dictionary to
                    // calls to the static DeleteKey method.
                    Debug.Assert(args.Count == 1);

                    return new LateBoundExpression(memberExpression.ObjectReference,
                                                   args[0], LateBoundOperation.DeleteField,
                else if (((method.Parent == dictionaryType) || (method.Parent == genericDictionaryType)) &&
                         method.Name.Equals("Clear")) {
                    // Switch the instance Clear method on Dictionary to
                    // calls to the static ClearKeys method.
                    MethodSymbol clearKeysMethod = (MethodSymbol)dictionaryType.GetMember("ClearKeys");
                    Debug.Assert(clearKeysMethod != null);

                    methodExpression = new MethodExpression(new TypeExpression(dictionaryType, SymbolFilter.Public | SymbolFilter.StaticMembers),
                    return methodExpression;
                else if (((method.Parent == dictionaryType) || (((TypeSymbol)method.Parent).GenericType == genericDictionaryType)) &&
                         ((method.Visibility & MemberVisibility.Static) != 0) &&
                         method.Name.Equals("GetDictionary", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    // Dictionary.GetDictionary is a no-op method; we're just interested
                    // in the object being passed in.
                    // However we'll re-evaluate the argument to be of dictionary type
                    // so that subsequent use of this expression sees it as a dictionary.
                    Debug.Assert(args.Count == 1);

                    return args[0];
                else if ((method.Parent == stringType) &&
                         (method.Name.Equals("Escape", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                          method.Name.Equals("Unescape", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                          method.Name.Equals("EncodeUri", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                          method.Name.Equals("DecodeUri", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                          method.Name.Equals("EncodeUriComponent", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                          method.Name.Equals("DecodeUriComponent", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
                    // String.<Method> becomes Script.<Method>, as its a global method in script
                    MethodSymbol scriptMethod = (MethodSymbol)scriptType.GetMember(method.Name);

                    methodExpression = new MethodExpression(new TypeExpression(scriptType, SymbolFilter.Public | SymbolFilter.StaticMembers),
                    return methodExpression;
                else if ((method.Parent == scriptType) &&
                         method.Name.Equals("Literal", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    // Convert a call to Script.Literal into a literal expression

                    Debug.Assert(args.Count >= 1);
                    string script = null;

                    if (args[0].Type == ExpressionType.Field) {
                        Debug.Assert(args[0].EvaluatedType == stringType);

                        FieldSymbol field = ((FieldExpression)args[0]).Field;
                        if (field.IsConstant) {
                            Debug.Assert(field.Value is string);
                            script = (string)field.Value;
                    else if (args[0].Type == ExpressionType.Literal) {
                        Debug.Assert(((LiteralExpression)args[0]).Value is string);
                        script = (string)((LiteralExpression)args[0]).Value;

                    if (script == null) {
                        // TODO: When we start raising errors at the expression level instead of the statement
                        //       level, we should return an ErrorExpression instead of a dummy expression.
                        Token argToken = argNodes.Expressions[0].Token;

                        _errorHandler.ReportError("The argument to Script.Literal must be a constant string.",
                        return new InlineScriptExpression("", objectType);

                    InlineScriptExpression scriptExpression = new InlineScriptExpression(script, objectType);
                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) {

                    return scriptExpression;
                else if ((method.Parent == scriptType) &&
                         method.Name.Equals("Boolean", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    Debug.Assert(args.Count == 1);

                    return new UnaryExpression(Operator.LogicalNot, new UnaryExpression(Operator.LogicalNot, args[0]));
                else if ((method.Parent == scriptType) &&
                         method.Name.Equals("Value", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    Debug.Assert(args.Count >= 2);

                    Expression expr = args[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) {
                        expr = new BinaryExpression(Operator.LogicalOr, expr, args[i]);


                    return expr;
                else if (method.Parent == argsType) {
                    if (method.Name.Equals("GetArgument", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                        // Switch Arguments.GetArgument into Arguments[]
                        Debug.Assert(args.Count == 1);

                        IndexerExpression indexExpression =
                            new IndexerExpression(new LiteralExpression(typeType, method.Parent),

                        return indexExpression;
                    else if (method.Name.Equals("ToArray", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                        // Switch Arguments.ToArray into Array.ToArray(arguments)

                        TypeSymbol arrayType = _symbolSet.ResolveIntrinsicType(IntrinsicType.Array);
                        MethodSymbol toArrayMethod = (MethodSymbol)arrayType.GetMember("ToArray");

                        InlineScriptExpression argsExpression =
                            new InlineScriptExpression("arguments", objectType, /* parenthesize */ false);
                        MethodExpression toArrayExpression =
                            new MethodExpression(new TypeExpression(arrayType, SymbolFilter.Public | SymbolFilter.StaticMembers),

                        return toArrayExpression;
                else {
                    bool lateBound = false;

                    if (method.Parent == scriptType) {
                        LateBoundOperation lateBoundOperation = LateBoundOperation.InvokeMethod;

                        if (method.Name.Equals("InvokeMethod", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            lateBound = true;
                        else if (method.Name.Equals("DeleteField", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            lateBound = true;
                            lateBoundOperation = LateBoundOperation.DeleteField;
                        else if (method.Name.Equals("GetField", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            lateBound = true;
                            lateBoundOperation = LateBoundOperation.GetField;
                        else if (method.Name.Equals("SetField", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            lateBound = true;
                            lateBoundOperation = LateBoundOperation.SetField;
                        else if (method.Name.Equals("GetScriptType", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            lateBound = true;
                            lateBoundOperation = LateBoundOperation.GetScriptType;
                        else if (method.Name.Equals("HasField", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            lateBound = true;
                            lateBoundOperation = LateBoundOperation.HasField;
                        else if (method.Name.Equals("HasMethod", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            lateBound = true;
                            lateBoundOperation = LateBoundOperation.HasMethod;
                        else if (method.Name.Equals("CreateInstance", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                            Debug.Assert(args.Count >= 1);

                            if ((args[0].Type == ExpressionType.MethodInvoke) ||
                                (args[0].Type == ExpressionType.PropertyGet)) {
                                // When using the result of a method call/property access directly
                                // with Type.CreateInstance, the following script would be generated:
                                // new method()()
                                // which is invalid. Instead we need to generate the following:
                                // var type = method();
                                // new type()

                                _errorHandler.ReportError("You must store the type returned from a method or property into a local variable to use with Type.CreateInstance.",

                            NewExpression newExpression = new NewExpression(args[0], objectType);
                            if (args.Count > 1) {
                                bool first = true;
                                foreach (Expression paramExpr in args) {
                                    if (first) {
                                        first = false;
                            return newExpression;

                        if (lateBound) {
                            // Switch explicit late-bound calls into implicit late-bound expressions
                            // in script
                            Debug.Assert((args != null) &&
                                         (((lateBoundOperation == LateBoundOperation.GetScriptType) && (args.Count == 1)) ||
                                          (args.Count >= 2)));

                            LateBoundExpression lateBoundExpression = null;
                            Expression instanceExpression = null;
                            Expression nameExpression = null;

                            foreach (Expression paramExpr in args) {
                                if (instanceExpression == null) {
                                    instanceExpression = paramExpr;

                                    if (lateBoundOperation == LateBoundOperation.GetScriptType) {
                                        // GetScriptType only takes an instance
                                        return new LateBoundExpression(instanceExpression, null,
                                                                       lateBoundOperation, objectType);
                                if (nameExpression == null) {
                                    nameExpression = paramExpr;

                                    Expression objectExpression = instanceExpression;
                                    if (lateBoundOperation == LateBoundOperation.InvokeMethod) {
                                        if ((instanceExpression.Type == ExpressionType.Literal) &&
                                            (((LiteralExpression)instanceExpression).Value == null)) {
                                            objectExpression = null;

                                            LiteralExpression literalExpression = nameExpression as LiteralExpression;
                                            if (literalExpression == null) {
                                                _errorHandler.ReportError("The name of a global method must be a constant string known at compile time.",
                                            else if (!Utility.IsValidIdentifier((string)literalExpression.Value)) {
                                                _errorHandler.ReportError("The name of a global method must be a valid identifer.",

                                    lateBoundExpression = new LateBoundExpression(objectExpression, nameExpression,
                                                                                  lateBoundOperation, objectType);


                            Debug.Assert(lateBoundExpression != null);
                            return lateBoundExpression;

                    if (!method.MatchesConditions(_options.Defines)) {
                        return null;

                    methodExpression = new MethodExpression(memberExpression.ObjectReference,

            if (args != null) {
                foreach (Expression paramExpr in args) {

            if (isDelegateInvoke) {
                return new DelegateInvokeExpression(methodExpression);
            return methodExpression;