internal void Initialize() { var c = NonobaAPI.MakeMultiplayer(stage //, "" //, "" ); #region Messages var ActiveMessages = new List<TextField>(); var ShowMessageNow = default(Action<string, Action>); ShowMessageNow = (MessageText, Done) => { var p = new TextField { textColor = ColorWhite, background = true, backgroundColor = ColorBlack, filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(ColorBlack) }, autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, text = MessageText, mouseEnabled = false }; var y = DefaultControlHeight - p.height - 32; p.AddTo(ActiveMessages).AttachTo(this).MoveTo((DefaultControlWidth - p.width) / 2, DefaultControlHeight); Sounds.snd_message.ToSoundAsset().play(); var MessagesToBeMoved = (from TheMessage in ActiveMessages select new { TheMessage, y = TheMessage.y - TheMessage.height }).ToArray(); (1000 / 24).AtInterval( t => { foreach (var i in MessagesToBeMoved) { if (i.TheMessage.y > i.y) i.TheMessage.y -= 4; } p.y -= 4; if (p.y < y) { t.stop(); if (Done != null) Done(); 500.AtDelayDo( delegate { p.alpha = 0.5; } ); 9000.AtDelayDo( () => p.RemoveFrom(ActiveMessages).FadeOutAndOrphanize(1000 / 24, 0.21) ); } } ); }; var QueuedMessages = new Queue<string>(); this.ShowMessage = Text => { if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) { QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); return; } // not busy QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); var NextQueuedMessages = default(Action); NextQueuedMessages = () => ShowMessageNow(QueuedMessages.Peek(), delegate { QueuedMessages.Dequeue(); if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) NextQueuedMessages(); } ); NextQueuedMessages(); }; #endregion var MyEvents = new SharedClass1.RemoteEvents(); Events = MyEvents; Messages = new SharedClass1.RemoteMessages { Send = e => SendMessage(c, e.i, e.args) }; this.InitializeEvents(); #region Dispatch Func<Message, bool> Dispatch = e => { var type = (SharedClass1.Messages)int.Parse(e.Type); if (MyEvents.Dispatch(type, new SharedClass1.RemoteEvents.DispatchHelper { GetLength = i => e.length, GetInt32 = e.GetInt, GetDouble = e.GetNumber, GetString = e.GetString, } )) return true; return false; }; #endregion #region message c.Message += e => { InitializeMap(); var Dispatched = false; try { Dispatched = Dispatch(e.message); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("error at dispatch " + e.message.Type); throw ex; } if (Dispatched) return; System.Console.WriteLine("not on dispatch: " + e.message.Type); }; #endregion c.Disconnect += delegate { ShowMessage("Disconnected!"); }; c.Init += delegate { InitializeMap(); }; }
public FlashTowerDefenseSized(int DefaultWidth, int DefaultHeight) { var bg = new Sprite { x = 0, y = 0 }; //; //; //, 0, Width / 2, Height); var warzone = new Sprite { x = 0, y = 0 };;, -OffscreenMargin, DefaultWidth + 2 * OffscreenMargin, DefaultHeight + 2 * OffscreenMargin); warzone.mouseChildren = false; GetWarzone = () => warzone; bg.AttachTo(GetWarzone()); warzone.AttachTo(this); #region create aim this.Aim = new Shape();, 0, 1);, 0);, 0);, -8);, 8); Aim.filters = new[] { new DropShadowFilter() }; Aim.AttachTo(GetWarzone()); #endregion #region BlurWarzoneOnHover this.BlurWarzoneOnHover = (txt, HideAim) => { txt.mouseOver += delegate { if (!txt.mouseEnabled) return; txt.textColor = ColorBlue; txt.filters = null; if (CanFire) { warzone.filters = new[] { new BlurFilter() }; if (HideAim) Aim.visible = false; } }; txt.mouseOut += delegate { txt.filters = new[] { new BlurFilter() }; txt.textColor = ColorBlack; if (CanFire) { warzone.filters = null; if (HideAim) Aim.visible = true; } }; }; #endregion #region ScoreBoard var ScoreBoard = new TextField { x = 24, y = 24, defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat { size = 12 }, autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, text = "Defend yourself by shooting those mad sheep.", filters = new[] { new BlurFilter() }, selectable = false, }; //ScoreBoard.AttachTo(this); BlurWarzoneOnHover(ScoreBoard, true); #endregion Action<double, Action> Times = (m, h) => (DefaultWidth * DefaultHeight * m).Times(h); Action<double, Func<BitmapAsset>> AddDoodads = (m, GetImage) => Times(m, () => GetImage().AttachTo(bg).SetCenteredPosition(DefaultWidth.Random(), DefaultHeight.Random())); AddDoodads(0.0001, () => Images.grass1.ToBitmapAsset()); AddDoodads(0.00005, () => Images.bump2.ToBitmapAsset()); Action StartIngameMusic = delegate { if (this.IngameMusic != null) this.IngameMusic.stop(); this.IngameMusic = Sounds.snd_world.ToSoundAsset().play(0, 999, new SoundTransform(IngameMusicVolume)); }; StartIngameMusic(); Func<Animation> AddCactus = () => new Animation(null, Images.img_cactus) { FrameRate = 1000 / 7, AnimationEnabled = true }; Action<double> AddCactusAt = y => { var x = DefaultWidth.Random(); AddCactus().AttachTo(GetWarzone()).MoveTo( x, y + Math.Cos(x + y) * DefaultHeight * 0.03); }; (3 + 3.Random()).Times(AddCactusAt.FixParam(DefaultHeight * 0.06)); (3 + 3.Random()).Times(AddCactusAt.FixParam(DefaultHeight * 0.94)); PrebuiltTurret = new Animation(Images.img_turret1_gunfire_180, Images.img_turret1_gunfire_180_frames); PrebuiltTurret.x = (DefaultWidth - PrebuiltTurret.width) * 0.9; PrebuiltTurret.y = (DefaultHeight - PrebuiltTurret.height) / 2; PrebuiltTurret.AttachTo(GetWarzone()); #region Messages var ActiveMessages = new List<TextField>(); var ShowMessageNow = default(Action<string, Action>); ShowMessageNow = (MessageText, Done) => { var p = new TextField { textColor = ColorWhite, background = true, backgroundColor = ColorBlack, filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(ColorBlack) }, autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, text = MessageText, mouseEnabled = false }; var y = DefaultHeight - p.height - 32; p.AddTo(ActiveMessages).AttachTo(this).MoveTo((DefaultWidth - p.width) / 2, DefaultHeight); Sounds.snd_message.ToSoundAsset().play(); var MessagesToBeMoved = (from TheMessage in ActiveMessages select new { TheMessage, y = TheMessage.y - TheMessage.height }).ToArray(); (1000 / 24).AtInterval( t => { foreach (var i in MessagesToBeMoved) { if (i.TheMessage.y > i.y) i.TheMessage.y -= 4; } p.y -= 4; if (p.y < y) { t.stop(); if (Done != null) Done(); 9000.AtDelayDo( () => p.RemoveFrom(ActiveMessages).FadeOutAndOrphanize(1000 / 24, 0.21) ); } } ); }; var QueuedMessages = new Queue<string>(); this.ShowMessage = Text => { if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) { QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); return; } // not busy QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); var NextQueuedMessages = default(Action); NextQueuedMessages = () => ShowMessageNow(QueuedMessages.Peek(), delegate { QueuedMessages.Dequeue(); if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) NextQueuedMessages(); } ); NextQueuedMessages(); }; #endregion var StatusBar = new Sprite { mouseEnabled = false, mouseChildren = false, }.MoveTo(DefaultWidth - 96, DefaultHeight - 64).AttachTo(this); #region WeaponBar var WeaponBar = new Sprite { }.AttachTo(StatusBar); var AmmoAvatar = new Sprite().MoveTo(38, 24).AttachTo(WeaponBar); Images.Avatars.avatars_ammo.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToCenter().AttachTo(AmmoAvatar); var AmmoText = new TextField { defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat { bold = true, size = 20, font = "_sans" }, text = "200000", filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(ColorBlack, 0.5) }, autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT, x = 0, width = 0 }.AttachTo(AmmoAvatar); var WeaponAvatar = new Sprite().AttachTo(WeaponBar); #endregion var CurrentTarget = default(Point); var CurrentTargetTimer = default(Timer); #region Ego Ego = new PlayerWarrior { filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(ColorGreen) } }; EgoIsOnTheField = () => Ego.parent != null; EgoIsAlive = () => Ego.IsAlive; Func<bool> EgoCanManTurret = () => !PrebuiltTurretInUse; // look up if there is somebody else in it Func<bool> EgoIsCloseToTurret = () => new Point { x = Ego.x - PrebuiltTurret.x, y = Ego.y - PrebuiltTurret.y }.length < 32; var EgoAimDistance = 48; var EgoAimMoveSpeed = 0.1; var EgoMoveSpeed = 3.0; var EgoMoveToMouseTarget = false; UpdateEgoAim = delegate { Aim.MoveTo(Ego.x + Math.Cos(EgoAimDirection) * EgoAimDistance, Ego.y + Math.Sin(EgoAimDirection) * EgoAimDistance); }; EgoMovedSlowTimer = new Timer(200, 1); Ego.FoundNewWeapon += weapon => ShowMessage("You found " + weapon.Name); Ego.FoundMoreAmmo += weapon => ShowMessage("Got ammo for " + weapon.Name); Action Reorder = delegate { #if Z GetWarzone().Children().OrderBy(i => (double)i.y). ForEach( (k, i) => k.parent.setChildIndex(k, i) ); #endif }; Action ReorderThrottle = Reorder.ThrottleTo(1000); var EgoMoveUpTimer = (1000 / 30).AtInterval( delegate { if (EgoMoveToMouseTarget) { var p = new Point { x = CurrentTarget.x - Ego.x, y = CurrentTarget.y - Ego.y }; if (p.length <= EgoMoveSpeed) { // run one the pointer return; } Ego.MoveToArc(p.GetRotation(), EgoMoveSpeed); } else Ego.MoveToArc(EgoAimDirection, EgoMoveSpeed); Ego.x = Math.Min(Math.Max(Ego.x, 0), DefaultWidth); Ego.y = Math.Min(Math.Max(Ego.y, 0), DefaultHeight); ReorderThrottle(); UpdateEgoAim(); EgoMovedSlowTimer.start(); // we moved now let's check for boxes foreach (var BoxToTake in from ss in Boxes where new Point { x = Ego.x - ss.x, y = Ego.y - ss.y }.length < 32 select ss) { BoxToTake.RemoveFrom(Boxes).Orphanize(); Sounds.sound20.ToSoundAsset().play(); if (BoxToTake.WeaponInside == null) { // add stuff, so the player doesn't get bored:D // maybe implment them too? see Diablo. var PowerUps = new[] { // gta "Double Damage", "Fast Reload", "Respect", "Armour", // diablo "Defense", "Mana", "Dexerity", "Experience", "Stamina", "Strength", "Life", "Replenish Life" }; ShowMessage("+1 " + PowerUps.Random()); } else { Ego.AddWeapon(BoxToTake.WeaponInside); } if (NetworkTakeCrate != null) NetworkTakeCrate(BoxToTake.NetworkId); } }); EgoMoveUpTimer.stop(); var EgoAimMoveTimer = (1000 / 30).AtInterval( delegate { EgoAimDirection += EgoAimMoveSpeed * EgoMoveSpeed; if (EgoAimDirection < 0) EgoAimDirection += Math.PI * 4; EgoAimDirection %= Math.PI * 2; UpdateEgoAim(); }); EgoAimMoveTimer.stop(); #endregion Ego.CurrentWeaponChanged += delegate { Sounds.SelectWeapon.ToSoundAsset().play(); if (WeaponAvatar.numChildren > 0) WeaponAvatar.getChildAt(0).Orphanize(); Ego.CurrentWeapon.Type.Avatar.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToCenter().AttachTo(WeaponAvatar); WeaponBar.filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(Ego.CurrentWeapon.Color) }; }; Ego.CurrentWeaponAmmoChanged += () => AmmoText.text = "" + Ego.CurrentWeapon.Ammo; SetDefaultWeapon(); Ego.Die += () => { ShowMessage("Meeeediiic!"); ShowMessage("You died a painful death"); PlayerWarrior.AutoResurrectDelay.AtDelayDo( delegate { Ego.Revive(); if (EgoResurrect != null) EgoResurrect(); } ); }; #region HealthBar var HealthBar = new Sprite { filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(ColorRed) } }.MoveTo(-20, 0).AttachTo(StatusBar); var Hearts = new[] { Images.Avatars.avatars_heart.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToArc(20.DegreesToRadians(), 90).AttachTo(HealthBar), Images.Avatars.avatars_heart.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToArc(7.DegreesToRadians(), 90).AttachTo(HealthBar), Images.Avatars.avatars_heart.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToArc(353.DegreesToRadians(), 90).AttachTo(HealthBar), Images.Avatars.avatars_heart.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToArc(340.DegreesToRadians(), 90).AttachTo(HealthBar), }; var EgoHeartBeat = default(SoundChannel); Ego.HealthChanged += delegate { if (EgoHeartBeat == null) { EgoHeartBeat = Sounds.heartbeat3.ToSoundAsset().play(); EgoHeartBeat.soundComplete += e => { EgoHeartBeat = null; }; } if (Ego.Health > 0) { var z = (Ego.Health / Ego.MaxHealth) * Hearts.Length; var f = Math.Floor(z).ToInt32(); var a = z % 1; for (int i = 0; i < f; i++) { Hearts[i].alpha = 1; } if (f < Hearts.Length) { Hearts[f].alpha = a; for (int i = f + 1; i < Hearts.Length; i++) { Hearts[i].alpha = 0; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < Hearts.Length; i++) { Hearts[i].alpha = 0; } } //ShowMessage("h: " + f + " " + a); }; #endregion var PrebuiltTurretSound = default(SoundChannel); var runaways = 0; var score = 0; Action UpdateScoreBoard = delegate { if (!CanFire) return; ScoreBoard.text = new { runaways, gore = (100 * (double)BadGuys.Count(i => !i.IsAlive) / (double)BadGuys.Count()).Round() + "%", score, level = CurrentLevel }.ToString(); }; Action<Point> DoMachineGunFire = e => { if (Ego.CurrentWeapon.Ammo <= 0) return; Ego.CurrentWeapon.Ammo--; var DamagePointOfOrigin = new Point { x = PrebuiltTurret.x, y = PrebuiltTurret.y }; var DamageDirection = new Point { x = e.x - PrebuiltTurret.x, y = e.y - PrebuiltTurret.y }.GetRotation(); DoSomeDamage(DamagePointOfOrigin, DamageDirection, WeaponInfo.Machinegun); if (Ego.CurrentWeapon.Ammo <= 0) { Sounds.OutOfAmmo.ToSoundAsset().play(); PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabled = false; return; } }; PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabledChanged += delegate { if (PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabled) { if (PrebuiltTurretSound == null) PrebuiltTurretSound = Sounds.gunfire.ToSoundAsset().play(0, 999); PrebuiltTurret.filters = new[] { new GlowFilter() }; } else { if (PrebuiltTurretSound != null) PrebuiltTurretSound.stop(); PrebuiltTurretSound = null; PrebuiltTurret.filters = null; } }; GetWarzone().mouseDown += e => { if (!CanFire) return; // the turret cannot fire without a man behind it if (EgoIsOnTheField()) return; if (Ego.CurrentWeapon.Ammo <= 0) { Sounds.OutOfAmmo.ToSoundAsset().play(); return; } PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabled = true; var p = new Point { x = e.stageX, y = e.stageY, }; CurrentTarget = this.globalToLocal(p); CurrentTargetTimer = (1000 / 10).AtInterval( delegate { if (!PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabled) { CurrentTargetTimer.stop(); return; } DoMachineGunFire(CurrentTarget); } ); }; GetWarzone().mouseUp += e => { PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabled = false; }; GetWarzone().mouseOut += delegate { PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabled = false; }; GetWarzone().mouseMove += e => { if (!CanFire) return; var p = new Point { x = e.stageX, y = e.stageY, }; CurrentTarget = this.globalToLocal(p); if (EgoIsOnTheField()) {; return; } Mouse.hide(); Aim.x = CurrentTarget.x; Aim.y = CurrentTarget.y; }; Func<double> GetEntryPointY = () => (DefaultHeight * 0.8).FixedRandom() + DefaultHeight * 0.1; #region AttachRules Func<Actor, Actor> AttachRules = a => { if (a == null) throw new Exception("AttachRules"); var an = a; //Console.WriteLine("attached KilledByLocalPlayer"); a.KilledByLocalPlayer += delegate { //Console.WriteLine("KilledByLocalPlayer: " + an.ScoreValue); if (NetworkAddKillScore != null) NetworkAddKillScore(an.ScoreValue); }; if (a.NetworkId == 0) { a.NetworkId = int.MaxValue.FixedRandom(); if (0.5.ByChance()) { a.Crate = new Crate { NetworkId = int.MaxValue.FixedRandom() }.AddTo(Boxes); if (0.7.ByChance()) { // add random weapon, note that this is // not a fixed random, so each player // gets different weapon a.Crate.WeaponInside = Weapon.PredefinedWeapons.Random().Clone(); } } } a.CorpseAndBloodGone += () => BadGuys.Remove(a); a.Moved += delegate { if (a.x > (DefaultWidth + OffscreenMargin)) { a.Crate = null; a.RemoveFrom(BadGuys).Orphanize(); if (CanFire) { WaveEndCountdown--; runaways++; ScoreBoard.textColor = ColorRed; UpdateScoreBoard(); } a.IsAlive = false; // this one was able to run away } }; a.Die += delegate { WaveEndCountdown--; score += a.ScoreValue; UpdateScoreBoard(); if (a.Crate != null) { a.Crate.MoveTo(a.x, a.y).AttachTo(GetWarzone()); } }; a.AttachTo(GetWarzone()).AddTo(BadGuys); if (a.PlayHelloSound != null) a.PlayHelloSound(); return a; }; #endregion Action EgoTakeNextWeapon = () => Ego.CurrentWeapon = Ego.OtherWeaponsLikeCurrent.Next(i => i == Ego.CurrentWeapon); Action EgoTakePreviousWeapon = () => Ego.CurrentWeapon = Ego.OtherWeaponsLikeCurrent.Previous(i => i == Ego.CurrentWeapon); GetWarzone().mouseWheel += e => { if ( > 0) EgoTakeNextWeapon(); else EgoTakePreviousWeapon(); }; var EgoMoveToMouseTargetAntiDoubleClick = default(Timer); GetWarzone().mouseDown += e => { if (!EgoIsOnTheField()) return; if (!EgoIsAlive()) return; var pp = new Point { x = e.stageX, y = e.stageY, }; CurrentTarget = this.globalToLocal(pp); var p = new Point { x = CurrentTarget.x - Ego.x, y = CurrentTarget.y - Ego.y }; EgoAimDirection = p.GetRotation(); UpdateEgoAim(); EgoMoveToMouseTarget = true; EgoMoveToMouseTargetAntiDoubleClick = 200.AtDelayDo( delegate { if (!EgoIsAlive()) { Ego.RunAnimation = false; EgoMoveUpTimer.stop(); return; } if (!EgoMoveToMouseTarget) return; Ego.RunAnimation = true; EgoMoveSpeed = 2.5; EgoMoveUpTimer.start(); } ); }; GetWarzone().mouseMove += e => { if (!EgoMoveToMouseTarget) return; if (!EgoIsOnTheField()) return; if (!EgoIsAlive()) return; var pp = new Point { x = e.stageX, y = e.stageY, }; CurrentTarget = this.globalToLocal(pp); var p = new Point { x = CurrentTarget.x - Ego.x, y = CurrentTarget.y - Ego.y }; EgoAimDirection = p.GetRotation(); UpdateEgoAim(); }; GetWarzone().mouseUp += e => { if (!EgoMoveToMouseTarget) return; if (!EgoIsAlive()) return; if (EgoMoveToMouseTargetAntiDoubleClick != null) { EgoMoveToMouseTargetAntiDoubleClick.stop(); EgoMoveToMouseTargetAntiDoubleClick = null; } EgoMoveUpTimer.stop(); Ego.RunAnimation = false; EgoMoveToMouseTarget = false; }; GetWarzone().doubleClickEnabled = true; GetWarzone().doubleClick += e => { if (!EgoIsOnTheField()) return; if (!EgoIsAlive()) return; var pp = new Point { x = e.stageX, y = e.stageY, }; CurrentTarget = this.globalToLocal(pp); EgoAimDirection = new Point { x = CurrentTarget.x - Ego.x, y = CurrentTarget.y - Ego.y }.GetRotation(); UpdateEgoAim(); EgoDoFireWeapon(); }; Action StageIsReady = delegate { //stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER; // multiplay ? var WeaponShortcutButtons = new[] { Keyboard.NUMBER_1, Keyboard.NUMBER_2, Keyboard.NUMBER_3, Keyboard.NUMBER_4, Keyboard.NUMBER_5, Keyboard.NUMBER_6, Keyboard.NUMBER_7, Keyboard.NUMBER_8, Keyboard.NUMBER_9, Keyboard.NUMBER_0, }.Select( (Button, Index) => new KeyboardButton(stage) { Buttons = new[] { Button }, Filter = EgoIsAlive, Up = () => Ego.CurrentWeapon = Ego.OtherWeaponsLikeCurrent.AtOrDefault(Index, Ego.CurrentWeapon) } ).ToArray(); var KeySpace = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Buttons = new[] { Keyboard.SPACE }, Filter = EgoIsOnTheField.And(EgoIsAlive), Up = delegate { // car brakes, open door, take item // Add Ammo foreach (var BarrelToTake in this.Barrels.Where(i => (i.ToPoint() - Ego.ToPoint()).length < 32)) { Sounds.sound20.ToSoundAsset().play(); Ego.AddWeapon(BarrelToTake.ExplosiveMaterialType); BarrelToTake.RemoveFrom(Barrels).Orphanize(); if (NetworkUndeployExplosiveBarrel != null) NetworkUndeployExplosiveBarrel(BarrelToTake.NetworkId); } } }; var KeyLeft = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[Keyboard.A], MovementArrows[Keyboard.LEFT], }, Filter = EgoIsOnTheField.And(EgoIsAlive), Down = delegate { EgoAimMoveSpeed = -0.1; EgoAimMoveTimer.start(); }, Up = EgoAimMoveTimer.stop, }; var KeyRight = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[Keyboard.D], MovementArrows[Keyboard.RIGHT], }, Filter = EgoIsOnTheField.And(EgoIsAlive), Down = delegate { EgoAimMoveSpeed = +0.1; EgoAimMoveTimer.start(); }, Up = EgoAimMoveTimer.stop, }; var KeyUp = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[Keyboard.W], MovementArrows[Keyboard.UP], }, Filter = EgoIsOnTheField.And(EgoIsAlive), Down = delegate { if (!Ego.IsAlive) return; Ego.RunAnimation = true; EgoMoveSpeed = 2.5; EgoMoveUpTimer.start(); }, Up = delegate { EgoMoveUpTimer.stop(); Ego.RunAnimation = false; } }; var KeyDown = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[Keyboard.S], MovementArrows[Keyboard.DOWN], }, Filter = EgoIsOnTheField.And(EgoIsAlive), Down = delegate { if (!Ego.IsAlive) return; Ego.RunAnimation = true; EgoMoveSpeed = -1.5; EgoMoveUpTimer.start(); }, Up = delegate { EgoMoveSpeed = 1; EgoMoveUpTimer.stop(); Ego.RunAnimation = false; } }; var KeyWeaponNext = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[Keyboard.X], MovementArrows[Keyboard.PAGE_UP], }, Up = EgoTakeNextWeapon, }; var KeyWeaponPrevious = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[Keyboard.Z], MovementArrows[Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN], }, Up = EgoTakePreviousWeapon }; var KeyControl = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[ new KeyboardKeyInfo { Button = Keyboard.CONTROL, Location = KeyLocation.LEFT } ], MovementArrows[ new KeyboardKeyInfo { Button = Keyboard.CONTROL, Location = KeyLocation.RIGHT } ], }, Filter = EgoIsOnTheField.And(EgoIsAlive), Up = EgoDoFireWeapon }; var KeyMusic = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Buttons = new[] { Keyboard.M }, Up = () => ToggleMusic() }; var KeyEnter = new KeyboardButton(stage) { Groups = new[] { MovementWASD[Keyboard.F], MovementArrows[Keyboard.ENTER], }, Filter = EgoIsAlive, Up = delegate { if (EgoIsOnTheField()) { if (EgoIsCloseToTurret()) { if (EgoCanManTurret()) { Ego.Orphanize(); Ego.RunAnimation = false; EgoMoveUpTimer.stop(); EgoAimMoveTimer.stop(); PrebuiltTurretBlinkTimer.stop(); PrebuiltTurret.alpha = 1; Ego.CurrentWeapon = Ego.Weapons.FirstOrDefault(i => i.SelectMode == Weapon.SelectModeEnum.Turret); ShowMessage("Machinegun manned!"); Mouse.hide(); if (CurrentTarget != null) { Aim.x = CurrentTarget.x; Aim.y = CurrentTarget.y; } Sounds.door_open.ToSoundAsset().play(); if (EgoEnteredMachineGun != null) EgoEnteredMachineGun(); } else { ShowMessage("Cannot man the machinegun!"); } } else { ShowMessage("The machinegun is too far! Get closer!"); } } else { Sounds.door_open.ToSoundAsset().play(); ShowMessage("Machinegun unmanned!"); TeleportEgoNearTurret(); PrebuiltTurret.AnimationEnabled = false; PrebuiltTurret.alpha = 0.5;; PrebuiltTurretBlinkTimer.start(); if (EgoExitedMachineGun != null) EgoExitedMachineGun(); } } }; }; PrebuiltTurretBlinkTimer = 500.AtInterval(t => PrebuiltTurret.alpha = ((t.currentCount % 2) + 1) / 2); PrebuiltTurretBlinkTimer.stop(); #region readiness if (stage == null) { this.addedToStage += delegate { StageIsReady(); }; } else { StageIsReady(); } #endregion //Mouse.hide(); ShowMessage("Aim at the enemy unit and hold down the mouse!"); ShowMessage("Press 'Enter' to exit the machinegun"); //ShowMessage("Day " + CurrentLevel); GameEvent = delegate { // do not add if the day is over... //if (WaveEndCountdown <= 0) // return; AddNewActorsToMap(UpdateScoreBoard, GetEntryPointY, AttachRules); }; ReportDays = delegate { if (WaveEndCountdown < 0) { if (InterlevelMusic == null) { InterlevelMusic = Sounds.snd_birds.ToSoundAsset().play(0, 999); ShowMessage("Day " + CurrentLevel + " is ending..."); if (GameInterlevelBegin != null) GameInterlevelBegin(); } if (WaveEndsWhenAllBadGuysAreDead) { // wait for all actors get off stage if (BadGuys.Where(i => i.IsAlive).Any()) return; } // show "level END" ShowMessage("Day " + CurrentLevel + " Survived!"); ReportDaysTimer.stop(); InterlevelTimeout.AtDelayDo( delegate { if (GameInterlevelEnd != null) GameInterlevelEnd(); // maybe higher levels will have more enemies? WaveEndCountdown = 15; CurrentLevel++; // show "level START" ShowMessage("Day " + CurrentLevel); ReportDaysTimer.start(); var InterlevelMusicStopping = InterlevelMusic; InterlevelMusic = null; 2000.AtDelayDoOnRandom(InterlevelMusicStopping.stop); } ); UpdateScoreBoard(); return; } if (CanAutoSpawnEnemies) { // new actors if we got less 10 if (InterlevelMusic != null) return; if (BadGuys.Where(i => i.IsAlive).Count() < 8) { GameEvent(); } } }; ReportDaysTimer = 1500.AtIntervalDo(ReportDays); (1000 / 15).AtInterval( delegate { Aim.rotation += 1; foreach (var s in from ss in BadGuys where ss.IsAlive select ss) s.x += s.speed; } ); //#region powered_by_jsc //var powered_by_jsc = new TextField //{ // x = 32, // defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat // { // size = 24 // }, // autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, // // how to make a link // // // htmlText = "<a href='' target='_blank'>powered by <b>jsc</b></a>", // selectable = false, // filters = new[] { new BlurFilter() }, // textColor = ColorBlack //}.AttachTo(this); //powered_by_jsc.y = DefaultHeight - powered_by_jsc.height - 32; //// make it fade/show in time //200.AtInterval(t => // { // var a = (Math.Sin(t.currentCount * 0.05) + 1) * 0.5; // powered_by_jsc.alpha = a; // powered_by_jsc.mouseEnabled = a > 0.8; // } //); //#endregion ScoreBoard.AttachTo(this); //BlurWarzoneOnHover(powered_by_jsc, true); 40000.AtIntervalOnRandom( delegate { Sounds.snd_bird2.ToSoundAsset().play(); } ); #region music on off var MusicButton = new Sprite { x = DefaultWidth - 32, y = 32, filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(ColorBlueLight) }, }; var MusicOn = Images.music_on.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToCenter(); var MusicOff = Images.music_off.ToBitmapAsset().MoveToCenter(); MusicButton.mouseOver += delegate {; Aim.visible = false; }; MusicButton.mouseOut += delegate { Mouse.hide(); Aim.visible = true; }; ToggleMusic = delegate { if (MusicOn.parent == MusicButton) { MusicOn.Orphanize(); MusicOff.AttachTo(MusicButton); ShowMessage("Music silenced"); IngameMusic.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); } else { IngameMusic.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(IngameMusicVolume); ShowMessage("Music activated"); MusicOff.Orphanize(); MusicOn.AttachTo(MusicButton); } }; += delegate { ToggleMusic(); }; MusicOn.AttachTo(MusicButton); MusicButton.AttachTo(this); #endregion Action<InteractiveObject, InteractiveObject> OnMouseDownDisableMouseOnTarget = (subject, target) => { subject.mouseDown += delegate { target.mouseEnabled = false; }; subject.mouseUp += delegate { target.mouseEnabled = true; }; }; OnMouseDownDisableMouseOnTarget(GetWarzone(), MusicButton); OnMouseDownDisableMouseOnTarget(GetWarzone(), ScoreBoard); //OnMouseDownDisableMouseOnTarget(GetWarzone(), powered_by_jsc); }
private void InitializeMap() { if (InitializeMapDone) return; InitializeMapDone = true; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; var MapContainer = new Sprite().AttachTo(this); Field = new MineField(FieldXCount, FieldYCount, 0.15); #region Messages var ActiveMessages = new List<TextField>(); var ShowMessageNow = default(Action<string, Action>); ShowMessageNow = (MessageText, Done) => { var p = new TextField { textColor = ColorWhite, background = true, backgroundColor = ColorBlack, filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(ColorBlack) }, autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, text = MessageText, mouseEnabled = false }; var y = DefaultControlHeight - p.height - 32; p.AddTo(ActiveMessages).AttachTo(this).MoveTo((DefaultControlWidth - p.width) / 2, DefaultControlHeight); Sounds.snd_message.ToSoundAsset().play(); var MessagesToBeMoved = (from TheMessage in ActiveMessages select new { TheMessage, y = TheMessage.y - TheMessage.height }).ToArray(); (1000 / 24).AtInterval( t => { foreach (var i in MessagesToBeMoved) { if (i.TheMessage.y > i.y) i.TheMessage.y -= 4; } p.y -= 4; if (p.y < y) { t.stop(); if (Done != null) Done(); 500.AtDelayDo( delegate { p.alpha = 0.5; } ); 9000.AtDelayDo( () => p.RemoveFrom(ActiveMessages).FadeOutAndOrphanize(1000 / 24, 0.21) ); } } ); }; var QueuedMessages = new Queue<string>(); this.ShowMessage = Text => { if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) { QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); return; } // not busy QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); var NextQueuedMessages = default(Action); NextQueuedMessages = () => ShowMessageNow(QueuedMessages.Peek(), delegate { QueuedMessages.Dequeue(); if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) NextQueuedMessages(); } ); NextQueuedMessages(); }; #endregion ShowMessage("Ctrl-click for flag!"); Action<int> AddScore = e => { if (e > 0) { if (e < 5) { // ShowMessage("+" + e); } else ShowMessage("Yay! +" + e); } else ShowMessage("Booom! -" + e); Messages.AddScore(e); }; var DisallowClicks = default(Timer); var DisallowClicksMultiplierMin = 2; var DisallowClicksMultiplier = DisallowClicksMultiplierMin; #region OnBang Field.OnBang += LocalPlayer => { ServerSendMapEnabled = false; if (LocalPlayer) { DisallowClicksMultiplier++; if (this.CoPlayerNames.Count > 0) { var DisallowClicksTimeout = (DisallowClicksMultiplier * 2 * (this.CoPlayerNames.Count + 1)); Field.DisallowClicks = true; if (DisallowClicks != null && DisallowClicks.running) { DisallowClicks.stop(); } DisallowClicks = (DisallowClicksTimeout * 1000).AtDelayDo( () => { Field.DisallowClicks = false; ShowMessage("Your penalty multiplier is now " + DisallowClicksMultiplier); } ); ShowMessage("You must wait " + DisallowClicksTimeout + " seconds to resume!"); } AddScore(-8); } else { RemotePlayerMustSendNewMap = true; AddScore(-4); } }; #endregion var LocalPlayerFieldsOpened = 0; #region OnComplete Field.OnComplete += LocalPlayer => { DisallowClicksMultiplier = DisallowClicksMultiplierMin; ServerSendMapEnabled = false; if (LocalPlayer) { if (LocalPlayerFieldsOpened < 10) { AddScore(100); } else { AddScore(150); Messages.AwardAchievementFirstMinefieldComplete(); } } else { // give only half of points if a coplayer was not active if (LocalPlayerFieldsOpened < 10) AddScore(50); else AddScore(100); } }; #endregion Field.IsFlagChanged += (button, value) => { Messages.SetFlag(button, value.ToInt32()); }; Field.OnReveal += (button) => { Messages.Reveal(button); }; Field.GameReset += IsLocalPlayer => { LocalPlayerFieldsOpened = 0; if (!IsLocalPlayer) { if (RemotePlayerMustSendNewMap) { ShowMessage("Map will come soon!"); // start a timer to generate a map on our own CrudeMapReset = (4000 + 40.Random() * 100).ToInt32().AtDelayDo( delegate { RemotePlayerMustSendNewMap = false; ShowMessage("Resetting map!"); Field.Reset(); SendMap(); StopCrudeMapReset(); } ); } } }; Field.GameResetByLocalPlayer += delegate { SendMap(); ShowMessage("Try not to blow up, okay?"); StopCrudeMapReset(); }; Field.OneStepClosedToTheEnd += LocalPlayer => { if (LocalPlayer) { LocalPlayerFieldsOpened++; // every 8 clicks gets your penalty down by one if (LocalPlayerFieldsOpened % 8 == 0) { if (DisallowClicksMultiplier > DisallowClicksMultiplierMin) { DisallowClicksMultiplier = (DisallowClicksMultiplier - 1).Max(DisallowClicksMultiplierMin); ShowMessage("Your penalty multiplier is " + DisallowClicksMultiplier); } } if (LocalPlayerFieldsOpened < 10) AddScore(1); else AddScore(2); } if (!GameIsLocked) { var BadState = Field.Buttons.Count(i => i.HasInvalidStateForCompletion); var IsMined = Field.Buttons.Count(i => i.IsMined); var HiddenMinesPercentage = (BadState / (double)IsMined).Min(1); if (HiddenMinesPercentage < 0.5) { GameIsLocked.Value = true; if (LocalPlayer) Messages.LockGame(); ShowMessage("You are half way through! Game is locked until next map."); } } }; Field.AttachTo(MapContainer); var MyColor = 0xffffff.Random().ToInt32(); Field.mouseMove += e => { Messages.MouseMove(e.stageX.ToInt32(), e.stageY.ToInt32(), MyColor); }; //// menu for private game //MapContainer.filters = new[] { new BlurFilter() }; //MapContainer.mouseChildren = false; //var LobbyMeny = new Sprite().AttachTo(this); //// //var colors = new uint[2]; //colors[0] = 1; //colors[1] = 0xffffff; //var alphas = new double[2]; //alphas[0] = 0.5; //alphas[1] = 0.2; //var ratios = new int[2]; //alphas[0] = 1; //alphas[1] = 255; //"linear", colors, alphas, ratios); //, 0, stage.width, 200); //var Password = new TextField //{ // defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat // { // size = 24 // }, // text = "For private game\nenter your password:"******"thomas", "arsenal", "monkey", "charlie", "letmein", "123" }.Random(), // type = TextFieldType.INPUT, // background = true, // backgroundColor = 0xffffff, // border = true, // borderColor = 0x909090, //}; //var h = PasswordInput.height; //PasswordInput.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE; //PasswordInput.width = Password.width; //PasswordInput.height = h; //PasswordInput.MoveTo(Password.x, Password.y + 8 + Password.height).AttachTo(LobbyMeny); }
void InitializeShowMessage() { #region Messages var ActiveMessages = new List<TextField>(); var ShowMessageNow = default(Action<string, Action>); ShowMessageNow = (MessageText, Done) => { var p = new TextField { textColor = 0x0, background = true, backgroundColor = 0xffffff, filters = new[] { new GlowFilter(0xffffff) }, autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, text = MessageText, mouseEnabled = false }; var y = DefaultControlHeight - p.height - 32; p.AddTo(ActiveMessages).AttachTo(this).MoveTo((DefaultControlWidth - p.width) / 2, DefaultControlHeight); //Sounds.snd_message.ToSoundAsset().play(); var MessagesToBeMoved = (from TheMessage in ActiveMessages select new { TheMessage, y = TheMessage.y - TheMessage.height }).ToArray(); (1000 / 24).AtInterval( t => { foreach (var i in MessagesToBeMoved) { if (i.TheMessage.y > i.y) i.TheMessage.y -= 4; } p.y -= 4; if (p.y < y) { t.stop(); if (Done != null) Done(); 500.AtDelayDo( delegate { p.alpha = 0.5; } ); 9000.AtDelayDo( () => p.RemoveFrom(ActiveMessages).FadeOutAndOrphanize(1000 / 24, 0.21) ); } } ); }; var QueuedMessages = new Queue<string>(); this.ShowMessage = Text => { if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) { QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); return; } // not busy QueuedMessages.Enqueue(Text); var NextQueuedMessages = default(Action); NextQueuedMessages = () => ShowMessageNow(QueuedMessages.Peek(), delegate { QueuedMessages.Dequeue(); if (QueuedMessages.Count > 0) NextQueuedMessages(); } ); NextQueuedMessages(); }; #endregion }