コード例 #1
        public void CancelDownloads()
            // choose target files to download
            var url = "http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20061001.gif";
            //			var url = "http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/55.html";
            var parser = new ComicParser (url);
            var urlGen = parser.GetUrlGenerator () as DateGenerator;
            urlGen.Days = DateGenerator.EveryDay;
            var urls = urlGen.Get (0, 20);

            foreach (var x in urls) {
                Console.WriteLine (x);

            using (var repo = new Repository ()) {

                // set the gate
                AutoResetEvent auto = new AutoResetEvent (false);

                int num = 0;

                // event handler to count number of async downloads
                repo.DownloadFileCompleted += delegate(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) {
                    num += 1;
                    // here we set the canceller
                    if (num == 5) {
                        repo.CancelDownloads ();
                        auto.Set ();

                // event handler allows program to progress (in case of cancel failure)
                repo.MultipleDownloadsCompleted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                    auto.Set ();

                // begin the download and block
                repo.Download (urls);
                auto.WaitOne ();

                // check that it worked
                Assert.AreEqual (5, repo.Files.Count);
コード例 #2
        public void RunTask()
            if (!readyToGo) {
                throw new ArgumentException ("Not ready to go!");
            } else {
                if (TaskStarted != null) {
                    TaskStarted.Invoke (this, new EventArgs ());

            Active = true;

            Status = "Analyzing source";

            var urlGen = SetupTask ();

            var urls = urlGen.Get (0, NumberToDownload);

            using (repo = new Repository ()) {

                // pass on the events
                repo.DownloadFileCompleted += OnSingleDownloadCompleted;

                repo.DownloadProgressChanged += OnDownloadProgressChanged;

                repo.MultipleDownloadsCompleted += OnMultipleDownloadsCompleted;

                // set number downloaded to zero
                NumberDownloaded = 0;

                // begin (blocks)
                repo.Download (urls);
                // repo.Active is set and unset automatically
コード例 #3
        string TestOneDownload(Repository repo, string imgUrl)
            // do download
            repo.DownloadFileCompleted += delegate(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) {
                auto.Set ();

            bool downloadStartedEvent = false;
            repo.DownloadStarted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                downloadStartedEvent = true;

            repo.Download (imgUrl);


            // check on Files dict
            Assert.AreEqual (1, repo.Files.Count, "Only one entry in Files");
            var fileUrl = Path.Combine (repo.Location, "00001.gif");
            Assert.IsTrue (repo.Files.Contains (new KeyValuePair<string,string> (imgUrl, fileUrl)), "Files contains this entry");
            Assert.AreEqual (imgUrl, repo.CurrentlyDownloadingUrl);

            // wait for auto
            auto.WaitOne ();
            Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (fileUrl), "File exists");
            Assert.AreEqual (26823, (new FileInfo (fileUrl)).Length, "File is correct size");
            return fileUrl;
コード例 #4
        public void DownloadMany()
            // choose target files to download
            var url = "http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20061001.gif";
            //			var url = "http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/55.html";
            var parser = new ComicParser (url);
            var urlGen = parser.GetUrlGenerator () as DateGenerator;
            urlGen.Days = DateGenerator.EveryDay;
            var urls = urlGen.Get (0, 20);

            foreach (var x in urls) {
                Console.WriteLine (x);

            var numComics = urls.Where<string> (x => x != String.Empty).Count ();

            using (var repo = new Repository ()) {

                // set the gate
                AutoResetEvent auto = new AutoResetEvent (false);

                // event handler allows program to progress
                repo.MultipleDownloadsCompleted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                    auto.Set ();

                // begin the download and block
                repo.Download (urls);
            //				auto.WaitOne ();

                // check that it worked
                Assert.AreEqual (numComics, repo.Files.Count);