private void SendCaptureStartMessage(UserContext ctx) { var setting = new SettingData { audioSettingData = new SettingData.AudioSettingData { sampleRate = m_Recorder.WaveFormat.SampleRate, isStereo = m_Recorder.WaveFormat.Channels == 2, }, captureSettingData = new SettingData.CaptureSettingData { divisionNum = m_Capture.CaptureDivisionNum, }, }; var data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.Settings, data = setting }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); ctx.Send(json); data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.StartCapture }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); ctx.Send(json); }
/// <summary> /// HTTPサーバとWebSocketサーバの停止/切断 /// </summary> private void Disconnect() { if (m_Capture.Capturing) StopCapture(); if (m_ServerRunning) { m_ServerRunning = false; var data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.Disconnect }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); foreach (var pair in m_WebSocketClients) pair.Value.Send(json); m_WebSocketClients.Clear(); m_WebSocketServer.Stop(); this.label_ConnectionNum.Text = "0"; m_HttpServer.Close(); } Invoke(new FormDelegate(() => m_FormOverRay.Hide())); }
/// <summary> /// 画面キャプチャ(音声録音)の停止 /// </summary> private void StopCapture() { foreach (var pair in m_WebSocketClients) { var data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.StopCapture }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); pair.Value.Send(json); } m_Capture.StopAsync(); if (checkBox_sendAudio.Checked || checkBox_recordAudio.Checked) { m_Recorder.StopRecording(); } if (m_AviWriter != null) { Debug.Log("" + m_AviVideoStream.FramesWritten); m_AviWriter.Close(); m_AviWriter = null; m_AviVideoStream = null; m_AviAudioStream = null; } }
public Form_tcp() { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(Settings.Default.SpecificCulture); InitializeComponent(); try { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(Batch_FirewallAdd); info.UseShellExecute = true; info.Verb = "runas"; var p = Process.Start(info); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.BatchNotFound + "\n\"" + Batch_FirewallAdd + "\"", Resources.CaptionError); Debug.Log(ex.Message + Batch_FirewallAdd); } catch { MessageBox.Show(Resources.BatchFailed + "\n\"" + Batch_FirewallAdd + "\"", Resources.CaptionError); } Application.ApplicationExit += (s, e) => { try { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(Batch_FirewallDelete); info.UseShellExecute = true; info.Verb = "runas"; var p = Process.Start(info); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.BatchNotFound + "\n\"" + Batch_FirewallDelete + "\"", Resources.CaptionError); Debug.Log(ex.Message); } catch { MessageBox.Show(Resources.BatchFailed + "\n\"" + Batch_FirewallDelete + "\"", Resources.CaptionError); } Debug.Log("Application Exit"); }; ReloadRunningProcesses(); ReloadWaveInDevices(); IPHostEntry ipentry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (IPAddress ip in ipentry.AddressList) { if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { textBox_ip.Text = ip.ToString(); break; } } var codecs = Mpeg4VideoEncoderVcm.GetAvailableCodecs(); foreach (var codec in codecs) { comboBox_videoCodec.Items.Add(codec.Name); } comboBox_audioQuality.SelectedIndex = 1; comboBox_captureScale.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox_divisionNumber.SelectedIndex = 2; comboBox_videoCodec.SelectedIndex = 0; m_FormCapture.Selected += (rect) => { m_CaptureBounds = rect; m_FormCapture.Hide(); m_FormOverRay.CaptureBounds = rect; if (checkBox_showOverRayForm.Checked) m_FormOverRay.Show(); }; m_Capture.SegmentCaptured += (s, data) => { var frameHeader = new FrameHeader { type = BufferType.FrameBuffer, segmentIndex = (byte)data.segmentIdx, }; var headerBuffer = ByteUtils.GetBytesFromStructure(frameHeader); var buffer = ByteUtils.Concatenation(headerBuffer, data.encodedFrameBuffer); if (m_WebSocketClients.ContainsKey(0)) { //Debug.Log("send"); m_WebSocketClients[0].Send(buffer); } m_LatestIntraFrameBuffer[data.segmentIdx] = (byte[])buffer.Clone(); }; m_Capture.Captured += (s, data) => { if (m_AviVideoStream == null) return; var buf = ByteUtils.GetBytesFromPtr(data.captureData, data.captureSize.Width * data.captureSize.Height * 4); try { m_AviVideoStream.WriteFrame(true, buf, 0, buf.Length); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Captured Exception: " + e.Message); } }; m_Capture.Error += (s, ex) => { label_message.Text = Resources.CaptureError + " : " + ex.Message; }; //m_Recorder.BufferMilliseconds = 100; m_Recorder.DataAvailable += (s, we) => { var normalizedSampleBuffer = new byte[we.BytesRecorded / 2 * 4]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < we.BytesRecorded; i += 2) { short sample = (short)((we.Buffer[i + 1] << 8) | we.Buffer[i + 0]); float s32 = sample / 32768f; var sampleByte = BitConverter.GetBytes(s32); normalizedSampleBuffer[j++] = sampleByte[0]; normalizedSampleBuffer[j++] = sampleByte[1]; normalizedSampleBuffer[j++] = sampleByte[2]; normalizedSampleBuffer[j++] = sampleByte[3]; } var frameHeader = new AudioHeader { type = BufferType.AudioBuffer, }; var headerBuffer = ByteUtils.GetBytesFromStructure(frameHeader); var buffer = ByteUtils.Concatenation(headerBuffer, normalizedSampleBuffer); if (checkBox_sendAudio.Checked) { if (m_WebSocketClients.ContainsKey(0)) { m_WebSocketClients[0].Send(buffer); } } if (m_AviAudioStream == null || (m_AviVideoStream != null && m_AviVideoStream.FramesWritten == 0)) return; try { m_AviAudioStream.WriteBlock(we.Buffer, 0, we.BytesRecorded); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Audio Recorded Exception: " + e.Message); } }; m_WebSocketServer = new Alchemy.WebSocketServer(Settings.Default.Port_WebSocket) { OnConnected = (ctx) => { if (!m_ServerRunning) return; lock (m_WebSocketServer) { int id = m_WebSocketClients.Count, parentId; UserContext parent; MessageData data; string json; Debug.Log("User Connected: id = " + id); try { try { parentId = m_WebSocketClients.GetParentKey(id); parent = m_WebSocketClients[parentId]; } catch { parentId = -1; parent = null; } data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.Connected, id = id, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); m_WebSocketClients[id] = ctx; m_WebSocketClients[id].Send(json); if (m_Capture.Capturing) { SendCaptureStartMessage(m_WebSocketClients[id]); /* if (parent == null) { foreach (var buffer in m_LatestIntraFrameBuffer) m_WebSocketClients[id].Send(buffer); } * */ } if (parent != null) { data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.PeerConnection, targetId = id, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); parent.Send(json); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Connected Error : " + e.Message); } ctx.MaxFrameSize = 0x80000; } Invoke(new FormDelegate(() => { this.label_ConnectionNum.Text = "" + m_WebSocketClients.Count; })); }, OnDisconnect = (ctx) => { if (!m_ServerRunning) return; lock (m_WebSocketServer) { int rmId, updatedId, rmParentId, lastId, lastParentId; int[] rmChildrenId; UserContext rm, updated, rmParent, last, lastParent; UserContext[] rmChildren; MessageData data; string json; rm = ctx; try { rmId = m_WebSocketClients.TryGetKey(rm); } catch { Debug.Log("Disconnect: Can't find User"); return; } try { rmParentId = m_WebSocketClients.GetParentKey(rmId); rmParent = m_WebSocketClients[rmParentId]; } catch { rmParentId = -1; rmParent = null; } lastId = m_WebSocketClients.GetLastKey(); last = m_WebSocketClients[lastId]; try { lastParentId = m_WebSocketClients.GetParentKey(lastId); lastParent = m_WebSocketClients[lastParentId]; } catch { lastParentId = -1; lastParent = null; } rmChildrenId = m_WebSocketClients.GetChildrenKey(rmId); rmChildren = m_WebSocketClients.GetValues(rmChildrenId); try { if (rmParent != null) { data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.RemoveOffer, id = rmId, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); rmParent.Send(json); } if (lastId == rmId) { m_WebSocketClients.Remove(lastId); Debug.Log("RemoveID = LastID"); return; } data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.RemoveAnswer, id = rmId, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); foreach (var child in rmChildren) { child.Send(json); } if (lastParentId != rmId) { data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.RemoveOffer, id = lastId }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); lastParent.Send(json); } data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.RemoveAnswer, id = lastParentId, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); last.Send(json); m_WebSocketClients[rmId] = m_WebSocketClients[lastId]; m_WebSocketClients.Remove(lastId); updatedId = rmId; updated = m_WebSocketClients[rmId]; data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.UpdateID, id = rmId, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); updated.Send(json); if (rmParent != null) { data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.PeerConnection, targetId = updatedId, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); rmParent.Send(json); } foreach (var cId in rmChildrenId) { data = new MessageData { type = MessageData.Type.PeerConnection, targetId = cId, }; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); updated.Send(json); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Disconnected Error : " + e.Message); } finally { Debug.Log("User Disconnected: id = " + rmId); Invoke(new FormDelegate(() => { this.label_ConnectionNum.Text = "" + m_WebSocketClients.Count; })); } } }, OnReceive = (ctx) => { if (!m_ServerRunning) return; lock (m_WebSocketServer) { try { var json = ctx.DataFrame.ToString(); var recv = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MessageData>(json); try { var dest = m_WebSocketClients[recv.targetId]; if (dest != null) { dest.Send(json); Debug.Log("Relay '" + recv.type + "' from id:" + + " to id: " + recv.targetId); } else { Debug.Log("Failed to Relay Message: id = " + recv.targetId); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Receive Error : " + e.Message); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Receive Error : " + e.Message); } } }, TimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), }; }