コード例 #1
ファイル: ASDocumentation.cs プロジェクト: zpLin/flashdevelop
 static public bool OnChar(ScintillaControl Sci, int Value, int position, int style)
     if (style == 3 || style == 124)
         switch (Value)
             // documentation tag
             case '@':
                 return HandleDocTagCompletion(Sci);
             // documentation bloc
             case '*':
                 if ((position > 2) && (Sci.CharAt(position-3) == '/') && (Sci.CharAt(position-2) == '*')
                     && ((position == 3) || (Sci.BaseStyleAt(position-4) != 3)))
                 HandleBoxCompletion(Sci, position);
     return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: PluginMain.cs プロジェクト: JoeRobich/flashdevelop
 private void OnUpdateCallTip(ScintillaControl sci, int position)
     if (ASComplete.HasCalltip())
         int pos = sci.CurrentPos - 1;
         char c = (char)sci.CharAt(pos);
         if ((c == ',' || c == '(') && sci.BaseStyleAt(pos) == 0)
             sci.Colourise(0, -1);
         ASComplete.HandleFunctionCompletion(sci, false, true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PluginMain.cs プロジェクト: JoeRobich/flashdevelop
        private void OnMouseHover(ScintillaControl sci, int position)
            if (!ASContext.Context.IsFileValid)

            lastHoverPosition = position;

            // get word at mouse position
            int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(position);
            if (!ASComplete.IsTextStyle(style))
            position = sci.WordEndPosition(position, true);
            ASResult result = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(sci, position);

            // set tooltip
            if (!result.IsNull())
                string text = ASComplete.GetToolTipText(result);
                if (text == null) return;
                // show tooltip
コード例 #4
ファイル: ASGenerator.cs プロジェクト: JoeRobich/flashdevelop
        public static void ContextualGenerator(ScintillaControl Sci, List<ICompletionListItem> options)
            if (ASContext.Context is ASContext) (ASContext.Context as ASContext).UpdateCurrentFile(false); // update model
            if ((ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.Flags & (FlagType.Enum | FlagType.TypeDef)) > 0) return;

            lookupPosition = -1;
            int position = Sci.CurrentPos;
            int style = Sci.BaseStyleAt(position);
            if (style == 19) // on keyword

            bool isNotInterface = (ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.Flags & FlagType.Interface) == 0;
            int line = Sci.LineFromPosition(position);
            contextToken = Sci.GetWordFromPosition(position);
            contextMatch = null;

            FoundDeclaration found = GetDeclarationAtLine(Sci, line);
            string text = Sci.GetLine(line);
            bool suggestItemDeclaration = false;

            if (isNotInterface && ASComplete.IsLiteralStyle(style))
                ShowConvertToConst(found, options);

            ASResult resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, Sci.WordEndPosition(position, true));
            contextResolved = resolve;
            // ignore automatic vars (MovieClip members)
            if (isNotInterface
                && resolve.Member != null
                && (((resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.AutomaticVar) > 0) || (resolve.InClass != null && resolve.InClass.QualifiedName == "Object")))
                resolve.Member = null;
                resolve.Type = null;

            if (isNotInterface && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass && contextToken != null)
                if (resolve.Member == null && resolve.Type != null
                    && (resolve.Type.Flags & FlagType.Interface) > 0) // implement interface
                    contextParam = resolve.Type.Type;
                    ShowImplementInterface(found, options);

                if (resolve.Member != null && !ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.IsVoid()
                    && (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.LocalVar) > 0) // promote to class var
                    contextMember = resolve.Member;
                    ShowPromoteLocalAndAddParameter(found, options);
            if (contextToken != null && resolve.Member == null) // import declaration
                if ((resolve.Type == null || resolve.Type.IsVoid() || !ASContext.Context.IsImported(resolve.Type, line)) && CheckAutoImport(found, options)) return;
                if (resolve.Type == null)
                    suggestItemDeclaration = ASComplete.IsTextStyle(Sci.BaseStyleAt(position - 1));

            if (isNotInterface && found.member != null)
                // private var -> property
                if ((found.member.Flags & FlagType.Variable) > 0 && (found.member.Flags & FlagType.LocalVar) == 0)
                    // maybe we just want to import the member's non-imported type
                    Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternVarDecl, found.member.Name, contextToken));
                    if (m.Success)
                        contextMatch = m;
                        ClassModel type = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(contextToken, ASContext.Context.CurrentModel);
                        if (type.IsVoid() && CheckAutoImport(found, options))
                    ShowGetSetList(found, options);
                // inside a function
                else if ((found.member.Flags & (FlagType.Function | FlagType.Getter | FlagType.Setter)) > 0
                    && resolve.Member == null && resolve.Type == null)
                    if (contextToken != null)
                        // "generate event handlers" suggestion
                        string re = String.Format(patternEvent, contextToken);
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, re, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                            contextParam = CheckEventType(m.Groups["event"].Value);
                            ShowEventList(found, options);
                        m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternAS2Delegate, contextToken), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                            ShowDelegateList(found, options);
                        // suggest delegate
                        if (ASContext.Context.Features.hasDelegates)
                            m = Regex.Match(text, @"([a-z0-9_.]+)\s*\+=\s*" + contextToken, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            if (m.Success)
                                int offset = Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.LineFromPosition(position))
                                    + m.Groups[1].Index + m.Groups[1].Length;
                                resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, offset);
                                if (resolve.Member != null)
                                    contextMember = ResolveDelegate(resolve.Member.Type, resolve.InFile);
                                contextMatch = m;
                                ShowDelegateList(found, options);
                        // insert a default handler name, then "generate event handlers" suggestion
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternEvent, ""), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        if (m.Success)
                            int regexIndex = m.Index + Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.CurrentLine);
                            GenerateDefaultHandlerName(Sci, position, regexIndex, m.Groups["event"].Value, true);
                            resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, Sci.CurrentPos);
                            if (resolve.Member == null || (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.AutomaticVar) > 0)
                                contextMatch = m;
                                contextParam = CheckEventType(m.Groups["event"].Value);
                                ShowEventList(found, options);

                        // insert default delegate name, then "generate delegate" suggestion
                        if (ASContext.Context.Features.hasDelegates)
                            m = Regex.Match(text, @"([a-z0-9_.]+)\s*\+=\s*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            if (m.Success)
                                int offset = Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.LineFromPosition(position))
                                        + m.Groups[1].Index + m.Groups[1].Length;
                                resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, offset);
                                if (resolve.Member != null)
                                    contextMember = ResolveDelegate(resolve.Member.Type, resolve.InFile);
                                    string delegateName = resolve.Member.Name;
                                    if (delegateName.StartsWithOrdinal("on")) delegateName = delegateName.Substring(2);
                                    GenerateDefaultHandlerName(Sci, position, offset, delegateName, false);
                                    resolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, Sci.CurrentPos);
                                    if (resolve.Member == null || (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.AutomaticVar) > 0)
                                        contextMatch = m;
                                        ShowDelegateList(found, options);

                // "Generate fields from parameters" suggestion
                if (found.member != null
                    && (found.member.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0
                    && found.member.Parameters != null && (found.member.Parameters.Count > 0)
                    && resolve.Member != null && (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.ParameterVar) > 0)
                    contextMember = resolve.Member;
                    ShowFieldFromParameter(found, options);

                // "add to interface" suggestion
                if (resolve.Member != null
                    && resolve.Member.Name == found.member.Name
                    && line == found.member.LineFrom
                    && ((found.member.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0 
                            || (found.member.Flags & FlagType.Getter) > 0
                            || (found.member.Flags & FlagType.Setter) > 0)
                    && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass
                    && found.inClass.Implements != null
                    && found.inClass.Implements.Count > 0)
                    string funcName = found.member.Name;
                    FlagType flags = found.member.Flags & ~FlagType.Access;
                    List<string> interfaces = new List<string>();
                    foreach (string interf in found.inClass.Implements)
                        bool skip = false;
                        ClassModel cm = ASContext.Context.ResolveType(interf, ASContext.Context.CurrentModel);
                        foreach (MemberModel m in cm.Members)
                            if (m.Name.Equals(funcName) && m.Flags.Equals(flags))
                                skip = true;
                        if (!skip)
                    if (interfaces.Count > 0)
                        ShowAddInterfaceDefList(found, interfaces, options);

                // "assign var to statement" suggestion
                int curLine = Sci.CurrentLine;
                string ln = Sci.GetLine(curLine).TrimEnd();
                if (ln.Length > 0 && ln.IndexOf('=') == -1 
                    && ln.Length <= Sci.CurrentPos - Sci.PositionFromLine(curLine)) // cursor at end of line
                    ShowAssignStatementToVarList(found, options);
            // suggest generate constructor / toString
            if (isNotInterface && found.member == null && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass && contextToken == null)
                bool hasConstructor = false;
                bool hasToString = false;
                foreach (MemberModel m in ASContext.Context.CurrentClass.Members)
                    if (!hasConstructor && (m.Flags & FlagType.Constructor) > 0)
                        hasConstructor = true;

                    if (!hasToString && (m.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0 && m.Name.Equals("toString"))
                        hasToString = true;

                if (!hasConstructor || !hasToString)
                    ShowConstructorAndToStringList(found, hasConstructor, hasToString, options);

            if (isNotInterface 
                && resolve.Member != null
                && resolve.Type != null
                && resolve.Type.QualifiedName == ASContext.Context.Features.stringKey
                && found.inClass != ClassModel.VoidClass)
                int lineStartPos = Sci.PositionFromLine(Sci.CurrentLine);
                string lineStart = text.Substring(0, Sci.CurrentPos - lineStartPos);
                Match m = Regex.Match(lineStart, String.Format(@"new\s+(?<event>\w+)\s*\(\s*\w+", lineStart));
                if (m.Success)
                    Group g = m.Groups["event"];
                    ASResult eventResolve = ASComplete.GetExpressionType(Sci, lineStartPos + g.Index + g.Length);
                    if (eventResolve != null && eventResolve.Type != null)
                        ClassModel aType = eventResolve.Type;
                        while (!aType.IsVoid() && aType.QualifiedName != "Object")
                            if (aType.QualifiedName == "flash.events.Event")
                                contextParam = eventResolve.Type.QualifiedName;
                                ShowEventMetatagList(found, options);
                            aType = aType.Extends;
            // suggest declaration
            if (contextToken != null)
                if (suggestItemDeclaration)
                    Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternClass, contextToken));
                    if (m.Success)
                        contextMatch = m;
                        ShowNewClassList(found, options);
                    else if (!found.inClass.IsVoid())
                        m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternMethod, contextToken));
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                            ShowNewMethodList(found, options);
                        else ShowNewVarList(found, options);
                    if (resolve != null
                        && resolve.InClass != null
                        && resolve.InClass.InFile != null
                        && resolve.Member != null
                        && (resolve.Member.Flags & FlagType.Function) > 0
                        && File.Exists(resolve.InClass.InFile.FileName)
                        && !resolve.InClass.InFile.FileName.StartsWithOrdinal(PathHelper.AppDir))
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternMethodDecl, contextToken));
                        Match m2 = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternMethod, contextToken));
                        if (!m.Success && m2.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                            ShowChangeMethodDeclList(found, options);
                    else if (resolve != null
                        && resolve.Type != null
                        && resolve.Type.InFile != null
                        && resolve.RelClass != null
                        && File.Exists(resolve.Type.InFile.FileName)
                        && !resolve.Type.InFile.FileName.StartsWithOrdinal(PathHelper.AppDir))
                        Match m = Regex.Match(text, String.Format(patternClass, contextToken));
                        if (m.Success)
                            contextMatch = m;
                            ShowChangeConstructorDeclList(found, options);
            // TODO: Empty line, show generators list? yep
コード例 #5
ファイル: ASGenerator.cs プロジェクト: JoeRobich/flashdevelop
        private static void ConvertToConst(ClassModel inClass, ScintillaControl sci, MemberModel member, bool detach)
            String suggestion = "NEW_CONST";
            String label = TextHelper.GetString("ASCompletion.Label.ConstName");
            String title = TextHelper.GetString("ASCompletion.Title.ConvertToConst");

            Hashtable info = new Hashtable();
            info["suggestion"] = suggestion;
            info["label"] = label;
            info["title"] = title;
            DataEvent de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "ProjectManager.LineEntryDialog", info);
            EventManager.DispatchEvent(null, de);
            if (!de.Handled)
            suggestion = (string)info["suggestion"];

            int position = sci.CurrentPos;
            int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(position);
            MemberModel latest = null;

            int wordPosEnd = position + 1;
            int wordPosStart = position;

            while (sci.BaseStyleAt(wordPosEnd) == style) wordPosEnd++;
            while (sci.BaseStyleAt(wordPosStart - 1) == style) wordPosStart--;
            sci.SetSel(wordPosStart, wordPosEnd);
            string word = sci.SelText;
            if (member == null)
                detach = false;
                lookupPosition = -1;
                position = sci.WordStartPosition(sci.CurrentPos, true);
                sci.SetSel(position, sci.WordEndPosition(position, true));
                latest = GetLatestMemberForVariable(GeneratorJobType.Constant, inClass, 
                    Visibility.Private, new MemberModel("", "", FlagType.Static, 0));
                if (latest != null)
                    position = FindNewVarPosition(sci, inClass, latest);
                    position = GetBodyStart(inClass.LineFrom, inClass.LineTo, sci);
                    detach = false;
                if (position <= 0) return;
                sci.SetSel(position, position);

            MemberModel m = NewMember(suggestion, member, FlagType.Variable | FlagType.Constant | FlagType.Static, GetDefaultVisibility(inClass));

            var features = ASContext.Context.Features;

            switch (style)
                case 4:
                    m.Type = features.numberKey;
                case 6:
                case 7:
                    m.Type = features.stringKey;

            m.Value = word;
            GenerateVariable(m, position, detach);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ASGenerator.cs プロジェクト: JoeRobich/flashdevelop
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the start position of a code block, delimited by { and }
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineFrom">The line inside the Scintilla document where the owner member of the body starts</param>
        /// <param name="lineTo">The line inside the Scintilla document where the owner member of the body ends</param>
        /// <param name="sci">The Scintilla control containing the document</param>
        /// <param name="needsPointOfInsertion">If true looks for the position to add new code, inserting new lines if needed</param>
        /// <returns>The position inside the Scintilla document, or -1 if not suitable position was found</returns>
        public static int GetBodyStart(int lineFrom, int lineTo, ScintillaControl sci, bool needsPointOfInsertion)
            int posStart = sci.PositionFromLine(lineFrom);
            int posEnd = sci.LineEndPosition(lineTo);

            int funcBodyStart = -1;

            int genCount = 0;
            for (int i = posStart; i <= posEnd; i++)
                char c = (char)sci.CharAt(i);

                if (c == '{')
                    int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(i);
                    if (ASComplete.IsCommentStyle(style) || ASComplete.IsLiteralStyle(style) || genCount > 0)
                    funcBodyStart = i;
                else if (c == '<')
                    int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(i);
                    if (style == 10)
                else if (c == '>')
                    int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(i);
                    if (style == 10)

            if (funcBodyStart == -1)
                return -1;

            if (needsPointOfInsertion)
                int ln = sci.LineFromPosition(funcBodyStart);

                return GetOrSetPointOfInsertion(funcBodyStart, posEnd, ln, sci);

            return funcBodyStart + 1;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the xml context tag
        /// </summary> 
        public static XMLContextTag GetXMLContextTag(ScintillaControl sci, Int32 position)
            XMLContextTag xtag = new XMLContextTag();
            if ((position == 0) || (sci == null)) return xtag;
            string tag = "";
            //Char c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position);
            //tag += c;
            Char c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position);
            tag = c + tag;
            bool inComment = false;
            bool inCDATA = false;
            while (position > 0)
                c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position);
                tag = c + tag;

                if (tag == "]]>") inCDATA = true;
                else if (tag == "-->") inComment = true;
                if (c == '<')
                    if ((inComment && !tag.StartsWith("<!--"))
                        || (inCDATA && !tag.StartsWith("<![CDATA[")))

                if (inCDATA || inComment) continue;
                if (c == '>')
                    xtag.Position = position + 1;
                    return xtag;
                else if (c == '{' && sci.BaseStyleAt(position) != 6 /*XML attribute value*/)
                    // code probably not inside a tag: most likely style or script tag without CDATA or comment
                    return xtag;
            xtag.Position = position;
            xtag.Tag = tag;
            Match mTag = tagName.Match(tag + " ");
            if (mTag.Success)
                xtag.Name = mTag.Groups["name"].Value;
                xtag.Closing = tag[1] == '/';
                xtag.Closed = tag.EndsWith("/>") || tag.EndsWith("-->");
                if (xtag.Name.IndexOf(':') > 0)
                    xtag.NameSpace = xtag.Name.Substring(0, xtag.Name.IndexOf(':'));
            else if (tag.StartsWith("<!--"))
                xtag.Name = "!--";
                xtag.Closed = tag.EndsWith("-->");
            else if (tag.StartsWith("<![CDATA["))
                xtag.Name = "![CDATA[";
                xtag.Closed = tag.EndsWith("]]>");
            return xtag;
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a line is in preprocessor block
 /// </summary>
 public bool LineIsInPreprocessor(ScintillaControl sci, int lexerPpStyle, int line)
     bool ppEnd = false;
     bool ppStart = false;
     int foldHeader = (int)ScintillaNet.Enums.FoldLevel.HeaderFlag;
     for (var i = line; i > 0; i--)
         int pos = sci.PositionFromLine(i);
         int ind = sci.GetLineIndentation(i);
         int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(pos + ind);
         if (style == lexerPpStyle)
             int fold = sci.GetFoldLevel(i) & foldHeader;
             if (fold == foldHeader) ppStart = true;
     for (var i = line; i < sci.LineCount; i++)
         int pos = sci.PositionFromLine(i);
         int ind = sci.GetLineIndentation(i);
         int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(pos + ind);
         if (style == lexerPpStyle)
             int fold = sci.GetFoldLevel(i) & foldHeader;
             if (fold != foldHeader) ppEnd = true;
     if (ppStart && ppEnd) return true;
     else return false;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the incoming character
        /// </summary> 
        public static void OnChar(ScintillaControl sci, Int32 value)
            if (cType == XMLType.Invalid || (sci.ConfigurationLanguage != "xml" && sci.ConfigurationLanguage != "html")) 
            XMLContextTag ctag;
            Int32 position = sci.CurrentPos;
            if (sci.BaseStyleAt(position) == 6 && value != '"')
                return; // in XML attribute

            Char c = ' ';
            DataEvent de;
            switch (value)
                case 10:
                    // Shift+Enter to insert <BR/>
                    Int32 line = sci.LineFromPosition(position);
                    if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
                        ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                        if (ctag.Tag == null || ctag.Tag.EndsWith(">"))
                            int start = sci.PositionFromLine(line)-((sci.EOLMode == 0)? 2:1);
                            sci.SetSel(start, position);
                            sci.ReplaceSel((PluginSettings.UpperCaseHtmlTags) ? "<BR/>" : "<br/>");
                            sci.SetSel(start+5, start+5);
                    if (PluginSettings.SmartIndenter)
                        // There is no standard for XML formatting, although most IDEs have similarities. We are mostly going with Visual Studio style with slight differences.
                        // Get last non-empty line.
                        String text = "";
                        Int32 line2 = line - 1;
                        while (line2 >= 0 && text.Length == 0)
                            text = sci.GetLine(line2).TrimEnd();
                        if ((text.EndsWith(">") && !text.EndsWith("?>") && !text.EndsWith("%>")) || text.EndsWith("<!--") || text.EndsWith("<![CDATA["))
                            // Get the previous tag.
                                c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position);
                            while (position > 0 && c != '>');
                            ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, c == '>' ? position + 1 : position);
                            // Line indentation.
                            Int32 indent = sci.GetLineIndentation(line2 + 1);

                            String checkStart = null;
                            bool subIndent = true;
                            if (text.EndsWith("<!--")) { checkStart = "-->"; subIndent = false; }
                            else if (text.EndsWith("<![CDATA[")) { checkStart = "]]>"; subIndent = false; }
                            else if (ctag.Closed || ctag.Closing)
                                //Closed tag. Look for the nearest open and not closed tag for proper indentation
                                subIndent = false;
                                if (ctag.Name != null)
                                    var tmpTags = new Stack<XMLContextTag>();
                                    var tmpTag = ctag;

                                    if (!tmpTag.Closed) tmpTags.Push(tmpTag);
                                    while (tmpTag.Position != 0)
                                        tmpTag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, tmpTag.Position);
                                        if (tmpTag.Tag != null && tmpTag.Name != null)
                                            if (tmpTag.Closed) 
                                            else if (tmpTag.Closing)
                                                if (tmpTags.Count > 0 && tmpTags.Peek().Name == tmpTag.Name)
                                    if (tmpTags.Count > 0)
                                        indent = sci.GetLineIndentation(sci.LineFromPosition(tmpTags.Pop().Position));
                                    else if (tmpTag.Name != null)
                                        subIndent = true;
                                        checkStart = "</" + tmpTag.Name;
                                        indent = sci.GetLineIndentation(sci.LineFromPosition(tmpTag.Position));
                                        indent = sci.GetLineIndentation(sci.LineFromPosition(tmpTag.Position));
                            else if (ctag.Name != null)
                                // Indentation. Some IDEs use the tag position, VS uses the tag start line indentation. 
                                indent = sci.GetLineIndentation(sci.LineFromPosition(ctag.Position));
                                checkStart = "</" + ctag.Name;
                                if (ctag.Name.ToLower() == "script" || ctag.Name.ToLower() == "style") 
                                    subIndent = false;
                                if (checkStart != null)
                                    text = sci.GetLine(line).TrimStart();
                                    if (text.StartsWith(checkStart))
                                        sci.SetLineIndentation(line, indent);
                                        sci.InsertText(sci.PositionFromLine(line), LineEndDetector.GetNewLineMarker(sci.EOLMode));
                                // Indent the code
                                if (subIndent) indent += sci.Indent;
                                sci.SetLineIndentation(line, indent);
                                position = sci.LineIndentPosition(line);
                                sci.SetSel(position, position);
                            finally { sci.EndUndoAction(); }
                        else if (!text.EndsWith(">"))
                            ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, sci.CurrentPos);
                            if (ctag.Tag == null || ctag.Name == null) return;
                            // We're inside a tag. Visual Studio indents with regards to the first line, other IDEs indent using the indentation of the last line with text.
                            int indent;
                            string tag = (ctag.Tag.IndexOf('\r') > 0 || ctag.Tag.IndexOf('\n') > 0) ? ctag.Tag.Substring(0, ctag.Tag.IndexOfAny(new[] {'\r', '\n'})).TrimEnd() : ctag.Tag.TrimEnd();
                            if (tag.EndsWith("\""))
                                int i;
                                int l = tag.Length;
                                for (i = ctag.Name.Length + 1; i < l; i++)
                                    if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(tag[i]))
                                indent = sci.Column(ctag.Position) + sci.MBSafePosition(i);
                                indent = sci.GetLineIndentation(sci.LineFromPosition(ctag.Position)) + sci.Indent;

                            sci.SetLineIndentation(line, indent);
                            position = sci.LineIndentPosition(line);
                            sci.SetSel(position, position);
                case '<':
                case '/':
                    if (value == '/')
                        if ((position < 2) || ((Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) != '<')) return;
                        ctag = new XMLContextTag();
                        ctag.Position = position - 2;
                        ctag.Closing = true;
                        ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                        if (ctag.Tag != null) return;
                    // Allow another plugin to handle this
                    de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.Element", ctag);
                    EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                    if (de.Handled) return;

                    // New tag
                    if (PluginSettings.EnableXMLCompletion && cType == XMLType.Known)
                        List<ICompletionListItem> items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
                        String previous = null;
                        foreach (string ns in namespaces)
                            items.Add(new NamespaceItem(ns));
                        foreach (HTMLTag tag in knownTags) 
                            if (tag.Name != previous && (tag.NS == "" || tag.NS == defaultNS)) 
                                items.Add( new HtmlTagItem(tag.Name, tag.Tag));
                                previous = tag.Name;
                        items.Sort(new ListItemComparer());
                        CompletionList.Show(items, true);

                case ':':
                    ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                    if (ctag.NameSpace == null || position - ctag.Position > ctag.Name.Length + 2) return;
                    // Allow another plugin to handle this
                    de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.Namespace", ctag);
                    EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                    if (de.Handled) return;

                    // Show namespace's tags
                    if (PluginSettings.EnableXMLCompletion && cType == XMLType.Known)
                        List<ICompletionListItem> items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
                        String previous = null;
                        foreach (HTMLTag tag in knownTags)
                            if (tag.Name != previous && tag.NS == ctag.NameSpace)
                                items.Add(new HtmlTagItem(tag.Name, tag.Name));
                                previous = tag.Name;
                        CompletionList.Show(items, true);

                case '>':
                    if (PluginSettings.CloseTags)
                        ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                        if (ctag.Name != null && !ctag.Closed)
                            // Allow another plugin to handle this
                            de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.CloseElement", ctag);
                            EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                            if (de.Handled) return;

                            if (ctag.Closing) return;

                            Boolean isLeaf = false;
                            if (cType == XMLType.Known)
                            foreach(HTMLTag tag in knownTags)
                                if (String.Compare(tag.Tag, ctag.Name, true) == 0)
                                    isLeaf = tag.IsLeaf;
                            if (isLeaf)
                                sci.SetSel(position+1, position+1);
                                String closeTag = "</"+ctag.Name+">";
                                sci.SetSel(position, position);
                case ' ':
                    c = (char)sci.CharAt(position);
                    if (c > 32 && c != '/' && c != '>' && c != '<') return;
                    ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                    if (ctag.Tag != null)
                        if (InQuotes(ctag.Tag) || ctag.Tag.LastIndexOf('"') < ctag.Tag.LastIndexOf('=')) return;
                        // Allow another plugin to handle this
                        Object[] obj = new Object[] { ctag, "" };
                        de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.Attribute", obj);
                        EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                        if (de.Handled) return;
                        if (PluginSettings.EnableXMLCompletion && cType == XMLType.Known)
                            foreach (HTMLTag tag in knownTags)
                                if (String.Compare(tag.Tag, ctag.Name, true) == 0)
                                    List<ICompletionListItem> items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
                                    String previous = null;
                                    foreach (String attr in tag.Attributes)
                                        if (attr != previous)
                                            items.Add(new HtmlAttributeItem(attr));
                                            previous = attr;
                                    CompletionList.Show(items, true);
                        if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
                            sci.SetSel(position - 1, position);
                case '=':
                    if (PluginSettings.InsertQuotes)
                        ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                        position = sci.CurrentPos-2;
                        if (ctag.Tag != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ctag.Name) && Char.IsLetter(ctag.Name[0]) 
                            && !InQuotes(ctag.Tag) && (GetWordLeft(sci, ref position).Length > 0))
                            position = sci.CurrentPos;
                            c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position);
                            if (c > 32 && c != '>') sci.ReplaceSel("\"\" ");
                            else sci.ReplaceSel("\"\"");
                            sci.SetSel(position+1, position+1);
                            justInsertedQuotesAt = position+1;
                            // Allow another plugin to handle this
                            de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.AttributeValue", new Object[] { ctag, string.Empty });
                            EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);

                case '"':
                    ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                    if (position > 1 && ctag.Tag != null && !ctag.Tag.StartsWith("<!"))
                        // TODO  Colorize text change to highlight what's been done
                        if (justInsertedQuotesAt == position - 1)
                            justInsertedQuotesAt = -1;
                            c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position - 2);
                            if (c == '"' && (Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) == '"')
                                sci.SetSel(position - 2, position);
                            // Allow another plugin to handle this
                            de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.AttributeValue", new Object[] {ctag, string.Empty});
                            EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                            c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position - 1);
                            if (c == '"' && (Char)sci.CharAt(position) == '"')
                                sci.SetSel(position - 1, position + 1);
                case '?':
                case '%':
                    if (PluginSettings.CloseTags && position > 1)
                        ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position-2);
                        if (ctag.Tag == null || ctag.Tag.EndsWith(">"))
                            if ((Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) == '<')
                                sci.ReplaceSel((Char)value + ">");
                                sci.SetSel(position, position);
                case '!':
                    if (PluginSettings.CloseTags && position > 1)
                        ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position-2);
                        if (ctag.Tag == null || ctag.Tag.EndsWith(">"))
                            if ((Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) == '<')
                                CompletionList.Show(xmlBlocks, true);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Add closing brace to a code block.
        /// If enabled, move the starting brace to a new line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sci"></param>
        /// <param name="txt"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        public static void AutoCloseBrace(ScintillaControl Sci, int line)
            // find matching brace
            int bracePos = Sci.LineEndPosition(line - 1) - 1;
            while ((bracePos > 0) && (Sci.CharAt(bracePos) != '{')) bracePos--;
            if (bracePos == 0 || Sci.BaseStyleAt(bracePos) != 5) return;
            int match = Sci.SafeBraceMatch(bracePos);
            int start = line;
            int indent = Sci.GetLineIndentation(start - 1);
            if (match > 0)
                int endIndent = Sci.GetLineIndentation(Sci.LineFromPosition(match));
                if (endIndent + Sci.TabWidth > indent)

            // find where to include the closing brace
            int startIndent = indent;
            int count = Sci.LineCount;
            int lastLine = line;
            int position;
            string txt = Sci.GetLine(line).Trim();
            int eolMode = Sci.EOLMode;
            string NL = LineEndDetector.GetNewLineMarker(eolMode);

            if (txt.Length > 0 && ")]};,".IndexOf(txt[0]) >= 0)
                    position = Sci.CurrentPos;
                    Sci.InsertText(position, NL + "}");
                    Sci.SetLineIndentation(line, startIndent);
                while (line < count - 1)
                    txt = Sci.GetLine(line).TrimEnd();
                    if (txt.Length != 0)
                        indent = Sci.GetLineIndentation(line);
                        if (indent <= startIndent) break;
                        lastLine = line;
                    else break;
            if (line >= count - 1) lastLine = start;

            // insert closing brace
                position = Sci.LineEndPosition(lastLine);
                Sci.InsertText(position, NL + "}");
                Sci.SetLineIndentation(lastLine + 1, startIndent);
コード例 #11
 public static bool IsInsideCommentOrString(SearchMatch match, ScintillaControl sci, bool includeComments, bool includeStrings)
     int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(match.Index);
     return includeComments && IsCommentStyle(style) || includeStrings && IsStringStyle(style);
コード例 #12
ファイル: XMLComplete.cs プロジェクト: heon21st/flashdevelop
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the incoming character
        /// </summary> 
		public static void OnChar(ScintillaControl sci, Int32 value)
            if (cType == XMLType.Invalid || (sci.ConfigurationLanguage != "xml" && sci.ConfigurationLanguage != "html")) 
			XMLContextTag ctag;
			Int32 position = sci.CurrentPos;
            if (sci.BaseStyleAt(position) == 6 && value != '"')
                return; // in XML attribute

			Char c = ' ';
            DataEvent de;
			switch (value)
				case 10:
                    // Shift+Enter to insert <BR/>
                    Int32 line = sci.LineFromPosition(position);
					if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
						ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
						if (ctag.Tag == null || ctag.Tag.EndsWith(">"))
							int start = sci.PositionFromLine(line)-((sci.EOLMode == 0)? 2:1);
							sci.SetSel(start, position);
                            sci.ReplaceSel((PluginSettings.UpperCaseHtmlTags) ? "<BR/>" : "<br/>");
							sci.SetSel(start+5, start+5);
                    if (PluginSettings.SmartIndenter)
                        // Get last non-empty line
						String text = "";
                        Int32 line2 = line - 1;
						while (line2 >= 0 && text.Length == 0)
							text = sci.GetLine(line2).TrimEnd();
						if ((text.EndsWith(">") && !text.EndsWith("?>") && !text.EndsWith("%>") && !closingTag.IsMatch(text)) || text.EndsWith("<!--") || text.EndsWith("<![CDATA["))
                            // Get the previous tag
								c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position);
							while (position > 0 && c != '>');
							ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, c == '>' ? position + 1 : position);
							if ((Char)sci.CharAt(position-1) == '/') return;
                            // Insert blank line if we pressed Enter between a tag & it's closing tag
                            Int32 indent = sci.GetLineIndentation(line2 + 1);
							String checkStart = null;
                            bool subIndent = true;
							if (text.EndsWith("<!--")) { checkStart = "-->"; subIndent = false; }
                            else if (text.EndsWith("<![CDATA[")) { checkStart = "]]>"; subIndent = false; }
                            else if (ctag.Closed) subIndent = false;
                            else if (ctag.Name != null)
                                checkStart = "</" + ctag.Name;
                                if (ctag.Name.ToLower() == "script" || ctag.Name.ToLower() == "style") 
                                    subIndent = false;
                                if (ctag.Tag.IndexOf('\r') > 0 || ctag.Tag.IndexOf('\n') > 0)
                                    subIndent = false;
							if (checkStart != null)
								text = sci.GetLine(line).TrimStart();
								if (text.StartsWith(checkStart))
									sci.SetLineIndentation(line, indent);
									sci.InsertText(sci.PositionFromLine(line), LineEndDetector.GetNewLineMarker(sci.EOLMode));
                            // Indent the code
                            if (subIndent) indent += sci.Indent;
                            sci.SetLineIndentation(line, indent);
							position = sci.LineIndentPosition(line);
							sci.SetSel(position, position);
				case '<':
				case '/':
					if (value == '/')
						if ((position < 2) || ((Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) != '<')) return;
                        ctag = new XMLContextTag();
                        ctag.Closing = true;
						ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
						if (ctag.Tag != null) return;
                    // Allow another plugin to handle this
                    de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.Element", ctag);
                    EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                    if (de.Handled) return;

                    // New tag
                    if (PluginSettings.EnableXMLCompletion && cType == XMLType.Known)
                        List<ICompletionListItem> items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
						String previous = null;
                        foreach (string ns in namespaces)
                            items.Add(new NamespaceItem(ns));
                        foreach (HTMLTag tag in knownTags) 
						    if (tag.Name != previous && (tag.NS == "" || tag.NS == defaultNS)) 
							    items.Add( new HtmlTagItem(tag.Name, tag.Tag));
							    previous = tag.Name;
                        items.Sort(new ListItemComparer());
                        CompletionList.Show(items, true);

                case ':':
                    ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                    if (ctag.NameSpace == null || position - ctag.Position > ctag.Name.Length + 2) return;
                    // Allow another plugin to handle this
                    de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.Namespace", ctag);
                    EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                    if (de.Handled) return;

                    // Show namespace's tags
                    if (PluginSettings.EnableXMLCompletion && cType == XMLType.Known)
                        List<ICompletionListItem> items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
                        String previous = null;
                        foreach (HTMLTag tag in knownTags)
                            if (tag.Name != previous && tag.NS == ctag.NameSpace)
                                items.Add(new HtmlTagItem(tag.Name, tag.Name));
                                previous = tag.Name;
                        CompletionList.Show(items, true);

				case '>':
                    if (PluginSettings.CloseTags)
						ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
						if (ctag.Name != null && !ctag.Closed)
                            // Allow another plugin to handle this
                            de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.CloseElement", ctag);
                            EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                            if (de.Handled) return;

                            if (ctag.Closing) return;

							Boolean isLeaf = false;
							if (cType == XMLType.Known)
							foreach(HTMLTag tag in knownTags)
								if (String.Compare(tag.Tag, ctag.Name, true) == 0)
									isLeaf = tag.IsLeaf;
							if (isLeaf)
								sci.SetSel(position+1, position+1);
								String closeTag = "</"+ctag.Name+">";
								sci.SetSel(position, position);
				case ' ':
					c = (char)sci.CharAt(position);
					if (c > 32 && c != '/' && c != '>' && c != '<') return;
					ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                    if (ctag.Tag != null)
                        if (InQuotes(ctag.Tag) || ctag.Tag.LastIndexOf('"') < ctag.Tag.LastIndexOf('=')) return;
                        // Allow another plugin to handle this
                        Object[] obj = new Object[] { ctag, "" };
                        de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.Attribute", obj);
                        EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                        if (de.Handled) return;
                        if (PluginSettings.EnableXMLCompletion && cType == XMLType.Known)
                            foreach (HTMLTag tag in knownTags)
                                if (String.Compare(tag.Tag, ctag.Name, true) == 0)
                                    List<ICompletionListItem> items = new List<ICompletionListItem>();
                                    String previous = null;
                                    foreach (String attr in tag.Attributes)
                                        if (attr != previous)
                                            items.Add(new HtmlAttributeItem(attr));
                                            previous = attr;
                                    CompletionList.Show(items, true);
                        if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)
                            sci.SetSel(position - 1, position);
				case '=':
					if (PluginSettings.InsertQuotes)
						ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
						position = sci.CurrentPos-2;
						if (ctag.Tag != null && !ctag.Tag.StartsWith("<!") && !InQuotes(ctag.Tag) && (GetWordLeft(sci, ref position).Length > 0))
							position = sci.CurrentPos;
							c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position);
							if (c > 32 && c != '>') sci.ReplaceSel("\"\" ");
							else sci.ReplaceSel("\"\"");
							sci.SetSel(position+1, position+1);
                            justInsertedQuotesAt = position+1;
                            // Allow another plugin to handle this
                            de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.AttributeValue", new XMLContextTag());
                            EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);

                case '"':
                    ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position);
                    if (position > 1 && ctag.Tag != null && !ctag.Tag.StartsWith("<!"))
                        // TODO  Colorize text change to highlight what's been done
                        if (justInsertedQuotesAt == position - 1)
                            justInsertedQuotesAt = -1;
                            c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position - 2);
                            if (c == '"' && (Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) == '"')
                                sci.SetSel(position - 2, position);
                            // Allow another plugin to handle this
                            de = new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "XMLCompletion.AttributeValue", new XMLContextTag());
                            EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, de);
                            c = (Char)sci.CharAt(position - 1);
                            if (c == '"' && (Char)sci.CharAt(position) == '"')
                                sci.SetSel(position - 1, position + 1);
				case '?':
				case '%':
					if (PluginSettings.CloseTags && position > 1)
						ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position-2);
						if (ctag.Tag == null || ctag.Tag.EndsWith(">"))
							if ((Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) == '<')
								sci.ReplaceSel((Char)value + ">");
								sci.SetSel(position, position);
				case '!':
                    if (PluginSettings.CloseTags && position > 1)
						ctag = GetXMLContextTag(sci, position-2);
						if (ctag.Tag == null || ctag.Tag.EndsWith(">"))
							if ((Char)sci.CharAt(position-2) == '<')
								CompletionList.Show(xmlBlocks, true);
コード例 #13
ファイル: ASGenerator.cs プロジェクト: xeronith/flashdevelop
        public static void GenerateExtractVariable(ScintillaControl sci, string newName)
            string expression = sci.SelText.Trim(new char[] { '=', ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', ';', '.' });
            expression = expression.TrimEnd(new char[] { '(', '[', '{', '<' });
            expression = expression.TrimStart(new char[] { ')', ']', '}', '>' });

            var cFile = ASContext.Context.CurrentModel;
            ASFileParser parser = new ASFileParser();
            parser.ParseSrc(cFile, sci.Text);

            MemberModel current = cFile.Context.CurrentMember;

            string characterClass = ScintillaControl.Configuration.GetLanguage(sci.ConfigurationLanguage).characterclass.Characters;

            int funcBodyStart = GetBodyStart(current.LineFrom, current.LineTo, sci);
            sci.SetSel(funcBodyStart, sci.LineEndPosition(current.LineTo));
            string currentMethodBody = sci.SelText;
            var insertPosition = funcBodyStart + currentMethodBody.IndexOfOrdinal(expression);
            var line = sci.LineFromPosition(insertPosition);
            insertPosition = sci.LineIndentPosition(line);

            int lastPos = -1;
            sci.Colourise(0, -1);
            while (true)
                lastPos = currentMethodBody.IndexOfOrdinal(expression, lastPos + 1);
                if (lastPos > -1)
                    char prevOrNextChar;
                    if (lastPos > 0)
                        prevOrNextChar = currentMethodBody[lastPos - 1];
                        if (characterClass.IndexOf(prevOrNextChar) > -1)
                    if (lastPos + expression.Length < currentMethodBody.Length)
                        prevOrNextChar = currentMethodBody[lastPos + expression.Length];
                        if (characterClass.IndexOf(prevOrNextChar) > -1)

                    var pos = funcBodyStart + lastPos;
                    int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(pos);
                    if (ASComplete.IsCommentStyle(style)) continue;
                    sci.SetSel(pos, pos + expression.Length);
                    currentMethodBody = currentMethodBody.Substring(0, lastPos) + newName + currentMethodBody.Substring(lastPos + expression.Length);
                    lastPos += newName.Length;

            sci.CurrentPos = insertPosition;
            sci.SetSel(sci.CurrentPos, sci.CurrentPos);
            MemberModel m = new MemberModel(newName, "", FlagType.LocalVar, 0);
            m.Value = expression;

            string snippet = TemplateUtils.GetTemplate("Variable");
            snippet = TemplateUtils.ReplaceTemplateVariable(snippet, "Modifiers", null);
            snippet = TemplateUtils.ToDeclarationString(m, snippet);
            snippet += NewLine + "$(Boundary)";
            SnippetHelper.InsertSnippetText(sci, sci.CurrentPos, snippet);