public GooApplication(IGoo goopage, HistoryScope<ApplicationState> gooscope) { // init state! this will be sent to server at every new web call. this.state = gooscope.state; FlashTitle(); Native.document.title = state.title; = "1em red solid"; Action ShowDataTable = delegate { goopage.output.Clear(); var f = new Form { Text = new { }.ToString(), ControlBox = false, ShowIcon = false, //WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized }; new DataGridView { // script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.set_BorderStyle(System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle)] //BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D //AutoSize = true, AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells, DataSource =, Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(f); // do we need this? f.GetHTMLTarget().AttachTo(goopage.output); f.Show(); f.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; f.PopupInsteadOfClosing( HandleFormClosing: false // , // does not play well with maximized yet //SpecialNoMovement: true ); }; if ( == null) { // can we remove this from history then? new IHTMLButton { innerText = "a page reload makes us forget DataTable. go back and get new data!" }.AttachTo(goopage.output).WhenClicked( delegate { Native.window.history.back(); } ); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(goopage.output); new IHTMLButton { innerText = "or get new data, if the server is available" }.AttachTo(goopage.output).WhenClicked( async delegate { = "1em black solid"; this.reason = "page reload makes us forget DataTable"; //this.state = (await this.DoEnterData()).state; var x = await this.DoEnterData(); this.state = x.state; = "1em red solid"; ShowDataTable(); } ); } else { ShowDataTable(); } #region undo gooscope.With( async delegate { await gooscope; // time to undo = "0.3em yellow solid"; } ); #endregion }
public FooApplication(IFoo foopage, HistoryScope<ApplicationState> fooscope) { // init state! this will be sent to server at every new web call. this.state = fooscope.state; FlashTitle(); // how do we know when we need to shut down? // if we go back in time we need to shut down // should we have a Dispose method? // can we await on scope? Native.document.title = state.title; = "1em red solid"; foopage.output.innerText = new { this.state.title }.ToString(); foopage.EnterData.WhenClicked( async delegate { this.reason = "foopage.EnterData.WhenClicked"; // what if server has gone away? var newscope = await this.DoEnterData(); newscope_data =; // DataTable is not correctly stored in HistoryAPI yet = null; // ready to transition to a new Native.window.history.pushState( newscope.state, async scope => { Console.WriteLine("at DoEnterData"); = newscope_data; newscope_data = null; // now what? // we get here either by a click or a reload #region do // we need a copy of childnodes! var oldpagenodes = Native.document.body.childNodes.ToArray(); var goopage = new Goo(); Native.document.body.Clear(); #endregion Native.document.body.appendChild( goopage.body.childNodes.ToArray() ); // should we automate this somehow? var gooapp = new GooApplication(goopage, scope); // we only use the data once? // = null; await scope; Native.document.body.Clear(); #region undo Native.document.body.appendChild( oldpagenodes ); // // are we sure the state has been restored? // show our intent to reload IStyleSheet.Default["title"].style.color = "red"; // wait for any animation, sound to complete, then wipe // what if we move in time during the delay? await Task.Delay(500); Native.document.location.reload(); #endregion } ); } ); //[await scope].borderLeft = "0.3em yellow solid"; fooscope.With( async delegate { await fooscope; // time to undo = "0.3em yellow solid"; } ); }