public static new CachedFileGeneratorBase CreateForUnqualifiedEnvironment(CachedFileGeneratorBase.Arguments Arguments) { return(new CachedFileGenerator(Arguments, true)); }
public CachedFileGenerator(CachedFileGeneratorBase.Arguments Arguments, bool UnqualifiedEnvironment = false) : base(Arguments) { // // var CommonApplicationData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); var Version = Environment.Version.ToString(); if (UnqualifiedEnvironment) { Version = Version.TakeUntilLastIfAny("."); } var CacheFolder = new DirectoryInfo( Path.Combine( CommonApplicationData, "jsc/" + "cache/" + Version + "/" + this.ConstructorArguments.AssamblyFile.Name + "/" + this.ConstructorArguments.Language.ToString() ) ); // next new cache name var Cache = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( CacheFolder.FullName, this.ConstructorArguments.AssamblyFile.Name + ".zip" ) ); this.AtValidate += delegate { // time to extract the zip file if ready and emit the local token if (Cache.Exists) { // great. now compare the times if (this.ConstructorArguments.AssamblyFile.LastWriteTime > Cache.LastWriteTime) { // no dice. the target is newer than our cache. Cache.Delete(); Cache.Refresh(); } } if (Cache.Exists) { //Debugger.Launch(); var zip = Cache.ToZIPFile(); foreach (var item in zip.Entries) { var FilePath = Path.Combine( this.ConstructorArguments.TargetDirectory.FullName, item.FileName ); this.Add( FilePath, item.Text ); } this.WriteLocalTokens(); this.WriteLocalFiles(); } else { if (this.SourceVersion.Exists) { this.SourceVersion.Delete(); } CacheFolder.Create(); CacheFolder.Clear(); } }; this.AtWriteTokens += delegate { // if the cache still exists it's time to write the zip file //Console.WriteLine("CachedFileGenerator AtWriteTokens" + new { Cache.Exists }); if (Cache.Exists) { return; } CacheFolder.Create(); CacheFolder.Clear(); var zip = new ZIPFile(); foreach (var item in this.Files) { var RelativeFileName = item.FileName.Replace("\\", "/").SkipUntilIfAny(this.ConstructorArguments.TargetDirectory.FullName.Replace("\\", "/") + "/"); //Console.WriteLine("CachedFileGenerator AtWriteTokens" + new { RelativeFileName }); zip.Add(RelativeFileName, item.Content); } // should we mark NTFS it compressable? //Debugger.Launch(); zip.WriteToFile(Cache); #region SDK if (this.SDK != null) { var SDKCacheFolder = new DirectoryInfo( Path.Combine( SDK.FullName, "cache/" + Version + "/" + this.ConstructorArguments.AssamblyFile.Name + "/" + this.ConstructorArguments.Language.ToString() ) ); SDKCacheFolder.Create(); SDKCacheFolder.Clear(); var SDKCache = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( SDKCacheFolder.FullName, this.ConstructorArguments.AssamblyFile.Name + ".zip" ) ); zip.WriteToFile(SDKCache); } #endregion }; }
public static new CachedFileGeneratorBase Create(CachedFileGeneratorBase.Arguments Arguments) { return(new CachedFileGenerator(Arguments)); }